| Isaac Taylor - 1849 - 456 Seiten
...William Sewell,BD of Exeter College, Oxford. New Editlon. 2 rols. foolscap Svo. 9s . cloth. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, anthor of "The Shoes of Fortune," "The Nightingale," "OT," " Duly a Fiddler," "The Improvinatore,"... | |
| Golding Bird - 1849 - 264 Seiten
...William Sewell,BD of Exeter College, Oxford. New Edition. 2 vols. foolscap Svo. ;;.-. cloth. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; .A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, author of "The Shoes of Fortune," "The Nig-btioffBle," "OT," "Only a Fiddler," "The Imprcmsutore,"... | |
| John Kenyon - 1849 - 312 Seiten
...William Sewell,BDof Exeter College, Oxford. New Edltion. 2 vola. foolscap Svo. 9*. cloth. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, author of "The Shoes of Fortune," "The Nightingale," « OT," " Only a Fiddler," " The Improvisatore,"... | |
| John Scoffern - 1849 - 208 Seiten
...BD Fellow and Tutor of Exeter College, Oxford. New Edition. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. 9s. cloth. ANDERSEN.- THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE : A Sketch. By HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN, Author of " The Shoes of Fortune," "The Nightingale," " OT," " Only a Fiddler," " The Improvisatore,"... | |
| Alexander von Humboldt - 1849 - 392 Seiten
...William Scwell,BD of Exeter College, Oxford. New Edition. 2 vols. foolscap Svo. 9t. cloth. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, author of "The Shoes of Fortune," "The Nightingale," "OT," " Ouly a Fiddler," "The Improvisalore,"... | |
| Daniel Bishop - 1849 - 190 Seiten
...into the Life and Character of King Eadwlg, from the Author's MS. Svo. [Nearly ready. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, anthor of "The Shoes of Fortune," "The Nightingale," "OT," "Only a Fiddler," "The Improvisatore," etc.... | |
| Robert Southey - 1849 - 412 Seiten
...into the Life and Character of King; Eadwig, from the Author's MS. Svo. [Nearly ready. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, author of "The Shoes of Fortune,'* "The Nightingale," "OT," "Only a Fiddler," " The Improvlsatore,"... | |
| Thomas Moore - 1849 - 328 Seiten
...William Sewell,BD of Exeter College, Oxford. New Edition. 2 vols. foolscap Svo. 9s. cloth. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, anthor of "The Shocs of Fortune," "The Nightingale,"'" OT," " Ouly a Fiddler," "The Improvisators,"... | |
| Alexander von Humboldt - 1849 - 400 Seiten
...William Sewell,BD of Exeter College, Oxford. New Edition. 2 rols, foolscap Svo. 9*. cloth. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, author of " The Shoes of Fortu Kiifhtingale," " OT," *• Only a Fiddler," "The Improvisntore," etc.... | |
| Golding Bird - 1849 - 266 Seiten
...William Sewell,BD of Exeter College, Oxford. New Edition. 2 ro!s. foolscap Svo. St. cloth. ANDERSEN.— THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE; A Sketch. By Hans Christian Andersen, anthor of "The Shoes of Fortune," "The Nightingale," " OT," " Only a Fiddler," " The improvisatore,"... | |
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