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Books Bücher
" ... there. He had one of these little sticks in his hand, and with a rusty nail he was etching another day of misery to add to the heap. As I darkened the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless eye towards the door, then cast it down, shook his... "
The Beauties of Johnson: Consisting of Maxims and Observations, Moral ... - Seite 137
von Samuel Johnson - 1782 - 209 Seiten
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The First-[sixth] Reader: Of the United States Series; Embracing ..., Bücher 5

Marcius Willson - 1872 - 322 Seiten
...darkened the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless eye toward the door, then cast it down, shook his head, and went on with his work of affliction. I heard the chains upon his legs, as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle. He gave a...
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The Midland readers and home lesson books, Bücher 4

Henry Major - 1873 - 136 Seiten
...darkened the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless eye towards the door, then cast it down, shook his head, and went on with his •work of affliction. I heard Ms chains upon his legs as lie turned his body to lay his little stick npon the bundle — he gave...
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The Elocutionist: A Collection of Pieces in Prose and Verse, Peculiarly ...

James Sheridan Knowles - 1874 - 458 Seiten
...the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless eye towards the door — then cast it down — shook his head • — and went on with his work of affliction....his legs, as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle — He gave a deep sigh — I saw the iron enter into his soul. — I burst into...
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Progressive English Exercises in Analysis, Composition and Spelling by the ...

Henry Ward Siglar - 1874 - 204 Seiten
...extremely like those of our predecessors, the Romans, so 1 am sure our luxury and extravagance are, too. 9. I heard his chains upon his legs as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle. QUESTIONS.— Which is the principal clause in 1 ? How many chaises in tho sentence...
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The Might and Mirth of Literature: A Treatise on Figurative Language. In ...

John Walker Vilant Macbeth - 1875 - 558 Seiten
...the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless eye -toward the door, then cast his eyes down, shook his head, and went on with his work of affliction....his legs, as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle. He gave a deep sigh. I saw the iron enter into his soul. I burst into tears....
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A Complete Grammatical Course of the German Language

T. Matthay - 1875 - 240 Seiten
...little light he haul, he lifted up a hopeless eye towards the door, thai cast" it down — shook71 his head, and went on with his work of affliction."...upon his legs as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bandle. He gave a deep sigh7' — I saw the iron enter into his sonL7* 1 burst я into...
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Major's New code ... readers, Bücher 4

Henry Major - 1875 - 272 Seiten
...darkened the little light ho had, he lifted up a hopeless eye towards the door, then cast it down, shook his head, and went on with his work of affliction....upon his legs as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle — he gave a deep sigh — I saw the iron enter his soul — I burst into tears...
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Cassell's illustrated readings, Band 1;Band 66

Cassell, ltd - 1875 - 452 Seiten
...darkened the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless eye towards the door, then cast it down, shook his head, and went on with his work of affliction....upon his legs as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle. He gave a deep sigh : I saw the iron enter into his soul. I burst into tears...
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Exercises in English composition

Robert Skakel Knight - 1876 - 192 Seiten
...darkened the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless eye towards the door, then cast it down, shook his head, and went on with his work of affliction....his legs, as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle. He gave a deep sigh : I saw the iron enter into his soul. I burst into tears...
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Macmillan's Reading Books

1878 - 446 Seiten
...the little light he had, he lifted up a hopeless eye towards the door, then cast it down—• shook his head, and went on with his work of affliction....his legs, as he turned his body to lay his little stick upon the bundle. He gave a deep sigh—I saw the iron enter into his soul—I burst into tears—I...
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