The Poetical Works of John Milton, Band 1at the Clarendon Press., 1731 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 6-10 von 42
Seite 65
... blifs wherein he fat Second to thee , offer'd himself to die For man's offence . O unexampled love ! Love no where to be found lefs than Divine ! Hail Son of GOD , Saviour of men ! thy name Shall be the copious matter of my fong ...
... blifs wherein he fat Second to thee , offer'd himself to die For man's offence . O unexampled love ! Love no where to be found lefs than Divine ! Hail Son of GOD , Saviour of men ! thy name Shall be the copious matter of my fong ...
Seite 85
... blifs thus high advanc'd Creatures of other mold ; earth - born perhaps , Not fpirits , yet to heav'nly fpirits bright Little inferior ; whom my thoughts perfue With wonder , and could love , fo lively fhines In them divine refemblance ...
... blifs thus high advanc'd Creatures of other mold ; earth - born perhaps , Not fpirits , yet to heav'nly fpirits bright Little inferior ; whom my thoughts perfue With wonder , and could love , fo lively fhines In them divine refemblance ...
Seite 89
... blifs on blifs , while I to Hell am thruft , Where neither joy nor love , but fierce defire , ( Among our other torments not the leaft ) Still unfulfill'd with pain of longing , pines . Yet let me not forget what I have gain'd From ...
... blifs on blifs , while I to Hell am thruft , Where neither joy nor love , but fierce defire , ( Among our other torments not the leaft ) Still unfulfill'd with pain of longing , pines . Yet let me not forget what I have gain'd From ...
Seite 95
... blifs Ordain'd by thee , and this delicious place For us too large , where thy abundance wants Partakers , and uncrop'd falls to the ground . But thou haft promis'd from us two a race To fill the earth , who fhall with us extol Thy ...
... blifs Ordain'd by thee , and this delicious place For us too large , where thy abundance wants Partakers , and uncrop'd falls to the ground . But thou haft promis'd from us two a race To fill the earth , who fhall with us extol Thy ...
Seite 111
... blifs : By violence ? no , for that shall be withflood ; But by deceit and lies ; this let him know , Left wilfully transgreffing , he pretend Surprifal , unadmonish'd , unforewarn'd . 245 So fpake th ' Eternal FATHER , and fulfill'd ...
... blifs : By violence ? no , for that shall be withflood ; But by deceit and lies ; this let him know , Left wilfully transgreffing , he pretend Surprifal , unadmonish'd , unforewarn'd . 245 So fpake th ' Eternal FATHER , and fulfill'd ...
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ADAM ÆGYPT afcend alfo Angels appear'd battel beaft beft behold blifs call'd Cherubim cloud cœleftial dark death deep defcend defcrib'd defire divine e're earth elfe erft eternal ev'ning evil eyes fafe faid fair fall'n feat fecond feek feem'd feems felves fenfe ferpent ferve fhade fhall fhould fide fight fign fince fire firft firſt fleep flow'rs fome fong fons foon foul fpake fpirits fruit ftand ftars ftate ftill ftood ftrength fuch fweet giv'n glory haft happy hath Heav'n heav'nly Hell himſelf hoft juft King laft lefs light loft moft muft night o'er Paradife PARADISE LOST pow'r prefent rais'd Ramiel reafon reft reply'd return'd rife rofe SATAN ſhall tafte thee thefe thence theſe thine things thofe thoſe thou thought thro throne thy felf tree turn'd vex'd whofe wings worfe