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a tendency to destroy my character, to bills that had ruined me, signed my destroy the effect of my Herculean la- certificate out of rule: "It is too late," bours, and to entail upon my virtuous said the officer: "his Lordship will not wife and children the ruin of their kind, sign any more until such a day." I wrote disinterested, zealous, and generous, my name upon a bit of paper, and and, above all things, their beloved, begged him just to show it the Chancelhusband and father! lor. When he came out, he smiled with But I wrote him a letter from Ame- surprise, and said, "His Lordship will rica, containing an assertion, that a man, sign it." Every soul but that of the against whom ruinous laws had been steeled and sordid and envious Burdett, singly pointed, was, by the law of na- was softened. And what were his real tions, exonerated from obligations by motives for seeking my destruction with which men, not so singled out, were such unquenchable thirst? For, though bound; but, at the same time, saying, he is sordid; though never surpassed that I would not avail myself of that in this by miser upon the face of the principle, but would pay every one earth; yet this alone would have been (though out of the reach of creditors) as too weak a motive. He knew that I, fast as I could earn the money. The as soon as I arrived in America, should ungrateful fellow, keeping the letter expose first his urging on, and then out of sight, published an answer to it, his base abandonment of, the reformers, misrepresenting its meaning. I sent a in February, 1817; and, therefore, the copy of the same letter to my friend moment I was gone he put forth the Mr. TIMOTHY BROWN, to whom I owed story of the 3000l., with the view of a good deal. Did he cavil at it? He blunting the expected attack; and, in hastened to me on my arrival in Lon-1818, he put forth his answer to my don, though then bandaged up for the letter, in the hope of making me so gout; took me to his house; brought odious as to prevent me from ever seeon my bankruptcy in the most friendly ing England again. Here were the real manner; cherished me to the last hour motives; and, from first to last, his of his virtuous life; and has left his conduct has been without a parallel in memory engraven on a heart which has the history of baseness and malice aud never been wanting in gratitude. I ingratitude. But, compared with his wrote the same letter to Mr. TIPPER, a conduct at my flight from the dungeons, paper-maker, to whom I really owed all the rest sinks into nothingness. 3,000l., and with whom I was but very There was my wife with her daughters, slenderly acquainted. Without a far-two of them very small, in a lodging in thing of dividend (for I had not a London, the mother ready to be conpenny) he signed my certificate at the fined, and the newspapers had told him first possible moment; and he, or Mr. that the bailiffs had put them out of Brown, I forget which, actually gave the house in which some of them had me a pound-note and a few shillings, been born, and in which they had all that I might, for form's sake, have been so happy! There she was, her wmething to surrender to the commis- husband and two sons on the seas, and sioners; and I must do those com- she about to encounter the perils of missioners the justice to say, that they, child-birth, always great to her; and seeing a great crowd in Guildhall star- this was the moment that he, with all ing at me, behaved towards me in a the hellish press at his nod, chose to manner that showed the best of feel-stab her to the heart by publicly preings; put no questions to me, dismissed me in a minute, and very kindly shook me by the hand when I went away.

Every one, even the bitterest political enemy; every one felt, but the steelyhearted Burdett. The OLD LORD CHANCELLOR, though he had advocated the

claiming her husband to be a fraudulent wretch, that had run off with a parcel of his money! Perhaps her life was preserved, at this dismal moment, by the most kind and attentive conduct of the now Lord and Lady RADNOR, who, as soon as they found out her lodging,

visited, consoled, and upheld her; an act which imprinted gratitude on our hearts, not capable of receiving an addition even from his Lordship's recent declaration on PENENDEN HEATH, as to his long knowledge of me and my writings.

This man of inordinate ambition, but with disproportionate talent and a total want of political courage and constancy, has in his bosom (if I may call it one) more of the base passion of envy than any man that I have ever known. He knew my sincere devotion to my country; he could justly estimate my capaeity to serve it; but he knew, that I, being upon the same boards with himself, he would become nothing. One of his objects, even from his first knowing me, was to keep me out of Parliament. I always knew this; but I held him up, because he was in and I was not; and because I preferred the good that I hoped to do through him to the doing of no good at all. He was the COCK of our cause; the people thought him good, and, therefore, I upheld him, while I despised his niggardliness and selfish ambition.

was a stir about this matter, fearing that a sufficiency of money would be raised, and that I should make a stand for Westminster, what did he do? Did he come forth, and say that I was a person unworthy of being chosen? No, but wrote to RICHARD GURNEY of Norwich (then a member of Parliament himself), authorising him to say, that he (Burdett) would subscribe 500, and that he did not care who knew it. GURNEY, who was his bosom friend, and who was quite worthy of his friendship, showed the letter, or read it to two gentlemen who were, as GURNEY knew, very intimate with me; and, as was very natural, they besought me to let the fellow alone. "Things came about;" wheat rose in price; "prosperity came ;" and the affair dropped for that time. When 1826, when the general election, came, and came accompanied with the panic, a subscription was really set on foot; and the contest at Preston followed. And what did this selfish and sordid man do now? He now wrote to Colonel JoHNSTONE to say, that he would subscribe towards obtaining me a seat. He afterwards verbally promised him In 1810, when he had come, or rather that he would do it; but, seeing me skulked, out of the Tower, he would gone to Preston; seeing Westminster have quitted politics altogether, if I safe, he never subscribed a farthing ! would have done it. He made an at- Now, either he meant to subscribe, or tempt at getting me to do this, by telling he did not if the latter, who shall deme, that Lord THANET had, when he scribe his falseness and meanness? and, visited him in the Tower, said, "When if he did mean to do it, where are the I quitted this place, Burdett, I went to words to be found to describe the basemy farm, and you will do the same;" and, ness that could induce him to give moadded Burdett, “I would do it, Con-ney to put into Parliament a man whom BETT, if you would." He took occasion he had accused of robbing him, and to to say this before my wife, with whose destroy whom he had used all the means anxiety about me he was well acquaint- in his power? ed. Í treated the proposal with ridi- Thus have I given a full and true cule. The truth is, that he was afraid account, up to the year 1820, of my to slide away and leave me to take his progress, of my sacrifices, and of the place; and thus he has hung on ever injuries which I and my beloved family since. His great dread has been to see have sustained as the reward of my great me supplant him for Westminster, which and disinterested efforts to serve my he keeps merely because he is not vigo-country; and I will now shortly state rously opposed; merely because the my pecuniary history since that time, people are not roused. Hence his pro- In January 1821, my family, after hav. mised subscriptions towards a seat for ing for years been scattered about like me He, as I have before related, vo- a covey of partridges that had been lunteered his offer to subscribe towards sprung and shot at, got once more tomy election. Seeing, in 1824, that there gether, in a hired lodging at Brompton;

and our delight and our mutual caresses, wish it too? Two pounds ea ch from and our tears of joy, experienced no every reader of the Register, would about abatement at our actually finding our-do the thing. Forbearance from one selves with ONLY THREE SHIL- single glass of grog for one market-day, LINGS IN THE WHOLE WORLD, on the part of each farmer, would do it. and at my having to borrow from a In 1824, I caught a cold in the ear, friend the money to pay for the paper which led to an abscess in the temple, and print of the then next Saturday's and which cost me nine months of pain, Register! Since that day, what, good in the intervals of which pain, I, besides God, have been my labours! A Regis- writing the Register, wrote nine out of ter every week; nearly 500 Registers, fourteen parts of the most famous book more than enough to occupy the whole in the world; the Bible only excepted. time of any other man; my French For these nine months the late Mr. Grammar, Woodlands, Gardening Book, CLINE attended me; coming to KenCottage Economy, Sermons, Protest-sington twice or thrice in every week. ant Reformation, Corn Book, Advice to When I had got well, I had got a purse Young Men, and Guide to Emigrants, be- of gold, and was about to give it him; sides all my labours and cares about trees, but he, putting my hand away with seeds, corn, straw-plait, and about every his left, and patting me on the head thing that I could possibly think of, with his right hand, said: "No, no! I tending to the good of my country; and, owe a great deal to that head!" Ought am I now, at the age of 64, to expend not that, then, if he had witnessed it, the fruit of these labours, or to give up to have made the sordid and ungratethe worth of the labour of my remain-ful Burdett drop dead with shame! ing years for the public advantage? And what did Mr. CLINE Owe to "that Every just man will say, NO! All that head" more, or so much, as hundreds of Пpossessed, worth speaking of, consisted thousands of others? The truth is, that of the copy-rights of my books. They are all these feel it too; and if I were to valuable: that of my English Grammar die to-morrow, their lamentations would was given up to help to pay my debts; but I have earned it back, and actually paid 1200 sovereigns for it several years ago. These copy-rights I have given to my children, their generous mother being quite willing that it should be done. All I can yet earn is due to them, and more especially to her; and there is no man, whose heart is not like that of Burdett, who will not say, that not one single shilling of those earnings ought to be withdrawn from them.

be as sincere as if I were their father. Double the sum now proposed would be uselessly expended to show their gratitude to my memory. Why not, then, raise the money now, when it would be of use; when it would benefit my country, add to my fame, and make my memory still more dear to Englishmen? The real truth is, that the thing would be done, and done immediately, if set about in a proper manner; and that manner has been suggested by Therefore, while I repeat, that I have some gentlemen of Rutlandshire, whom the most anxious desire to devote the I had the pleasure to meet at STAMFORD, remaining vigour of my life to the ser- in Lincolnshire. After hearing my vice of the country in Parliament, I will speeches there, they asked about the not attempt it without first securing an seat. I told them what was my view indemnification for the great pecuniary of the matter, and what was the sum. sacrifice that I must make. Ten thou-"How much," said one of them, "would sand pounds would provide the legal be the SHARE OF RUTLANDqualification, and, I am very sure, even SHIRE?" I said, about thirty pounds. a couple of seats, for the second of "Call upon me when you like," said which I need not name the man; and one of them, "for fifty, and I will colhe has a tenfold qualification. And what lect it myself." This thought was a is the sum amongst so many? And good one. Let each county contribute amongst so many who most anxiously its share, according to its population,

[blocks in formation]

years, more than this sum. But arguments would be thrown away; and all that I have to do is, to point out what I think the best mode of going to work, which is this: that friends, in each county should write to me as soon as possible, at No. 183, Fleet-street, postage paid, authorising me to say, that they will be collectors; that I should then publish their names; that they should, if they choose, appoint some one of themselves to receive their various collections; and that, when the sum is completed for the county, it should be transmitted to me, and my receipt of it be published. In Lancashire, Middlesex, and Yorkshire, it will, perhaps, be found necessary to form committees. But this I must leave to the parties.

If any gentleman choose to subscribe singly, he may do it at Fleet-street, where a book will be kept for the purpose; or he may do it by letter to me. I have not mentioned the- counties in WALES, nor those in SCOTLAND and IRELAND; but if any gentleman in those counties choose to subscribe, they will readily find out the means of doing it.

Here, then, are the terms on which I am willing to devote the, I hope, five, or perhaps, ten years of labour that remain in me. Whether the years be few or many, I am sure I have not one to deduct from what is due to my family, In a pecuniary point of view, 1 make a sacrifice in making the offer. By casting aside politics, even now, I could in five years of health gain twice ten thousand pounds. I make the offer, however, with the most anxious desire that it may be zealously embraced. As to labour for the freedom and happiness and renown of my country has been the delight of my life, so I ardently wish the success of that labour to be my consoling reflection in death; but on one thing I am resolved, namely, that, unless snatched away very suddenly, I will not die the MUZZLED slave of this THING!


Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's court; and published by him, at 183, Fleet-street,

VOL. 69.-No. 16.]


This year there have been voted by the House of Commons, ninety-five thousand and odd pounds, to be paid to the Hanoverian and other foreign officers, as half-pay and allowances, and to widows and children who belong to them; and since the peace, we have been taxed to pay about one million and seven hun dred thousand pounds, to be sent to these people!


[Price 7d.

the little county of RUTLAND, who made, respecting the seat in Parliamentthe proposition, the details of the pur. port of which I communicated to my readers in the last Register.

On the 2d of April, I met my audience in the playhouse at Peterborough; and though it had snowed all day, and was very wet and sloppy, I had a good large audience; and I did not let this opportunity pass without telling my hearers of the part that their good neighbour, Lord FITZWILLIAM, had acted with regard to the French war, with regard to Burke and his pension; with regard to the dungeoning law, which drove me across the Atlantic in 1817; and with regard to the putting into the present Boston, Friday, 9th April, 18:30. Parliament, aye, and for that very town, QUITTING Cambridge and Dr. Chafy that very Lawyer SCARLETT, whose and Serjeant Frere, on Monday, the state prosecutions are now become so 29th of March, I arrived at St. Ives, in famous. "Never," said I, "did I say Huntingdonshire, with my two daugh- " that behind a man's back that I would ters (my son having gone off for Lon-" not say to his face. I wish I had his don), about one o'clock in the day. In" face before me : but I am here as near the evening I harangued to about 200" to it as I can get: I am before the face persons, principally farmers, in a wheel-" of his friends: here, therefore, I will wright's shop, that being the only safe say what I think of him." When I place in the town, of sufficient dimen- had described his conduct, and given my sions and sufficiently strong. It was opinion on it, many applauded, and not market-day; and this is a great cattle one expressed disapprobation. market.

As I was not to be at STAMFORD in Lincolnshire till the 31st, I went from St. Ives to my friend Mr. Wells's, near HUNTINGDON, and remained there till the 31st in the morning, employing the evening of the 30th in going to CHATTERIS, in the Isle of Ely, and there addressing a good large company of farmers.

On the 31st, I went to STAMFORD, and, in the evening, spoke to about 200 farmers and others, in a large room in a very fine and excellent inn, called STANDWELL'S HOTEL, which is, with few exceptions, the nicest inn that I have ever been in. On the 1st of April, I harangued here again, and had amongst my auditors some most agreeable, intelligent, and public-spirited yeomen, from


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On the 3d, I speechified at Wisbeach, in the playhouse, to about 220 people, I think it was; and that same night, went to sleep at a friend's (a total stranger to me, however) at Sr. EDMUND's, in the heart of the FENS. I staid there on the 4th (Sunday), the morning of which brought a hard frost: ice an inch thick, and the total destruction of the apricot blossoms.

After passing Sunday and the greater part of Monday (the 5th) at St. Edmund's, where my daughters and myself received the greatest kindness and attention, we went, on Monday afternoon, to CROWLAND, where we were most kindly lodged and entertained at the houses of two gentlemen, to whom also we were personally perfect strangers; and in the evening, I addressed a very


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