and Fruite [1600]. With an Introd. by ERIC PARKER. Manchester: Sherratt and Hughes. 10 × 71. PP. 24. 5s. 1422. TAYLOR, E. G. R. Master John Dee, Drake and the Straits of Anian. Mariner's Mirror, Apr., xv, 124–30. 1423. THORP, WILLARD. The Triumph of Realism in Elizabethan Drama, 1558-1612. (Bibl. 1928, 1315.) Rev. by Harold N. Hillebrand in M.L.N., Dec., XLIV, 549–50; in T.L.S., Dec. 26, p. 1098. 1424. TREND, J. B. Spanish Short Stories of the 16th Century in Contemporary Translations. (Bibl. 1928, 1317.) Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in Anglia Beibl., Jan., XL, 10–12. 1425. TUDOR Church Music. Vol. x. Hugh Aston. John Marbeck. Osbert Parsley. (Cf. Bibl. 1928, 1318.) Oxford: Univ. Press; London: Milford. Roy. 4to. pp. xxiii, 293. Rev. of Vols. 1-x in T.L.S. (Leading Article), Sept. 5, 673-4; cf. W. H. Hadow, ib., Sept. 12, p. 700. 1426. WAGNER, BERNARD M. The Tragedy of Jephte. T.L.S., Dec. 26, p. 1097. 1427. WILKINSON, MAURICE. A History of the League or Sainte Union, 1576-1595. Glasgow: Jackson, Wylie. 91 × 6. pp. xi, 223. Ios. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., June 13, p. 466. 1428. WILLIAMSON, GEORGE. Elizabethan Drama and its Classical Rival. Univ. of Calif. Chron., July, XXXI, 251–6. 1429. WOLFF, LUCIEN. Jews in Elizabethan England. Trans. of the Jewish Hist. Soc. of England, 1924-27, XI, I-91. London: Spottiswoode. 31s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 10, p. 27. 1430. WOLFF, MAX J. Die Renaissance in der englischen Literatur. (Bibl. 1928, 1323.) Rev. by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 206. 1431. 295-302. Zum englischen Renaissancedrama. G.-R. Mon., xvii, 1432. WOOD, CLEMENT. King Henry the Rake. Boston: Stratford. 8vo. pp. 327. $3.00. XIII. 2 b. AUTHORS Barnes, Barnabe. 1433. Ten Poems from 'Parthenophil and Parthenopę.' With an Introd. by MADELEINE HOPE DODDS. 9 × 6. pp. vii, 19. Priory Press, Teignmouth: King. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 12, p. 707. Batchelars Banquet. 1434. The Batchelars Banquet. Ed. by F. P. WILSON. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Crown 8vo. pp. xlviii, 124. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., July 18, p. 572; by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 205; in N.Q., May II, CLVI, 342–3; by C. J. S[isson] in M.L.R., Oct., XXIV, 502. Breton, Nicholas. 1435. A Mad World My Masters, and other Prose Works. Ed. by Ursula Kentish-WriGHT. In Two Volumes. London: Cresset Press. 9 × 52. Vol. 1. pp. xxix, 228. Vol. II. pp. 249. 50s. Rev. in T.L.S. (Leading Article), Aug. 22, p. 641; cf. B. H. Newdigate, ib., Sept. 5, p. 684; by Bonamy Dobrée in Nation Athen., Sept., XLV, 25, 802–3; by Richard Church in Spectator, Sept. 7, PP. 309-10. 1436. Melancholike Humours. Ed. by G. B. HARRISON. London: Scholartis Press. Demy 8vo. 7s. 6d. New York: McKee. (Limited ed.) 12mo. pp. 89. $8.50. 1437. MONROE, NELLIE ELIZABETH. Nicholas Breton as a Pamphleteer. [Diss.] Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania. 23 cm. pp. 98. Bryskett, Lodowick. 1438. PLOMER, HENRY R. and TOM PEETE CROSS. The Life and Correspondence of Lodowick Bryskett. (Bibl. 1927, 1124; 1928, 1332.) Rev. by G. C. Moore Smith in M.L.R., Jan., XXIV, 84-6. Cheke, Sir John. 1439. NATHAN, WALTER L. Sir John Cheke und der englische Humanismus. Bonn: Rhenania-Verlag, 1928. pp. 106. Rev. by G. C. Moore Smith in R.E.S., Apr., v, 213-14; by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 202-3. Christopherson, John. 1440. Jephthah. The Greek Text ed. and transl. by FRANCIS HOWARD FOBES, with an introd. by WILBUR OWEN SYPHERD. Newark, Delaware: Univ. of Delaware Press. 6 × 41. Pp. vii, 157. $2.00. Cranmer, Thomas. 1441. Archbishop Cranmer on the True and Catholic Doctrine and Use of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Preface by the Very Rev. HENRY WACE. London: Thynne and Jarvis. 8×5. pp. xxx, 262. 4s. Davies, Sir John. 1442. TILLEY, MORRIS P. The Comedy Lingua and Sir John Davies's Nosce Teipsum. M.L.N., Jan., XLIV, 36–9. Deceyte of Women. 1443. BRIE, FR. Die erste englische Novellensammlung. (The Deceyte of Women.) (Bibl. 1928, 1335.) Archiv, Sept., CLVI, 17–52. Deloney, Thomas. 1444. SAINTSBURY, G. (ed.). Shorter Novels. See 1368. 1445. CHEVALLEY, ABEL. Thomas Deloney. Le roman des métiers au temps de Shakespeare. (Bibl. 1926, 1000; 1927, 1130.) Rev. by F. Delatte in Humanitas, Apr.-June, 1928, III, 128. 1446. Crosse, G. A Shakespeare Allusion. T.L.S., Aug. 1, p. 608. Edward III. 1447. ØSTERBERG, V. The 'Countess Scenes' of 'Edward III.' Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 49–91. Edwards, Richard. 1448. ROLLINS, HYDER E. A Note on Richard Edwards. R.E.S., Jan., v, 55–6. Eliot, John. 1449. The Parlement of Pratlers. A Series of Elizabethan Dialogues and Monologues illustrating Daily Life and the Conduct of a Gentleman on the Grand Tour extracted from OrthoEpia Gallica, a book on the Correct Pronunciation of the French Language (1593). Ed. by JACK LINDSAY. London: Fanfrolico Press. 81×51. pp. 119. 15s. Rev. in T.L.S., May 23, P. 417. Florio, John. 1450. YATES, FRANCES A. John Florio at the French Embassy. M.L.R., Jan., xxiv, 16-36. 1451. YATES, FRANCES A. and CHARLES SISSON. John Florio at the French Embassy. M.L.R., July, xxiv, 328. A Fourefold Meditation. 1452. ROBBIE, H. J. L. The Authorship of 'A Fourefold Meditation.' R.E.S., Apr., v, 200-2. [Author not Robert Southwell.] Fox, Richard. 1453. Letters of Richard Fox, 1486–1527. Ed. by P. S. and H. M. ALLEN. Oxford: Clar. Press; London: Milford. 9 × 6. pp. xvi, 180. 15s. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 28, p. 254. Frampton, John. 1454. PENZER, N. M. (ed.). The Most Noble and Famous Travels of Marco Polo, together with the Travels of Nicoló dé' Conti. Ed. from the Elizabethan Translation of JOHN FRAMPTON. See 1287. Googe, Barnabe. 1455. HARTING, P. N. U. The 'Sonnettes' of Barnabe Googe. E. Studies, June, XI, 100–2. Greene, Robert. 1456. SAINTSBURY, G. (ed.). Shorter Novels. See 1368. 1457. CRAWFORD, CHARLES. Greene's Funeralls, 1594, and Nicholas Breton. Studies in Phil., Extra Series, May, No. 1, pp. 1-39. 1458. VAN Dam, B. A. P. Alleyn's player's part of Greene's 'Orlando Furioso,' and the text of the Q of 1594. E. Studies, Oct., XI, 182-203; Dec., XI, 209-20. Hakluyt, Richard. 1459. Hakluyt's Voyages. Selected and Arranged by A. S. MOTT. With Illustrations by H. R. Miller, and Maps by E. H. Fitchew. Oxford: Blackwell. 8×51. pp. 317. 7s. 6d. 1460. Heroes from Hakluyt. Ed. by CHARLES J. FINGER. Wood decor. by Paul Honoré. New York: Holt, 1928. 4to. pp. xiv, 331. $4.50. 1461. PARKS, GEORGE BRUNER. Richard Hakluyt and the English Voyages. With introd. by JAMES A. WILLIAMSON. New York: Amer. Geog. Soc., 1928. 10 × 7. pp. xvii, 289. $5.00. Rev. in T.L.S., June 6, p. 445; by Edward Hughes in History, Oct., XIII, 262–3; by Charles Sisson in M.L.R., Oct., xxiv, 467–8; by Fulmer Wood in Amer. Hist. Rev., July, xxxIV, 817-18; in N.Q., Dec. 7, CLVII, 414. James I. 1462. LEWIS, C. S. The Kingis Quair. T.L.S., Apr. 18, P. 315. Jonson, Benjamin. 1463. Ben Jonson. Ed. by C. H. HERFORD and PERCY SIMPSON. (Bibl. 1925, 881; 1928, 1358.) Vols. 1-111. Rev. by William Dinsmore Briggs in M.L.N., Jan., XLIV, 44-7; by W. P. Frijlinck in E. Studies, June, XI, 102-7. 1464. BLAKENEY, EDWARD HENRY (ed.). Horace on the Art of Poetry. Latin Text, English Prose Translation, Introd., and Notes, together with Ben Jonson's English Verse Rendering. (Bibl. 1928, 1361.) Rev. by W. E. Leonard in M.L.N., Mar., XLIV, 184–5. 1465. Volpone o el Zorro. Prólogo y adaptación de Luis Araquistain. Madrid: Edit. España. 17.5 × 13 cm. pp. 186. 4 pesetas. 1466. BROWN, HUNTINGTON. Ben Jonson and Rabelais. M.L.N., Jan., XLIV, 6-13. ་ 1467. KNOWLTON, EDGAR C. The Plots of Ben Jonson. M.L.N., Feb., XLIV, 77–86. 1468. LINDSEY, EDWIN S. The Music in Ben Jonson's Plays. M.L.N., Feb., XLIV, 86–92. 1469. MARCKWARDT, Albert H. A Fashionable Expression; its Status in Poetaster and Satiromastix. M.L.N., Feb., XLIV, 93-6. Kendall, Timothy. 1470. HUTTON, JAMES. Timothy Kendall's Trifles and Nicholas Bourbon's Nugae. M.L.N., Jan., XLIV, 19–22. Kirke, John. 1471. The Seven Champions of Christendome. With Introd. and Notes by GILES EDWIN DAWSON. Western Reserve University Bulletin, New Series XXXII, Sept. 15. Cleveland, Ohio: Western Reserve Univ. 22.5 cm. pp. xxii, 82, xxiii-xxxix. Lavater, Lewes. 1472. Of Ghostes and Spirites Walking by Nyght. See 1. Lodge, Thomas. 1473. ROMIG, EDNA DAVIS. 'As You Like It'; Shakespeare's Use of his Source, Lodge's 'Rosalynde.' See 1617. The London Prodigal. 1474. KAMNITZer, E. 'Der verlorene Sohn.' Warum darf und muss man den Namen Shakespeares über den Londoner verlorenen Sohn setzen? Germania. Das neue Ufer, 34. Look About You. 1475. JONES, FRED L. 'Look About You' and the Disguises. P. M. L. A. Am., Sept., XLIV, 835–41. Lupset, Thomas. 1476. GEE, JOHN Archer. The Life and Works of Thomas Lupset. With a Critical Text of the Original Treatises and the Letters. (Bibl. 1928, 1373.) New Haven: Yale Univ. Press; London: Milford. 91× 61. pp. xvi, 357. 23s. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 10, P. 791. Lyly, John. 1477. JEFFREY, VIOLET M. John Lyly and the Italian Renaissance. Paris: Champion. 10 × 61. pp. 143. Rev. in T.L.S., July 25, p. 589. 1478. WARD, B. M. John Lyly and the Office of Revels. R.E.S., Jan., v, 57-8. Markham, Gervase. 1479. SILBERMANN, ABRAHAM MORITZ. Untersuchungen über die Quellen des Dramas 'The True Tragedy of Herod and Antipater with the Death of Faire Marriam' by Gervase Markham and William Sampson (1622). Inaugural-Diss. Würzburg. pp. 86. Rev. by T. W. Baldwin in J. E. G. Phil., July, XXVIII, 439–40. Marlowe, Christopher. 1480. Edward the Second. London: Aquila Press. 10 × 8. 52s. 6d. Limited ed. 1481. BOAS, FREDERICK S. Marlowe and his Circle; a Biographical Survey. Oxford: Clar. Press. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 160. 7s. 6d. 1482. BUSH, DOUGLAS. Notes on Marlowe's 'Hero and Leander.' P. M. L. A. Am., Sept., XLIV, 760–4. 1483. CAMDEN, CARROLL, Jr. Marlowe and Elizabethan Psychology. Philol. Quart., Jan., VIII, 69–78. 1484. Tamburlaine: The Choleric Man. M.L.N., Nov., XLIV, 430-5. 1485. ELLIS-FERMOR, UNA. The '1592' 8vo. of 'Tamburlaine.' T.L.S., May 2, p. 362. 1486. PARROTT, T. M. Marlowe, Beaumont, and Julius Caesar. M.L.N., Feb., XLIV, 69–77. 1487. SEATON, ETHEL. Fresh Sources for Marlowe. R.E.S., Oct., v, 385–401. 1488. Marlowe, Robert Poley, and the Tippings. R.E.S., July, v, 273-87. 1489. STERN, ALFRED. Shakespeare und Marlowe. See 1593. 1490. TANNENBAUM, S. A. The Assassination of Christopher Marlowe. (Bibl. 1928, 1387.) Rev. by W. A. Oraa in E. Studies, Aug., XI, 152-3; by Tucker Brooke in M.L.N., Nov., XLIV, 487–8. Marston, John. 1491. UPTON, ALBERT W. Allusions to James I and his Court in Marston's 'Fawn' and Beaumont's 'Woman Hater.' P. M. L. A. Am., Dec., XLIV, 1048–65. Melbancke, Brian. 1492. ROLLINS, HYDER E. Notes on Brian Melbancke's 'Philotimus.' Studies in Phil., Extra Series, May, No. 1, PP. 40-57. More, Sir Thomas. 1493. A Frutefull Plesaunt and Wittie Work of the Best State of a Publique Weale and of the Newe Yle called Utopia: Written in Latine by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas More Knight and translated into English by Raphe Robynson, sometime fellowe of Corpus Christi College in Oxford, Citizein and Goldsmythe of London at the procurement and earnest request of George Tadlowe, Citizein and Haberdasher of the same citie, and now edited by A. W. REED. Waltham St Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press. 10 × 8. pp. xiii, 137. 36s. 1494. SISSON, CHARLES. Sir Thomas More and North Mimms. R.E.S., Jan., v, 54-5. 1495. STARNES, D. T. A Heroic Poem on the Death of Sir Thomas More by D. Erasmus of Rotterdam. (Studies in English, No. 9.) Univ. of Texas Bull., July 8, pp. 69–81. Munday, Anthony. 1496. ASHTON, J. W. The Date of John a Kent and John a Cumber. Philol. Quart., July, vIII, 225–32. 1497. TURNER, CELESTE. Anthony Mundy. An Elizabethan Man of Letters. (Bibl. 1928, 1399.) Cambridge: Univ. Press. 12s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 26, p. 1099. Nashe, Thomas. 1498. SAINTSBURY, G. (ed.). Shorter Novels. See 1368. North, Sir Thomas. 1499. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Plutarcke of Chæronea. (Bibl. 1928, 1402.) Rev. in T.L.S. (Leading Article), Sept. 12, pp. 689-90; cf. also O. H. Evans, ib., Nov. 24, p. 826. 1500. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes. Compared together by the grave learned philosopher and historiographer Plutarcke of Chaeronea. Translated oute of Greeke into French by James Amyot, and out of French into English by Thomas North. |