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Oracles of Fortune and Wifdom..

wants no great fkill in performing, yet has gained no little fhare of applaufe, both in town and country.

Take any bird out of a cage, and lay it on the table, then take a (mall feather, and wave over its eyes, and it will immediately appear as dead, but by taking the feather away it will revive again; let it lay hold of the stem part of the feather with its feet, and it will twist and turn about like a parrot; you may likewife roll it about on the table juft as you pleafe that the feather is the caufe of all this ftrange appearance is without doubt, but why it fhould be fo is a fecret


which will not be discovered till we can understand the bird language, which has been loft ever fince Adam was expelled the garden of Eden. To fay more on thefe fubjects would be unneceffary, and only tire the reader's patience; thefe fpecimens will be fufficient to inftruct him, that all performances of this kind are inventions carried on by flight and deception; that the exhibitors are no more conjurors than other folks, only through practice; and that any one might foon be capable of the fame, did they beftow their time and attention on things of fuch a nature,

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NO. I,

Taken from the Greek.

Sapiens ipfe finget Fortunam fibi.

Senec. Trag.

THERE are very few perfons who have not heard it faid, that the temper and conftitution of every individual of the human fpecies change every feven years, though most of them are unable to account for this old opinion; therefore it is to be hoped that an effay which traces that idea to its fource, and gives an account of the ufe that the wifeft nations of antiquity made of it, will be equally acceptable to the curious, and to those who thinking that mankind having been the fame in every age, have always wanted the fame kind of moral instructions,

The remarkable inconftancy which fhades the character of man in his paffions, purfuits, and cares, raifed in the fpeculative minds of the ancient Greek philofophers a fyftem, which is called the Septenial Divifion. They, in fact, divided the twelve times feven years, which feem to be allotted to mankind, into four portions or ftages,

afcribing to each a different fhare of those internal agitations which feemed before confufedly interfperfed in the whole courfe of our exiftence. A variety, fo much like the viciffitude of the feafons, furnished the poets with fublime images; opened a large field for the perfpicacity of aftronomers to exert itself; and infpired a fage with a defign calculated for the public good.

As this fage lived in those days of idolatry which encouraged men in their eager defire of prying into futurity, he made it his ftudy to reduce the various inquiries after fortune and wisdom to a regular fyftematical order. The number 7 being held facred among the ancient nations of the Eaft, he divided his code of inquiring into feven and feven; claffing mankind according to the four feafons of the year, and fo reduced the inquiries of mankind to feven for each fex and feafon, a mode which will be found hereafter fully to anfwer all the purposes of life.

The island of Delos had been many ages famous for its temple, where the oracular refponfes had often given Greece and the adjacent nations laws, peace, and war.. Nothing of mo

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ment was done without first confulting the Oracle. In private as well as public affairs, the temple was conftantly vifited, infomuch that it was found neceflary after a while to open another for the particular purpofe of anfwering fuch queftions as the infinite viciffitude of human affairs required. Accordingly, a magnificent temple was feen to rife amidst the fhade of a beautiful vale, and upon the fame altar was feen placed together the images of Fortune and Wildom. It was foon induftrioufly reported throughout all Greece, that these two goddefles were reconciled together for the benefit of mankind; that Fortune answered all thofe who came to confult her upon the fecrets of futurity; and that Pallas, under the fymbol of Wisdom, advised them how to avail themfelves of that knowledge. It may be cafily imagined that nothing was omitted in the rites of this new worship, that could infpire reverence and ave in the multitude, who were the better pleased for fecing thofe regulations fuited to the then fashionable fyftem of thinking of that time.

According to this fyftem, the temple was only opened during the firit feveral days of each feafon, when none were admitted into it, but thofe whofe years anfwered to the reigning feafon; it being decided that the fpring of life ends at one and twenty; the fummer at forty-two; the autumn at fixtythree; and the extremity of winter, which clofes the feene, at eightyfour. The questions to be asked were modelled, or rather dictated by the priests, who always fuited them to the age, fex, and condition of the perfons who came to inquire, and who, after having delivered their own anfwers, in the name of Fortune and Wisdom, kept thefe pretended Oracles upon record, as well as the ceremonial of the day.

It is from a fragment of thefe interefting records yet extant, that we at tempt the prefent Paper. The refinement of modern manners and customs, the difference of fituation, with refpect to the various improvements and regu


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lations of these times, have occasioned fome little alterations, but which caufe not the leaft material deviation from the fenfe of the original.

We have fufficient reafons to deplore the lofs of the greatest part of this precious monument, which was found in the ruins of Pompeji; and confifts in fome of the Oracles delivered on the two firit days of each feafon, a fhort 'defcription, or introduction prefixed to each day, the account already related of the origin and nature of thefe Oracles, and a itory which illuftrates the morals conveyed through the whole defign.,

It is to be prefumed, that we shall not be more difficult in point of judg ment and tafte, than our ancient malters the Romans were, who preferved with veneration the works of the Greeks; or that, at leaft, we fhall not find fo much fault with our masters in the art of thinking, as not to make our advantage of thefe Oracles as the Grecians did, fince we may apply to ourselves the anfvers given to the queftions fuitable to our years and fituation.

Before we enter upon the oracular part of our plan, it will be just neceffary to obferve here the utility refulting from it. Fift, it will be a guide to gentlemen and ladies, young or old, and of whatever flation, how to regulate their inquiries when they have a fancy to confult a modern fage in aftrology or art, who will equally find his account in confulting our page anid conforming in meafure his anfwer

to the fenfe of ours for it is equally true with the axioms of morals as máthematics, that what was good fente and truth a thoufand years ago, re mains ftill the fame, and will be found fo ftill a thousand years. hence.

Here it is proper to obferve, that each queftion is anfwered in feven different ways; first by Fortune, and fecondly by Wildom; for those who confulted the Oracles were always admitted feven in number, and of the fame fex; but undoubtedly of different difpofitions.

Secrets of Albertus Magnus.

It is juftly obferved by Miiton, that it is the bent of our nature to admit delight; and pleafure, rightly, underfood, muit be allowed to be that fummum bonum concerning which the ancients loft themselves in vain difputes. Pleasure, however, feems to be confined to one ftage of life; when youth, which the French emphatically call La belle age is over, pleature feems to expire at the fame time. The enjoy-. ments of manhood are more closely connected with reason, and dull tranquillity is the utmost old age can hope for therefore, Voltaire's obfervation, that the fpring days of life, which pafs by unenjoyed are for ever loft, is too true to need any farther illuftration.

To furnish motives for prudent conduct in the affairs of early life, fhould be the end of every writer, whofe views are directed to the welfare of fociety.

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Even this may be accomplished in the molt trivial things brought before the public. The moral of the prefent Paper, we flatter ourselves fhall be fuch as will give entire fatisfaction to all our readers, while at the fame time their fancy will be amufed with the manner it is brought about.

In order to make this entirely clear, the corresponding Oracles of both Fostune and Wifdom are fo contrived as to fuit all the queitions which can be put, while a due regard is paid to the feafon of life for which fuch Oracle and advice is calculated. Thus it will be caly to perceive, that each Oracle of Fortune has its counterpart in that of Wisdom. As to the refpective. fhares of the two fexes, they will be fufficiently marked in the introduction to each feparate head.

(To be continued.) нераб


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THE Heliotropium, or Sun-flower, fays our naturalitt, is endued with wonderful virtues; for if gathered when the fun is in the fifth fign of the zodiac, and wrapped in a laurel leaf; thereto being added a wolf's tooth; the perfon who carries it about him, fhall find that no body can have the power of ufing any other than mild language to him. Moreover, if any thing has been taken from him by tealth, let him lay it under his head by night, and he thall fee the thief and all the circumftances of the theft.

The second herb he takes notice of is the Nettle. By holding this herb, together with Milfoil in your hand, you are free from fear of apparitions, Mix it with the juice of Sen green, and finear your hands therewith, putting a part into any water where there are fish, it will not fail to attract them. Withdraw it, and they will difperfe imunediately.

Take the herb Shepherd's Rod, mix it. with the juice of the Mandrake, and it will impregnate the female of any animal it is given to, and produce one of its fpecies. The jaw-tooth of a creature thus produced, being fleeped in any liquor, will provoke those who tafte it to a quarrelfone difpofition, which to appeafe, there needs no more than making them fwallow the juice of the herb Va lerian. Not lefs extraordinary is the property of the herb Celandine, which if fufpended, it is faid, over the head of a fick perfon, will fet him a finging aloud, if he be likely to live; if to die, it will make him weep. The herb Periwinkle, he tells us, being pulve rized with earth-worms and fengreen, creates affection between man and wife, by putting a portion of it in their food. A fmall quantity of the above preparation, with fome fulphur, being thrown into a fith-pond will deftroy the fish; and being applied to the mouth of the



Wonderful Properties of Herbs.

buffalo, will caufe an explosion, a pofetriori, tremendous to hear. The herb Cat-mint, with a ftone found in the Puet's neft, being held to the nofe of an animal, makes him drop down, to all appearance dead; but he will foon recover. Being put into a receptacle for bees, it prevents their going away; and though they were put into water and taken out without any figns of life, in the space of an hour it will reftore them to their former vigour. The herb dog's-tongue, with the heart of a young frog, and its matrix, will, in a fhort time, collect a multitude of dogs to wherefoever it is laid. Put the fame herb under your great toe, and it will prevent a dog's barking. Tie it, to a dog's neck, in fuch a manner that he cannot get at it with his teeth, and he will not ceafe wheeling round, until he fall as it were dead. The herb Henbane mixed with wild Saffron, and given to a mad dog, kills him inftantaneously. The juice of the above herbs being put into a filver cup, will break it into fmall particles; and whofoever would bring a number of hares together, needs but to carry it with the blood of a leveret in a hare's skin.-The Lily: gather this herb while the fun is in Leo, mix it with the juice of the laurel, which done, bury it for fome time under dung, and worms fhall be bred from it, which worms being reduced to a powder, and applied to one's neck, will not let the bearer fleep; if put into a veffel containing cow's milk, and covered with the hide of a cow of one colour, it will dry the udders of all. What he next notices is the Misletoe, which, with another herb called the. Martagon, has the virtue of opening any lock whatfoever. Befides which, if put in the mouth of a perfon, and that he think of a certain thing, it will dwell upon his memory, if it be to happen; if not, it will efcape his remembrance. Let it be fufpended from a tree with the wing of a fwal low, and birds without number will

flock thither. The herb Centaury is

faid to have wonderful virtues: for if with the blood of a female puet is put into a lamp, all the by-ftanders will imagine themselves enchanted in fuch a manner, that it will appear their pofition is inverted, fuppofing their heads to be where their feet are: again, if thrown into the fire, the stars fhall feem a tilting at one another: moreover, when applied to the nose of any one, it will operate fo as to make him run himself out of breath for fear. Sage being rotted under dung, and puɛ under a glafs, will produce a worm, or a bird having a tail like a blackbird's: the blood of which, if it touch a perfon's breaft, renders the person fo touched fenfelefs for a fortnight. Another property of it is, that if the powder, it may be reduced to, be put into a lamp, the room in which it burns will feem full of ferpents. Vervain has, amongst others, a falutary property gather it when the fun is in Aries, or the month of March, and with a grain of Piony of one year's growth, it is a specific to those who are afflicted with the epilepfy or fits. If put into a rich mould it will produce worms in eight weeks, which are immediate death to whoever touches them. Another property of it is to attract pigeons, which it does furprizingly when put into a dove-cot.

The next herb Albertus notices, is Balm-gentle, of which Macer speaks, this herb being gathered green and moistened with the juice of a cypress of a year's growth, and infused into any potage will make it appear full of worms. Let it be faftened to an ox's neck, and he will follow you wherever you go.

A property inherent in the Rofe is that, if with a grain of mustard-feed, and the foot of a weafel, it be tied to a tree, it will bear no fruit fo long as it continues there-to make amends for this malignant effect, it will draw fish without number to the net that it is fastened to.

Examples of Alaying Silver.



been affayed, to fee that there is only a

METHOD OF ASSAYING OR TRYING fmall quantity of Silver in it, so as it

Concluded from our laft, Page 23.

WHEN the affay is cold, place it carefully in one of the finall pans in the fcale, which the fcale-maker will give you with your fcales, and in the other fcales your ftandard gold weight, viz. 22 carats; and then you will fee how much your Gold is worfe or better; as for example: your piece of Gold weighed at first one ounce, and now will not weigh the standard of 22 carats; therefore you put in, to make it even, fuppofe 1 carat 2 grs. 3-4ths, then is the Gold reported worse than ftandard, by I car. 2 gr. 3-4ths; but if the Gold affay be heavier than the ftandard you put in the ftandard fcale, fuppofe 1 car. 1 gr. 1-4th, then it is reported fo much better than the ftandard. And thus by the weights being made in miniature, the affayer at once knows the report, without the trouble of long calculations.


The weights to try Silver by are different from thofe of Gold, particularly in the Affaying; and they are divided according to the following table:

24 grains make one pennyweight. 20 pennyweights one ounce. 12 ounces one pound troy. Now your pound weight in miniature, for thefe fhort proceffes, fhould not be more than 12 grains; and all your ounces and pennyweights, even to a half pennyweight, muft be equally divided, and marked thereon with your ftandard weight 11 oz. z dwts.


Take a piece of Silver, and reduce it till it balances your pound weight; then wrap it up in about fix times the quantity of thin milled lead, that has VOL. I.

may not affect your report; for in all Lead there is fome Silver left, that will not pay the expence of getting it out. Befides, there may be fome Tin in it which is troublefome, and will require a larger quantity of Lead to evaporate it.

After heating your copple red hot, (fixed in the mouth of a small crucible, furrounded with charcoal) put your affay thereon, and by a gentle blast with hand bellows, you will bring the whole into fufion, and then the affay will brighten and begin to flow, and continue to do fo till all the Lead is precipitated into the copple (and, was it worth while, might be extracted from thence again ;) when it is nearly finished, it must be kept in a strong heat, because the Silver being now almoft fined, will require a greater heat to keep it in fufion, and entirely to divest itself of the Lead.

Your affay being finished, let it ftand on the copple in the fire a minute; then take the bead of Silver, which is now pure, and of a fine bright colour, in the fhape of a fmall pea cut in two, and its fize is bigger or lefs, in proportion to the richness of the Silver there is in the ingot you have affayed; likewife, if done right, it will eafily feparate from the copple; then give it a blow with a hammer, to take off any finall particles that may adhere to it.

Obferve, that the greater quantity of base metal is mixed with Silver, as Copper, Tin, &c. the greater is the quartity of Lead required to refine e it; thus, Copper takes fixteen times the quantity of Lead to precipitate it into the copple.


As Silver is made up of a certain ftandard of goodness, by which it is reported, 11 oz. 2 dwts. of fine Silver, and 18 dwts. of Copper, making 1 lb. troy; you must therefore put in one



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