Abbildungen der Seite


cost of the graduation, masonry, and super. ||structing the road, the capital to be ex-
structure of the whole road.
pended before any of the advantages of the
project can be realized will be $257,556 83.
It is true that the business of the road
might be commenced with a small reduc.
tion of the above expense, but if the antici
pated success attend the work, the above
sum may be regarded as outlay for the first

1st Division,

12,9 miles,

MASONRY. Graduation of road bed, Masonry, Graduation of road bed, Masonry,

$498,64 29
5544 00
471,29 05
5906 50


2nd Division, 13,5 miles,

[blocks in formation]

760 plates for joining of rails at
$35,00 per thousand,
Laying rails per mile including
transportation of timber and
iron, also dressing off the road
bed and opening drains,

$408 04

360 36

296 00

1789 60

100 00
4 CO

26 60

960 00
20 00

$3964 60

Road crossings,

Cost per mile,


[blocks in formation]

If the above estimate shows a greater ex penditure necessary than was first expected by the friends of this work, they may attribute the cause mostly to two things, the first to the rise of labor of every kind, on public works, and secondly, to the price of iron which has risen nearly 100 per cent. within the last six months.

My estimate of the value of the work, I think very liberal and more particularly so, as it was designed to push the graduation and masonry to completion by the coming fall.

I will here remark that the estimate for
the graduation and masonry above is taken
from that furnished you previous to the le
ting of the work, in which the road was di-
vided into sections, and each section esti-
mated separately. The work already let is
a fraction under the estimate.

The distance from Blossburg, where this
road commences to its termination at the
State line, near Lawrenceville, is 2500


miles. The total descent in that distance
is 355,56 feet, reckoning from the grade of
the road at its commencement to the termi-

nation of the same at the State line.

From Blossburg to Covington, a distance of 5 miles, there is a descent of 149,43 feet, making considerably more than part of the total descent in of the distence.

The maximum inclination of the grade line is 39.07 feet per mile and this extends only 3737 feet, and occurs 13 miles below Blossburg.

The average grade from Blossburg to Covington, is 29.88 feet per mile. The grade from Covington to the termination of the road, varies from 5 to 25 feet per mile, and averages 9.86 feet per mile.


The road being on an average descent of road, $237,806 83 13.73 feet per mile from its commencement Making an average per mile of $9,181 73 to its termination, will favor the expense In addition to the above sum to be ex-transportation very much, and the grades pended in the construction of the road, a not being so great as to interfere with a refurther outlay may be expected in putting turn load of say part of that taken down the road in operation, after its completion, are to be desired rather than to be regreted, which may be nearly estimated as fol- considering the great object in view, being lows: the transportation of coal.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

136.757 feet, or 25 20 miles. The curvature on this road may be said to be gentle, there being no curve of a less radius than 666 feet, and but a short dis tance, comparatively, at this rate. The straight part of the road is to the curved part, as 7.10 nearly.


As it is designed to use steam by Loco. motive Engines, for the motive power on this road, I will take the result of experi ence in the application of this power, and apply it to the grades and curvatures of in the way of transportation. this road to show what may be done on it

1st. It has been ascertained that the

grades are all descending from the coal
mines, and that the average of them is
13.73 feet per mile.

radius on the road, than 666 feet.
2nd. That there is no curve of a less

3d. It has been proved that a locomotive steam engine of 7 tons weight, including water and fuel will draw 112.5 tons on a level road, at a speed of nearly 12 miles per hour. The traction exerted in this case traction is the measure of the adhesion, exis therefore 112.5 x 12: 1350 lbs. This clusive of the engine and tender, of 12 tons weight.


It has been also shown, by recent experiment, that a locomotive engine of 8 tons weight, will impel, on a level, a load of 211 tons gross, at the rate of 11 miles per hour, lbs., besides the resistance of the engine thereby exerting a tractile power of 2322 and tender.

I propose to Laake of the above results, that
If we consider, in the application which

a mean between them is the fair measure
used on this road, we shall arrive at the
of the power of the engine which will be
following useful effects which may be pro-

[blocks in formation]

The force of gravity on an inclination of this road, it will be seen that no mention is ther source of much profit, especially if this 13.73 per mile, is 5.83 lbs. per ton.

[blocks in formation]

Where the

herein stated is 1836 lbs. By this calcula-
tion there appears no difficulty in transport-
ing 100 tons of coal at each load on an incli-
nation of 15.73 ft per mile.
road is level, which occurs in a few places,
there will be more power necessary, equal
to 162.5×12.7=2063 lbs. to maintain the
speed above named of 12 miles per hour,
which may be reduced at pleasure, as a sub-
stitute for the necessary increase of power
on light grades, or on level parts of the


made of the damages done to the proprie-road is connected with the Williamsport
tors of land, either for land or fencing. It and Elmira Rad road, now about to be
is difficult to make even an approximate es- commenced. Your Charter provides for
timate of these damages, for they vary so this connection, and it would certainly be a
widely. In consideration of this circumvery desirable one, which I am told ean be
stance together with the fact that you will affected in the distance of 14 miles.
soon be in possession of the actual cost of
these damages, I decline entering into any
calculations respecting them. It is not like-
ly from the disposition generally manifested,
that these damages will materially swell this
estimate, for full two thirds of the owners
have liberally relinquished all claims for

The proposed Rail road from Jersey
shore on the West Branch of the Susque-
hannah to Willardsburgh, would intersect
your Road at or near Willardsburg, about
7 miles from the State Line, and whatever
the amount of tonage might be on this road,
you will be certain to receive a great pro-
portion of it for transportation for at least
there remains one which I did not propose road. One of the objects of the road from
Among the subjects for examination one fourth part of the entire length of your
to investigate, as it has been carefully ex- Willardsburg to Jersey Shore is to reach
amined and resulted in a full conviction coal on Pine Creek, which has been disco
that this road, when completed, will nett vered of good quality and very abundant.
an ample revenue to wariant its construc- The length of this road will be about seven-
tion. We will not enter into a minute in-ty miles, and its direction from Willards-
vestigation of this subject, but examine a burg will be up the valley of Crooked Creek
to Wellsborough, near the head waters of
Crooked and Pine Creeks, then it will de-
scend Pine Creek to its termination at Jer-
sey Shore.

few of its leading points.

tension of your road into the State of NewI deem it unnecessary to refer to the exYork, with which you are acquainted, fur. ther than to state, that the work has been

commenced on the 14 miles from the State line to Painted Post, where there will be a communication with the New-York and

Under the head of Sources of Revenue, there may be enumerated several items of much importance, among these, and the sult from the toll and transportation of coal. principle of which, is that which will reIt is easy to show that this article alone will warrant the expenditure herein estiThe return load, at the same speed will mated, if the supply and demand shall be be considerably reduced, if we are govern- constant, of which we cannot entertain a ed, in the calculation, by the maxim incli- doubt, when the quantity of coal is abundnation of the grade line of 39.07 feet per ant, and the demand for it already very Erie Rail road at or near the head of the mile. The force of gravity on this inclina. great. For a complete and full investiga- feeder of the Chemung Canal. As the extention is 16.53 lbs. per ton and the resistance tion of the amount of coal capable of being sion is commenced under the charge of ano from friction &c., is 12.70 making together raised in the Blossburg Coal region, I would ther company, to effect the same object, we 29.28 lbs. per ton, as the total resistance.- refer to the very able report, on this sub- have every reason to believe that they will Then on returning with empty cars there ject, made by R. C. Taylor, Esq., in 1833. prosecute their work to completion, as soon would be a gross load of 62.5 tons against Mr. Taylor says that the quantity of coal in as you can finish the portion you are congravity, and friction equal to 29.28 lbs. ma- the neighborhood of Blossburg, is commen-structing-a coincidence highly important king 1830 lbs. as the tractile power necessa surate with the extent of any demand that to the prosperity and interest of both works. ry to return at a speed of 12 miles per hour. can be contemplated. This being the case, So it is seen that the Engine will descend and the demand for the article daily increaswith a load of 100 tons easier than it can re-ing, it would not be saying much, to say turn with the empty cars on an inclination of 39.07 feet per mile, at the same velocity. The speed being inversely as the increase of resistance, it will be easy to lessen the former when occasion shall require and by an application of this principle to the above results, it will be found that the engine will ascend an inclination of 39.07 feet per mile, at the rate of nearly 7 miles per hour, with a return load of 30 tons nearly one third of that taken down. The attainments of high || velocities, we are aware is not desirable in the transportation of coal, but as this road will no doubt, become of general use, such velocities as we have nained are of much importance.

As the above results are obtained from every day experience and when applied to this road fully answer the purposes for either transportation or travel, I will not pursue this subject any farther.


In the preceding estimate of the costs or

that as soon as this road is completed, and
the mines properly opened, 300 tons will
be furnished daily for transportation, for
300 days per year. The charter allows 2
cents per ton per mile, as the maximum
toll, which on twenty-six miles will make
52 cents as the daily toll for each ton of
coal. So that the toll even on 100 tons of
coal for 300 days per year, would nett a
revenue of $15,000, a sufficient sum to pay
six per cent on the investment.

It may be necessary to remark, that no
notice is taken of the transportation, which
is distinct from the toll. If the transporta.
tion should be done by the company, they
will of course so arrange their charges, as
to gain expenses.

In concluding this report I acknowledge with much pleasure the valuable aid I have received from Mr. Miller Fox, the Principal Assistant ;-Mr. William McDougall has also been a valuable member of the party.

Respectfully Submitted,

Engineer of the Tioga Rail road.


GENTLEMEN-I have examined the report of W. Matthews, Esq., Engineer, dated the 15th of August, 1836, in which he has given a full account of the progress of the Engineer Department of the Rail road between Blossburg and the New-York State Line and an estimate of the cost of the Road amounting to $237,806 83.

I have examined the several items formAmong the sources of profit, we may es-ing this estimate and consulted with Mr. timate a considerable revenue from the lum- Matthews, and compared minds in relation ber which will be transported on this Road, to the whole subject including the necessathe supply of which article is very abundant ry engines, tenders, transportation cars, and the variety extensive. and passenger cars, water stations, &c &c, The income from Passengers, will be ano- And I think the estimate a fair one and such

[blocks in formation]

Difference in favor of E. side, $10,951
Thus we have a difference of ten thous-
and nine hundred and fifty one dollars in
favor of the East side.

renceville" it appears to me a question may 1,334 CO arise, if the road does 10 touch Lawrenceville, as every law must be construed strict36,428 00 ly. I however throw out this as the impression of my mind, and you better judg ment will take it for what it is worth. I have reflected upon the subject of iron rails, since, I have written Mr. Matthews, and sent him the form of rails which I would prefer. I find the price of iron has raised so much and the delays in otaining any new pattern are so great, that I have consulted with Mr. Matthews and we have agreed upon altering the rails, and would now propose to the Board to adopt the common plate rail of two and one quartez iron, wide and five eights thick. This will make a saving of about four or five tons per mile in the weight of the rail.

This comparative view of cost, ought not however to be decisive upon this matter PRESIDENT AND MANAGERS OF a view ought to be taken of the commoda


tion of the country; and the general ad-
vantages to the stockholders, and the fu-
ture prospects of trade and business on the


If we pass across the river above Berry's

GENTLEMEN-Having visited the line of your proposed Railroad now under charge of Mr. Matthews, from Blossburg, to the New-York State Line near Law-Bridge, we pass through Willardsburg and renceville; I now beg leave to present to through Lawrenceville, we accommodate your board, my views upon the whole these two villages, and we give a favorable plan. connection to the proposed Railroad up Crooked Creek, to the West Branch of the Susquehannah at Jersey Shore, if it should be made and we facilitate an easy connection for the Railroad up the Cowanesque should the wants of the country hereafter require it.

It is proposed by Mr. Matthews, and approved by me to grade the Road for a single track, with five turnouts. The cutting to be fifteen feet at bottom, which allows for one track, and good ditches or side drains. The embankments to be fifteen feet on the top, and the slopes to be one and a half to one, except where there is rock or earth, that will permit a steeper slope.

The superstructure to be of timber, laid first as ground sills, then cross ties, then wooden rails on which the iron bars are placed. The track I would propose to conform to the New-York and Erie Railroad, which is intended to be four feet eight and a half inches, between the rails.

The size of the several timbers having been before given to the road, by Mr. Matthews, and contracts made, therefore I shall not enter into detail-the turn-out I would plan as follows.

One near the northern termination at the New-York State Line, one near Willardsburg, one at Mansfield, one at Covington, and one at Blossburg. There can be added at any time hereafter such additional turn-outs, as the demands of the country require.

On the other hand we have a bridge over the Tioga river, at or near Berry's, a bridge over the Crooked Creek, and as we ought in a certain degree to consider that part of the road to be constructed in the State of New-York, although never another charter so intimately connected as to have a bearing on the interest of this road. If we take the west side of the Tioga from Willardsburg, there must be a bridge erected by the directors under the New-York charter, over the Cowinsque and over the Tioga. The expense of these latter bridges cannot of course enter into any calculation under the Pensylvania charter, but as far as risque of interruption of trade by the destruction of bridges in the New-York part of the line into the location on the Pennsylvania part, it is fair to consider its bearing. Thus we have the expense and resque of two bridges in Pennsylvania, and the risque of interruption by the destruction of bridges on the New York part of the line.

I have now to touch upon a subject which perhaps the Board may consider as settled by their act, and therefore not properly belonging to the engineer. I mean the location and termination of the road at Blossburg.

The experience of all railroad companies, has pretty well settled the importance of one very large depot for the establishment of work shops to repair locomotive engines, and cars. The location and business of the road would seem to point out that an establishment for this purpose should be made at Blossburg, and another at the point where it terminates on the Chemung Canal Feder. If the Board should determine upon such a depot for work shops, car houses, &c. &c, they ought to have fifteen or twenty acres of land, and the privilege of a small water power for the work shops.— In looking over the ground about Blossburg, it is easy to select such place as would furnish ground suitable, and water power, which can now be obtained, as I am informed, at fair prices. I would therefore beg leave to recommend to the Board the propriety of securing at an early day such location of ground as shall be required there.

In carrying on a great coal trade such as this work will no doubt have, as soon as this project is completed, there will be at least three or four hundred cars kept on hand, some out of repair and the remaind

If one locomotive can take down one hundred tons of coal in 40 cars, and return with the empty cars, there ought to be estimated at least three hundred tons per day, taken down.

The line as located by Mr. Matthews. These are the offsets against the advanfrom Blossburg to Berry's Bridge, appears tages of accommodation and trade of two to me as far as a permanent location has been important villages which are daily growing made, and from the experimental line be- in trade. I regret gentleman that a little low the permanent location to the point remore time had not been given for the En-er in use. ferred to above, near Berry's Bridge to be gineer to have made a more perfect comdone with good judgment and such as Iparison of cost of the two sides of the river, by obtaining a more correct estimate of From near Berry's Bridge, to the N. damages on both sides. And a better e tiY. State Line there have been examinations mate of the expense of bridges over such and surveys on both sides of the river-streams, as these which we must cross, on distance nearly equal being about 8 miles. the route of the west side. The comparative estimates which have been made by Mr. Matthews, present the following results :



On the west side graduation of road will
$40,279 00
Bridges over the Tioga and
Crooked Creek,
Alteration of road at Depuy's,


Graduation of road,

The laud and fencing wil cost

Then for one locemotive.
40 cars on the road,
40 cars unloading, and
40 cars leading,

It appears to me, gentlemen, that your local knowledge of the present and future prospects of this country will enab e you to determine this question more correctly than 120 cars required for each locomotive. any Engineer. The data given above Then three locomotives will require 360 presents the question fairly as far as I can cars, and making allowance for cars in the $6,600 00 understand its bearing. The question of work shop, and we shall find 400 cars ra500 00 damages may however be misunderstood ther less than the absolute wants required by me, and I make the estimate on that part to carry 300 tons daily to the canal. The $47,379 00 with diffidence. There is one point which Board will see from this view of this mathas suggested itself to my mind in relation ter the very great necessity of securing to the guaranty of the State under the sup- plenty of room for the work shops and for $35,044 00 plimental act of April 14th, 1835, which these cars to be collected at the southern say, "the Road from Biosstarg to Law-termination of the road, these together with

the mass of materials of wood and iron ne-
cessary to have in store require space, and
if 20 acres could be obtained in good form
for this purpose it will be very important to
have it secured.

Respectfully submitted,
Consulting Engineer.
Covington, May 5th, 1836.


give up the ship." Faint heart never won | Jeter of Amelia, Mr. Campbell of Nottoway, fair lady, and in the presen age of activity and Mr, Gaines of Charlotte. and enterprise, commercial advantages are

not to be secured withou. strenuous and en-
during effort.


Mr. Madison submitted the following: That the Committtee be directed to inquire into the expediency of surveying a route for a railroad from Petersburg by Nottoway Courthouse, Burke's &c. to the town of Farmville.

On motion, the Convention then adjourned to meet again ro-morrow morning at nine o'clock.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1836. Convention met agreeably to adjourn

The President being absent, on motion, Wm. S. Morton was elected President pro tempore, and took the chair.

At a meeting of delegates of the Counties of Prince Edward, Charlotte, Nottoway, Amelia, the town of Farmville, and the city of Richmond, at Charlotte Courthouse ou the 5th day of September, 1836, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of constructing a railroad from Danville in the county of Pittsylvania, to Farm.ment. It will be seen from the sketch which we ville in the county of Prince Edward. have published of the proceedings of| The meeting being called to order, Colonel this Convention, that they have recommen-Clement Carrington was appointed Chairded a railroad to be constructed from Farm-man, and Branch J. Worsham Secretary :- Mr. Watkins, from the Committee to ville to Danville, from Farmville to Peters whereupon the following delegates ap-whom was referred the several resolutions burg by the way of Nottoway Court House, peared, to wit; from the city of Richmond, pres e sted yesterday, made the following reand from Richmond to Farmville and thence J. B. Harvie and Win. Wren; from Farm-port thereon: to Lynchburg. There was much diversityville, Tazewell S. Morton, Henry Thweatt, Your Committee report the following r of opinion, as was to be expected in such a Nathaniel Price, Win. L. Morton and solution to be adopted by the Convention, as body, respecting the routes which the rail-James Madison; from Prince Edward a substitute for the 1st resolution referred to roads should pursue, but none as to the county, Richard N. Venable, James H. Wil. hm: propriety and importance of a great railroad son, Branch J. Worsham, Henry E. Wat Resolved, That this Convention recom. communication from the tide water to the kins, Win. H. Venable, Wm. S. Morton, mend that an application be made to the southwest. James D. Wood, John J Flournoy, John A. next general Assembly for the passage of an The objections to the recommendation of Scott, and John Clark; from Amelia county, act incorporating a company for the conthe direct Richmond route seemed princi. Thomas E. Jeter; from Nottoway county, struction of a railroad from Farmvilie, by or pally, to be the probability, and, almost cer Archibald A. Campbell, Robert Fitzgerald, near Charlotte Court-house, to some suitatainty, that it will not be chartered by the Jun., Wm. N. Fitzgerald, John H Knight, ble point on Staunton River, with the priviLegislature-and that the road night be Peter I Gr gg, L C. Bouldin, and W. J Du.lege of extending said road to Danville if it constructed from Farmville through Peters-puy from Charlotte county, Dr. A. D. should be found expedient. Your Commitburg, to Richmond, with less expense, and Alexander, Robert Morton, J. D. Richard-tee recommend that the 2d, 3d, and 5th reLttle increase of distance, giving to the sou, Wm. B. Green, Richard I Gaines, John solutoins referred to them, be rejected by planter the choice of an additional market, Armstead, Henry A. Watkins, Edward W. the Convention. and conflicting so little with their favorite Henry, George Hannah, Henry E. Scott, James river monopoly, that it could hardly Thomas Edmunds, Isham Harvey, J. be doubted that it would be able to secure a Boothe, John Harvey, Samuel D. Morton, charter from the Legislature. We would Dr. John Armistead, Henry Madison, John not willingly believe, that there is no expec-D Spraggins, Clement Carrington, and tation on the part of the Richmond people of obtaining a charter for the road through Farmville to Lynchburg, andthat their only object is ro prevent the construction of the road through Nottoway to Petersburg, until some future period when they may be able to procure a charter from the Legislature for the ridge road from Lynchburg. We fear, that whatever may have been intended, this will be the result. We hope that the people of Petersburg and Nottoway will not 1. Resolved, That this Convention reso lightly give up a scheme, which is so commend the construction of a railroad from intimately connected with their interests. the town of Danville to the town of Farm-committee, by striking out the words "by For ourselves, we do not believe that the en-ville, to pass through the county of Charsuing legislature will charter the ridge road from Richmond to Lynchburg through Farmville. We hepe therefore that the route by Nottoway Court House, will be forthwith surveyed, and its clauns be presented to the Legislature-that if the influence of the James river Company should prevent the charter of a road from Rich. mond to Lynchburg direct, we might stili present thein claims free from all rivalry to that Company, by interposing the Appomat tox between them. We do not feel at all certain, that both roads would not be well sustained.

A Convention is called to meet soon, at Salisbury, in North Carolina, to Lake stepfor opening some channel of con.manica tion to the country bordering upon the Yad. kin, and there is a good deal of probability that they will recommend the construction of a railroad to Danville. Should the roads from Farmville to Danville and to Lynch burg be constructed, there will be trave enough we think, to support both routes, and we see no reason why the Petersburg road might not expect to divide the travel with the other route, and secure a reasonable proportion of it. We hope, therefore, the people of Nottoway and Petersburg will not

William B. Watkins.

On motion, Dr. Pi'man B. Spencer of Petersburg, was invited to take a seat with this Convention, and accordingly appeared and took his geat.

The Convention then proceeded to elect a President, and Col. Clement Carrington being nominated, was unanimously elected. Mr. Watkins, of Prince Edward, submit ted the following resolution:

lotte by or near the Court house.
Mr. Harvie submitted the following reso-

2. Resolved, That it be recommended by
this Convention, that a railroad be made
from the city of Richmond to the town of
Lynchburg or New-London, with a branch
from the main stem to Farmville.

Mr. Campbell submitted the following propesition:

Your committee report the following resolution to be adopted by the Convention, as a substitute for the 4th resolution referred to them-Resolved, that it be recommended by the Convention, that surveys be made, for a railroad from Petersburg to Farmville, the one by Nottoway Courthouse, the other through Amelia.

Your Committee recommend that the 6th resolution referred to them be adopted by the Convention.

Mr. Watkins of Prince Edward moved to reject so much of the said report as propo ses a substitute for the 1st resolution referred to the committee.

Mr. H. A. Watkins of Charlotte moved to amend the substitute reported by the or near Charlotte court house," and insert. ing the words "by the most eligible route."

Mr. Green offered to amend the amendment offered by Mr. Watkins of Charlotte, by striking out the words "by the most eligible route," and inserting the words "by Charlotte court house." The question was then taken on the amendment offered by Mr. Green, and rejected. The question was also taken on the amendment offered by Mr. Watkins of Charlotte, and rejected.

3. A proposition of a railroad from the The question was then taken on the neighborhood of Petersburg to New Loudon, amendment of Mr. Watkins, of Prince Edon the ridge dividing the waters of the Ap-ward, and decided in the affirmative; so the pomattox and the Albemarle souud, with branches to Farmville and Danville.

substitute reported by the committee of the first resolution was rejected, and the resoMr Watkins of Prince Edward, alsolution as originally submitted, agreed to. submitted the following resolution: Mr. Harvie moved to reject so much of the 6. Resolved, That this Convention re. report of the select committee as recom commend the construction of a railroad frommends that the 2d resolution be rejected by Lynchburg to Farmville. the Convention, and offered as an amendment to the 2d said resolution and report the following:

On motion of Mr. Gaines the several resolutions and propositions were referred to Sele t Committe, to be composed of one legate from each county, town and city, represented in this Convention.

Resolved, That it be recommen led by this Convention, that a railroad be made along the ridge between James and Appomattox The Chair then announced the Select Rivers, from the city of Richmond to LynchCommittee as follows: Mr. Edward Wat-burg or New. London, with a branch road kins, of Prince Edward, Mr. Harvie of from the main stem, from the most convenRichmond, Mr. Madison of Farmville, Mr.ient point to Farmville.

[blocks in formation]

So the amendment offered by Mr. Harvie was rejected.

Mr. Harvie then offered a second amend. ment to the 2d resolution and report, which

is as follows:

Resolved, That it be recommended by this Convention, that a railroad be made along the ridge between James and Appomattox rivers, from the city of Richmond to Farmville, and thence to Lynchburg.

The question on the adoption of the resolution was taken and decided in the affirmative-yeas 19-noes 11.

[blocks in formation]

3. Resolved, That this Convention re- In order that the following answer may commend the construction of a railroad be fully comprehended, it is necessary to from the town of Farmville to Petersburg, premise, that by the terms of the question, through the county of Nottoway by or near it would appear that it is meant to deter

the court house.

The following article from the Staunton Spectetor, will exhibit the spirit which actuates the people of Augusta in reference to the Valley Railroad :

mine the difference of effect of locomotive power upon two series of planes, from a point A to a point B. In the one the strain is constant, and may be represented by!, whilst the other is varied by ascents and descents, but so that the total expenditure of mechanical power is the same; hence it must be more abrupt than on the former, is evident that the ascents upon the latter or else they would not compensate for the descents.

Assuming these data, there cannot be a question that the lesser and more uniform strain is best adapted to locomotive power, both as regards speed and load, for the fol lowing reasons:

Nays-Messrs. T. S. Morton, Thweatt, Price, W. L. Morton, J. Madison, R. N. Ve VALLEY RAILROAD.-On Monday last, purnable, Watkins of Prince Edward, Wood Jeter, Campbell, R. Fitzgerald, Knight, Court House of this county, for subscripsuant to notice, books were opened at the Grigg, Bouldin, Dupuy. Henry, Boothe, Jtions to the stock of the Valley Railroad.Harvey, M. Madison, Spraggins, Wm. B. Watkins-21. There was quite a respectable attendance of citizens on the occasion. A. H. H. Stuart, Esq., addressed the people at great length and with much ability, in favor of the enterprize-going fully into the advantages of the improvement, its effects upon the prosperity of the country, the objections urged against it, and the necessity for pres1st. As regards speed. It is evident ent and decided action on the subject. We are sure we speak but the general senti-that, to render this compari on perfectly ment of those who heard him, when we say, fair, it is only necessary to assume two en it was one of the best efforts of our gifted gines of equal power and load to start si Townsman. Mr. Stuart concluded his Inultaneously from A to B, and then assu speech about 5 o'clock, and from that time ming that on every part of each line the enSo much of the report of the Select Com-until sun-down there were $65,000 sub-gine to be capable of exerting its whole mittee as relates to the 3d and 5th resolu- scribed. The books are still open, and if power, that is, both on the ascents and deions referred to them, being read, and the their interest, we have no doubt the amount proceeds uniformly on the other line. On the people of the county are only true to scents of the undulating line, while she question taken thereupon, was concurred in. expected of us will be obtained in a few this assumption, as equal power will be so So much of the said report as relates to days. We congratulate the friends of the exerted in equal times by each engine, and 4th resolution being read, the question was improvement on the cheering prospect.taken thereupon, and the report of the select For is it not cheering? If fifty-eight citi- as the total expenditure between A and B committee as rejected; the question then Zens give a subscription of $65,000, who is the same, they would then both arrive at recurring upon the adoption of the 4th res. can doubt that one hundred or one hundred B together. olution was originally offered, and the vote and fifty thousand more will be taken by taken thereupon, was decided in the affirm the balance of the country! Are there not a thousand citizens at least, who could and ought to make an average subscription of wo shares each? We have heard of two gentlemen who were not present on MonOn motion of Mr. Gaines, Resolved, that day that will take between them seventy a Committee be appointed in the counties of shares, and there are no doubt many others Charlotte and Prince Edward, consisting of who will subscribe from five to ten. Nothfive persons in each county, to raise a funding, we are persuaded, is now wanting but to defray the expenses of a survey of the a moderate degree of exertion to obtain the proposed route for a railroad from Farm-shall we slumber and sleep, or waste our requisite subscription on our part. Then The Chair then announced as a Commit. time in idle chat over what we have done. tee for the county of Charlotte-Dr. A. D. -or shall we seize the crisis, and with a Alexander, Richard I. Gaines, Edward W. spirit worthy of the noble enterprize, push Henry, Samuel D. Morton, and Henry Mad-on with freshened zeal and untiring energy ison; For the county of Prince Edward to its accomplishment! Remember, the James H. Wilson, Wm. H. Venable, James prize is not won, though it be within our D. Wood, John A. Scott, and John Clark. grasp.- Once more, then, unto the breach. Mr. Wren offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this convention be tendered to the President pro. tem., and Secretary, for the prompt, zealous and impartial manner in which they have discharged their duties.


On motion of Mr. Watkins of Prince Edward, leave was given to withdraw the 6th


ville to Danville.

On motion of Mr. Knight, Resolved, that the proceedings of this convention be published in the Farmville, Danville, Richmond and Petersburg papers.

The convention then adjourned sine die.
WM. S. MORTON, Pres. pro. tem.

B. J. WORSHAM, Secretary.


1. Resolved, That this convention recom mend the construction of a railroad from the

town of Farmville to Danville, to pass through the county of Charlotte by or near

the court house.

2. Resolved, That it be recommended by this Convention that a railroad be made

dear friends, once more. If nothing else
will do, let us district the county, visi
every house, and make thorough work of

From the London Mechanics' Magazine.

But in the case of the undulating line, this hypothesis cannot hold, except within certain limitations, for it is manifest that in practice a variety of circumstances limit the speed at which an engine can be allowed to travel, both as regards safety, wear and tear of machinery, and also the arrangement, especially of the slides for the admis sion of steam to the cylinders.

For these and other reasons, a speed of be travelled safely, especially on descend35 or 40 miles per hour is as much as can ing planes, in the present state of our ex perience; hence, in order to compensate for the slowness of ascending speed, the accelerated velocity may be far beyond that which can be permitted with prudence; hence the difference of time consumed on the descending planes by the regulated ve locity, and the extreme accelerated velocity is lost on the undulating principle.

For instance, between London and Brighton, by Sir John Rennie's and Mr. Stephenson's proposed lines of railway, the respective distances from London Bridge to Sir John Rennie's terminus at Brighton is 49 miles, 68 chains; and from Nine Question put to Mr. Robert Stephenson, C. Elms to the back of Brunswick-terrace, by E., by the Committee on the London and Mr. Stephenson's line of railway, is 54 Brighton Railway; and Mr. Stephen-miles, 68 chains; and going and coming

son's Answer.


Supposing that for a long distance there is a certain strain which may be represented by any figure or letter, and that that is broken on another line by a series of ascents and descents; supposing that the total amount of strain in both instances be the

the respective distances, therefore, are 99 miles, 56 chains, and 109 miles, 56 chains.

There are on Sir John Rennie's line, as described by Dr. Lardner, 32 miles of gradients to be characterised by

On Mr. Stephenson's, 29 miles by T Now assuming an engine to start on each line of an equal power and with the same

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