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JAN 8 1937

Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by


in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.


THIS work has been prepared at the suggestion of several of the most eminent classical teachers in this country. It is intended exclusively for those who are preparing for college. The notes are consequently for the most part elementary; and are accompanied with numerous questions, and references to the grammars mentioned on the title-page. The references to Kühner are chiefly to the Elementary Grammar. The few references to the Larger Grammar are indicated by the letters L. G. While an attempt has been made to bring to the attention of the learner all the leading principles of Greek Syntax, introducing them as nearly as possible in the order of the various topics as presented in the best grammars, particular attention has been paid to the tenses and moods, to the structure of hypothetical sentences, and to the particles, especially to the use of the negatives. Above all, it, has been the

aim of the Editor to accustom the learner to the constant use of his grammar; and it is believed that no teacher can do his pupil a greater service than by holding him to a strict account of all the grammatical principles to which reference is made in the notes on his daily lessons. The thoroughness of the learner in this respect will depend in a great degree on the fidelity and strictness of the teacher.

The text of this edition is substantially that of Hertlein (2d ed. 1854, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung), with a very few variations adopted from L. Dindorf (2d ed. Oxford, 1855). The omission of the breathings over pp, and the use of small instead of capital letters at the beginning of sentences in the midst of paragraphs, is in conformity with the usage adopted in the greater part of the most critical editions of Greek authors recently published in Europe. Whatever the Editor's personal preferences may have been on this point, he did not feel at liberty to depart from the usage of nearly all the best editions of the Anabasis to which he has had access.

In the notes and vocabulary, some variations may be found in the accentuation of such expressions as Tè... Té, or TÈ. Te, or Té... Té, or even т€... TE; καὶ ... καί, οι καὶ ... καὶ, οι καί . . . καί, and the like,

all of which forms are found in the most critical grammars now in general use, and for each of which, a reason may be given. The first of the above forms (adopted by Kühner and Krüger in their editions of the Anabasis) will generally be found in this work.

In addition to the helps formerly used, and acknowledged in the Preface of my first edition of the Anabasis (1856), I have now been able to avail myself of the excellent edition of the first three books of the Anabasis by Vollbrecht (Leipsic, 1857). Particular acknowledgments are due to Prof. S. H. Taylor, LL. D., of Andover, Mass., for the valuable assistance derived from his work, entitled Method of Classical Study, which contains the first chapter of the Anabasis with critical notes and questions (a work which every classical teacher in the country should not only have in his library, but carefully study); also to Mr. James M. Whiton, of New Haven, Ct., who, in his CompanionBook to Hadley's Greek Grammar, has included the eighth chapter of the first book of the Anabasis with critical notes. Both these works have been most carefully examined, and many valuable suggestions have been received from them.

The vocabulary at the end of the volume is the result of much labor, and will be found, it is hoped, an

important aid to the learner. Should any teacher or student discover any omissions of words used in the first three books of the Anabasis, I should feel under great obligations to him if he would have the kindness to call my attention to them. In the preparation of the vocabulary, the following works have been chiefly used-the well-known Lexicon Xenophonteum, by Sturz; a Lexicon of the Anabasis, by C. G. Krüger (Berlin, 1849); another by K. Matthiæ (Leipsic, 1852); and another by F. C. Theisz (Leipsic, 1858).

ANN ARBOR, Mich., October, 1863.

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