Abbildungen der Seite

sent down the Chemung, Oswego and tolls at the offices noticed in the margin, by || advantages for business which Oswego Crooked Lake Canals, in 1835, and paid returns made to the Comptroller's office.

[blocks in formation]

possesses, are becoming more justly appreciated. It requires not the gift of prophecy to foretel with accuracy its destiny. It will within ten years become, if not the second, at least the third city of the Empire State.

[blocks in formation]



Lumber on the Oswego Canal,
















[blocks in formation]

19,899.36 $10,662.48

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Received by way of the Canal.
Merchandise for the country about Lake
5,997 tons
Upper Lakes, 4,041

Salt for the country

10,038 tons

about Lake Ontario, 55,596 bbls.

Def. on this canal, by Compt.'s Rep. to pay expenses, &c.

Whilst all other articles of transportation down, were

Ditto up,



Total amount, $40,662.48 added to the, tolls of the Erie Canal, on lumber alone, the greatest part of which, from its bulk would never have reached the Erie Canal, but for these lateral canals. To the above amount of tolls, may be added a larger sum, derived from flour, wheat and potash, exchanged for merchandise, &c.-the trade in which, is promoted by facilities for transportation. Villages springing up at the termination of these canals, as if by magic, whilst the And this year's report of the Comptroller city of New York and the River Counties will show the increase of business in the receive from these canals their millions on produce from the forest arriving at the Hudmillions of lumber to supply the yearly in. son in 1835, to be 153,315 tons; the actual creasing demand for this all important ar- amount, as far as ascertained by the ticle. The amount of tolls to support so Comptroller's table equals 493,178 tons! important a canal as the Black River Canal for the year 1835-[see table below]-an Feeder, should not be considered one mo. amount greater in dead weight, than was ment, when it is taken into consideration carried to, and exported from the port of the immense forests of timber, iron ore, New York, by all the American and foreign copperas and alum that it will feat to vessels which entered at and cleared from that market-to increase and add to the taxable port during the year 1833. For proof see wealth of the city and the State of New.the official report of the Collector of NewYork, and tables, Railroad Journal of the 10th January, 1835. ALBANY.


The Oswego Canal should be credited by the State, but omitted in the Comptroller's report, with the immense amount of cord! wood it floats free of toll to sustain and keep up the salt works at Syracuse and Salina. They could not be profitably sustained without the Oswego Canal. When we view the actual nett toll paid into the canal fund from all our canals, we find it above one million of dollars, and is eleven per cent. nett on the cost of the canals, and we add, is produced by these canals and from tolls derived 9-10ths-from the soil and forests of our State, and this too, within the short period of ten years, since the Erie Canal has been completed. How could this immense and increasing revenue be produced, but for lateral canals? These canals are considered by many as a burthen to the canal fund, when the reverse is the fact, and it is gratifying to find that the Comptroller is continuing to perfect his statistical information by tables, which will show the trade! to and from all the important points and districts on our canals.

That the Black River Canal feeder (for this is its proper name) is indispensable to supply the enlarged canal with water, will pay to the State a full and liberal interest on its cost from lumber alone, no one can doubt when the singular fact is noted, by the Comptroller's report of January, 1835.

[blocks in formation]

Pig Iron,

Received by way of the Lake. Wheat from the Canada shore of Lake Ontario, 109,381 bushels American shore, 239,990 Upper Lakes,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]



[blocks in formation]

Butter and Lard,

711,823 lbs.


1,406 bbls.

Red Cedar Posts,

Pig Iron,


78,271 pieces

495 tons

2,434 casks

Boards & Scantling, 8,814,581 feet


1,440,515 55,951,800" $4,045 34,515

28,810 "


[ocr errors]

32,676 " 5,719 « 96,642 " 344,863

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

106,574 feet

2,266,908 pieces

Bran and Ship Stuffs, 116,450 bushels Tonnage of vessels owned at the port of Oswego

In 1833 it was 1467 tons, 24 schrs.

[blocks in formation]


60"& 2 stmbts.

of 1836, including vessels now building, and ready to be launched, will considerably exceed 7000 tons, and the number of vessels be about 85.

Report of transactions at the customhouse, at Oswego, from the 1st of April to the 1st of November, 1835.

American vessels entered from foreign countries,

ports of the U. States, Foreign vessels entered from foreign ports,

20,871 tons



The following article from the Albany Argus gives a glowing yet true picture of the business of OSWEGO. The great Total amt. of tonnage entered,153,249

[blocks in formation]

Amount of duties collected, $35,649 02
Comparative statement of the business in the
principal articles at the port of Oswego, in
the years 1834 and 1835:
Received by the Canal at Oswego, for
the country about Lake Ontario, in 1834,
4,197 tons merchandise; in 1835, 5,428
tons increase, 1,231 or 27 per ct.;-in
1834, 44,822 bbls. salt; in 1835, 55,596
bbls.-increase, 10,774 or 24 per ct.
Received by the Canal at Oswego, for
the Upper Lakes, in 1834, 871 tons mer-
chandise; in 1835, 4,041 tons-increase,
3,170 or 500 per ct.;-in 1834, 61,604
3,170 or 500 per ct.;-in 1834, 61,604
bbls. salt; in 1835, 82,020 bbls.-increase,
20,416 or 33 1-3 per ct.

Received by the Lakes, from the shores of Lake Ontario, in 1834, 241,760 bushels wheat; in 1835, 349,371 bushels-increase, 107,611 or 40 per ct.

shall be pledged to prosecute it to comple- || Excepting that which occurs at the depar-
ture from Wilmington, which has a radius
Resolved, by the Mayor and City Coun- of 1500 feet and two others of 2000 feet
cil of Baltimore, That it is expedient that each, there is not a curve on the whole
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad be com-road, which has a less radius than one
pleted to the Ohio river as soon as practi-mile. A great portion of it also is an en-
cable-and that the Mayor and City tire level; the highest grade, which is in
Council of Baltimore are willing to pledge Maryland, between the Little Elk and
the faith of the city to the accomplishment North East, and which is but a short dis-
of this all-important object, to any amount tance in an ascending and descending line,
required by the property-holders within the does not exceed thirty-five feet in the mile.
city, [upon such conditions, and under The character of the soil or earth has like-
such circumstances as may be deemed pro-wise proved highly favorable: no quick-
sands have been encountered and but a
Resolved, That the Mayor be requested small quantity of rock at one point of the
to forward a copy of the preceding preain-road.

ble and resolution to each of the Senators

and Delegates from this city.

The ayes and noes being called for, appeared as follows:

During the six months in which the work has been proceeding, nearly two-thirds of the excavation from Wilmington to the line of the State of Maryland, has been Ayes-Messrs. President, Monmonier, completed; and more than one-half of that, Fenby, Stansbury, Thomas, Yeates, Le- from the Maryland line to Charlestown. grand, Harker, Seldenstricker, Barnes, Ma-The whole amount of excavation in the thiot, Tensfield, Scott, Gardner, Fosbenner. State of Delaware is 630,000 cubic yards, Dryden, Russell, Coskerry, King, Wm. J. of which about 400,000 yards have been done. The whole amount in Maryland to Cole, Ball, McKinnell. Charlestown, is about 950,000 cubic yards, of which about 500,000 yards have been done.

Nay-Mr. Wm. H. Cole.

We have selected from the following

Received by the Lakes, from the Upper Report such portions as contain descripLakes, in 1834, 219,868 bushels wheat;tions of the route and mode of construction, in 1835, 275,362 bushels-increase, 55,494 or 25 per ct.

Shipped by the Canal in 1834, very little wheat; in 1835, 76,437 bushelsincrease, 76,437 bush. ;-in 1834, 112,023 bbls. flour; in 1835, 137,959 bbls.-increase, 25,936 or 23 per ct.

Notwithstanding two mills of 10 runs of stones were burnt in the early part of the grinding season.

-it being the first official publication of
the Company.

[blocks in formation]


This being the First Annual meeting of
the Stockholders of this Company since its
organization, the Directors, in compliance
with the provisions of the charter, present
to you a statement of their proceedings up
to the present time.

The population of the county of Oswego at the late census, was 38,245-being an increase in five years of 11,401, or about The unity of design and of interest which 45 per cent.; and within the same period exists between the Wilmington and Susthe population of the village of Oswego quehanna Railroad Company and the Delhas more than doubled, being at the pre-aware and Maryland Railroad Company, sent time, nearly if not quite 6000. renders it necessary for the purpose of a complete understanding of the object of this report, that they should be treated here as being, in fact, one and the same Company.

From the Baltimore Gazette.


early period, that the bridges and culverts
It was determined by the Directors at an
between Wilmington and the waters of the
Susquehanna, should be constructed of
solid masonry; that being a part of the
continuous route from Philadelphia to Eal-
timore, where, in case of any disaster oc-
curring to a bridge, no aid could be dirived
from steamboats while the necessary re-
pairs were making. Upon this considera-
Directors, to encounter the
tion, it was unanimously resolved by the
expense of con-
structing the bridges of such permanent
and durable materials, as would secure
them, so far as human prudence could do,
against the possibility of such contingen-

have been completed along the whole route,
The greater number of the culverts
with the exception of the coping. All the
bridges, except that over the White Clay
Creek, which has not yet been commenced,
are far advanced towards completion.

The following preamble and resolutions, With a view to the important object of a passed in the first branch of the City The two Companies were organized by continuous line of Railroad from the city of Council yesterday with but one negative, the election of their Directors and Officers Philadelphia to Baltimore, the Directors plainly indicated the favor with which this in April last. No time was lost in the seearly in the last summer, opened a corresgreat and important work, so necessary to lection of a competent Engineer and As-pondence with the Directors of the Balti the prosperity of this city, is viewed by the sistants; and in the final location of the more and Port Deposite Railroad Comimmediate representatives of the people of route from Wilmington to Charlestown, in pany, for the purpose of obtaining a definite Baltimore-and will remove all doubt, if the State of Maryland. In the month of understanding as to the intentions of that any were entertained, as to their willing- June the contracts were made for grading road; and having received official informaCompany in relation to the location of their ness to respond to the desire of their con- the road and for the construction of the tion from them, that their road would be stituents.-Chron.] bridges and culverts. In the beginning of July, the contractors commenced operations brought to the Susquehanna at Havre de Mr. Barnes submitted the following pre-along the whole line, and have proceeded Grace, the Directors thereupon resolved to extend this road from the termination of its Whereas, The early completion of the without intermission, except in relation to with great industry and despatch, and first location near Charlestown, to the SusBaltimore and Ohio Railroad to the waters the masonry, which has necessarily been quehanna Ferry opposite Havre de Grace, and thus connect it with the Baltimore and perity of Baltimore, and a large number property-holders having memorialized the Port Deposite Railroad. They accordingly directed a survey of the route from the

CITY COUNCIL, First Branch, Feb. 24th.

amble and resolutions:


work, expressing their conviction of the

suspended by the approach of winter.
The ground upon which the location is
of a Railroad. The greater portion


Mayor and City Council for aid to said made, is eminently favorable for the pur-Charlestown Post road to the Susquehanna necessity of prompt, liberal and energetic of it is so nearly in a straight line, that the of September, and the location fixed at a

measures on the part of the city authorities in support of said road-and their willingness and desire that the faith of the city

few curves in it are scarcely perceptible.

*The words in brackets were added, on motion of Mr. Harker.

grade which no where exceeds twenty-four feet in the mile. This extended portion of the road, which is 5 16-100 miles in length,

information obtained as will enable the Di
rectors to make a judicious selection in re-
ference to comfort, safety and convenience,
on this point.

has been divided into three sections which ||blished and prosecuted in Wilmington. Atravel. A Railroad from New-Orleans to have been let, for grading and masonry, to careful examination by a committee of the Nashville in Tennessee, is in progress: contractors, of whom the Directors can board, on the various Railroads from Wash- its connection with Baltimore, through the speak from former experience, as fully coun-ington to Lowell, has been made, and such valley of Virginia, crossing the contempetent to perform the work judiciously. plated Railway from Charleston to CinThe contractors have commenced the work cinnati, and intersecting the Baltimore on one of the sections, and the Directors enand Ohio Railway at Harper's Ferry, tertain a confident belief, that the whole may confidently be anticipated. When work will be completed in time to lay down The report of the Treasurer of the Wil- these splendid undertakings shall be realthe rails by the month of August next.mington and Susquehanna Railroad Com-ized, who can overlook or set limits to The communication across the Susque-pany now submitted to you will show the the value and importance of this, the only hanna will be secured by adequate struc- details of receipts and disbursements, in available link in the great chain of intertures on each bank of the river, and a steam this company since its organization. The course between Baltimore and Philaderferry boat so constructed as to render the capital stock authorized by the charter is Phia? passage perfectly and easily practicable in || $100,000 of this sum $240,000 have been winter as well as summer. The expense called in, and $167,027 14 have been disof these structures and facilities will be bursed. The capital stock of the Delaware equally divided between the companies on and Maryland Railroad Company is also each side of the river. This extension of $400,000; of which $200,000 have been the road will, of course, add a considerable called in, and $143,286 04 have been dis- REPORT OF THE SANDY AND BEAVER CANAL. item to the original estimate of the cost of bursed. their undertaking, but that additional expense will be more than justified by the great importance and value of the object which is to be gained.

The Directors take pleasure in acknowledging the services of their Chief Engineer, William Strickland, Esq., whose reputation is too well established throughout the country, to require commendation from them; of his Assistant, Mr. John C. Trautwine, and of the superintendant of construction, Mr. James P. Stabler, to whom the immediate supervision of the work has been confided. The subordinate officers engaged in the superintendance of the work, are also

In behalf of the Directors,

JAMES CANBY, President.
Wilmington and Susquehanna
Railroad Office, Jan. 11, 1836.

To the President and Directors of

the Sandy and Beaver Canal Co.: Gentlemen-In compliance with your request I have the honor to lay before you the following Report of the present state of the work under my direction :-

During the past summer the whole line has been minutely traced, with a view to a permanent location; by this survey the total extent of Canal has been reduced 3 miles, or the distance from the Ohio river at the mouth of Little Beaver creek to the

Looking to the same important object of an unbroken line of Railroad communication between Philadelphia and Baltimore, the Directors have caused surveys to be made from the depot in Wilmington to the line of the State of Pennsylvania, where it is proposed to form a junction with the Philadelphia and Delaware County Rail-fully entitled to the approbation of the Di-western termination at the Ohio Canal, by


the recent examination and location will not exceed 734 miles.

The Eastern division of the Canal, extending from the Ohio river to a point 2 miles west of New Lisbon, embraces a distance of about 27 miles, of which 17 miles are "slackwater" for this description of improvement the stream is exceedingly well adapted, the valley being narrow and the banks bold and prominent affording numerous and eligible sites for the locks and dams, and an abundance of good materials for their formation.

road; and they are gratified to have it in their power to state, that a very favorable In closing this report, the Directors deem line has been fixed upon between these two it pertinent to refer to those circumstances points. The highest grade on the route in the character and position of this road, will not be more than twelve feet in the which hold forth the promise, nay certainty, mile, and with the exception of the curve of speedy profit to the stockholders and out of Wilmington, there will be none with benefit to the community. In liberality and a less radius than a inile. The route from solidity of construction, it will not be surPhiladelphia to our State line has been sur- passed by any other Railroad in the Union. veyed, and a location fixed upon of easy Every care has been taken to render it execution. The Directors are now await-solid and permanent, and to place its future ing the action and co-operation of the operations beyond the reach of accident or Pennsylvania Company, which, it is un- contingency. Its position being on the derstood, are only delayed by an application great thoroughfare of the country, lying The summit or Middle division is about now pending before the Legislature of that almost in a straight line between Philadel- 144 miles in extent, and the Western diState, for certain amendments to their phia and Baltimore-being the shortest vision, terminating at the Ohio Canal, about charter. route, and occupying the most favorable 32 miles. The latter division extends A contract was made in July last with ground that can possibly be selected, it through a country affording the greatest Messrs. A. & G. Ralston, of Philadelphia, must, as a link of the great chain of na-facilities for constructing a cheap and perfor two thousand tons of iron-bridge rail, tional Railroad running north and south, manent improvement; the valley of the the whole of it to be delivered in Wilining-receive a full and liberal share of the travel creek is broad and has nearly a uniform deton by the month of May next. The con- and business on that great channel of in-clivity from its source to its confluence with tract was secured in England, previously ternal intercourse. Looking either to the the Tuscarawas. On the Eastern division to the great rise which the extraordinary north or the south, and to the increase and the lockage is 464 feet, and on the Westdemand for that material has lately pro-extension of the facilities of travel and ern 205, constituting in all 669 feet. In duced in that country. A contract has transportation, by Railroads and Canals, locating the Western division the level has also been made on favorable terins, for a all will be seen to have a common destina- been kept up from Williams' mill dam to supply of all the cross sills or sleepers re- tion, through Philadelphia on the one side the debouch into the Ohio Canal at the quired for the road. These are to be of red and Baltimore on the other, to this as a flourishing town of Bolivar, by which arcedar and yellow locust, and are to be deli- central and inevitable point. Philadelphia rangement an excellent water power is severed at proper points designated along the will soon be connected with the eastern cured to the Company, affording a head route in the courss of next spring. Con- extreme of the Union and with the Lakes and fall of 26 feet: the owners of the protracts have also been made for the construc- on the north, by an unbroken chain of Rail-perty at the site selected for using the water tion of four locomotive engines-viz: three roads and Canals. Baltimore is connecting have liberally ceded to the Company 10 from M. W. Baldwin's manufactory in Phi- herself with the west and the south by the acres of very valuable land for that purpose. ladelphia, and one from Bury's manufactory same means. Situated at the head of com- Sandy Creek at that point will yield a sufin England. These engines are to be of merce on the Chesapeake Bay, all the ficiency of water, independent of the requithe best construction, and ready for opera-||great thoroughfares of the south and the site supply for the Canal, at all times to work tion in August next. Arrangemen's are west, centre in that city. The Baltimore 20, and for eight months in the year 50 pair made for obtaining, in due season, a suit- and Ohio Railroad, now completed to Har- of mill-stones. This power may reasonably able number of passenger cars; a branch per's Ferry on the Potomac, with one be estimated as worth $6000 per annum. of business which, as well as the manu- branch to Frederick and another to Wash- Many other valuable sites for hydraulic facture of locomotive engines, the Directors ington, already draws within its sphere the purposes have been created or purchased anticipate will be advantugeously esta-great mass of southern and southwestern" along the route, which, in conjunction with


The foundation of 5 other locks and 2 dams are laid, and 1500 perches of wall built; and a large quantity of stones and other materials for the construction of locks and dams are prepared and on the ground; and I have no doubt all the work now under contract, excepting the tunnels and aqueduct, will be finished in the approaching year.

When the Canal or Railroad authorised by an act of the Legislature of this State at their last session, to be constructed from the western termination of the Sandy and Beaver Canal to the Miami Canal near the mouth of the Auglaise River, shall have been completed, it must add an immense revenue to your work, as it, in connexion with the Wabash and Erie Canal through Indiana, and the contemplated Railroad through Illinois to the Mississippi River, will constitute a continuous chain of Internal Improvement, extending westerly from the Sandy and Beaver Canal 500 miles, and from Philadelphia 1000, into the rich and fertile regions of the west.

the one above mentioned, will probably || of water may be introduced into the sum-section of the country is now to a grea afford the Company a revenue of $7000 per mit and its dependent levels, than will be extent accommodated by the New-York requisite for the transit of the immense improvements, but the completion of the On the Eastern division of the line, 49 trade that is destined to seek a market Sandy and Beaver Canal will secure to it sections. or 244 miles of Canal, 13 dams, through its channel. The reservoirs now a safer transit to and from the seaboard, and 46 locks, are now under contract: on under contract will contain as follows: much shorter, and navigable six weeks earl.r the Middle division, 21 sections, or 11 miles, West Fork reservoir, 130,000,000 of cubic in the spring and three later in the fall than including the tunnels and the reservoir feet; area, 350 acres: Cold Run reservoir, the one now traversed, being sufficient inmounds on the west fork of Little Beaver 88,000,000 of cubic feet; area, 250 acres ducements to secure it. What the extent Creek and Cold Run: and on the Western in addition to which it is proposed to ele- of that trade will be time alone can deve. division 28 sections or 14 miles, 11 locks, vate the banks of the Canal so as to retain lope. On the Erie and Champlain Canals, 1 dam, and the acqueduct over the Tusca- one foot in depth of available water, and a very large portion of the business done on rawas river, constituting in all 49 miles of flood several pieces of low ground on its the first of which is derived from the counCanal, 14 dams, 57 locks, one aqueduct, and northern or upper side, amounting in all to try above mentioned, there have been retwo reservoir mounds now under contract. about 150 acres, which, when full, will ceived in tolls in 1829 $759,055, 1830 The work has been prosecuted in most furnish about 6,500,000 of cubic feet, ma- $1,032,476, 1831 $1,194,610, 1832 $1,cases with energy, and is now in a greater king in the aggregate from these sources 196,008, 1833 $1,324,421, 1834 $1,292, state of forwardness than could reasonably alone, an available supply of 224,500,000 955, and there is no doubt that the busihave been anticipated, considering that the cubic feet of water, a demand on which ness of this year will very greatly exceed season was far advanced when it was com- may be requisite in a dry season for a pe- the last. On the Ohio Canal there was menced. About 34 sections or 17 miles of riod of 100 days. By calculation it will collected in 1832 $82,867, 1833 $136,920, Canal are now completed, and likewise the be perceived, these reservoirs will afford 1834 $151,287, and the amount of tolls mason work of two locks, and 144,000 cu- for that period 2,245,000 cubic feet of received the present year at some of the bic yards of excavation removed from the water per day, equivalent to a discharge collectors' offices exhibits an increase of summit deep cuts: dam No. 2, on the of 1559 cubic feet per minute. If to this forty-five per cent. over the last. Western division will probably be completed sum is added the minimum natural flow of next week. water on the summit as reported to you last autumn, (558 cubic feet per minute,) it will be observed that the flow of avail able water in a dry period will amount to 2117 cubic feet per minute, or sufficient, after deducting all that the nature of the soil and climate will require for leakage, filtration and evaporation, for the passage of 185 boats per day. The West Fork and Cold Run reservoirs are about one mile The work placed under contract is in most apart: when filled, the surface of the water instances in the hands of responsible and in each will occupy the same plane, or be efficient men, and has been taken on terms elevated to the same height: it is designed exceedingly favorable to the Company.- to have a feeder extending from one to the There is at the present period on the line a other, so that the surplus water in one can force equivalent to 2160 men. The cost be admitted into the other, if required. A of the locks, which are built in the most large waste weir is to be constructed on durable manner of cut sandstone, will not this feeder for the purpose of discharging exceed $700 per foot lift, being about 30 the waste water when both reservoirs are per cent. below the ordinary cost elsewhere. full. This water, when thus discharged, The cost of the dams, which are in most is conducted into the reservoir on the sain instances 14 feet high, will average about it level. The two first mentioned rescr$28 per foot linear across the stream; and voirs will receive the drainage of 24 square the Canal, exclusive of locks and dams, miles of country; the summit, the drainage generally from $3000 to $5000 per mile. of 80 square miles. The usual depth of A contract has been entered into for fur-rain that falls in this section of country nishing the remainder of the hydraulic ce- can, I am informed, with safety be premised ment; it is found in abundance contiguous at 36 inches per annum, or equal to a coto the line; the quality is equal to any Ilumn of that height, being 83,635,000 have seen, and the cost extremely moderate cubic feet on a square mile, and on 24 The contract for excavating the tunnel square miles 2,107,244,800 cubic feet anand approaches, has been taken by ener- nually. From experiments made on a getic and persevering contractors on rea-large scale elsewhere for practical purposes sonable terms, the former not exceeding it has been ascertained conclusively, that the estimated cost: this work is to be com- 75 per cent. of the rain that falls can be laid pleted by May, 1837. As much has been up in reservoirs. From this data it will be stated in relation to the adequacy of the observed, that the three reservoirs above supply of water on the summit, it may be alluded to may be filled seven times per proper to remark, that during the past sea-year. This exhibit will probably satisfy son I commenced and have continued a the most sceptical as to the adequacy of series of minute examinations of the most the supply of water. As to the immensity prominent streams relied on for a supply of the trade that will wend its way through those examinations have thus far fully cor- the Sandy and Beaver Canal to an eastern roborated the truth of the statements and market, I believe there has never been surcalculations embraced in the report made mised a doubt: a glance at the map will you last autumn by Mr. Hage and myself. prove conclusively that a very large portion I feel fully satisfied, that with the aid of of the produce of Michigan, Illinois, Indithe reservoirs that can be constructed on ana, Kentucky and Ohio, which are rapidly the summit, at a moderate cost compared increasing in population and wealth, must with their utility, a much larger quantity be wafted through it. The business of that

The following synopsis of the distance the trade of the country situated west and south-west of the Sandy and Beaver Canal would have to travel from the western termination of that work, in order to reach a market by the various routes now afforded it, or about to be, will fully justify the conclusion that it must seek a passage through it. Distance, by the Ohio Canal, Lake Erie,

New-York Canal and Hudson River, to

From the Sandy and Beaver

Canal to Cleveland,

From Cleveland to Buffalo,
From Buffalo to New-York,


80 miles.

200 515



795 miles.

Distance, by the Ohio and Mahoning Ca-
nals, and Pennsylvania Canal and Rail-
road, to Philadelphia.
From Bolivar to Akron,
42 miles.
From Akron to Beavertown, 114
From Beavertown to Pittsburg, 28
From Pittsburg to Philadelphia, 394





578 miles.

Distance, by the Sandy and Beaver Canal and Pennsylvania Improvements, to Philadelphia.


From Bolivar to Beavertown,
87 miles.
From Beavertown to Pittsburg, 28
From Pittsburg to Philadelphia, 394



5091⁄2 miles.

From the rapid increase in business on the New York and Ohio Canals, it is to be presumed that when the Sandy and Beaver Canals shall have been finished, the tolls on the Ohio Canal will at least amount to $400,000 per annum; and from the foregoing facts and statements it is to be inferred,


When the load is uniformly distributed over || of the shaft in the first example, when used
the length.
as a shaft of the second multiplier?*

3. RULE.-Multiply the length in feet by the weight in lbs., and one tenth of the cube root of the product will be the diame

ter in inches.

at the other.

4. RULE.-Multiply the length of projec-
tions in feet by the weight in lbs., and the
will be the diameter in inches.*
fifth part of the cube root of this product
EXAMPLES.-by rule 1-



1-25=464, or √45×200=4% in. diameter.


The following is a table of the diameters of shafts, being the first movers, or having







that two thirds of that trade will pass through When fixed at one end, and the load applied 400 for their multipliers, upon the foregoing the Sandy and Beaver Canal, which would neat the holders of stock in that work, at the rate charged on the Ohio Canal, an income of at least $60,000 the first season.* to this sum is added the amount that may be anticipated from the liberal grant contained in the amended charter,† which cannot fall short of $150,000, the Company will receive, in the first year after the work is finished, $210,000 in tolls-independent from the large business that may be expected of the country west and northwest of the termination of their work-presenting the novel result of a Canal yielding seventeen per cent. on its entire cost the first afyear ter its completion.

All which is respectfully submitted.
E. H. GILL, Chief Engineer
S. and B. Canal Co.

New-Lisbon, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1835.

From the Mechanics' Magazine.
Lateral strength.


By rule 3

=873739 in. dia.


33600 X 13 436800/436800-7.65 in.


To resist tension or twisting.

It is obvious that the strength of revolv ing shafts are directly as the cubes of their diameter and revolutions; and inversely as the resistance they have to overcome.

Mr. Buchanan, in his Essay on the strength of shafts, gives the following data, deduced from several experiments, viz: That the fly-wheel shaft of a 50 horse power engine, at 50 revolutions per minute, requires to be 7 inches diameter; and therefore the cube of this diameter, which is 421.875, serves as a multiplier to all other shafts in the same proportion; and taking this as a standard, it gives the following multipliers,



Mr. Roberson Buchanan, in his Essay on the strength of shafts,uses the following rule, which is simple enough, and easy to be remembered: "The cube root of the weight in cwts. is nearly equal to the diameter of the journal." "Nearly equal"-being prudent to make the journal little more than less, and to make a due allowance for wearing. EXAMPLES.-What is the diameter of the journal of a water-wheel shaft, 13 feet long, the weight of the wheel being 15 tons? smaller machinery, or connected with

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*This estimate may seem large, but it must be kept in mind that the Sandy and Beaver Canal will constitute a connecting link between two large and important works, (the Ohio Canal and Pennsylvania improvements) now completed; consequently it has not, like other Canals, to await the growth of business.

The amended charter secures to the Sandy and Beaver Canal Company all the tolls collected on the Ohio Canal from boats that have passed through the Sandy and Beaver canal for seven years after its com pletion.

EXAMPLE 1.-When the fly.wheel shaft of a 45 horse power steam engine makes 90 revolutions per minute, what is the diameter of the journal?

45 X 400


=200√200=5,& inches diameter.

EXAMPLE 2.-The velocity of a shaft is 80 revolutions per minute, and its diameter is three inches. What is its power?

33 X 80


5.4 horse power.

EXAMPLE 3.—What will be the diameter

*This last does not directly apply to shafts--but it may be useful for other purposes.

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 4 5.5 4.8 4.5 4. 3.7 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.1 5 5.9 5.1 4.7 4.4 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.3 6 6.3 5.5 5. 4.6 4.4 4.1 4. 3.8 3.7 3.6 7 6.6 5.8 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.4 4.2 4. 3.9 3.7 8 6.9 6. 5.5 5.1 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.1 4. 9 7.2 6.3 5.7 5.5 5. 4.8 4.5 4.4 4.2 4.1 10 7.4 6.6 5.9 5.6 5.2 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.2 12 7.9 6.9 6.3 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5. 4.8 4.6 14 8.3 7.2 6.7 6.25.9 5.6 5.4 5.2 5. 4.7 16 8.7 7.6 7.1 6.6 6.1 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5. 18 9. 7.9 7.5 7. 6.6 6.2 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 20 9.3 8.1 7.4 7.26.6 6.4 5.9 5.7 5.6 5.4 25.10. 8.5 8. 7.4 7.1 6.8 6.3 6. 5.9 5.6 30 10.7 9.3 8.4 7.9 7.4 7.1 6.9 6.7 6.5 6.3 35 11.4 9.8 8.9 8.4 7.9 7.4 7.1 6.9 6.6 6.5 40 11.7 10.5 9.3 8.8 8.3 7.8 7.4 7.2 6.9 6.7 45 12. 10.6 9.7 9.2 8.7 8.1 7.6 7.47. 6.8 50 12.6 11. 10. 9.3 9. 8.5 8. 7.8 7.4 7.3 55 13.4 11.4 10.4 9.8 9.1 8.8 8.4 S. 7.5 7.4 60 13.6 12. 10.8 10. 9.3 9. 8.6 8.27.7 7.6 INCHES DIAMETER.

*The diameters of the second movers will be found by dividing the numbers in the table by 125, and the

diameters of the third movers by dividing the num bers by 1-56.

July 25, 1835.

S. A.

The following communication was in hand before the conflagration, and should have appeared in the January number, but from the confusion into which every thing preserved was thrown, gave it the go by. We will now give it a place, and commence it with the P.S., that we (understanding fully the importance of the first person,) and our readers may have the benefit of its reasoning.

We bespeak for it an attentive perusal, and shall be gratified to be made the medi

um of communication for answers to the
following queries, as well as of queries from
D. F. and others, in relation to any subject
proper for this Magazine.


P. S.--If you are in want of a caption for the following communication, as you editors are fond of a title that will attract attention to an article,--you may head it with "The advantages of the Mechanics' Magazine and New-York Farmer." The propriety of which, in a three-fold view, may be thus inferred: If any one is induced by the suggestions herein made, to subscribe to your journals, in the hope of benefitting himself in this way, he will probably find his advantage in it; if he pays his subscription as he should, your advantage will be apparent; if any your readers answer my questions


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