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or nine times its weight of inolasses. Af-of the combustion remain in the state of
ter producing this effect it will not act again gas or vapor, the flame will give but little
until the coloring matter absorbed has been light.
separated by calcining the charcoal a se-
cond time.

Animal has similar advantages over common charcoal in the rectification of spirituous liquors. By its use, all the peculiar and often offensive taste and smell of these liquors may be separated. We shall have occasion to treat of these uses of charcoal heads. proper

under their

the carbonised rock,



the volume of the bydrogen is reduce one half, and the dersity of the compoun is fourteen. Even at a low red heat, ole fiant gas begins to decompose, depositing half its carbon, and being thus converted

Thus, when phosphorus is burnt, the whole product is solid, and the flame has As an instance of the use of these sub-the greatest brilliancy of any that is known; into light carburetted hydrogen whose stances in the arts, we may cite an article when heavy carburetted hydrogen, (olefiant density is lessened in the relation of 8 to well known in our markets. The made ras) burns, a part of its carbon is deposited,|| 14. At a full red heat it is completely wine, called Marseilles Made ra, is prepar- which, disseminated through the flame in a decomposed. In burning therefore it de el from the co umon red wines of the south solid forin, gives it the lustre due to an inposites twice as much carbon from an equal of France. Their deep color is discharged ensely heated solid; but when hydrogen weight of gas, furnishes a flame of equal by filtering them through animal charcoal, or alcohol are burn', even by the aid of a size to that of twice its bulk of hydrogen, and they are made up to the American pal-stream of oxygen, which causes the great and which is far more brilliant, in conse ate by the addition of brandy. The pecuest heat of any known combustion, the quence of the quantity of carbon deposi liar smell and taste of the original wine is flame will have so little brilliancy as to be ted in the flame being twice as great.discharged at the same, and it is thus hardly visible in the bright light of day, be- Olefiant gas is therefore the most valua ready to receive such as inay be given it canse the products are aqueous vapor and ble of those generated by the decomposi artificially. carbonic acid gas. tion of combustible Fodies, and in the Combustible bodies may not only be de-manufacture of them every exertion should composed directly in a fire, or by the aid be made to obtain it in the greatest qua of wicks, but they may be heated in close tities, which the nature of the material vessels, and the gases which are evolved will admit, and to preserve it from waste may be kept in proper reservoirs until after it is formed. The most obvious cause needed for the purpose of illumination.-of waste is its having a greater degree of From these vessels they may be carried in solubility in water, than the light carbu A carbonaceous substance, having powpipes to the place where the light is need-retted hydrogen or pure hydrogen; water ers in these respects about equal to calcinedd, and inflamed by an igni ed substance as taking up one eighth of its own bulk. Two liquid carburets of hydrogen bones, has been prepared from a species bey issue from beaks of some convenient form. of shale charged with bitumen, which is were discovered by Faraday to exist in found in some geological formations, and When combustible bodies, whose princi-gas. These are very volatile, one of them particularly in the strata of coal fiel s. oal constituents are carbon and hydrogen, boiling at 60 Fahr. and the other as low In the separation of the volatile matter the re decomposed by heat, these ele as he freezing point. Both of these may shale becomes extremely porous. nents may be either wholly separated or therefore exist in vapor at mean ten It is therefore well adapted to the construction may enter into new combinding. The pro-peratures, and the latter under almost all of filters, which may be made of slabs of ducts are therefore carbon in the solid form circumstances. They both contain more which remains in the apparatus where the carbon than olefiant gas, and therefore decomposition is performed; hydrogen an. farnish a flame of greater brilliancy, but it combined; light carburetted hydrogea,ole. may happen that all the carbon they de Rationale-Bodies which burn with fiant gas or heavy carburetted hydrogen; posite is not consumed, and thus, too great flame must be either volatile, or capable of liquid carburets of hydrogen; and tar. In a proportion of them may take the form furnishing a gas when heated. Thus, phos- the present case the resduum of carbon of smoke. pherous and sulphur burst into flame, when need not be spoken of, nor would we have heir vapor escapes freely, and the vapor of any thing to add to what has been stated alcohol is readily ignited. Any acriform under the heads of Coke, and the several body whatsoever, if intensely heated, as- varieties of charcoal. Hydrogen has sumes the appearance of flame. In olea-the sma lest density of all known bodies, ginous, resinous, and bituminous substan- and in burning produces the most intense ces, a red heat cau es a decomposition, and heat; but as the product of its combustion new combination of their elements; these is aqueous vapor, and that extremely new combinations are both gaseous and vo- rare in consequence of being generated at atile, are readily ignited, and in burning a very elevated temperature, the flame has form flame. Thus in a common fire of bi- so little balancy as to be hardly visible tuminous coal, bitumen is first formed; this in the light of the sun. Light carburet. is again decomposed by the heat, yielding ted hydrogen is a compound of one equiv Another liquid carburet, analogous to tar and gaseous carbeurts of hydrogen; aleat of carbon to two of hydrogen. The Naptha is likewise produced in the dethe former yields vapor, which in mixture density of the compound is increased to emposition of coal. As this does not with the gas burns with flame. In a com-eight times that of hydrogen, or the num-boil below 180°, bet little of its vapor mon lamp or candle, the wick composed of ters which respectively represent these can be present at ordinary temperatures; inflammable matter readily takes fire; the specific gravities are 1 and 8. In a close but if present it produces a dense smoke, heat thus produced melts the tallow, when vessel it is not affected by a heat below except in burners of the best form. that is used; the liquid tallow, or oil, is one approaching to whiteness; but at a The tar need only be mentioned here drawn up by capillary attraction into the white heat or a little below, it is decom. in consequence of its being capable of pores of the wick, and coming in contac posed, and deposites its carboa. When decomposition by being returned to the with its ignited part, is decomposed and burning freely, st flicient heat is genera-apparatus, and thus of yielding the gaseous yields carburetted hydrogen; this is et oned to produce this decomposition, and and volatile compounds just spoken of. In he carbon deposited in the flame having the laboratory, or under circumstances the solid form, and therefore becoming where the heat may be carefully regula. nore luminous than the hydrogen or the ted, the character of the products may be queous vapour which that gas forms, varied to a very great extent. From bi gives brilliancy to the flame. Light car. tuminous substances little else but tar uretted hydrogen is not absorbed by wa- may be obtained, and oleaginous substances er to any appreciable extent. will yield little but their own vapor, if the apparatus be not permitted to become red hot. If allowed to rise to a low red heat, olefiant gas, and the two volatile carburets will become the principal products; at a

fire by the ignited wick, and flame is formed. Gases do not become luminous, nor as. sune the appearance of flame, except at very high temperatures, far higher, indeed,

than those at which solid bodies become luminous. If then, a gas, when heated in the act of combining with oxygen, sɔ fa as to become luminous, should deposite a solid body, or if the product of the com bustion should have the solid form, the flame will be brilla t; but if the product

Olefiant gas contains twice as much carbon as light carburetted hydrogen, and may be considered as a combination of ne equivalent of each of its constituents;

The vapors of these carburets agree with olefiant gas in one property, viz., they are decomposed by chlorine, rapidly and without the aid of light, while hydrogen, and light carburetted hydrogen, are condensed by it more slowly. As these vapors and olefiant gas are more val uable for illumination, the measure of the qua, tity of a given inixture which is con. densed on the first application of chlo rane is the best of all tests for the value of gas intended for illumination.

higher heat light carburetted hydrogen ;|| flower pot and made of iron; to this a cover
and at a white heat uncombined hydro-
gen. In the successive stages of the pro-
cass, the several substances will come
over mixed in various proportions, and
each in its turn will cease to appear.

was fitted by grinding, whence a pipe
proceeded; and the pipe was usually divided
into two branches each of which terini
nated in a burner. The retort being filled
with coal was set in a common fire, and
In manufactories on the large scale. the gas ignited when it began to escape
such nicety is impracticable, nor is it ever from the burner. In order to prevent the
necessary. I is then sufficient to divide offensive smell of the gas from being appa.
the matters which are used into two class-rent, the lights were kept beneath the
, each of which requires a peculiar chimney.

[blocks in formation]

EDITORIAL REMARKS. (Continued from our last.) XIX. On all the varieties of this soil, Previous to the year 1806 the factories provided it is drained, resinous trees seem The first class comprizes those sub-of Watt and Bolton at Birmingham, and to become naturalized, and often grow even stances which do not decompose rapidly of Philips and Lea at Manchester were more rapidly than in the mountainous coununtil the light carburetted hydrogen is lighted by gas obtained from coal; and in tries where nature seems to have placed formed. These must be subjected to a the ten years succeeding, it was generally them exclusively. In this soil, where the full red heat; for an attempt to obtain introduced into all the large manufactories richest harvests are refused to the cares the more valuable compounds would be of Great Britain It was also occasionally and labor of man, all the families of resinat ended both with delay and a waste of used in smaller establishments, and in parous trees often prosper better than in our the material. Still as some olefiant gas ticular at Ackerinan's in London, whose gardens. The larch and the forest pine will be formed, no more water should be example had a powerful influence in bring (sylvestre) the sea-pine and the laricio grow used in purifying them than is absolutely ing it into public notice. When first ap- vigorously over the whole extent of this plied, no attempt was made to purify the soil, when it is laid dry, and the pine du gas, its use was therefore extremely offen- lord seems of all to be that which best withThe second class comprizes those sive, and by no means wholesome. During stands the wetness. These make an exwhich be decomposed with sufficient the ten years of which we have spoken the cellent alternation with the deciduous (feurapidity, at a temperature consistent with character of the gases evolved in the de- illus) trees. A single generation of these th existence of olefiant gas. These composition of coal were chemically ex-large trees, after having enriched man with ough to be treated at the lowest tempera-amined, and by the aid of science, the mode its productions, often suffices to accumulate ture which will ensure the decomposition of separating every offensive substance, upon the soil many inches of productive of their own vapor; one which merely and most of those injurious to combustion gives a red glow to the surface of the iron vessel used in the process is sufficient for the purpose. To this class belong oils, and the solution of rosin in spirits of turpentine.

necessary to remove offensive matter.Coal is a body of this class.


History. The adaptation of a wick to oil or 'allow, in order to obtain light by the decomposition of these substances, and the ignition of the gases and vapors they yield is among the oldest of human inventions. On the old continent neither tradition, written history, nor even mythological fable reach the epoch of its discovery.Yet it must have been introduced prior to the separation of the races which peopled the two continents; for while in the an


In 1815, some streets in London were lighted by coal gas distributed in pipes, and in 1816 the method became general in that city.


I shall not repeat here the observations which I have already made elsewhere upon this soil, the nature and properties of which, appear to have been hitherto so little attended to; however, it is necessary to rethat in consequence peat In 1817, Taylor and Martineau began bility of the soil, the plateaux which are of the impermea· the decomposition of oil, which, when pro- formed of it, contain but few springs; beperly treated, yields a gas of far greater illuminating power than is given by coal. cause, in the first place, the rain water canPrevious to this time Mr. David Gordon, a not penetrate into the interior to form and gentleman for many years a resident of the maintain reservoirs to supply them; but esUnited States, had proposed to render gas pecially, moreover, because the interior waters cannot, but with great difficulty, esportable by condensing a number of atmospheres in strong metallic vessels. So cape through the impermeable stratum, to It is probable that long as no gas but that from coal could be arrive at the surface. obtained the method promised but little suc-in this soil which confires the water, Artecient world there is no tribe so rude and cess. On the introduction of oil gas how. sian wells, to give it a passage, would have a better chance of success than elsewhere. gavage as not to be acquainted with the ever, the plan was resumed and carried into use of the lamp, even the polished nations successful operation. By this method,ships, which occupied Mexico and Peru were steamboats, railroad and other carriages ignorant of it. The only inhabitants of the Western hemisphere who used wicks may be furnished with the beautiful and safe light given by oil gas; and if it was were the Esquimaux, and if they be an compelled to give way before the immense ancient American race, they may have de capital vested in coal gas manufactures in rived this information from Greenland, the British capital, there is little doubt that which was peopled at a remote era by ait might be applied to advantage in a new Norwegian colony. and open field; particularly in countries where coal bears as high a price as it does in most of our Atlantic cities.

The idea of separating the two processes which take place in the wiek, effecting the decomposition at one time, and storing up the gases for use did not appear to have occurred to any one until the year 1785, when it was proposed by a French engi

neer of the name of Lebon. This was ap-
plied to the distillation of wood, and he en-
deavored to collect at the same time the
pyrolignous acid which was evolved. It
does not appear that this use of his inven
tion was attended with valuable result.
In this country, however, about 30 years
ago, the apparatus of Lebon was manu-
factured in Baltimore, and occasionally
used for the distillation of bituminous coal.
The retort employed was of the shape of a

The manufacture of gas from rosin as
now usually conducted, was the invention
of Professor Daniell of King's College,
London. It has, however, been conducted
on a large scale no where except in the
city of New-York. Mr. Rembrant Peale
was however, probably the first who pre-
pared gas from this material, although he
treated it in a different manner. The
Museum in Philadelphia was lighted under
his direction by gas prepared from rosin as
long ago as 1814.
a. Coal Gas.

(Concluded in our next.)

These table lands, having in general some declivity, enough of rain water rests

enough to form marshes.

on the surface to injure vegetation, but not

Marshes pro

ceeding from interior water-from waters beiow the impermeable stratum, are then also very rare, and can only be met with in this soil, when the impermeable stratum in the bottom of the basins happened to be mixed in plaees with gravel, which renders it permeable.

The small number of marshes which are found in this soil, are placed in the basins of water courses where the impermeable stratum has been diluted or modified in its nature; they are of small extent, and could be easily drained, because the plateaux themselves have, generally, a very sensible slope.

These water courses, destined to receive the water from rains, and especially from the springs of a district, are then also very rare in these lands without springs; and those which are met with, are rapid, and have hollowed out deep valleys; because the bottom of these valleys tends to come

upon the level of the great rivers which flow | guishes its arid sub-soil, and have rendered || Dombes can hardly be biennial, for it can at the foot of the plateau, and because the it at last capable of producing the larger not establish itself in the soil in the course plateaux most frequently rise several hun-vegetables-the trees which cover it in a of the year preceding the rye during the dred feet above the level of the rivers, the great many places. Put in a few genera- fallow-ploughings; it must spring up, at argilo-siliceous alluvion of these basins has tions, when the previous growth of heath, or the earliest, in October, with the rye itself, been often entirely carried off.* of other plants natural to this soil, has not and last three months longer than it, for at XX. When the argi o-siliceous alluvion accumulated great resources, this succeed- the end of October its plants are almost all is left to itself, the herbage, which elsewhere ing growth of trees is soon exhausted. It dry. covers the soil with a close and lasting car-happens, then, often in this soil, which re- If there are two different varieties, it pet, comes up upon it weak and thin; and ceives few of the principles of vegetation would be still uncertain whether the smell when the surface is badly drained, its wet- from the atmosphere, that the whole growth of that of Dombes were natural to it, or ness is favorable to carer and other species of woods languishes and disappears quickly arose from the climate and soil which pro generally of little substance, and even these from the surface; then reappears the alter-duced it. Could this soil, in which the ingrow badly and slowly; they are often found nate cover, or shift (assolement) of small terior waters are corrupted at the time of accompanied by a variety of moss, which plants, the producers of acid mould-and the flower's blooming, injure also the odor covers the surface, and still more the sub- the soil, by these means, stores up new of the plant? If the two plants belong to soil when naked and exposed, with its whit-powers for new productions. In this great the same variety, the question would be deish foliage. When the soil is better drained, rotation of Nature's crops, the ages of man cided; the alteration of odor would be owheath, broom, (genet) sheep sorrel, spurry, count but as years. ing to the state of the soil at the end of (spergule) fern, the peculiar and exclusive vegetables of this soil, take possession of the surface at the expense of other growths. Sheep are here supported better than on the poor herbage of wetter soils; other cattle also feed and live upon it nearly throughout the summer. The soil derives remarkable advantages from these vegetables which it nourishes: man believes that he has a right to complain of them because they present obstacles to its cultivation; but these species, larger than the feeble grasses of turf, leave more dead remains or litter on the XXI. With this great analogy in all the soil, and by a happy foresight of nature, principal points which distinguish these these remains are decomposed with diffi-soils, with their identity of composition and culty in this inert soil, assume the character of production, we still, on each particular of acid mould, (humus acide,) and form future resources for this unfruitful land.†The plants, of the production of which we complain, are then of great benefit to this soil, or rather to us: they have changed the nature of the soil, they have furnished to it the mould (humus) which alone distin

Among these soils there are some, how-summer. ever, more happily endowed. The natural XXII. What particularly distinguishes rotation then takes a different character: the argilo-silicious soil from alluvial soils, the larger plants continue to live upon and others of good quality, is, that the subthem; different characters of these plants soil, which, as we have scen, does not differ only, are replaced by others, and the differ- from the upper stratum, is entirely without ent families succeed each other. Thus on vegetable matter, while we see in alluvial good mountain soils we see the beech and soils, and even in calcareous soils, mould octhe esinous trees succeed each other in curring below the soil, or vegetable surface turn, as on good soils in plains we see the stratum. Here, there is only a barren clayey birch replace the oak, which soon reappears sand. Also, while in other soils, vegetaitself after one generation of the birch. bles sink their roots to seek nutritive juice below-in this soil the roots run without sinking, because there is nothing to be found below the stratum exposed to the atmospheric influences. This circumstance explains, in a plausible manner, the quick exhaustion of the surface in trees on white land, (terrain blanc) and consequently their disappearance after a longer or shorter period of vegetation. It is for this reason, that, while in good soils trees often do little injury to crops, and sometimes even afford them advantageous shelter; in the soil of which we speak, they consume the resources of the surface, starve the surrounding vegetables to some distance, and wither them up, especially during the heats of summer. It is thought sufficient to account for this, to say, that "the shade burns." Yet, this ought to have quite a contrary effect, since it evidently shelters from the heat of the sun. But if we remark that this effect takes place in all exposures, that it is more sensible on the south side of trees where the shade does not fall, than on the north, which is often shaded, and that this effect Is this anthoxanthum the same variety does not occur in deep soils into which the as that of the botanists? The heads, the roots descend, while it exercises all its raflowers and the leaves have a great resem-vages on shallow soils, where the roots jun blance, the odor of the two plants when far to draw from the surface; if, lastly, we bruised, is little different, the smell of the remark that the evil is much greater during flowers even has some similarity: yet there droughts, that it shows itself much sooner would be, apparently, good reason to doubt on these points than elsewhere, that the their identity. The plant so called by bot- evil is seen in the withered leaves of the anists, is one of the earliest blooming vegetables, and with all the symptoms progras-es in the spring, and that of Dombes duced by drought, we should necessarily looms at the end of the summer: that of conclude that this effect is owing to the abthe botanists has an odor which is in re-sorption of the humidity of the soil and of tion, which serves to aid and hast n the decompquest to give a perfume to hay; its stalks some vegetable principles, by the spreading and leaves of en rise above a foot; that of roots of the tree at the expense of the crop Dombes only covers the soil, its flowers coveri g the soil.

* And with it, the beds immediately beneath, which have not offered resistance to the flood-such as the marly beds. The surface soil, or mould, of the bottom of the valley, rests then upon plastic clay-a bed mor firm, which is 1 ot washed up by, and its particles suspended in water, and which has therefore beller resisted its force, than the beds of other earth that were


body of table land, or ridge, (plateau) meet with circumstances which appear peculiar to each district, and which it is perhaps important to remark. Thus on the great argilo-silicious plateau of the basin of the Rhone, as it rises towards the south and approaches Lyons, it loses the name of Bresse to receive that of Dombes; its soil becomes more sandy, lighter, and less wet, on a great extent of soil. In the most sandy and least wet parts, one of the grasses, the anthoxanthum odoratam takes possession every year among the rye, and covers the earth like a carpet. After har+. Instead of the plants above named, (which, except vest it blooms, and its numerous heads ex sorrel, are not indigenous, and perhaps no kn whale a cadaverous odor which infects the here) let the reader suppose to be substituted the names of c cur brom grass, the poverty (or hen's nest grass, pine leaves, and whorleberry shrubs, and the descript on and the general rema ks wild suit well for our poor ridge lands, either in woods, or cleared for tillage and again turned out." These poorest of our natural soils alone, of all in this region, present an ac cumulation of vegetable matter, so great as to be even injurious to cultivated crops-and which, in that respect exhibit many points of resemblance to the peat soils of Britain, which are unknown in our warm elime. But it is not merely because the veg table products above nam dare slow a decomposing, that they are thus accumulated on our author's "argilo silicious" lands, or on what we have elsewhere termned "acid soils." The acid ingredient, or property, of such soils, is itself antiseptic, and therefore tending to preserve from decomposition all vegetable matter acid quality, and the decomposition of these, or any other vegetable remains, proceeds rapidly. Possibly this action of calcareams earth is not merely n gative

contact. Soils ma le calcareous, of course lose all

-that the effect is not caused merely by i's neutrali

zing and destroying of the antisep is acid-but that

calcarious earth may also possess a positive septic arten of vegetable matter. Many persons, who have not been guided by reasoning, chemical knowledge or research, have formed this onion, from observing the rapid and entire disi pearance of the fallen leaves and permanent accumulation on the poor woodlands

on the rich limestone forests, compared to the great of Virginia. See Essay on Calcareous Manures, 2d e. p. 31, and cl. 9 throughout —ED.

atmosphere. Some persons are inclined
to regard this odor as the principle of the
endemic fever of the country; but the fe-
vers prevail where the soil is not covered
with the anthoxanthum.

se scarcely six inches, and give out a But a very conclusive fact confirms this at d to it. Finally, that of the botanists of poplars planted on the edge of a field smell almost intolerable to those not habit-explanation, already so plausible. A row appars to be long-lived, while that of damaged the crops very much. I caused

the popiars; the following year the crop of wheat on one part, and of clover on the other, was finer in that portion of the field which the trees generally starved, than on all the rest of the field. It must, therefore, have been the roots, and not the shade, which injured the crops, and the roots, there fore, absorbed the humidity much sooner than they consumed the vegetable joices of the soil. Yet, I would not admit that the nutritive juices could have accumulated in the soil which had to nourish, at the same time, the trees and the crop; but I think that the decaying remains of the roots, having become a vegetable nutriment, gave the advantage to those portions of the field which they formerly injured.

XXIII. This kind of soil, it cannot be dissembled, requires great intelligence and constant labor to render productive. It is for this soil that the proverb was made, "tant vaut l'homme, tant vaut la terre," (as man is, so is the earth;) but with great care, much labor, and abundant manures, (engrais) it may be raised to a production which compensates the trouble and the outlay.

We shall not now expatiate farther on the subject of improvements by calcareous substances: they demand a longer and more particular explanation which will find another occasion.*

Nevertheless, sufficiently numerous observations have often shown me a stratum, not calcareous, but resembling, in its exterior characters, the carthy marl, on the nature of which chemical tests alone have been able to undeceive me. This stratum,

a ditch to be dug so as to cut the roots ofdinary quantity of manure all the produc-| Finally the plateau which forms the Gations more than 50 per cent., during a pe-tinais and Sologne, which declines partly to riod of more than twelve years. The cal-the Seine and partly to the Loire, rests every careous particles which it furnishes to the where upon calcareous deposites. Merl is vegetable texture, are not a millionth part of found either on the edge of the plateau, or the product itself, since lime does not format a little depth in its first portions, or a moiety of the weight of the vegetables re-finally in basins of the streams which water duced to ashes. This surplus of produc- them. We may then regard it as certain, tion which is not furnished at the expense that generally, there prevail under the argiof the soil, (since at the end of twelve years lo-siliceous deposite a calcareous formation it will still be richer than before the appli- and deposites of marl, which when brought cation of the alimentary manure,) and which out upon the surface may give it a fertility does not come from the very small portions almost equal to that of the most favored of the substance of the lime, (which does soils. not form a millionth of the production,) comes then from the atmosphere. The soil and the vegetables which it supports, have then received from the lime, and from its mixture with the vegetable stratum, the faculty of imbibing from the great reservoir of vegetable elements, carbon, azote, oxy-which is nothing else than what we have gen and hydrogen. distinguished by the name of plastic clay, is met with from time to time on the table lands, and in the spots where we may expect to find marl; but it is still more frequently found at the bottom of brooks, where it serves as a sub-soil to poor meaXXV. Let us return to our principal dows. I have found it sometimes in cysts What particularly distinguishes the argi- subject. As we have said elsewhere, by a (sas) with marl, and by its side. I have lo siliceous soil from calcarecus soils is, that fortunate and beneficent harmony, the for- met with it upon the marl, but often below in these last, crops without (alimentary) mation on which the argilo-siliceous soil it: the plastic clay should then be subordimanure (fumier) grow, feebly it is true, but rests is calcareous, and contains mar innate to the calcareous stratum, as this last without appearing to exhaust the soil in a great abundance; there is not within our is to the argilo-silicious statum, and we sensible degree; in the other, without ma- knowledge an argilo-silicious plateau in should hence conclude that where the plas▾ nure they will scarcely grow at all. To which marl has not been found at a greater tic clay is met with, the calcareous stratum make this soil productive, there is absolute or less depth; generally, it is found where is wanting-has been carried off-and con need of a stimulant to develope its vegeta- the ridge or table land ends on reaching the sequently marl will not be found. ble powers, and the effect of the (alimentary) alluvions of the basins, and in the inflex- If this law of super-position exists, as is manure consists as much in stimulating the ions of the soil where the waters have car-probable, it may be of great use in searchsoil and the vegetable organs, as in supply-ried off a considerable part of the deposite.†ing for marls; but observe, that the clay ing them with the nutritive juices. When does not exclude the marl, except upon the On a great portion of the surface of the an equal quantity of manure is given to terres a bois, terres elytres of Belgium, and spots where it is found; and that it is no these two soils, so different in their natures, of the Department of the North, marl has proof of exclusion on the neighboring por that its effect on the calcareous soil is per- been found. In Picardy, it is brought up have been greatly warped (tourmente'cs) and tions. The earthy strata of the surface haps twice as great as on the silicec-argila- from some depth; on the table lands of the ceous soil; whence we should naturally three departments of ancient Normandy, displaced; they are, therefore, even in the conclude that the faculty of imbibing the it is sought at a depth of 100 feet, even of same district, far from occupying the same principles of vegetation from the atmos-200 feet from the surface; Puisave obtains level, and from being regularly met with at phere, is much more powerful in the calca-it on the surface (in out-croppings) and order, great as it doubtless is, the law of the same depths; nevertheless, in this disreous soils, and the vegetables it produces, Dauphiny at a slight depth. than in the argilo-siliceous soil, and it is that super-position which we have noticed does not cease to exist. which constitutes their gaeatest difference. XXIV. But this important faculty, which nature seems to have refused to this soil in its formation, man, by a happy compensation, may give to it, with all the properties and all the advantages which distinguish

Our great plateau, which extends into three Departments, shows it on the borders and in the basins of the streams which XXVI. Marl and lime are powerful water them. On most of the great plateaux for both, and particularly for lime, it is neagents of fertility in this kind of soil; but which border on the Loire, and which form a great part of the soil of a dozen Depart-cessary that the soil should be drained, or calcareous soils. If he covers the soil with in many cases successfully employed. The sembling those of the English. With this ments, marl is frequently met with, and is they must be applied to it in quantities re

boulbins of Toulouse have it also, and make
use of it with great advantage.

*And which has been already presented to the readers of the Farmers' Register in Vol. III. in M. Puvis' essays on lime and marl-ED.

condition of the soils being invigorated [by draining,] these two agents have already changed the face of extensive districts, which have been doubled by their means in

marl, if he applies to its surface a certain quantity of lime, or sprinkles it with ashes, or even confines himself to burinng its surface, then the nature of the soil is changed; an unusual fertility appears-(alimentary) wealth and population. An age ago, Normanures act upon it with more effect, and folk, now a county of classic agriculture, the soil receives that happy impulse which, was covered with heath; it is mar! which when it is extended over the whole surface ↑ Even in this important respect, the resemblance has rendered it capable of bearing that sucof the country, changes its entire aspect, and the "acid" ridge lands of lower Virginia, and proholds between the argilo-silicious lands of the author, cession of crops which makes it rival the and produces in it agricultural wealth, the bably of Maryland and North Carolina. Though not most favored soils in fertility. One-third assured source of prosperity, strength and the marl described by M. Puvis, a calcareous statum perhaps of the cultivated soil of England of fossil shells underlies, at various depths, nearly the population. Lime, and the substances whole of this vast region: and though it has as yer and Scotland has received, and still continwhich contain it, would then be a very pou-heen reached for use only where its out-cropping ues to receive, from lime, an impulse of fererful means of vegetation on a soil which of this improvement will be properly understood, this tility which raises the mean product of their does not contain them; spread so as to bed will be found and obtained by deep pits, almost fields to, at least, a half more than the same form scarcely a two-hundredth part of the every neighborhood, and for the use of large spaces soil produces in France. Marl and lime, which are now considered destitute of, and entirely in Germany, have changed the aspect of cultivated stratum, it increases with the or-apbarred from this manure.-Ed

show at the surface, in future times, when the value

whole provinces. Italy, by lime, has improved the culture of large wet plateaux.America renews by lime the exhausted fertility of vast plains, from which cultivation had demanded too much without returning to them a sufficiency of manure.

From the Farmer's Register.




Translated for the Farmers' Register, from the Anna

les de l'Agriculture Francaise.

In France, La Puisaye in Yonne, has [The following extract is taken from the been trebled in value by marl: half the ter- Excursion Agronomique en Gatinais, of ritory of the Department of the North owes M. Puvis, his publication which next sucits classic cultivation to marl and lime:eeded the foregoing article, and part of many cantons of Normandy, the Arron which is suited to follow in connexion.dissement of Bernay, the environs of Li- We shall present such parts as may throw sieux, seek for marl at the depth of 200 feet light on the other communications of this and finally in Sologne the use of marl has writer, or otherwise, may seem likely to already improved great extents, but unfor furnish agricultural instruction. tunately it is more rarely found there than i other places.

This part is selected as presenting specimens of a new class of soils, those con

Lime in the three Departments of Nor-taining magnesia-and to which ingredient, mandy has produced effects more numer- the author attributes their stability. The ous, more extended, but yet more recent facts presented are novel, (at least to us,) than marl; a mine of coal (houille) of and also interesting: but the author's demiddling quality, worked during the last few puctions from these facts, we dissent from years, there furnishes fuel for a great num- altogether. Our views, in contradiction to ber of lime-kilns, three-fourths of the pro- our author's will be postponed until his duct of which are employed in agriculture. opinions have been presented.] La Sarthe, Maine-et Loire, which have employed lime for less than forty years, see their agriculture enriched in proportion as its use is extended.

Platen of Galinais.

[blocks in formation]

The property is divided into two parts by a small valley, containing 50 arpents of pasture, meadow and marsh, which are

divided between the two domains; the eastern part belongs to the calcareous plain which unites with the calcareous plains of Yonne, without, however, being of the same nature as they it composes two thirds of the property, that is, 800 arpents. The western part, which is more elevated than the eastern, belongs to the argilo-silicious plateau of the Gatinais; of the 350* arpents which compose it, 150 are sloping, and form the passage from the plateau to the valley. These 150 arpents partake of the two natures of the soil; they are of good quality, The remainder, 200 arpents, belong entirely to the plateau, and are composed of sandy sub-soil mixed with an

At some distance from Paris, when we leave the valley of the Seine, after having The Department of Landes, with its bar ascended a hill of considerable elevation, ren sands, is covered with harvests by the we find on the summit the silicio-argil-gular flints of chalk. the application of lime to its soil: there is laceous plateau; a great part of the for- This property offers greater resources in nɔt perhaps an argilo-silicious plateau, inest of Fontaineblean is situated upon forage than most of the neighboring estates: France, on which trials of marl and lime it, as is that of Montargis; this plateau besides the meadows of the valley, just have not been made with success. We separates the basin of the Yonne from that spoken of, it has some of considerable exare far, it is true, from a commencement of of the Seine. Silex prevails there in the tent on the Vernisson, a brook which waexperiments in their use on a large scale, state of sand; these sands serve as ma e-ters the country. but it is already a great point to have begun. cement calcaire et a cement siliceur,) which sometimes on a white, granulated marl, rials for the brown free-stones (aux gres a I. The calcareous scil of the plain rests Nevertheless, as it appears, scarcely a fourth part of the argil silicious soil can are met with in only one part of the pla- which is easily crumbled, and sometimes have been improved by either of the means; there is always found a great number of pheric influences; it seems to make an exteau; but when the free-stone is wanting, on a hard rock, which resists the atmosif they were extended to the other threefourths, it is not believed that there is any flints, which by their form and covering ception among those cf its class and apexaggeration in saying that there might re-greatly resemble those belonging to chalk, pearance; its exterior characters would sult an increase of an eighth in the whole which are found so abundantly in the basin cause it to be esteemed fertile in a great production of the French territory; an im- of the Seine as far as the coasts of the sea. part of its extent; it shows a sufficient stiffmense result, doubtless, and which would Chaik is found on the surface in many pla-ness, a dark color which announces a suffinot be the only one; for a multitude of ob-ces below Paris; but above, it is most fre- ciently strong proportion of mould, and ofservations and arguments, as well as the quently covered with many other strata ten even the chestnut color, the ordinary tual healthiness of the lands where lime and which keep it from the surface; and nev-indication of a good soil. marl have been largely used, should induce ertheless, flints are very numerous in the It is especially in spring crops that this a belief that on this soil, improved by the soil of the plateau. In the same manner, soil shows its inferiority; oats, barley, and calcareous principle, the salubrity which it in those of Dombes and Bresse we find spring vetches come up well enough after wants would reappear with the fertility. the rolled peboles of the Rhone, so numer- sowing, but they are without strength at ous in all the formations of the basin; so the time of heading. the argilo-silicious plateaux almost always sainfoin, take well when sown in the spring Clover, lucerne, and contain fragments peculiar to the formation at harvest, the cereal plants cover them; of the basins which they overlook. they are vigorous enough, and preserve a good appearance even during autumn and winter; but when the time for shooting arstalks. rives, they put up only a small number of


When the soil remains uncultivated, it is

XXV.I. When marl and lime are wanting, or at too great a distance, or too dear, their place may be supplied, and, on this soil which requires to be stimulated, an imThe fragments of the lower parts of the pulse of fertility may be given analogous to basin which are found in the argilo-siliceous that produced by the calcareous agents.Paring and burning is a resource always had not already been established, that this alluvion of the plateau, would prove, if that certain for these soils; there is then a pro- formation is the most recent, that it was duction of lime in the calcined vegetable general, and that it took its elements even badly covered with turf, produces. thistles, particles. The vegetable powers produce from the bottoms of the basin, and that it euphorbia, and other plants of no use or adpotash and lime even in soils which appear covered these bottoms as well as the high vantage to the cattle that run upon to contain none; paring and burning brings plains, or ridge land. into play these active principles of vegetasuffers from wetness. Sheep upon it take tion, which al hough in small proportions the rot; but it suffers still more from exercise all their influence on the soil; and At some leagues from Montargis, be- drought, which seems to render the stalks moreover the clay undergoes a modification yond Nogent, we reach Barres, the propof plants stationary upon the soil. which seems to produce upon the soil an erty of M. Vilmorin. II. The calcareous plateau of which we effect similar to that of lime, and, like it, to This property, which he purchased thir-speak here is very extensive: it reaches develope, in a high degree, the faculty of teen years ago, contains 600 hectares from Montargis to beyond Barres, more than 10 leagues in length. imbibing from the atmosphere the elements(1,200 arpents.) His agricultural experiof the growing plants. ment, his desire to undertake great im

The Estate of Barres.

it. It

* In the original, this is misprinted as 250.-TR.

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