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1627 A Piece of the

1628 Merry Tales of


1642 Maidens and
Women. Heine

1643 Under the Hill

1647 Abbe Aubain Falls
in Love. Merimee
1669 Jolly Beggars.

1670 Death's Old Comedy
1684 To Please His Wife.


79 Enoch Arden

146 Snowbound

148 Strength of the


Jack London

152 Son of the Wolf.

Jack London

229 Ridiculous Women.


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[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

218 Essence of Talmud

325 Essence of Buddhism

428 Essence of Koran


471 Wisdom


fucius: Chinese


498 Greek and Roman

614 Religious . Philoso.

636 Greatest Thing in
the World

684 Essence of Judaism
724 Burbank Funeral
Oration. Ben

753 Essence of Cathol-

1138 What Atheism


1187 Purpose of Parables

1388 Are Clergy Honest?
1404 Myth of the Soul.

Clarence Darrow

1440 Can Man Know God?

1463 Has Religion Made

Useful Contribu-

tions to Civiliza-


1185 Religion of a Free


1486 Are Atheists Dog-

1487 A Manual of De-

1489 What is Christian-

[blocks in formation]

1337 Breakdown of Amer-

ican Marriage

1347 Why I Believe in

Trial Marriage

1348 Should Companion-
ate Marriage Be


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