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The external appearance, and the gorged state of the blood-vessels of the brain, clearly proved that death had been caused by strangulation, and it also proved Dr. G. Burrows' theory on this subject to be correct. In removng the abdominal viscera we were struck with the size and vascular appearance of the uterus. As we understood she had been confined three months before, and the child soon after died, we thought the uterus night be impregnated, but on laying it open it presented to our view a most beautiful velvet-like appearance; the whole internal surface was covered with a dark, sanguineous mucus, which seemed to be exudating from it and could be easily scraped off. This unusual appearance we at once suspected to be the catamenial secretion, or the commencement of the process of menstruation.There was no appearance of any discharge in the vagina, and in order to satisfy ourselves on the point as to whether she had been regular since the birth of the last child, we made inquiry, and learnt from a female friend who lived in the house with her, that she had menstruated once since her confinement, and she thought that she was expecting it again in a day or two. There is then indisputable evidence, and the strongest corroborative proof of the fact, that the source of the menstrual discharge, once so much disputed, is the inner membrane lining the uterus, and I think the strongest case recorded. As it is well known, and many remarkable cases are recorded, that hanging has a very curious effect on the organs of generation of the male,-Query, Did the apparently enlarged uterus, and the vascularity of the external part of this organ, arise from the process going on within, or from the mode of death? Perhaps some of your learned readers may be able to inform me.-Prov. Med. & Surg. Journal.

Case of Traumatic Tetanus: Administration of Æther.—By H. H. BROUGHTON, M. D.-On Saturday, March 20th, I was called at 6 A. M., to Charles Prescott, a miner, residing two miles from this place. I found the left arm completely shattered by a large stone falling on it; he had not lost much blood; his comrade had tied a piece of cord tight round his arm, which completely checked the bleeding. He had walked home a distance of a mile from the shaft where the accident occured. I immediately amputated below the elbow-joint; three arteries required ligatures. He went on exceedingly well for some days. On Wednesday, the 24th, he was most anxious to get up, and on the wound being dressed, union had taken place by the first intention. On Saturday, the 27th, I found him sitting up and dressed; he said he was quite tired of bed. In the evening he sent down, stating he had taken cold. He had some aperient medicine sent him.

On Sunday the symptoms of tetanus became marked, there was considerable rigidity of the muscles of the neck and jaw, and difficulty in swallowing. He had an enema with turpentine, calomel, and an active aperient, which soon operated. The symptoms continuing, he had thirty minims of liquor opii sedativus, every hour, and belladonna to the neck and jaws. He was perfectly under the influence of opium, but without any remission of the symptoms of opisthotoncs.

Monday evening. The spasms now most violent. Half a drachm of æther, added to each dose of opium, and calomel freely given through the night.

Tuesday morning. No better, but decidedly worse. We now determined to try æther. This was administered by means of Boott's apparatus. He was soon under its influence, and immediately all contraction and spasm ceased, and he got into a most comfortable sleep, which lasted full ten minutes. As soon as he became sensible the spasm and contraction returned, but scarcely so violent. He again enhaled the æther with the same result. He had it a third time; it again relieved him, and he was left asleep, and on visiting him I found he could open his mouth better. He was most anxious to have it again, but a violent spasm came on before I could get it to him, followed by another, and he immediately sank.-Ibid.

On Marking Ink, for marking Linen, &c., without the use of a Mordant. By MR. REDWOOD.-The practice of marking linen and other similar fabrics employed as wearing apparel, or for domestic use, with a preparation of silver, commonly called Marking Ink, has prevailed for many years, and has now become almost universal. The preparation first introduced for this purpose consisted of a solution of nitrate of silver, thickened with gum arabic and coloured with sap green; but in using this solution it is necessary previously to apply to the article to be marked, a preparation or mordant, consisting of a solution of carbonate of soda.

The following formula has been very generally adopted in the preparation of this kind of marking ink:

R. Carbonate of Soda
Distilled Water

Mix, and sign "The preparation or Mordant."

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Mix and sign "The Ink."

The ink made from the above, or a similar formula, which, I believe, almost every druggist through the country has been in the habit of preparing and selling, when used according to the usual instructions, produces a result which is subject to no objection that does not equally apply to any other marking ink having silver as its basis.

Within the last few years, however, the marking ink made as above, has been to a great extent superseded by the introduction of a new kind of ink, which does not require the use of a mordant or preparation. This ink appears to be generally preferred to the other; it is in one bottle, which occupies but little space, and its use is considered to be attended with less trouble and inconvenience than that of the other.

My attention has recently been directed to this subject, as I was desirous of introducing a good formula for marking ink, to be used as

a mordant, into the new edition, now publishing, of Gray's Supplement to the Pharmacopeia. Several formulæ have been published in the Journals, for the preparation of this ink, but none of these have given complete satisfaction.

The following appear to be the principal requisites in this kind of ink:

1st. That it shall flow freely from the pen, and form a well defined mark without running or blotting.

2d. That it shall not require a very strong or long continued heat to be applied, by holding the article that has been written on to the fire, or passing a hot iron over it, in order to develope the black mark required.

3d. That the mark produced by it, when developed by the application of heat, or by exposure to light, shall be perfectly black.

4th. That it shall not destroy the texture of even the finest cambric.

After several experiments, I have succeeded in making a marking ink, which I think will be found to realize all the above conditions; it is thus prepared :

R. Nitrate of Silver

Carbonate of Soda, crystallized,
Tartaric Acid

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

q. s.

Dissolve the nitrate of silver and carbonate of soda separately in distilled water mix the solutions: collect and wash the precipitate on a filter; introduce the washed precipitate, still moist, into a Wedgewood's-ware moitar, and add to it the tartaric acid, rubbing them together until effervescence has ceased; add liquor ammonia in sufficient quantity to dissolve the tartrate of silver; then mix in the archil, white sugar, and powdered gum arabic, and add as much distilled water, if required, as will make f.3vj. of the mixture.

It will be observed that the essential difference between this formula and those which have been already published, consists in the use of tartrate of silver, instead of nitrate of silver.-Pharm. Journ.

Death of M. Lisfranc.-The celebrated surgeon of La Pitie died on the 12th of May from the progress of diphtheriticangina, complicated with pernicious fever, during the second paroxysm of which he expired. M. Lisfranc was only sixty years of age. The funeral took place on the 14th inst. It was most numerously attended, and MM. Pariset and Serres, and others, pronounced on the grave speeches expressive of their feelings on the melancholy occasion. As an operator, Lisfranc was unequalled, and it is a serious misfortune that his work on Operative Surgery, though far advanced, was not completed

at the time of his death; his lectures, of the most practical nature, were always fully attended, and were remarkable at all times for the energy with which his opinions were expressed. Lisfranc has written few works: two volumes of clinical surgery, and an incomplete sketch of the art of operations; but in his books, as well as in his practice, the following principle is constantly illustrated:-"The operations of surgery are brilliant; but the art of the surgeon consists less in performing them with ability, than in rendering them useless by proper treatment." Lisfranc's researches on cancer, on uterine disease, on white swellings, and his method for the partial amputation of the foot, ensure to his name a place amongst those of the most distinguished surgeons of the French school.-London Med. Times.

Attempted Bribery of M. Magendie.-M. Magendie had been appointed as a special witness to give evidence on the question whether certain leeches which had been sold by MM. Vaucher and Laurens were "gorged" at the time of sale. Madame Laurens, the wife of one of the accused, was charged with attempting to bribe M. Magendie. This gentleman deposed that the accused called on him on the 24th January. After having begged him to devote the greatest care to the delicate investigation entrusted to him, the lady withdrew, leaving upon his table a sealed packet, which she said contained memoranda for his guidance in the case! After her departure, M. Magendie opened the packet, and found that it contained three bank. notes of 1000 francs. There was also enclosed a letter, not signed, from which the following extract was read :-'Let me beg of you to procure the dismissal of the complaint against MM. Laurens and Vaucher. This will be simple justice. Your time is valuable, and I therefore wish to remunerate you. No one shall know of my visit to you.'

Madame Laurens said, in her defence, that she had made a mistake in writing the letter; she had not intended to leave it behind her; and if it contained bank notes of 1000 francs, they must have got into the envelope without her knowledge. Her leaving the packet on the table must have been accidental. The tribunal, however, rejected this defence, condemned Madame Lurens to one month's imprisonment, and a fine of 300 francs; and they ordered the notes for 3000 francs, intended as the bribe, to be paid into the account for the benefit of the Parisian infirmaries.”—L'Union Medicale.

Well done, Madame! but you must proceed more cautiously and prudently in future. You must learn better how to turn away the wrath or to soften the obduracy of those who report on your leeches. In Timbuctoo those who deal in gorged leeches manage things better.-Dublin Med. Press.

In France leeches are sold by weight. It has been much the practice with leech-venders lately to let the leeches fill themselves with blood from calves, horses, and other animals, and sell them in this "gorged" state.

Case in which death was caused by eating raw rice. By DEBERT HOWELL, M. D.-Maria W-—, a servant, aged twenty-two, previously in moderate health, but pale and anæmic, was taken suddenly ill with pain in the chest, while walking out in the evening of December 17th, 1846. At half-past seven, half an hour from the attack, she was suffering severe pain in the left hypochondriac region, attended by great restlessness. Percussion over the region of the stomach was not unusually loud. On inquiry, it proved that she had eaten in the afternoon, before her tea, a tumblerful of raw rice, mixed with milk, which she had been in the habit of eating, as well as arrow-root, sago, &c., in a raw state. The pain evidently arising from distention, caused by swelling of the rice in contact with the tea, and aided by the heat of the body, half a drachm of sulphate of zinc was administered as an emetic, which, failing to act, was repeated after twenty minutes. The stomach was then relieved, first of what appeared to be tea and wash, and afterwards, at intervals, of a large quantity of half-swollen rice, equal in bulk to an ordinary dinnerplate, piled; and she felt considerable relief from pain. The stomachpump was not employed in this case, because it did not appear calculated to relieve the stomach of its half solid contents; in similar cases, however, it might prove useful by favoring the escape of gas. At eleven the following morning the pain increased suddenly, violently, with cold extremities, and feeble pulse, great abdominal tenderness, and she died at 4 P. M. On examination of the body, extensive peritoneal inflammation presented itself, with deposition of lymph agglutinating the intestines, and a copious effusion of turbid serum into the cavity of the abdomen. The stomach and duodenum were empty, with the exception of a few grains of raw rice at the pylorus, and perfectly free from inflammation. The small intestines were gorged throughout with a quantity of the same raw material that she had been in the habit of eating, apparently rice, arrow-root, &c., some raw and hard, and in parts so distending the intestine as to give the sensation to the fingers of feeling a bag of marbles, and and some in a half digested state. The large intestines were loaded with fæces. The heart was small, the lungs healthy. It is remarkable that the stomach was perfectly free from inflammation.-London Lancet.

The Influence of Strychnine on the Urinary Organs.—In several cases of paralysis affecting the lower extremities and the bladder, strychnine has been employed; and it has been remarked that it, in the first place, increases the urinary secretion, then causes very frequent desire to empty the bladder, and when this is done, it is attended with some smarting. This influence on the bladder declines in proportion as the effects of the strychnine manifest themselves in the muscles of the limbs.

In one case in which strychnine was given, a varioloid eruption came out, which did not suppurate, but terminated by crusty desicca

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