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England. I will show, that the country would have been worth a hundred millions of pounds sterling more than it now is, if this sort of tree had, during the last forty years, been cultivated instead of the villanous race of firs.

on natural history, who is famed when I have done that, I will for his learning, who is a member send to Fleet - street specimens of most of the learned Societies of of this kind of timber grown in Europe, and who is not less renowned for his learning than he is for his goodness. The LAWRENCES are, EFFINGHAM, the uncle, and HENRY, the father, of Messrs. LawRENCE, merchants at New York, who trade with London and Liverpool. Doctor TOWNSEND is the I have facts to state upon this subbrother of Mrs. EFFINGHAM LAW-ject; facts wholly undeniable, that RENCE. He was in London last must interest every man that has June twelvemonth, and must, got any feeling about him, be he doubtless, be known to many of in what situation of life he may. the faculty in London. In short, these are all persons of the first respectability in every sense of that word.

twenty-eight pounds and a half, Avordupois. The post of Mr.LawRENCE, which is round, contains, as nearly as possible, what is called a foot of timber; and it weighs sixty-nine pounds and three quar

I have, this morning, measured and weighed the post of Mr. MITCHELL and that of Mr. LawRENCE. The former, which the But, now comes the great ques-reader will observe, is, for the tion: Will these trees grow inEng-greater part, squared, contains land? Will they arrive at a good nearly about what is called half a size in England? And will they fod of timber; and it weighs arrive at that size, in a reasonable space of time? As to the two first, Yes; simply YES: and, as to the last, they will arrive at a good size even sooner than a worthless and villanous Scotch fir. However, this part of the sub-ters. Here, then, is a foot of timject must not be slurred over. Iber standing in the capacity of a must do it justice. I have a new post out of doors, and in a gutter; set of proofs, and those most inte- standing thus for upwards of fourresting indeed, connected with this score years, and weighing sixtypart of the subject. In my next nine pounds and three quarters at I will give an account of actual the end of that time. Mind, too, experiments as to the growth of that it is not a piece of stuff that these trees in England; and was cut out of the heart of a tree;

but the whole of a little tree that was put into the ground bark and all; and that was, in all probability, not above seven or eight years old.

In my next I shall give an account of the manner of planting these trees, and shall produce such proof of their wonderful growth in England, that no man can call in question.

that I was resolved to receive no more at present on this account.

Then," said he, "give it to somebody else." I shall, therefore, give it to a poor man, who was one of the victims of the proceedings of 1817 He is in great misery, and the misery has been produced by those proceedings. He is to call upon me one of these days. Probably he will not like WM. COBBETT. to have his name publicly mentioned as the receiver of this pound, which was left at the Office last Monday; and if he do not like to have his name mentioned, I am very sure the gentleman who gave the pound will not require it.-I am afraid that I shall not be able


to go
to see poor Swann myself.
If I be not, a friend at Liverpool
will go to him and carry the mo-
ney in my stead.-Lest I should
forget it, I will mention here, that,

FOR JOSEPH SWANN. To my great satisfaction, and to the not less great honour of the People of England, more than three times the sum, which I proposed to raise, has been offered. I have accepted of thirteen pounds fifteen shillings, (I am writing on Thursday) which, with the seven pounds taken from the when the money has been deliJEWS, make twenty pounds fif-vered, either SWANN himself, or teen shillings; which, I hope, will carry the poor fellow and his family pretty well through the winter. One gentleman, who has offered the seven pounds, others who have offered one pound apiece, will please to keep their money and to accept of my thanks. One gentleman, besides all those above mentioned, would insist upon leaving a pound at the Office of the Register. He was told

Mrs. SWANN, will be so good as to write a letter (and send it by post) to Mr. JOHN TEMPLAR, Lymington, Hampshire, to acknowledge the receipt of five pounds, sent by me, and that came from Mr. Templar. I beg that this may not be neglected; because Mr. TEMPLAR, in all likelihood, will like to show this letter to those persons who have sent their contributions through him.


Quarters of English Grain, &c. arrived Coastwise, from Nov. 17 to Nov. 22, inclusive. Wheat.. 7,811 Pease....

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Malt..... ..5,133



Rape. .390

[blocks in formation]

Various Seeds, 261; Flax, 22; and Hemp, 25 qrs-Flour, 10,974 sacks.

Foreign.-Linseed, 2,125 qrs.Flour, 600 barrels.

Friday, Nov. 21.-The arrivals of this week are tolerably good. Wheat of prime quality alone supports Monday's terms; other sorts sell heavily, and are rather cheaper. Barley is dull, and 1s. per quarter lower. Beans and Peas have also become heavy in sale. Good Oats sell freely, and fully maintain the quotations of last Monday. In Flour no alteration.

Monday, Nov. 24.—The quantities of Corn that came in last week were considerable, being the largest supply since harvest. This morning the parcels fresh in do not afford much addition to the quantities left over from last week. was only the prime dry samples of New Wheat that were taken off by our Millers at last week's prices, but other sorts are 1s. to 2s. per quarter lower.


Barley being now so plentiful, it

in value since last Monday full 2s.

Wheat.. 7,419 for 19,929 3 8 Average, 538 sells very heavily, and is reduced
Barley..3,706.... 5,784 19 6..........31 2
Oats.. 9,853....11,793 8 0..........23 11
Rye...... 49
75 2 8........ .30 8 per quarter. Beans have also be-
Beans 1,574.... 2,869 1 7...... .36 5 come heavy in sale, and are rather
Peas...... 1,234......... 2,386 18 11.38 8 lower. Boiling Peas go off slowly

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Liverpool, Nov. 18.-There was an improved demand during the past week for good Old Wheat, and on the sales effected 3d. per bushel was obtained in advance on the prices of this day se'nnight. The demand was also tolerably good for New dry Irish Wheat, and for Oats, both Old and New, at late prices. There was a good attendance at this day's market of both town and country dealers, and sales to a good extent of Old Wheat were made, at the improvement above noted, but middling and damp parcels of New Irish were scarcely saleable. English and

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The Scotch Markets are the Returns of the Irish Flour each at an advance of

s. d.

72 0

Week before.


Uxbridge, per load.... 101. Os.

s. d. 16. 15s.



91. Os. 35 0

121. 10s.







Dorchester, per load ...

Exeter, per bushel ....

[blocks in formation]


50 0

[blocks in formation]

53 4

68 0


2s. per sack, and in good demand.

In other articles of the trade no material alteration was experienced.

Imported into Liverpool from the 11th to the 17th November 001823, inclusive :-Wheat, 4,732; 164. Os. 89 Oats, 17,410; Barley, 1,080; Malt, 60 0 230; and Beans, 94 quarters.

161. 5s.

171. Os. Oatmeal, 220 packs of 240 lbs. Flour, 664 sacks.

66 0

91. Os. 14. 10s.

48 0 44

36 0 36 0 39 0 44 0

20 0

8 0

46 0

Derby, 34 quarts to bush. 500


Dalkeith, per boll * Haddington, ditto*.


38 0

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[blocks in formation]

*The Scotch boll is 3 per cent more than 4 bushels.

Norwich, Nov. 22.-The supplies being tolerably large to-day, there was rather a falling off in the demand, and prices in consequence rather lower: Wheat, 40s. to 50s. ; Barley, 24s. to 30s.; Oats, 20s, to 24s. per quarter.

Bristol, Nov. 22.-There is a better sale for most kinds of Grain,

&c. at this place, than has been for some time past. Supply as yet not much increased. Prices about as follow:-Best Wheat from 8s. to 8s. 3d.; inferior ditto, 4s. 6d. to 6s. 6d.; Barley, 2s. 9d. to 4s.; Beans, 3s. 6d. to 5s. 3d.; Oats, 2s.

to 3s.; and Malt, 4s. 9d. to 7s. per bushel. Flour, Seconds, 28s, to 46s. per bag.

Birmingham, Nov. 20.-Our sup. ply of Barley at this day's market exceeded the demand. Sales were

therefore heavy, and the prices declined 1s. to 2s. per quarter. Beans and Peas were about 1s. per quarter dearer. Flour sold more freely at the late quotations. Wheat, Malt, and Oats, &c. were without alteration. Fine Flour, 42s. to 45s. per sack; Second ditto, 36s. to 40s. The prices of Grain as follows:-Wheat, 5s. to 6s. 8d. per 60 lbs.; Barley, 28s. to 31s.; Malt, 56s. to 56s.; Oats, 22s. to 30s.; and Peas, 38s. to 50s. per quarter; Beans, 15s. to 16s. per ten scores.


Wisbech, Nov. 22.-Our Wheat market for prime dry samples was brisk in sale, at a small advance. Prices, 48s. to 52s.; second sorts, 46s. to 48s.; Old, 52s, to 56s. per quarter. Oats and Beans rather brisker in sale.

Boston, Nov. 19.-Our Market was thinly supplied with samples of Wheat, which was brisk in demand. Oats were plentiful, and sold at the following prices:Wheat, from 46s. to 52s.; Oats, from 18s. to 22s.; Barley, 28s. to 30s.; and Old Beans, 36s. to 39s.

Wakefield, Nov. 21.-We have but a short supply of Grain up the river, and not many buyers. Fine New Wheats may be noted 1s. per quarter higher, but not brisk sale; Old Wheats dull sale at last week's prices; inferior and stale old samples rather lower. Mealing Oats and Shelling each dull at last week's prices. Malting Barley in demand, and full 1s, per quarter higher. Beans, Old and New, each 1s. per qr. higher. Rapeseed is 17. per last higher. Flour 2s. per bag, and Malt 2s. per load higher.

Ipswich, Nov. 22.—Our market to-day was not so largely supplied with Barley as last week, but the price was 1s. per quarter lower. Malton, Nov. 22.Old Wheat, In other Grain no alteration. Prices 58s. to 60s.; New ditto, 54s. to 56s. as follow:-Old Wheat, 50s. to per quarter, five stone per bushel. 60s.; New ditto, 40s. to 54s. ; Bar-Barley, 12d, to 13d. per stone; ley, 24s. to 30s.; Beans, old, 36s. ; Oats, 10d. to 11d. per ditto.

New ditto, 28s. to 30s. ; Peas, 30s. ;

and Oats, 20s. to 24s. per quarter.

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