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Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, &c.

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No. 765.



REVIEW OF NEW BOOKS. to studies of that description. Students who | science? We fear, from our own observation, enter with ardour on the career of knowledge that this is one of the master-keys to the disOn the alleged Decline of Science in England. are soon obliged to deviate from it, by the ne- reputable problem; and that the rest of its By a Foreigner. 8vo. pp. 33. London, cessity of forming an establishment and pro- solution may be found in angry passions, irri 1831. Boosey. viding for the future. There remains a class tated vanities, and over-weening self-exaltaTHE distinguished foreigner to whom England of rich amateurs, desirous of connecting their tion. Let us glance at a few of the publicais indebted for this most satisfactory and grati- names with some establishment of public uti- tions scattered over our table-publications fying pamphlet is a German professor, whose lity; but it is money that creates for them the which have lain about for many months, in name (which we do not know we are at liberty reputation of scientific men. Our readers will consequence of our not wishing to take a part to mention) is sufficient to stamp authority learn with surprise that it costs fifty pounds in the contentions to which they severally upon his sentiments throughout the literary sterling to be appointed a member of the Royal and scientific world. The MS. was trans- Society! Men of the greatest merit are not mitted to Mr. Faraday by the writer (with exempted from the payment of that sum; while whom, as with most of the enlightened men in the facility with which those are admitted who Europe, our distinguished countryman main-have no qualification but wealth, unreasonably tains a friendly correspondence on subjects in- increases the number of members, and for that teresting to science), and he has with great reason diminishes the importance of the disjudgment laid it before the public, in a very tinction." accessible form.

Very different is the estimate, and quite opposite are the conclusions, of the learned German, the title of whose pamphlet is prefixed to this notice. "There is," he remarks,


Here we find the restoration of York Minster a subject of furious controversy. A Report to the subscribers gives Mr. Smirke's view of the needful reparations; but other opinions are stated in opposition; and like most disputes which turn upon mere taste, there was no chance of reconciling the adverse advocates : the one side insisting on the screen's being replaced exactly where it formerly stood, and the other contending that its removal to another position would be a great and manifest

When feuds arise among philosophers, they are like family quarrels, infinitely more bitter than the disputes of common or unconnected parties; and we could desire no better light" a principle in human nature which prompts improvement upon the original design. This

upon the various animosities and squabbles so rife with our men of letters (literally such as F.R.S.'s, F.S.A.'s, F.A.S.'s, &c. &c. &c.) than that which is thrown upon them by an able and disinterested foreigner. We do not say that all foreigners are competent to the task, for we find that some of them are apt enough to imbibe the partialities of the combatants, and take a side accordingly. Thus we find a French critic upon Mr. Babbage's "Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on some of its Causes," following instinctively in the wake of the author.

almost every individual to consider his own last proposition emanated from Mr. Smirke, nation as evidently equal, if not superior, to and had the assent of a vast majority of the any other. No people, however insignificant, subscribers; but the dissentients were also a but what has its heroes and its sages, who, in numerous body: and having the sanction of the opinion of their own countrymen, far sur- Etty the painter, and other distinguished art. pass the boast and pride of other nations. ⚫ ists, they objected strenuously to the alteration, The vanity, pride, and self-love, inherent in not only as a blemish, but as being inconsist our species, are the causes of this propensity of ent with the terms of the subscription, which extolling to the skies what little good we may were to restore, and not to innovate. Newsdiscover amongst our nearest neighbours, whilst papers, lithographic prints, and pamphlets, were we evince in general an equal disposition to poured out, to the annoyance of the public; undervalue and treat with contempt whatever and the matter ended somewhere as it began. is the product of science in a country separated Then came the warfare about the presidency "While in France (says he) the sciences have perhaps from our own by a range of mountains of the Royal Society; and such canvassing, backproduced so many ingenious theories, so many or a branch of the sea. These mutual and biting, and abusing!-it would have shamed important discoveries, which, in consequence of very absurd pretensions very often form pro- a noisy vestry, by no means select. One the inertness of our working classes, have long tracted animosity between neighbouring na-writer, and a very clever one, placed England remained unapplied, they have become, as it tions; and these quarrels, for being unattended low in the scale-not so much on the ground were, quite practical in Great Britain, where with bloodshed, are nevertheless carried on that science had declined, but on that of its the knowledge of the practitioners is so much with the same acrimony and bitterness as those being " without a head ;" and shewed, that more extensive in proportion than that of the great international quarrels in which kings are the successful application of science to industry scientific, or those who pretend to that title. parties, and cannon supply the arguments. A had made the English a nation of calculators Hence it results, that in the latter country the striking instance of such a literary warfare was and economists; and hence the criterion of mechanical sciences have made a great pro- exhibited in the protracted and bitter contest value of every thing scientific in England was gress; and that all those sciences which depend between England and Germany, about the its marketable price. Sir James South's Charges upon observation, and which require long and honour of the invention of the fluxionary cal- against the President and Councils of the Royal abstract study, have become stationary. This culus. But many other instances of similar Society, was a perfect anathema; and Heaven is the state of things which has struck Mr. litigations about the scientific point d'honneur knows how all hands survived to see a new and Babbage. He attributes it to the absence of a might be adduced: and very lately we had the royal president elected, and apparently to go rational plan of scientific education, to the example of a French philosopher denying to the on together now as if nothing had been wrong, want of national encouragements to distin-English nation, to the countrymen of Watt but all right from the beginning. Have we guished men, and to the injurious influence of and Maudsley, almost every share in the in- just discovered that sympathy is the only chain a society founded for the purpose of promoting vention of the steam-engine. At present, how. that binds philosophers of different nations? the growth of knowledge. In fact, the sciences ever, a disposition entirely different is observ. It is the duty of the two secretaries of the Paare very little, if at all, taught in the English able amongst some of the most scientific men risian Academy to analyse the labours of coununiversities. There are no competitions, no of England. They appear bent upon under-trymen and foreigners; and even at Stockholm examinations to stimulate the scholars, and valuing their own country, and seem to take a a careful analytical report is made of the procompel them to shew their advancement. In- secret, and certainly a strange delight in extol-gress of science. A few years back, when struction, when there is any, is confined to ling to the skies the scientific excellence of Oersted of Copenhagen made his celebrated vague and general notions, communicated by a foreigners of every description." discovery in electro-magnetism, Arago, Amprofessor, without demonstrations or experi- There is too much truth in this. Is it that, père, Savart, and a host of others, supplied to ments. In order to be able to devote himself every thing being mercantile in this country, this discovery, in a few weeks, a development to scientific researches in England, a man must the sordid spirit of trade infects with its mer-which gave an entirely new face to the sciences have an independent fortune; for no lucrative cenary meanness the higher and nobler spheres Science without a Head; or, the Royal Society Disemployments, no honourable posts, are attached of competition in the arts, in literature, and in sected. pp. 122. Ridgway. Dr. Granville was the author,

of electricity and magnetism. These are the
advantages that spring from intercourse, and
these the triumphs in which congenial spirits
In recalling the hostile accusations and de-
fences which at the period we are describing
vexed the minds of every well-wisher to our
literature, we cannot omit Mr. N. H. Nicolas's
fierce attack upon the State Paper Office, and
the commissioners engaged in arranging our
historical documents, &c. &c. These charges,
with Mr. Palgrave's vindications, we will not,
however, farther rescue from the obscurity into
which a rapid succession of important political
events has thrown them; and we simply men.
tion them here, to shew that we so justly merit
the reproach contained in the concluding para.
graph of our last quotation, as to have had (in-
dependently of lesser squabbles) at least three
regular sets-to within a few months. But we
return to our author, who says:-

is so deeply involved, is labouring under an of zeal, but to a defect in English education, obscurity which we have no means to dispel, which it was, perhaps, the business of the Lon. we may attempt at least to canvass the autho- don University to amend, I mean the ignority by which he supports his opinion. The rance of foreign languages, which prevails both names of Sir Humphry Davy and of Mr. in England and in France. Since the Latin Herschel are of course of the highest authority; has ceased, very happily in many respects, to but it would appear rather strange that any one be the common medium of intercourse of the should attempt to couple those names with a learned in every country, the scientific intercomplaint of a decay of science. This sounds course between different nations has become pretty much as if, when speaking of Wellington cramped by the necessity of learning many and Nelson, one would argue on the inferiority foreign languages; at least three or four are of the British army and navy." indispensably necessary. In this respect the Again, upon another interesting point :- natives of England labour under great diffi. "The praise given by Mr. Herschel to the culties. The difference of pronunciation of Annales de Chimie et de Physique, is un- the English language from all those spoken on doubtedly well deserved; and many of the the continent, renders the task of learning a reports on scientific matters coming before the foreign tongue particularly troublesome to an French Institute, are certainly master-pieces in Englishman; nor does he generally find in the their kind. Still, it may be justly doubted, public schools and academies of his own country whether even-handed justice always presides at many opportunities of receiving, in this respect, the redaction of French journals. It has long regular and solid instruction. The consequence "An English mathematician of the first been a favourite maxim with French savans-is, that few Englishmen learn enough of a order, one of those on whom his country might Nul n'aura de l'esprit, hors nous et nos amis. foreign language to enable them to converse look with confidence as a strong supporter of Those who resided long in Paris, and know how freely with the natives, and to read, without her scientific fame, a professor in an English scientific matters are managed there, cannot great exertion, the writings of continental university, informs the public that England doubt for a second, that if persons like Sir authors. There are countries in Europe where has been foiled in the general struggle for James South and Mr. Herschel were to arise no young men could think of studying medi. scientific renown; that whilst science is in a from the seats of the French Institute, but cine, mathematics, or natural science, with the prosperous state in foreign countries, it is ac- that matters would be brought to light scarcely help of Latin only, and without being pre. tually declining in England. Satisfied with less unpleasant than those which now so un- pared, before entering the university, with a this assertion, at which many are startled, he fortunately divide the Royal Society of Lon-sufficient knowledge of German, English, and does not seem over-anxious for the proof of his don. Mr. Herschel deals harshly with the French. Many, indeed, are masters enough of proposition, but shews a great inclination to scientific publications of his own country. It Italian to read with ease and pleasure any take it for granted, that England is actually must not be forgotten that France, with her scientific book in that language, whilst I have far behind her more fortunate rivals. A per- thirty-two millions of inhabitants, has but known others attain a tolerable degree of proson, certainly of the highest scientific authority, readers for one single philosophic journal, ficiency in the Danish, Swedish, or Spanish; came to the sad conclusion, that there cannot which of course has the choice of all the papers but in England, the number of those who be apprehended much doubt as to the fact of which are offered. The twenty-three millions acquire a smattering of French is very small, the decline of science in England;' and Mr. of inhabitants of England furnish a sufficient and still smaller is the number of those who Babbage never seems to question for a moment quantity of readers for a far greater number of know enough of German to read a book in that the correctness of an assertion, made perhaps philosophic quarterly and monthly publications; language without considerable trouble. Another in an hour of spleen and dissatisfaction, but and I will venture to affirm, against Mr. Her-cause of the ignorance of foreign scientific la unsupported by proof. Rather than compare schel, that many of the numbers of the Quar-bours, is the high price in England of foreign the relative state of science in England and terly and Edinburgh Journals, the Philoso- books, in consequence of an importation duty. other countries, and thus to examine the truth phical Magazine, and Professor Jameson's This real and intolerable impediment to the of the general proposition, Mr. Babbage prefers Journal, contain articles as well written and diffusion of knowledge exists, though not in to point out the causes of this disgraceful event, as interesting as those which fill the pages of and to suggest the remedies likely, in his opi- Messrs. Arago's and Gay Lussac's publication. nion, to effect its cure. But before we can If Mr. Herschel and some of his friends have follow Mr. Babbage in his long list of com- such a poor opinion of the English scientific plaints, we must pause a moment in the con-journals, a different judgment is entertained sideration of the assertion, that science is declining in England.' This harsh sentence, however, admits of several interpretations, and Mr. Babbage has not informed us which is that which he adopts. Is it his opinion that science is stationary in England, whilst it is making rapid strides on the continent?-or does he wish to give to understand, that really a retrograde motion takes place in England; and that, although, upon the whole, science is more widely diffused at present in England than formerly, there is a lack of scientific men of the first eminence able to be put upon a par with the most renowned foreigners? Mr. Babbage must excuse me for believing that it is not sufficient thus confidently to assert the inferiority of his own country; he ought, in my opinion at least, to have pointed out distinctly where that inferiority exists. Are only some branches of science affected, or does it spread widely over all the departments of human knowledge? It may be, that England should be found deficient in some particular instance; whilst in others, perhaps, it far surpasses other nations. The scale of merit ought to be carefully handled, to determine with accuracy to which side the balance is leaning. But if the real meaning of Mr. Babbage on a question in which the national honour

the same degree, in other countries; despotic Russia, however, is said to be free from it. England may, perhaps, expect from its present chancellor, who likes to see the schoolmaster abroad,' the radical reform of so glaring an abuse."

The annexed contrast with one of the most enlightened nations in Europe is favourable to England.

abroad, as is well proved by the eagerness with
which the German journalists seize upon every
article issuing from the presses of their British
colleagues. The value which is set in Ger-
many upon the scientific pursuits of the En-
In France it seemed a constant rule, that
glish, the rapidity with which translations are no one could usefully and practically apply
made in Germany of whatever English philo- mathematical science, unless he ascended first,
sophers of some reputation publish, shews not from Euclid's Elements,' for these were
abundantly that in that country at least, in long forgotten, but from some modern ele-
docta Germania, a far greater value is set upon mentary book on geometry and algebra, to the
the productions of English science than is done summit of analytical science. Once arrived
by Mr. Herschel and his friends."
there, he might, if he pleased, descend, and
take by the way such applications of science as
he thought fit; but, accustomed to the pure
air and bright sky of these higher regions, it
was scarcely to be expected that he would come
down to what was considered of infinitely less
"We have no reason to doubt Mr. Herschel's value. The consequence of this state of things
assertion, that in England whole branches of has been, that the calculus has been applied to
continental discoveries are unstudied, and, the solutions of problems for which the Ele-
indeed, almost unknown even by name,' if he ments of Euclid would have been quite suffi-
means that continental scientific researches are cient. No question of optics, astronomy, or
not so rapidly known in England, as English mechanics, could be treated without calling in
discoveries are in Germany and some other the intervention of the integral calculus;
countries; but the same may be affirmed of bridge was built without its assistance; and
France, where whatever is done in Germany even sometimes no two thermometers were
and elsewhere is slowly penetrating, and even
sometimes excluded. This ignorance, however,
of foreign science cannot be attributed to want

The following reasons why the knowledge of foreign science and discoveries finds its way so slowly to England are very true, but they are not creditable to our zeal nor to our financial liberality.

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compared without some pages of analysis. Mechanics, in particular, do not seem accessible, according to the tenets of the French school, to

any man not well versed in sublime analysis; and when French authors condescend to give some elementary notions on that subject, it is generally done in so unsatisfactory a manner, that it would appear that it was only intended to shew the utmost contempt for the illiterate readers for whom such explanations could be useful. Thus many branches of applied mathematics became inaccessible, and were left unstudied by many who most stood in need of them; and I humbly submit that this method has had a most pernicious effect in France. Hence it arises that many have acquired a profound knowledge of the higher branches of mathematics—that a greater number became more or less versed in the fluxionary calculus whilst the more elementary part of mathematics, which serves for every day's use, which leads to the most useful applications, is far less diffused in France than in England. In the former country, elementary geometry, algebra, trigonometry, are not considered as important in themselves, and as things fit for immediate application, but only as the necessary steps by which we may arrive at the higher depart ments of analytical science. In England no one has rendered himself master of the common rules of arithmetic but he thinks of turning his knowledge to some account; and, aided by that ingenuity, of which Englishmen seem to possess a greater share than other nations, his scanty stock of information will often help him to some useful discovery, or some ingenious mechanical contrivance, at which the Frenchman, encumbered with the artillery of his mathematical learning, could never arrive."

Our limits do not permit us to follow the intelligent author through his other arguments:

in some he clearly confutes assertions too hastily hazarded by our English writers- but grumbling is an English constitutional privilege; and in others he contends very successfully against the principles put forward. On the subject of encouragement by means of rewards and distinctions, he is particularly adverse to the idea of science or literature being promoted by pensions or honours: upon this we differ from him, and we think that his conclusions, drawn from individual cases, have no weight upon the bearings of the question as applied to the general mass. Although ten of the most eminent scholars and men of science might rather reflect upon, than derive lustre from, a riband or a star; the ambition to earn either would be a stimulus to thousands.

We will quote the first, at a venture. "Mary's Bower.

The mavis sings on Mary's bower,
The lav'rock in the sky;
An' a' is fair round Mary's bower,
An' a' aboon is joy!

But sad's the gloom in Mary's bower,
Though a' without be gay;
Nae music comes to greet the morn,
Nae smile to glad the day.
Her lover left young Mary's bower,
His ship has cross'd the main;
There's waefu' news in Mary's bower-
He ne'er returns again.

for him, he has not his peer in Leith; and we santry, as he drew the Irish, evidently from question if even the Modern Athens could pro-life, but imbued deeply with the bitterness and duce as good a songster. gloom of his own mind: vigorous paintings, such as we might imagine Hogarth outlined, and Rembrandt coloured; wanting, it is true, the humour of the one, and the grandeur of the other, but with much of the nature and the force. In his Irish stories he was fortunate; the ground was untrodden, and the imagination of his readers sufficiently excited by wellauthenticated facts of misery and outrage to allow of considerable exaggeration-especially when great talent, which no one can deny him, threw over all the interest of romance. It is in these delineations (even admitting much of occasional coarseness) that Mr. Banim's great and peculiar merits lie. For intense and horrible interest, the story of the Nowlans, and for natural pathos, that of John Doe, are quite unequalled in their line. When he gets into middle or higher life, his genius deserts him; his "gentlemen and ladies" are equally unnatural and absurd; and his hero is

A breaking heart's in Mary's bower,
A wasting form is there;

The glance has left that e'e sae blue,
The rose that cheek sae fair.
The mavis flees frae Mary's bower,
The lav'rock quits the sky,
An' simmer sighs o'er Mary's bower,
For coming winter's nigh.

The snaw fa's white on Mary's bower,

The tempests loudly rave-

The flowers that bloom'd round Mary's bower Now wither on her grave!"

This is pretty, and song-like: a few verses just a vulgar profligate. The present work,

of another have more of poetry.

"I loved as none have ever loved,
Whate'er their love might be,

Else would not parting with her wrung
Such bitter pangs from me.
Yet, musing on what might have been,
I dream my time away;
'Tis idle as my early dreams,

But, ah! 'tis not so gay.

If aught of pleasure yet is mine

A pleasure mixed with pain-
'Tis pond'ring on the days gone by,
Which ne'er can come again!
When she, all lovely as she's still,
Blushed when I call'd her fair,
And, if she never bade me hope,

She ne'er bade me despair.

For thee, dear maid, I fondly sigh'd,
For thee I now repine,

Since Fate has sworn in solemn words,
Thou never canst be mine!
Yet fondly do I love thee still,

Though hope ne'er mingles there;
A wilder passion sways me now-
'Tis love join'd to despair.
Farewell, a world whose gayest scenes
No pleasure bring to me;
I'd hate it's smile, did I not think
It may give joy to thee.
But, if thou ever lov'dst like me,
No joy will light thine eye,
Save transient gleams, like wintry suns,
Short glancing in the sky."

"The first Rose of Summer" is, we observe, in this collection; but as it is well known, we shall conclude with another example.

"O, my Love, Night is come.

O, my love, night is come, the soft night is come,
The bright flaming sun, with the daylight, hath gone
And fled is the glory and splendour of day;

To his palace of ocean, love, far, far away,

But we must now conclude, by referring our
readers to the pamphlet itself: it is enough for
us to deprecate unseemly jealousies and quar-0, night, my love! night, to a lover is dear,
rels among our distinguished contemporaries,
and suggest how much more honourable it is,
to elevate than to depreciate the genius of our
country and countrymen.

When the wind is all hushed and the moon in the sky;
Then, haste to thy lattice, love, quickly appear
With the smile on thy cheek and the glance in thine eye.
O, my love, ever gay is the clear noon of day,
With the bird's happy song and the bloom of the rose;
But, at night, roses weep, and the little birds sleep
All still as the green leaves on which they repose.
Yet night, my love, night! O! 'tis dearer to me,
Though the flowers are in tears, that the sun does not
For thou art the flow'ret I ever would see,


And the music I'd hear is that sweet voice of thine!"

Original Songs. By Robert Gilfillan. 12mo. pp. 152. Edinburgh, 1831, Anderson, jun. ; London, Whittaker and Co.; Leith, Burnet. To publish a volume of songs is the least auspicious way in which a poet can appeal to the From these quotations it will be seen that, public. Wanting the auxiliary and potent aid though neither very powerful, very original, nor of music, the lyrist has not only to fight single-very touching, Mr. Gilfillan has made a pleahanded, but the very effect of his numbers (we sant use of the familiar elements of Scottish mean the number of his compositions) is against song, and produced a volume much to the crehim. A hundred of the best songs ever written dit of his muse. would tire if read in succession; and Mr. Gilfillan, the gifted Gilfillan of Leith, has exposed himself to this unfavourable ordeal.

In spite of it, however, we are free to say, that, though to speak of Burns in the same breath is very injudicious, he has acquitted himself with much talent. We will be bound

the Smuggler, has both the merits and the faults of the author of the O'Hara Tales: the story is incoherent and improbable-the higher range of characters, caricatures while crime and misery are carried to their utmost of atrocity. The use of horrors to a writer is like that of rouge to a woman" the custom grows upon us;" the rose-pink is gradually deepened into carmine, and the horror which first made you shudder, at last makes you sick. While on the subject of faults, we cannot but protest against the revolting colours in which the English peasantry are depicted; such a set of thieves and prostitutes were never before collected together. We must also protest against the kind of covert cloak of interest thrown by Mr. Banim around smuggling; both his heroes make brief trips in the "Miss Molly," and the smuggler is as respectable a middle-aged shopkeeper as could be found from Hyde Park Corner to Temple Bar. Vitiating the mind by constant deception and frequent excess, confusing that sense of right whose very instinct is a virtue, the contraband trade has the most powerfully demoralising influence. We do not marvel, we can only excuse the poor and the ignorant yielding at once to want and temptation; but we do wonder at those in a class above them, for whose very benefit these laws are made, ever giving the worse than sanction, the delusion of their example-people who, for some paltry gratification of lace, silk, or gloves, encourage courses, the danger of which conscience by making it a question of personal is their least evil, and equivocate with their injury, and saying, "Oh, the king will never miss it!" True enough the king will never miss it; but the industrious and honest tradesman, perhaps in the very next street, will; for it is that very tradesman you are defrauding of his just sale and his fair profit. We ought to apologise for this digression; but as many of our moral defalcations originate in carelessness rather than premeditated wrong, and as we have known the contraband trade encouraged by purchases, made in some instances we hope from thoughtlessness, it may be as well to remind the heedless buyer of the absolute and selfish dishonesty of such conduct.

But to return to the story. We have to The Smuggler; a Tale. By the Author of make our third and last objection to Mr. Ba"Tales by the O'Hara Family," "the De- nim's style of narration: he takes some exnounced," &c. 3 vols. 12mo. London, treme case of hardship, and most unlucky con1831. Colburn and Bentley. currence of misfortune, and sets forth that case In the volumes before us, Mr. Banim has en- as the sample brick of the whole. The printered a new field, and drawn the English pea-cipal incidents (for we must use the plural) of

this tale turn on the fact that the parochial | covered from the shot, which was a mere looked round her, stooped her head forward to laws oblige

"The maid whose folly could confide

In him who made her not his bride,"

to identify the father of the child. On this Mr. Banim has erected a superstructure of oppression, misery, and cruelty, that would rather astonish any country magistrate. We must, even in a fiction, protest against the treatment his heroine meets with at his hands, --and she would have met with it at the hands of no other human being; for the picture is as exaggerated as it is coarse. But certainly Mr. Banim is the first writer who ever thought of sending a heroine in such a situation from parish to parish for a settlement.

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We add the finale: our old acquaintance, the smuggler, is still speaking.

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nothing to talk about, and none of Fred's busi- Mr. Linnock, and ended in a whisper- of ness into the bargain; and so they forgave Fred you be talking?' 'Of Fred, and no him the swinging, and sent him to Van's land other, my old girl: he was seen at t'other side for fourteen years; and that's why Martha of the briny, this morning.' In France, sir?' Huggett has no demur to lend a hand, now and continued Martha, clasping her hands. In then, to t'other trade, sir.' And I don't France, at Boulogne-and master-mate had a wonder, if she loved poor Fred.' Loved him word with him; and Fred only asks you, now, better than her own eyes, and he her the same; to cross a short sea to him-you and old mother they were to have been married the very day together; and there you three can live as safe, he sailed, sir; and 'tis for love to him that and grow as rich, as archbishops, every one Martha has refused many a good offer since, doing a hand's turn, now and then, for an old and never goes for a walk with our boys, like friend--the Miss Molly. I shouldn't be downother girls of her age; and I'm mistaken if right glad to lose you for good, at both sides o' she don't be off after him some day, and soon; the water, Martha, my maiden.' The sagacity only waiting to grow richer, I fancy.' Very and laudable attention to his own interests, of And now to the merits of the tale, which has disinterested of her not to weigh the odium of Mr. Linnock, were slightly discernible through all its author's old power of graphic delinea- marrying him against her preference for him.' the good-feeling and philanthropy of this little tion. The reality with which he invests some Odium? as how, Mr. Mutford ?' Why, he speech. Poor Fred, poor lad!' said Martha; of his scenes is that of life; his peasants and is a transported convict. To be sure, as they and so, you be in France, so near me; and smugglers are all identical individuals, and call it, so he is; but, bless you, sir, we see no what a many precious troubles you must have brought out into stronger relief by such non-odium in that, here on the coast, when it comes had the heart to face and overcome, to get entities as the Lady Ellens, Mr. Snows, or the only of our lawful business. Had Fred robbed there. In France to-night!" she repeated, raving fool, his hero. His sketch of Martha or cheated, or committed any one crime, why turning her head in the direction of the sea. Huggett is worth them all: we shall endeavour then 'twould be another thing, you know; but I didn't say that,' rejoined Mr. Linnock. to extract the outline of her history, as the it isn't his fault, is it, if people will punish She turned her head round again, quickly, and most creditable person we can introduce to our him, just as if he had.'" asking, in a long-drawn manner- No ?-her readers: we own it is, however, difficult to give eyes, glittering in the moonlight, again were an idea in our limits of the mingled activity, fixed on Linnock. No, Martha; not down. propriety, and shrewdness, which, in an evident "And now, Mr. Mutford, tired as you right: he may have stolen over to-night, for connexion with the smugglers, has attracted are, you'll excuse me telling Martha two words what I know. But don't you know, sir?' towards her the hero's attention. The con- that she ought to hear; I may have no better Why, I be blessed, Martha, but if you do proversation is alluding to a secret passage from opportunity, 'tis such a busy night, in doors, mise 'Oh, nons'ns, now, sir, nons'ns,' she the smuggler's house. sir, and not expected so soon." A run-in, stood up and leaned on him, for she trembled "It is not confided to a great many, Mr. to-night, again, Mr. Linnock ?' asked the at- more than ever, you know you've no call to Mutford; along with my wife and daughters, tentive and business-like Martha. I be be afeard of me, in regard of all that; and so, and my brothers, there is but one friend of blessed, ay, old girl, and, as you know, we do, Mr. Linnock, pray, pray do, sir.' Stop a t'other trade could find out that flower-bed in didn't reckon on it for a night or two.' And bit, then-' Mr. Linnock whistled. Young the garden for you.'' Martha Huggett? You all safe, sir?' All in the very house, Mar- Fred jumped over a fence, near to them, and have a guess, sir.' She must be paid well for tha; and so, Mr. Mutford, we be as busy and came on slowly enough, to Martha, his head her fidelity and general good services.' Why, as merry within as folk can well be-just what falling down, and his left hand in his trousers' yes; but as much out of liking as to bribe her, I told you; with other matters too to keep us pocket. Martha, after a little start, parted and the little girl would be true if she gained alive; but we shall speak of them presently: from Mr. Linnock, and, in her turn, advanced less 'tis in her; I call her a downright good and, Martha, 'tisn't that news, alone, I have for in a regulated pace, though not quite so delibeun, Mr. Mutford; besides, she has her own you, old girl; but, harkee-and never mind rately, to meet him half-way. It did seem, reasons for doing her best for t'other trade: Mr. Mutford; he and I have chatted about you, indeed, that Mr. Linnock's fears and remonshe loves none that don't love it.' 'Pray tell afore now-harkee, Martha, there's news from strances were thrown away: notwithstanding me her reasons.' With all my heart; but beyond there, too.' 'Another letter, Mr. Lin- her evidently strong and sincere attachment, take a chair, sir; and as I keep you from sup- nock?' No, Martha guess again.' I and the unexpected joy she must have expeper below. - He did not end the sentence in ha'ant got no other guess to make, sir,' an- rienced, Mutford only observed that her eyes words, contenting himself with extracting a swered Martha, her voice faltering. Did no- suddenly filled with tears, and that a spasmodie bottle of champagne from a cupboard, laying body never write you word, Martha, when you smile worked her features. They came close glasses, untwisting the wire, nicking the cord, wrote to him of going to see him, that, if he to one another, each holding out the right touching the cork, and helping me to a glass; could, he would hinder you; and that, in spite hand, and Fred, looking ashamed of his, aland when he had pledged me in another, Mr. of all the great 'uns and all the sharp 'uns, though his face denoted deep-felt pleasure. Linnock continued, Little Martha, you see, where there's a will, there's a way, my maid?' Their hands joined, and Martha said, Be it sir, kept company, ever since she was a girl of Bless my heart. Mr. Linnock! what is it you, Fred?' And Fred answered, Ay, old fourteen, with a young man of the village, an as you do mean?' questioned Martha, sitting girl, it be.' And such was the scene of a rehonest respectable lad, and one I liked; and I unconsciously, sinking, indeed, upon a large meeting, under the known circumstances, bewill say for him, as clever a hand on the shin- stone which was behind her, and taking off her tween two real English lovers of humble degles of a dark night, and plenty of work to do, little bonnet, and holding it on her knees, in gree. Martha, indeed, improved it a little, as ever I had in pay. Well, sir, the Miss the same absent manner, while her hands shook, upon second thought. While they still held Molly was seen too near shore one evening, and her lips trembled, and her eyes were fixed each other's right-hand, she put up her left to and though she got off clear, -as has always on her patron. Don't you go for to make any her eyes, and, with the knuckles of it, scooped been her fortune, I thank Providence,-there great things of a bit of a fuss, now, Martha, for out the tears that, to her great shame, trould was a bit of a row between some men-o'-war's your own sake, and for another body's sake, make way through her closed lids; and in the men and a few of our lads, and Fred fetched and you shall soon know what I mean,' con- midst of this occupation, she, all of a sudden, one of the blue-jackets what I call rather a tinued Mr. Linnock: hollaring out in this flung down her left hand, opened her eyes nasty knuckle somewhere between the eyes; place, and this night, in particular, or swound-wide, stretched forward her neck to Fred, and they had him up for it, and the judge saiding, or such like, wouldn't be the way to keep pouted out her lips, and kissed his lips so he ought to be hanged, because, d'you see, sir, him safe from the knowledge of one body I snatchingly and energetically, that he staggered another man-o'-war's man happened to have don't much like as should be able to tell any back a pace, quite taken off his guard. There," been shot at.' And as the judge is generally thing about him; and that one body I mean is said Mr. Linnock,there, that will do; and a good opinion in these cases,' I said, hanged Sam Geeson, who is not turning out a fore- now, my maiden- Mr. Linnock!" interMaster Fred was, I presume?' Why no, right good 'un, as you shall hear of, too; and rupted Martha, his life be in danger in Engsir, not out-an-out. Interest was made, and an so, my maiden- 'Mr. Linnock,' inter- land to-night! Not if you go by what li excellent character. -not better than he de-rupted Martha, hollaring out, or swounder-tell you,' replied Mr. Linnock: take him, served-given of Fred; and the Irishman ing, be not my way, when to have one's mind you know where, for a few hours, and be you these rough-an'-ready chaps on the coast be about one would be a better way; but won't ready, then, to run across to France, old mo almost all Paddies, Mr. Mutford he re-you tell me, sir, in one word, is it of' she ther and you, as I said before, with him, and

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the thing is done, just as you heard me say it
would be, Martha, my maid." "
Never did any person look so resolutely to
the darkest side of every thing as Mr. Banim.
The following little passage will do as well for
an example of spleen as any of its numerous

ought to be read without any such help by think that he lived in the reign of Tiberius,
every well-educated medical man, is a ques- or perhaps, being born in his reign, he might
"Quemadmodum notante Cornario in dedi-
tionable service. If persons belonging to the have prolonged his life to the time of Trajan."
learned professions will not labour to acquire
the knowledge necessary to them, we fear that cat. Marcelli, in plerisque Hippocratem ex-
facilities will only tend to make empirics; and pressit, ut integras sententiarum periodos ex
that those who take Celsus as it were at second ipso descriptas subinde in eo videas; imo tota
The conse- ad verbum reddunt."
hand, will be very much disposed to take every capita nihil aliud quam Hippocratis sententias
thing else in the same fashion.

Mr. Lee continues: "There are three things of the utmost importance in translating from one language to another; the first is to comprehend the original; the second is to convey those sentiments [query, what sentiments?] intelligibly to others; and the third is, to write them with precision, fidelity, and elegance, if possible. This is the order of Nature, whose minister and interpreter is man."

"Subjungit Polyhistor Italus: 'Ad nos tantum ejus medicina pervenit oratorio more conscripta.'

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"A work entitled Polyhistor Italus subjoins this notice of him: His work on medicine, written in an oratorical style, has only reached us." "

"Maximèque medicum ejus chirurgica probant, quæ Gesneri in Catalogo Chirurgorum ipsum inter chirurgos reponat doctissimus Sepsententia, veterum solus Latinè scripsit, ut verè talius. Tanta verò id fide peregit," &c.

"His chirurgical works certainly prove him to have been a physician, which, in the opinion of Gesner in his Catalogue of Surgeons, he alone of the ancients wrote in Latin. The very learned Septalius also places him among surgeons; which art he practised with so much skill," &c.

"And what an unjoyous, solid, rude, suffo"In the same manner Cornarius remarked cating, deafening, head-ache giving thing a fair in his dedication to Marcellus, that he imitated in the country is :- (let me just except Green-quence must be, very superficial instead of very wich fair, if Greenwich be in the country- or solid attainments. The preface says, inelegantly enough: "The Hippocrates for the most part so close, that rather the accidental adjunct of the noble old park, and the freaks it irresistibly inspires). great responsibility accruing on undertaking a sometimes you may see whole periods of senThe street of the little village stuffed with work of so much labour rendered it a duty in-tences described by the one, transcribed by the people who will walk over you if you do not cumbent on me to be in possession of every other; nay, whole chapters which relate nopush them about as they do you; girls scram-edition that I could possibly procure, particu- thing else than the opinions of Hippocrates bling on by themselves, and men and lads by larly those cum notis variorum. My principal verbatim." themselves; and no one laughing, nor yet object in this was to present the reader with smiling, but on the contrary, the greater num- the most approved text of the various editors, ber either half-scowling at one another, or else from Cæsarius in the year 1528, to that of looking nervously shy of having it appear that Targa's in 1769, since which no one has atthey are such fools as to allow themselves to be tempted any alterations in the text of Celsus; pleased. Peep into one of the inns, of which and I believe for the best of all reasons, since all the lower rooms are flung open to genteelish the unwearied perseverance of Targa, united company, among the rows of happy creatures to the most profound learning and great critical sitting on forms by the walls, drinking porter, acumen, left nothing to be done by future edior ale, or brandy and hot water, and nearly all tors. For this reason I have strictly adhered look discontented still; -peep into a dancing to the text of Targa." booth, as you pass by, and you will see, perhaps, a dozen girls, exerting themselves to the utmost in a work-and-labour way, for the edification of three or four bumpkins, who walk from side to side among them with very disdainful faces, and now and then lift up their legs, and let them down again, one after another, as if they "Quam elegantissimis verbis Cælius Rhowere plodding over a stubble-field, or at best turning the tread-mill at slow time. And how Our author is sorely puzzled about the "ele- diginus Antiq. Lect. lib. xxvi. cap. 3, insiI abhor that smock frock into the bargain! the Verùm citra illius sententiam nihil most unpicturesque, unmanly, unlovely, sheep-gance" if possible, and truly it seems as if a nuavit: A Cornelio Celso versuram faciunt faced piece of costume in the world. Ay, and terror had haunted him, and he had felt that multi. the close-laced bumpkin buskins, too, which, elegance was impossible to him. "I have, en- fermè promunt; perinde ac verba sint veterum from constant pressure, impoverish the most deavoured (he repeats) to render a close inter-sacrorum, quæ demutasse piaculare flagitium considerable muscles of the leg, and leave an pretation of the author, and have used my best planè censeri debeat, quodque hostiis majoribus English peasant the worst-limbed peasant I efforts to infuse the genius and spirit of his procures.' style, with as much fidelity as the sententious have yet seen.” brevity of this elegant classic would allow. Therefore, under such conditions, I did not even dare to use a freedom of language, far less Celsus is always elegance of style. quoted by the most eminent physicians as a But, we are bound to add, if there be some-model of propriety, ease, and elegance.' Celthing of exaggeration, there is also much of sus also wrote a Treatise on Military Tactics, truth; and, to say nothing of the life and inte- another on Agriculture; but commentators are unanimous in their opinions that his medical rest thrown into scenes, which are attractive as mere amusement, there is what may well call for writings are the most perfect." serious attention in these pages. Though assuming a fictitious shape, the materials of this work are taken from actual existence; and let those who have the power of amelioration look to it. The poet was, indeed, wrong when he

Some old poet says,

""Tis our own eyes That cast their colour on all things they see;" and Mr. Banim's must be like night-`

"Flinging a shadowy darkness over all."

talked of

"The short and simple annals of the poor." Such relations are equally intricate and important; and those who are placed above the class

"Where hunger swallows all in one low want,"



"Cælius Rhodiginus has exclaimed, in the most forcible language, that many depredations have been committed on the fame of Cornelius Celsus; but, with the exception of promulgating his opinions to the world, they have elicited nothing of their own: they have mangled or sophisticated those sacred records, which crime ought to be deemed a sacrilege, and should be expiated by retributive atonement proportioned to the deed."

"Verùm, ne nimiis laudibus veriùs is oneretur, quàm ornetur, quem mortalium nemo rectè vituperavit."

"But lest we should overrate his excellencies, our zeal to display his genius, which no one And lest we should exceed our readers' pablamed with propriety." tience, we here close our ungracious office.


Celsus was thus an elegant writer, even
though his being Doctor Celsus is doubtful; as
Mr. Lee is certainly a surgeon, without there
being the least question that he is not an ele-in
gant writer. He is, however, an industrious
one, and this book is a striking proof of his
possessing that quality. A few passages which
we have pitched upon in the first dozen pages
will shew that industry alone will not consti.
tute a good translator.

"Volaterranus etiam meminit in Anthropocan never be too often reminded of the heavy logia, lib. xiv. Celsi cujusdam, qui philosophiæ responsibility which rests upon them-they Stoica sectator, Origenis erat adversarius, maowe to their God an account of their fellow-giæ scientia notus, cui Lucianus Pseudo-Man


tem inscripsit."

Thus rendered: -" Volaterranus likewise takes notice of a Celsus in his Anthropologia,

Celsus, in Latin and English; with the Order
of Construction. By Alex. Lee, A.M. Sur-lib. xiv., who was a follower of the Stoic phi-
Vol. I. 8vo. pp. 317. London, 1831.

THIS is a translation from Targa's edition of
Celsus, well intended for the benefit of medical
students, but we cannot justly say either well
rendered into English, or judiciously edited.
To furnish the ordo verborum of an author who

losopher, and an adversary of Origen, a noted
magician, to whom Lucianus gave the name of
the Lying-Prophet."

"Major tamen eruditorum pars sub Tiberio
vixisse, vel forte ipso imperante natum usque
ad Trajani tempora vitam produxisse censet."'
"Yet the greater number of the learned

Characters in which she has appeared during Six Sketches of Mademoiselle Taglioni, in the the present Season. Drawn from the Life by A. E. Chalon, R.A. Drawn on stone by R. J. Lane, A.R.A. London. Dickinson. lar dancer, as Flore, la Tyrolienne, la NapoliWE have here the sylph-like form of this popu taine, la Bayadere, la Nayade, and simply as Marie Taglioni dropping one of her most gracious and graceful curtsies to an applauding theatre. The figures are perfectly characteristic, and Mr. Chalon has evinced his usual spirit in their execution (the right arm of the Bayadere being, however, an exception); nor ferring the originals to the stone, failed to imhas the charming touch of Mr. Lane, in transpart another beauty to these performances. It

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