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concerning this misapprehended controversy; fhowing them the true parties in this unfeasona ble Plea; and because B. Overall went a midway, betwixt the two opinions which he held extream, and muft needs therefore fomewhat differ from the commonly-received tenet in these points, I gathered out of B. Overall on the one fide, and out of our English Divines at Dort on the other, fuch common propofitions concerning these five busy Articles, as wherein both of them are fully agreed; All which being put together, feemed unto me to make up fo fufficient a body of accorded Truth, that all other questions moved here-abouts, appeared merely fuperfluous, and every moderate Chriftian, might find where to reft himself, without hazard of Contradiction: Thefe I made bold by the hands of Dr. Young the worthy Dean of Winchester, to prefent to his Excellent Majefty, together with a humble motion. of a peaceable filence to be injoyned to both parts, in those other collaterall, and needleffe difquisitions which if they might befit the Schools of Academicall difputants, could not certainly found well from the Pulpits of popular Auditories: Those reconciliatory papers fell under the eyes of fome Grave Divines on both parts, Mr. Montague profeffed that he had seen them, and would fubfcribe to them very wil

lingly; others that were contrarily minded, both English, Scotish, and French Divines, profered their hands to a no lefs ready fubfcription; So as much peace promised to refult, out of that weak and poor enterprise, had not the confused noise of the mifconftructions of those, who never faw the work, (crying it down for the very Names fake) meeting with the royall edia of a general Inhibition, buryed it in a secure Silence. I was fcorched a little with this flame, which I defired to Quench; yet this could not stay my hand from thrusting it felf, into an hotter fire.

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Some infolent Romanifts (Jefuites efpecially) in their bold difputacions (which in the time of the treaty of the Spanish Match, and the calme of that Relaxation were very frequent,) pressed nothing fo much, as a Catalogue of the Profeffors of our Religion to be deduced from the primitive times, and with the peremptory challenge of the impoffibility of this Pedigree dazeled the eyes of the fimple; whiles fome of our learned men, undertaking to fatisfy fo needlefs and unjust a demand, gave, as I conceived, great advantage to the Adversary; In a just Indignation to fee us thus wronged by mif ftateing the Queftion betwixt us, as if we, yielding our felves of an other Church, Originally and fundamentally different, should make good our own erection


upon the Ruines, yea, the Nullity of theirs, and well confidering the Infinite and great inconveniences, that must needs follow upon this defence, I adventured to fet my pen on work; defiring to rectifie the Opinions of those men, whom an ignorant zeal had tranfported, to the prejudice of our holy Caufe, laying forth the Damnable corruptions of the Roman Church, yet making our game of the outward vifibility thereof, and by this means putting them to the probation, of those newly obtruded corruptions. which are truly guilty of the breach betwixt us; The drift whereof, being not well conceived, by fome fpirits, that were not fo wife as fervent, I was fuddenly expofed to the rafh cenfures of many well affected and zealous Proteftants, as if I had in a Remiffion to my wonted zeal to the Truth attributed too much to the Roman Church, and ftrengthned the adverfaries hands and weakned our own; This envy I was fain to take off by my fpeedy Apologeticall_advertisment, and B. Mor- after that by my Reconciler, feconded with the unaminous Letters of fuch Reverend, Learned, B.Dave- found Divines, both Bishops and Doors, as Dr. Pri- whofe undoubtable authority, was able to bear deaux. down calumny it felf; which done I did by a rofe. seasonable moderation provide for the Peace of the Church, in filencing both my defendants and challengers, in this unkind and ill-raised quarrell;





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Immediately before the Publishing of this Tractate, (which did not a little aggravate, the envy fufpicion) I was by his Majefty raised to the Bifhoprick of Exceter,having formerly (with much humble Deprecation) refufed the See of Glocefter earneftly proffered unto me; How beyond all expectation it pleafed God to place me in that Western charge; which (if the Duke of Buckinghams Letters, he being then in France, had arived but fome hours fooner) I had been defeated of; and by what strange means it pleased God to make up the Competency of that provifion, by the unthought of addition of the Rectory of St. Break within that Diocefs, if I should fully relate, the Circumftances, would force the Confeffion of an extraordinary hand of God in the difpofing of thofe events, I entred upon that place, not without much prejudice and suspici- · on on fome hands; for fome that fate at the fterne. of the Church, had me in great Jeloufie for too much favour of Puritanifme; I foon had intelligence who were fet over me for efpialls; my ways were Curi-. oufly observed, and scanned; However I took the resolution to follow those courses which might most conduce to the Peace and happiness of my New and weighty charge; finding therefore fome factious fpirits very bufie in that Diocefs, I used all fair and gentle means to win them to good order; and therein fo happily prevailed, that (faving two of that numerous Clergy, who continuing in their refractori



nefs fled away from cenfure,) they were all perfitly reclaimed; fo as I had not one Minister profeffedly oppofite to the anciently received orders (for I was never guilty of urging any new Impofitions) of the Church in that large Diocefs; Thus we went on comfortably together, till fome perfons of note in the Clergy, being guilty of their own negligence and diforderly courfes, began to envy our fuccefs; and finding me ever ready to encourage those whom I found confcionably forward, and painfull in their places, and willingly giving way to Orthodox and peaceable Lectures in feverall parts of my Diocess, opened their mouths against me, both obliquely in the Pulpit, and direly at the Court; complaining of my too much Indulgence to perfons difaffected, and my too much liberty of frequent Lecturings within my charge. The billowes went fo high, that I was three feverall times upon my knee to his Majefty, to answer these great Criminations, and what Contestation I had with some great Lords concerning thefe particulars, it would be too long to report; only this; under how dark a Cloud I was hereupon, I was fo fenfible, that I plainly told the Lord Archbishop of Canter, that rather then I would be obnoxious to those flanderous tongues of his misinformers, 1 would caft up my Rocher; I knew I went right wayes, and would not endure to live under undeferved fufpicions; what messages of caution I had from fome of my wary Brethren, and what expoftulatory


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