Abbildungen der Seite

Gilman in North American Review, Jan. 1922, CCXV, 122-8; by Joseph Wood Krutch in The Nation, Mar. 22, 1922, CXIV, 348–9; in T.L.S., Sept. 28, 1922. Criticised by Louis Golding in Sat. Review, Oct. 28, 1922, CXXXIV, 636.

560. REDMAN, BEN RAY. On Expressionism. Lit. Review, Dec. 9, 1922, p. 309.

561. REED, HENRY A. The New Mysticism. Methodist Review, Nov.-Dec. 1922, cv, 864–73.

WHITE, N. I. See No. 654.

Methods, Theme and Types in Literature. 562. BRAWLEY, BENJAMIN. The Negro in American Literature. The Bookman, Oct. 1922, LVI, 137-41. 563. The Negro in Literature and Art. Revised edition. New York: Duffield and Co., 1921. $1.50. (The first edition appeared in 1918.) Reviewed by G. H. Clarke in Sewanee Review, Jan.-Mar. 1922, XXX, 103; in The Dial, Apr. 1922, LXXII, 435; by Walter F. White in The Nation, Jan. 25, 1922, CXIV, 101-2.

564. BROOKS, NEIL C. The Sepulchre of Christ in Art and Liturgy with Special Reference to the Liturgic Drama. (University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, VII, 2.) Urbana, 1921. pp. 110. Reviewed by Grace Frank in Mod. Lang. Notes, June 1922, xxxvII, 367-70; by Karl Young in Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., Oct. 1922, XXI, 692-701.

Cooper, LANE. See No. 765.

565. FLETCHER, JEFFERSON Butler. Herod in the Drama. Studies in Philology, July 1922, XIX, 292-307.

566. FUNKE, ERICH. Der Ehrbegriff in den englisch-schottischer Volksballaden. MS Diss., Halle, 1921. Summary in Jahrb. d. phi Fak. Halle-Wittenberg, 1920, Part 1, 5-8.

567. JONES, VIRGIL L. Methods of Satire in the Political Drama of the Restoration. Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., Oct. 1922, XXI, 662-9. KLUCKHOLM, PAUL. See under Eighteenth Century: General. LEHMAN, B. H. See under Nineteenth Century: General. LOEWENBERG, J. See No. 798.

568. MEISSNER, PAUL. Der Bauer in der englischen Literatur. Bo. Stud. xv. Bonn: Hanstein, 1922.

569. MERKEL, ALBERT. Das Motiv der sieben Todsünden in der älteren englischen Literatur. MS Diss., Jena, 1922. Summary in Phil. Fak. Jena, Verzeichnis der Diss., 1921–2; 81-2.

ROSENBERG, H. L. M. See under Nineteenth Century: General. RUSSELL, FRANCES T. See under Nineteenth Century: General. WILLIAMS, S. T. See No. 1774.

570. WRAY, ROGER. The Moon in Literature. The Atlantic Monthly, Mar. 1922, CXXIX, 367–71.

Foreign Influence. 571. AHRENS, HERMANN. Die Fabel vom Löwen und der Maus in der Weltliteratur. MS Diss., Rostock, 1920. Summary, Rostock, 1921-2.

AYSCOUGH, JOHN (pseud.). See under Nineteenth Century: General. 572. BABBITT, IRVING. Schiller and Romanticism. Mod. Lang. Notes, May 1922, XXXVII, 257-68.

573. BENSON, ADOLPH BURNETT. English Criticism of the "Prologue in Heaven" in Goethe's Faust. Modern Philology, Feb. 1922, ΧΙΧ, 225-43.

574. BIRKEDAL, UFFE. Fra Kadmon til Tennyson. Engelsk Digtning paa dansk Grund. København: J. A. Hansens Forlag, 1922. 8vo. pp. 160.

BOYD, ERNEST. See under Fiction, No. 703.

BRIGGS, FLETCHER. See under Eighteenth Century: Richard Glover. 575. CAMMAERTS, EMILE. Literature and International Relations. Hib. Journ., Apr. 1922; ib., Living Age, July 1, 1922, CCCXIV, 42-8. Reviewed in T.L.S., Apr. 13, 1922.

COWLEY, MALCOLM. The French and our New Poetry. See under Twentieth Century: General.

576. DOLSON, Guy BAYLEY. Imprisoned English Authors and The Consolation of Philosophy of Boethius. Amer. Journ. of Philology, Apr.-June 1922, XLIII, 168-9.

577. DUCKETT, ELEANOR SHIPLEY. Some English Echoes of Catullus. The Classical Weekly, Apr. 24, 1922, XV, 177–80.

DUNSTAN, A. C. The German Influence on Coleridge. See under Nineteenth Century.

578. ECCLES, F. Y. Racine in England. (Taylorian Lecture, 1921.) Milford, 1922. 9× 51. pp. 30. 2s.

579. ENTWISTLE, WILLIAM J. Geoffrey of Monmouth and Spanish Literature. Mod. Lang. Review, Oct. 1922, XVII, 381-91.

580. FARINELLI, Arturo. Dante in Spagna-Francia-InghilterraGermania (Dante e Goethe). Torino: Fratelli Bocca, 1922. 23 cm. pp. ix, 506. Reviewed by John Van Horne in Journ. Engl. and Germ. Philol., Apr. 1922, XXI, 357-61.

581. FARNHAM, C. EVANGELINE. American Travellers in Spain (1777-1867). Romanic Review, Jan.-Mar., July-Sept. 1922, XIII, 44-64, 252-62. (To be continued.)

582. GALIMBERTI, ALICE. Dante nel Pensiero Inglese. Florence: Le Monnier; London: Truslove and Hanson. 16 lire. Shortly reviewed in T.L.S., June 1, 1922.

583. GRAHAM, STEPHEN. America as Literary Material. Lit. Review, Feb. 18, 1922, pp. 425-6. See also No. 784.

GRASSMANN, R. See under Sixteenth Century: General. GUTTELING, JOHANNA F. C. Hellenic Influence on the English Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. See under Nineteenth Century: General. HAVEMANN, ELISABETH. See under Eighteenth Century: General. 584. HAVENS, GEORGE REMINGTON. The Abbé Prévost and English Literature. Princeton, N.Y.: Princeton Univ. Press, 1921. 25 cm. pp. ix, 335. Elliott Monographs in the Romance Languages and Literatures, No. 9. $1.50.

585. HOLTHAUSEN, FERDINAND. Zum Physiologus. Anglia Beibl., April 1922, XXXIII, 102-3. [Notes on an Armenian Physiologus and on traces of the Philologus-tradition in the older English drama.]

HOWIE, MARGARET D. Achim von Arnim and Scotland. See under Nineteenth Century: General.

586. HUIZINGA, J. An Early Reference to Dante's Canzone 'Le Dolci Rime d'Amor' in England [in Nicholas Upton's Libellus de Officio militari] (fl. c. 1400-1457). Mod. Lang. Review, Jan. 1922, XVII, 74-8.

KAHN, ERNST. Edgar Allan Poe und Charles Baudelaire. See under Nineteenth Century: Poe, Е. А.

KARG. Robert Browning's Verhältnis zu Italien. See under Nineteenth Century: Authors.

587. KELLY, JOHN ALEXANDER. England and the Englishmen in. German Literature of the 18th Century. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1921. 8vo. pp. xviii, 156. Reviewed by Alb. Köster in Anz. f. d. Altert., June 1922, XLI, 154-6.

KIVER, ERNEST. See under Royal Society of Literature. LICHTENBERG, CARL. See under Seventeenth Century: General. LIEDER, PAUL ROBERT. Scott and Scandinavian Literature. See under Sir Walter Scott.

LUCAS, F. L. See under Sixteenth Century: General.
LÜDEKE, Henry, See under Sixteenth Century: General.

588. MACMINN, GEORGE RUPERT. English and American Appreciation of Rabelais. Gayley Anniv. Papers, pp. 137-51.

589. MESICK, JANE LOUISE. The English Traveller in America, 1785-1835. (Columbia University Studies in English and Comparative Literature.) New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1922. 21 cm. pp. viii, [2], 370.

590. MURRAY. Taine und die englische Romantik. MS Diss., Marburg, 1922.

NICOLL, ALLARDYCE. See under Eighteenth Century: General.
NORWOOD, GILBERT. See under Drama.

591. PRICE, LAWRENCE MARSDEN. English-German Literary Influences. Bibliography and Survey. Reviewed by Karl Holl in Lit. Zentralbl., July 1921, LXXII, 582; by F. Werner in Lit. Zentralbl., May 1922, LXXIII, 381-2; by F. Schönemann in Archiv, April 1922, CXLIII, 142-5; by A. Köster in Anz. f. d. Altert., June 1922, XLI, 150–4; by Fr. Werner in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterricht, 1922, XXI, 235–6.

ROTH, GEORGE. See under Nineteenth Century: General. 592. SHANKS, EDWARD. An English Impression of American Literature. The Bookman, Nov. 1922, LVI, 279-87.

SHEARS, LAMBETH ARMOUR. The Influence of Walter Scott on the Novels of Theodore Fontane. See Nineteenth Century: Scott.

593. SHOWERMAN, GRANT. Horace and His Influence. Boston: M. Jones, 1922. 12mo. 19 cm. pp. xvii, 176. Our Debt to Greece and Rome, Ser. 14.

594. SMITH, KIRBY FLOWER. Martial the Epigrammatist, and Other Essays. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1920. 19.5 cm. pp. [viii], 171. Includes The Classics and Our Vernacular. Reviewed by J. B. E. in Sewanee Review, Jan.-Mar. 1922, XXX, 105-6.

595. THOMAS, HENRY. Spanish and Portuguese Romances of Chivalry. The Revival of the Romances of Chivalry in the Spanish Peninsula and its Extension and Influence abroad. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1920. Reviewed by E. Winkler in Deutsche Lit. Zeitg., July 1922, XXXXIII, 586.

THOMAS, RICHARD. See above under Aberystwyth Studies. 596. Times Literary Supplement (The). The Legacy of Greece. Leading Article, Feb. 23, 1922.

597. TREVELYAN, G. M. Englishmen and Italians; some Aspects of their Relations Past and Present. Proceed. Brit. Acad., 1920, IX, 20. Reviewed by F. Liebermann in Archiv, Apr. 1922, CXLIII, 148. VISSINTH, HENDRIK. Scott and his Influence on Dutch Literature. See under Sir Walter Scott.

VIII (d). LITERARY CRITICISM AND APPRECIATION General. CANBY, HENRY SEIDEL. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism. See under Essays.

598. CLARK, DONALD LEMEN. Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance, a Study of Rhetorical Terms in English Renaissance Literary Criticism. (Columbia University Studies in English and Comparative Literature.) New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1922. 21 cm. pp. x,


599. CLUTTON-BROCK, A. On some Perversities of Criticism. Mercury, Apr. 1922, V, 628-34.

600. COLERIdge, Stephen. The Glory of English Prose. New York: Putnam, 1922. 22.5 cm. pp. viii, [2], 232. Front. (port.). $2. Reviewed by John Macy in The Nation, Dec. 6, 1922, cxv, 621; in Lit. Review, Oct. 28, 1922, p. 154; in The Springfield Republican, Nov. 10, 1922, p. 12.

601. Letters to my Grandson on the Glory of English Prose. Mills and Boon, 1922. 71 × 5. pp. 128. 4s.

602. ELIOT, THOMAS STEARNS. The Sacred Wood : Essays on Poetry and Criticism. (Bibl. 1920, X, 388; 1921, 547.) New York: Knopf, 1921. Reviewed in Lit. Review, Feb. 18, 1922, p. 435; by W. van Doorn in English Studies, Feb. 1922, IV, 42-3.

603. Freeman, The. On Criticism. July 5, 19, 1922, V, 406-7, 454-5. 604. GARNETT, EDWARD. Friday Nights: Literary Criticisms and Appreciations. New York: Knopf; London: J. Cape, 1922. 19.5 cm. pp. [x], 377. $2.50; 7s. 6d. Contents: Nietzsche; W. H. Hudson's Nature Books; Tchekov and His Art; Ibsen and the English; Mr Joseph Conrad; Mr C. M. Doughty; Ostrovsky's The Storm; Mr D. H. Laurence and the Moralists; Richard Jefferies' Amaryllis at the Fair;



Henry Lawson and the Democracy; Sarah Orne Jewett's Tales; Stephen Crane and His Work; Robert Frost's North of Boston; Some Remarks on English and American Fiction; American Criticism and Fiction; Critical Notes on American Poets; Two American Novelists; The Contemporary Critic. Reviewed by Joseph Warren Beach in The New Republic, Sept. 13, 1922, XXXII, 79; by Newton Arvin in The Freeman, Sept. 27, 1922, VI, 67–8; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, May 27, 1922, CVIII, 488; by John Galsworthy in New York Times Book Review, May 14, 1922, pp. 1, 27 (illus.); in T.L.S., June 29, 1922.

605. GIBBS, A. HAMILTON. English Critics and American Books. T.L.S., Corr., Jan. 12, 1922.

606. Literary Review, The. The Age of Criticism. Nov. 25, 1922,

P. 237.

607. MACY, JOHN. The Critical Game. Lit. Review, Jan. 7, 1922, PP. 329-30. 608. The Critical Game. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1922. $2.50. Reviewed by Arthur Colton in Lit. Review, Dec. 2, 1922, p. 261; by Burton Rascoe in The Bookman, Oct. 1922, LVI, 223-4; by Carl Van Doren in The Nation, Dec. 13, 1922, CXV, 669 by Gorham B. Munson in The New Republic, Nov. 15, 1922, XXXII, 313-14; in The Boston Transcript, Dec. 2, 1922, p. 5; by E. L. Pearson in The Independent, Oct. 28, 1922, CIX, 240; by Burton Rascoe in The New York Tribune, Oct. 8, 1922, p. 8.

609. MURRY, JOHN MIDDLETON. Countries of the Mind: Essays in Literary Criticism. Collins, 1922. 8vo. pp. 246. 10s. 6d. Reviewed in Lond. Quart. Review, Oct. 1922, No. 48, p. 275; in T.L.S., Aug. 3, 1922; in Sat. Review, July 1, 1922, CXXXIV, 18-19; in The New Statesman, July 22, 1922, XIX, 444-5; in The Spectator, July 22, 1922, CXXIX, 115; in The Nation-Athen., June 24, 1922, XXXI, 448.

610. PRITCHARD, F. H. Training in Literary Appreciation an Introduction to Criticism. Harrap, 1922. Cr. 8vo. pp. 203. 2s. 6d.

611. SQUIRE, J. C. Books Reviewed. [Reprinted from "The Observer."] Hodder and Stoughton, 1922. 74 × 51. pp. x, 293. 7s. 6d. Reviewed in The New Statesman, Dec. 23, 1922, XX, 362.

612. VAN DOREN, CARL. A Fourth Dimension in Criticism. The Nation, July 5, 1922, CXV, 18.

Poetry. 613. BAILEY, JOHN. Life and Art in English Poetry. [Opening Lecture of the Clark Lectures, Cambridge, 1921.] Fort. Review, July 1922, n.s., No. 667, pp. 137-51.

614. BARNES, NELLIE. American Indian Verse: Characteristics of Style. Laurence, Kan.: The Univ., 1921. 24 cm. pp. 63. Illus. (Bulletin of the Univ. of Kansas, xxII, 18; Humanistic Studies, II, 4.) Reviewed by Mary Austin in Lit. Review, Dec. 9, 1922, p. 292.

615. BENNETT, FLORENCE MARY. A Laboratory Experiment in Poetry. Poet Lore, Winter 1922, XXXIII, 537-52.

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