Abbildungen der Seite

Governors of the State of New York

Source: Official Records

(The order of succession, if the Governor dies or resigns is-Lieutenant Governor; the President of the Senate; the Speaker of the Assembly.) The term has been lengthened to 4 years, after Dec. 31, 1938.


Thomas Dongan, Gov.

Second English Period (Early Colonial). Edmond Andros, Gov. Nov. (n.s.) 10. 1674 Anthony Brockholls, Lieut.-Gov. November 16, 1677 Sir Edmond Andros, Gov.. .August 7, 1678 Anthony Brockholls, Gov. .Jan. (n.s.) 13, 1681 ..August 27, 1683

First Dutch Period.

William Tryon, Gov.

Adriaen Jorisszen Tienpoint, Director.. Cornelis Jacobzen Mey, Director.


James Robertson, Gov.



Andrew Elliott, Lieut.-Gov... .April

William Verhulst, Director..

Peter Minuit, Director Gen...


. 1625 4, 1626

Bastiaen Jansz Krol, Director Gen..March
Wouter Van Twiller, Director Gen.. April
William Kieft. Director Gen.

1632 1633 March 28, 1638 Petrus Stuyvesant, Director Gen... May 11, 1647 Under Dutch rule the powers of government. civil and ecclesiastical, were vested in the Director of the West India Company and his Council. First English Period.

Richard Nicolls, Gov... Francis Lovelace, Gov..

.Sept. (n.s.) 8, 1664 .August 17, 1668

Second Dutch Period. Cornelis Evertse & War Council.. Aug. (n.s.) 12, 1673 Anthony Colve, Gov. Gen......Sept. (n.s.) 19, 1673

Robertson and Elliott were Military Governors during the Revolutionary War, but were not recognized by the State of New York.

Government by the Provincial Congress.
Peter Van Brough Livingston... May
Nathaniel Woodhull, Pres. protemAugust
Abraham Yates jr., Pres. pro tem. November
Nathaniel Woodhull.

John Haring, Pres. pro tem. . December 16, 1775
Nathaniel Woodhull.

Peter R. Livingston.
Abraham Ten Broeck.

William Smith, Pres. pro tem... April
Pierre Van Cortlandt, Vice-Pres. April
Leonard Gansevoort, Pres. protem April
Pierre Van Cortlandt, Vice-Pres. April
Abraham Ten Broeck.
Pierre Van Cortlandt, Pres.
Council of Safety..

26, 1775

23, 1780

17, 1783

23, 1775

28, 1775

2, 1775

6, 1775


12, 1776

John Haring. Pres. pro tem.....June Nathaniel Woodhull.

19, 1776


9, 1776

Abraham Yates jr., Pres. pro tem.August Abraham Yates jr.

10, 1776


28, 1776

September 26, 1776 March

6, 1777

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Cadwallader Colden, Lieut.-Gov. November 18, 1761 14, 1762 28, 1763 November 13, 1765 Cadwallader Colden, Lieut.-Gov.September 12, 1769 Earl of Dunmore, Gov. October 19, 1770 William Tryon, Gov.. July 9, 1771 Cadwallader Colden, Lieut.-Gov.April 7, 1774 NOTES ON TABLE The Constitution of 1777 did not specify the time when the Governor should enter on the duties of his office. Gov. Clinton was declared elected July 9, and qualized on July 30. On Feb. 13. 1787, an act was passed for regulating elections, which provided that the Governor and LieutenantGovernor should enter on the duties of their respective offices on the 1st of July after their election.

The Constitution of 1821 provided that the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor should, after

Myron H. Clark.. Canandaigua.

Nov. 4, 1862

Edwin D. Morgan.. New York City.
Horatio Seymour... Deerfield.
Reuben E. Fenton.. Frewsburgh. Nov. 8, 1864
John T. Hoffman.. New York City. Nov. 3, 1868
John A. Dix.
New York City. Nov. 5, 1872
New York City. Nov. 3, 1874
Nov. 7, 1876

Samuel J. Tilden, Lucius Robinson.. Alonzo B. Cornell.. Grover Cleveland.. David B. Hill

New York City. Nov. 4, 1879 Buffalo.


Nov. 7, 1882


6, 1885

Roswell P. Flower..New York City. Nov. 3, 1891
Levi P. Morton.. Rhinecliff.
Frank S. Black.


Theodore Roosevelt. Oyster Bay
Benj. B. Odell jr....Newburgh..
Frank W. Higgins. Olean...
Charles E. Hughes..New York City.
Horace White..

John A. Dix.. William Sulzer.

Syracuse.. Thomson.

Nov. 6, 1894

Nov. 3, 1896

Nov. 8, 1898

Nov. 6, 1900

Nov. 8, 1904

Nov. 6, 1906

Oct. 6, 1910

Nov. 8, 1910

New York City. Nov. 5, 1912
Martin H. Glynn.. Albany
Oct. 17, 1913
Charles S. Whitman New York City. Nov. 3, 1914
Alfred E. Smith....New York City. Nov. 5, 1918
Nathan L. Miller...Syracuse
Nov. 2, 1920
Alfred E. Smith.. New York City. Nov. 7, 1922
F. D. Roosevelt. Hyde Park. Nov. 6, 1928
Herbert H. Lehman. New York City. Nov. 8, 1932
Lehman was reelected in 1934, 1936 and 1938.

the year 1823, take office on Jan 1.

Cleveland (1882) resigned Jan. 6, 1885, to become President of the United States, and Hill, the Lieutenant-Governor, succeeded him as Governor, and was elected Nov. 6, 1885, for a full term.

Hughes (1906) resigned as Governor, Oct. 6. 1910, to become a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and was succeeded as Governor by Lieutenant-Governor Horace White.

Glynn (1913) was Lieutenant-Governor and became Governor Oct. 17, 1913, when Sulzer, who was impeached, was removed from office.


Brief History of the Municipality

Source: Legislative Manual of the State
public expense.

Manhattan Island, the present Borough of Manhattan, was discovered by Henry Hudson on September 11, 1609. In 1613, the first habitations for white men were built by Adrian Block, where 41 Broadway now stands. On May 6, 1626, Peter Minuet, appointed Director-General of New Netherland, purchased Manhattan Island from the Indians for trinkets valued at about twenty-four dollars, and the town with a population of less than 200 was named New Amsterdam.


The first wooden church was erected in 1633. Two years later Fort Amsterdam was built on what is now the site of the Custom House. 1642 the first public meeting place was built on the site of 73 Pearl Street. In 1653 a wall was built along what is now Wall Street, as a protection against attack, being extended along Rector Street in 1673.

New Amsterdam, with a population of about 800, was incorporated as a city on February 2, 1653. The first street was paved in 1657, this running between Broad and Whitehall Streets. On March 12, 1664, King Charles II of England granted all the Dutch land in America, covering what is now New York, New Jersey and a part of Connecticut, to his brother James, Duke of York. The city was captured by the English on September 8 of that year and it was then named New York after the Duke of York. Thomas Willett, of Plymouth, was appointed the first Mayor, taking office in June, 1665. On August 9, 1673, the city was recaptured by the Dutch, who named it New Orange, after the Prince of Orange. In November, 1674, New Netherland, including the city of New Orange, was ceded to England, and the province and the city renamed New York.

On December 8, 1683, the city was first divided into wards, each of the six with an alderman. On April 27, 1686, the first charter was granted. The first printing press was set up on April 12, 1693. and on October 16, 1725, the first newspaper in New York was founded. A new city hall was completed at Broad and Wall streets in 1700, this becoming "New Federal Hall," and on April 30, 1789, George Washington there took oath of office as first President of the United States. The first city library was founded in 1754. In 1756 a stage route was started between New York and Philadelphia. In 1762 the streets were first lighted at

On July 9, 1776, in the presence of George Washington, the Declaration of Independence was read to the American troops quartered in New York, near the site now occupied by the City Hall. During the same year construction started on the first waterworks to supply the city through wooden pipes. The English captured the city on September 14, 1776, and it was not until November 25, 1783, that the city below Fourteenth Street was again under the control of the Americans. The final step in the establishment of the first American city government in New York City was completed on February 5, 1784, when Governor George Clinton appointed James Duane as the first Mayor. By 1790 the city extended from the Battery to the lower end of City Hall Park, and its population was 33,131. New York was the capital of the Nation from 1785 to 1790, and the capital of the State until 1797. On August 11, 1807, Robert Fulton's steamboat, the "Clermont, made its trip from New York to Albany in thirty-two hours. In 1832 the first horse railroad in the world started on Fourth Avenue. In 1844 the first uniformed police force in New York City was organized. On May 2, 1865, the first paid fire department was organized. On May 24, 1883. the first bridge to span the East River, the Brooklyn Bridge, was opened. The Statue of Liberty was unveiled on October 24, 1886.

The first excavation for the earliest subway was made on March 24, 1900; it became operative on October 27, 1904. In 1908 the Hudson River tunnels were opened to Jersey City, and on March 30, 1909, the Queensboro Bridge was opened and on December 31 in the same year the Manhattan Bridge was completed. The Holland Tunnel, under the Hudson River, the largest vehicular tunnel in the world, was started October 12, 1920, and completed November 12, 1927. On September 21, 1927, construction was begun on the George Washington Bridge and it was officially opened October 25, 1931.

New York County became Manhattan Borough on Jan. 1, 1898; Kings County became Brooklyn Borough; and that part of New York County just north of the Harlem River (the upper slice of which had been taken from Westchester County) became Bronx Borough; Queens County became Queens Borough; and Richmond County (Staten Island) became Richmond Borough.

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1 Thomas Willett



Robert Lurting.

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Paul Richard.

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John Cruger, Sr.

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1668-1670 39


Thomas Delavall.

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27 Philip French.. 1702-1703 62 William Peartree..1703-1707 Ebenezer Wilson.. 1707-1710 64 J. van Cortlandt. 1710-1711 65 Caleb Heathcote.. 1711-1714 66 John Johnson 1714-1719 67 33 J. van Cortlandt. .1719-1720 68 34 Robert Walters.. 1720-1725 69 35 Johannes Jansen. 1725-1726 70

Mayor Walker resigned on Sept. 1, 1932, during proceedings for his removal, conducted by Gov. F. D. Roosevelt. He was succeeded by Joseph V. McKee, President of the Board of Aldermen, who claimed the right to serve until the end of Walker's term, Dec. 31, 1933; but the Court of Appeals

ordered a special election, and, on Nov. 8, 1932, John P. O'Brien, a surrogate of New York County, was chosen by the voters to be Mayor for the balance of the Walker term, succeeding the Acting Mayor, Jan. 1, 1933.

1726-1735 71 A. C. Kingsland... 1851-1853 1735-1739 72 J. A. Westervelt... 1853-1855 1739-1744 73 Fernando Wood... 1855-1858 Stephen Bayard. 1744-1747 74 Daniel F. Tiemann 1858-1860 Edward Holland..1747-1757 75 Fernando Wood...1860-1862 John Cruger, Jr... 1757-1766 76 George Opdyke.. 1862-1864 Whitehead Hicks..1766-1776 C. G. Gunther....1864-1866 D.Matthews, Tory 1776-1784 John T. Hoffman..1866-1868 James Duane.... 1784-1789 T. Coman (Acting) 1868 Richard Varick 1789-1801 80 A. Oakey Hall 1869-1872 Edward Livingston 1801-1803 W. F. Havemeyer. 1873-1874 De Witt Clinton.. 1803-1807 82 S.B.H.Vance (Act.) 1874 Marinus Willett.. 1807-1808 83 Wm. H. Wickham. 1875-1876 De Witt Clinton. 1808-1810 84 Smith Ely.. 1877-1878 Jacob Radcliff.. 1810-1811 85 Edward Cooper. 1879-1880 De Witt Clinton. 1811-1815 86 William R. Grace.. 1881-1882 52John Ferguson. 1815 87 Franklin Edson...1883-1884 1689-1690 53 Jacob Radcliff. 1815-1818 88 William R. Grace. 1885-1886 1691 54 C. D. Colden.. 1818-1821 89 Abram S. Hewitt.. 1887-1888 1692-1694 55 Stephen Allen. 1821-1824 90 Hugh J. Grant.. 1889-1892 William Paulding. 1825-1826 91 Thomas F. Gilroy. 1893-1894 Philip Hone 1826-1827 92 William L. Strong. 1895-1897 William Paulding. R. A. Van Wyck.. 1898-1901 Walter Bowne. Seth Low.. 1902-1903 G. B. McClellan.. 1904-1909 William J. Gaynor. 1910-1913 ArdolphL.Kline(A)| 1913 John P. Mitchel...1914-1917 John F. Hylan. 1918-1925 James J. Walker.. 1926-1932 J. V. McKee (Actg.) 1932 John P. O'Brien... 1933-1933 F. H. LaGuardia.. 1934





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The Mayor, Comptroller, and President of the Council have 3 votes each; Borough Presidents of
Manhattan and Brooklyn, 2 each; other Borough Presidents, 1 each.

Secretary to the Board: Anna H. Clark, Rm. 1356, Municipal Building, Manhattan.
Terms of members of the Board expire Dec. 31, 1945.

(a)Rufus E. McGahen is also a Commissioner of the Board of Water Supply ($12,000 yearly); receives no salary as Deputy Mayor.

The City Council

Members were elected in November, 1941, for two years. Terms expire Dec. 31, 1943. Salaries: VicePresident and Minority Leaders, $7,500; others,

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$5,000 each.

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Departments and Bureaus of the City Government

(All Manhattan, Municipal Bldg., unless otherwise stated)

Accounts-(See Investigation, Department of.) Art Commission of the City of New York(Passes on the designs of all public buildings and works of art intended for public places). Executive Secretary-A. Everett Peterson, City Hall.

Assessors, Board of-Frederick J. H. Kracke, chairman ($8,500).

Budget, Bureau of-Kenneth Dayton, director ($12,000).

Civil Service Commission, Municipal-Paul J. Kern, president ($8,500); Ferdinand Q. Morton and Wallace S. Sayre ($6,500 each).

Comptroller-Joseph D. McGoldrick ($20,000). Correction, Department of Commissioner (vacancy) ($11,000), 139 Centre Street.

Docks, Department of John McKenzie, commissioner ($10,000), Pier "A", North River.

Education, Board of-James Marshall, president;
Ellsworth B. Buck, vice-president.

Other members of the Board: William R. Crowley,
Daniel Paul Higgins, Mrs. Johanna M. Lindlof,
Dr. Alberto C. Conaschi and James G. McDonald.
They serve without pay. Located at 110 Livingston
St., Brooklyn.

The Board of Superintendents consists of the Superintendent of Schools, the Deputy Superintendent and seven Associate Superintendents.

The Superintendent of Schools (Harold G. Campbell) receives $25,000; associate superintendents, $12,500.

Education, Board of Higher-Ordway Tead, chairman; Carrie K. Medalie, secretary. The Board consists of 21 citizens who are residents of the city, appointed by the Mayor, and the president of the Board of Education, an ex-officio member. Terms of appointed members 9 years. They serve without pay. Administrator-Pearl Bernstein, 695 Park Avenue.

Elections, Board of-Appointed by The Council upon the recommendation of the two major political organizations in New York and Kings Counties. Term two years. Salary, $8,000. Borough offices: 400 Broome St., Manhattan; Tremont and 3d Aves.. Bronx; 600 Municipal Bldg., Brooklyn; 90-33 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica; 313 Borough Hall, Staten Island.

Finance, Department of-Almerindo Portfolio, treasurer ($10,000).

Fire Department-Patrick Walsh, commissioner ($12,500). Secretary to the department-Richard F. Warner ($5,700).

Health, Department of John L. Rice, M.C., commissioner ($11,000), 125 Worth Street.

Hospitals, Department of-Williard Cole Rappleye, M.D., commissioner ($10,000), 125 Worth Street.

Housing and Buildings, Department of-William Wilson, commissioner ($10,000).

Investigation, Department of-William B. HerJands, commissioner ($10,000), 2 Lafayette Street. Law Department (the Corporation Counsel)—

William C. Chanler, Corporation Counsel ($17,500). Licenses, Department of-Paul Moss, commissioner ($10,000), 112 White St.

Markets, Department of-William Fellowes Morgan, Jr. ($10,000), 137 Centre Street.

Parks, Department of Robert Moses, commissioner ($13,500), Arsenal Bldg., Fifth Ave. and 64th Street.

Parole Commission-John C. Maher, chairman ($8,000); Mary A. Frasca and Samuel J. Battle ($6,000 each). The Commissioner of Correction and the Police Commissioner are ex-officio members. Secretary-John J. Devitt ($3,500), 100 Centre Street.

Police Department-Lewis J. Valentine, commissioner ($12,500), 240 Centre Street. Vincent E. Finn, chief clerk.

Public Service Commission-(This is a part of the State Government and is put here for reference purposes.) The commissioners are appointed by the Governor with consent of the Senate. Milo R. Maltbie, chairman; George R. Van Namee, George R. Lunn, Neal Brewster and Maurice C. Burritt ($15,000 each); State Office Bldg., Albany, N. Y.; N. Y. City branch, State Office Bldg., Manhattan. Murray G. Tanner, secretary (Albany); Harold N. Weber, executive secretary (Manhattan). The Transit Commission, Metropolitan Division-William G. Fullen, chairman; Reuben L. Haskell and M. Baldwin Fertig ($15,000 each); 270 Madison Avenue.

Public Works, Department of-Irving V. A. Huie, commissioner ($12,000).

Purchase, Department of Russell Forbes, commissioner ($10,000).

Sanitation, Department of-William F. Carey, commissioner ($10,000), 125 Worth Street.

Standards and Appeals, Board of-Harris H. Murdock, chairman ($10,000). Chief Clerk-Joseph J. Doyle ($3,500).

Tax Department-Joseph Lilly, president ($12,000), and 6 commissioners ($9,000 each). Tenement House Department-(Part of the Department of Housing and Building.)

Transit Commission-(See Public Service Commission.)

Transportation, Board of Consists of three members appointed by the Mayor: John H. Delaney, chairman; Frank X. Sullivan and George Keegan ($20,000 each), Secretary, William Jerome Daly ($6,500), 250 Hudson Street.

Triborough Bridge Authority-Paul Loeser, general manager, Randall's Island.

Water Supply, Board of-George J. Gillespie, president, Henry Hesterberg and Rufus E. McGahen ($12,000 each), 346 Broadway.

Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of-Patrick Quilty, commissioner ($10,000). Secretary, Mrs. Lucile L. Kraft ($4,000).

Welfare, Department of-William Hodson, commissioner ($11,000), 902 Broadway.

Courts in the City of New York


The Federal courts for the Southern District of New York meet in the U. S. Court House, Foley Square, Manhattan.

Clerk of the Court-George J. H. Follmer. Southern District Court Judges (New York, Bronx, Westchester, Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan and Ulster Counties.)-John C. Knox, Henry W. Goddard, William Bondy, John M. Woolsey, Francis G. Caffey, Alfred C. Coxe, Murray Hulbert, Vincent L. Leibell, John W. Clancy, Samuel Mandelbaum, Edward A. Conger, Simon H. Rifkind and John Bright.

New York meet in the Federal Building, Washing-
ton and Johnson Streets, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Clerk of the Court-Percy G. B. Gilkes.
Eastern District Court Judges (Kings, Queens,
Nassau, Suffolk, and Richmond Counties)-Marcus
B. Campbell, Robert A. Inch, Grover M. Mosco-
witz, Clarence G. Galston, Mortimer W. Byers and
Matthew T. Abruzzo.

Circuit Court of Appeals Judges (New York, Con-
necticut and Vermont)-Learned Hand, Thomas
W. Swan, Augustus N. Hand, Harrie B. Chase,
Charles E. Clark and Jerome N. Frank.

United States District Attorneys-Manhattan,
Southern District, Mathias F. Correa; Brooklyn.
Eastern District, Harold M. Kennedy.

The Federal courts of the Eastern District of
For a list of the Justices of the Supreme Court | Centre Street.
see page 410.

The Supreme Courts in Brooklyn, Long Island The Supreme Courts in Manhattan and the and Staten Island meet in the Court House on Bronx meet in the new monumental structure on Joralemon Street, opposite the Borough Hall.


City Court

52 Chambers St.; Bronx, 851 Grand Concourse; Brooklyn, 120 Schermerhorn St.; Queens, Sutphin Blvd. and 88th Ave., Jamaica; Richmond, 66 Lafayette St., New Brighton, S. I.

The Chief Justice receives ($18,000) a year; the
Associate Justices ($17,500). Their terms expire
Dec. 31 of year named.

Chief Clerk, Charles H. Hussey.
The court is composed as follows:
Manhattan-Joseph T. Ryan, Chief Justice
(1942); Henry S. Schimmel (1947); Joseph W. Kel-

ler (1946); James C. Madigan (1943); John A.
Byrnes (1946); Samuel C. Coleman (1947); Rocco
A. Parella (1947); Frank H. Carlin (1949); Louis
L. Kahn (1950).

Bronx-William S. Evans (1946); Solomon Boneparth (1951); Henry G. Schackno (1943); Thomas Brady (1950).

Brooklyn--Jacob H. Livingston (1948); Sylvester Sabbatino (1948); Murray Hearn (1949); Joseph V. Gallagher (1949).

Queens William P. Wiener (1941); James J. Conroy (1947); Thomas J. Towers (1947). Richmond-Arnold J. B. Wedemeyer (1941).

County Courts

(The Judges receive $25,000) (Terms expire Dec. 31st of year named.)

Bronx-James M. Barrett (1955); Harry Stack- cato (1949); Samuel S. Liebowitz (1954). ell (1943); Lester W. Patterson (1947).

Kings-Louis Goldstein (1955); Franklin Taylor (1955); John J. Fitzgerald (1942); Peter J. Bran


The court sits in the Criminal Court Building, 100 Centre St., Manhattan. Clerk of the CourtF. Howard Barrett. Deputy Clerk of the CourtJerome Craig. The judges, who are elected for 14 years, who receive $25.000 each, and whose terms end Dec. 31 of years named, are:

Queens Thomas Downs (1945) Charles S. Colden (1949).

Richmond-Thomas F. Cosgrove (1943).


George L. Donnellan (1955), James Garrett Wallace (1949); John J. Freschi (1945); Owen W. Bohan (1947); Saul S. Streit (1950); Jonah J. Goldstein (1953); John A. Mullen (1955); Jacob G. Schurman, Jr. (1954); John J. Sullivan (1954).

Court of Special Sessions

(Chief Justice, $13,000; other judges, $12,000) (Terms expire Dec. 31st of year named unless otherwise noted)

PART II-120 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn.
PART III-County Court House, Court Square.
L. I. City, Queens.

PART IV-County Court House, Staten Island.
PART V-851 Grand Concourse, Bronx.

Chief Justice-William R. Bayes (June 30, 1946);, Building, 100 Centre St., Borough of Manhattan. other judges Alfred J. Hofman (1945), Frank Oliver (Apr. 30, 1942); Bernard A. Kozicke (June 24, 1946); Frederick L. Hackenburg (1943); James E. McDonald (June 30, 1945); Alvah W. Burlingame (1941); George B. De Luca (July 8, 1945); Nathan D. Pearlman (Nov. 25, 1947); Gustav W. M. Wieboldt (Sept. 8, 1945); Irving Ben Cooper (June 30, 1949); Myles A. Paige (Feb. 18, 1950); Matthew J. Troy (Feb. 18, 1950) John V. Flood (June 25, 1950); Thomas F. Doyle (June 30, 1950); William S. Miller (June 30, 1951).

Chief Clerk-Morris Ploscowe; Deputy Chief Clerk-Joseph H. McShane; office, 100 Centre St., Manhattan.

PARTS-I, VI, VIII and IX,-Criminal Courts


First Judicial Department, on 1st and 3d Thursdays.

Second Judicial Department, on 2nd and 4th Thursdays.


Rm. 512, 100 Centre St., Manhattan. Chief Probation Officer-James J. Ryan.

Domestic Relations Court, City of New York

(Terms expire last day of month of year given indicated)

nar ($3,300). Offices, 135 East 22nd Street, Manhattan.

(Presiding Justice, $13,000; other judges, $12,000 each).
unless otherwise
Presiding Justice John Warren Hill (Oct. 31,
1944); Justices-Joseph F. Maguire (Feb. 13, 1943);
Lawrence B. Dunham (Sept. 22, 1945); Stephen S.
Jackson (Dec. 9, 1944); Jacob Panken (1944);
Justine Wise Polier (Sept. 13, 1945); Herbert A.
O'Brien (Jan. 26, 1946); Juvenal Marchisio (Dec.
15, 1947); W. Bruce Cobb (Mar. 16, 1948); Jane M.
Bolin (July 21, 1949); Dudley F. Sicher (Oct. 4,
1949); Isaac Siegel (Sept. 15, 1950).

Director of Administration, Adolphus Ragan
($7,000); Deputy Directors of
Dennis A. Lambert ($6,500), and James F. Gillespie
($5,500); Chief Probation Officer, Andrew S. Bod-

New York County-Children's Court division, 137 East 22nd Street, James F. Gillespie, Clerk of Court (ex-officio). Family Court division, 135 East 22nd Street; Rowland J. Sheridan, Clerk of Court ($4,000).

Kings County-Children's Court division, 111 Schermerhorn Street; Louis Wolff, Clerk of the Court ($3,840). Family Court division, 327 Schermerhorn Street; Benjamin Cooper (Acting), Clerk of the Court ($2,520).

Bronx County-1118 Grand Concourse.


dren's Court and Family Court divisions, Frank A. Marron, Clerk of Court ($3,540).

Queens County-105-34 Union Hall Street, Jamaica, L. I. Children's Court and Family Court Divisions, Thomas J. O'Brien, Clerk of Court


Richmond County-100 Richmond Terrace, St. George, Staten Island, N. Y. Children's Court and Family Court Divisions, Eugene E. Kenny, Clerk of Court ($3,540).

City Magistrates

Appointed by the Mayor for a term of 10 years, expiring last day of month of year named unless otherwise indicated) (Chief Magistrate, $13,000; others, $10,000)

Chief Magistrate-Henry H. Curran (June 20, 1945)

Anthony F. Burke (June, 1942); William A. Far- | (July. 1, 1941); John F. X. Masterson (April, 1947); rell (May 4, 1945); Leonard McGee (July 8, 1945); Edgar Bromberger (April, 1947); Morris Rothenberg (July 14, 1947); Harry G. Andrews (July 1, 1951); William B. Northrop (June, 1942); Robert F. Mahoney (April, 1943); Ambrose J. Haddock (July 27, 1949).

Thomas A. Aurelio (May 1, 1945); Michael A. Ford (Dec., 1941); Mrs. Anna M. Kross (June 30, 1950); Alfred M. Lindau (July 18, 1947); Peter A. Abeles

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Henry A. Soffer (Jan. 4, 1948); Frank Giorgio | Jenkin R. Hockert (Dec., 1947). (Dec., 1945); Anthony P. Savarese (May 24, 1944);


Henry W. Bridges (Jan. 1, 1946); Charles G. Keutgen (Dec., 1947).

Municipal Courts

(Justices elected for a term of 10 years ending Dec. 31 of year given; President Justice, $11,840; others, $10,840)

The President Justice, Pelham St. George Bissell (1946)-Headquarters, 8 Reade St., Manhattan. The justices, by districts, are:

1st-8 Reade St., David Morris (1949); Michael R. Matteo (1947), Arthur P. McNulty (1947).

2d-264 Madison St., Isidor I. Haber (1945), Birdie Amsterdam (1949), Joseph Raimo (1947), Emil M. Haas (1943).

3d-314 West 54th St., Charles J. Garrison (1943), Joseph B. Rafferty (1947), George M. Carney (1949). Charles A. Curtin (1950).

4th-327 East 38th St., Wm. S. Katzenstein (1947), William T. Keleher (1947), John M. Lewis (1950).

5th-314 West 54th St., Thomas J. Whalen (1945), Abram' Goodman (1947), Benjamin Shalleck (1949).

6th-170 East 121st St., Samuel Ecker (1943), Joseph F. Caponigri (1950).

7th-447 West 151st St., Lewis A. Abrams (1945), Charles Marks (1947), Thomas E. Rohan (1950). 8th-170 East 121st St., Mario G. Di Pirro (1947), William E. Slevin (1949).

9th-153 East 57th St., Keyes Winter (1943), Carroll Hayes (1945), George L. Genung (1947), William C. Wilson (1947); Pelham St., G. Bissell (1950), Jehial M. Roeder (1950).

10th-447 West 151st St., Charles E. Toney (1950); James S. Watson (1950).


1st-1400 Williamsbridge Rd., Louis A. Schoffel (1943), Denis R. Sheil (1947), Christopher C. McGrath (1945), William Lyman (1945).

2d-East 162d St. and Washington Ave., Daniel V. Sullivan (1943), Michael N. Delagi (1945), Agnes M. Craig (1945), James W. Donoghue (1947).


1st-120 Schermerhorn St., George J. Joyce (1945), Michael Ditore (1949).

2d-495 Gates Ave., Milton M. Wecht (1945), Edward A. Wynne (1949), Wm. J. McNulty (1949). 3rd-6 Lee Ave.. Charles J. Carroll (1949), Thomas E. Morrissey, Jr. (1947).

4th-260 Utica Ave., Jack S. Strahl (1949). 5th-4th Ave. and 42d St., Roger J. Brock (1949), Philip Simon (1949).

6th-27-33 Snyder Ave., Frank H. Parcells (1945), Edward Cassin (1947), Charles H. Breitbart (1949). 7th-363 Liberty Ave., Harry P. Eppig (1947), Peter H. Ruvolo (1949).

8th 4th Ave. and 42nd St., Coney Island, Harold J. McLaughlin (1949).


1st-10-15 49th Ave., L. I. City, John J. O'Rourke (1941), Harold J. Crawford (1945).

2d-Broadway and Court St., Elmhurst, John F. Scileppi (1949).

3d-69-02 64th St., Ridgewood, Edward J. Smith (1947).

4th-88-11 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica.

5th-Beach Channel Drive, bet. Beach 90th and 91st Sts., Rockaway Beach.

6th-Town Hall, Flushing.


1st-Bement and Castleton Aves., W. New Brighton, John M. Braisted, Sr. (1947).

2d-71 Targee St., Stapleton, Thomas J. Walsh (1945).

County Offices

County Clerks-New York, Archibald R. Watson; Bronx, Michael B. McHugh ($15,000 each); Kings, Francis J. Sinnott ($12,000); Queens, Paul Livott ($8,000): Richmond, Charles F. Pallister ($7,000). District Attorneys New York, Frank S. Hogan; Bronx, Samuel J. Foley: Kings, William O'Dwyer; Queens, Charles P. Sullivan ($20,000 each); Richmond, Farrell Kane ($8,600).

Medical Examiner, Chief-Thomas A. Gonzales ($8,000). Public Administrators-New York, James F. Egan ($10,000); Bronx, James W. Brown ($4,000); Kings, William V. Elliott; Queens, Alfred J. Kennedy ($5,000 each); Richmond, James J. Joyce,


Records, Commissioners of-New York, A. Welles Stump; Kings, Hyman Schorenstein ($7.500 each). Registrars Office abolished and consolidated into city-wide office, appointment to be made by Mayor after competitive civil service examinations.

Sheriffs Office abolished and consolidated into city-wide office, appointment to be made by Mayor after competitive civil service examinations.

Surrogates-New York, James A. Foley and James A. Delehanty; Bronx, Albert H. Henderson; Kings, George Albert Wingate; Queens, John Hetherington ($25,000 each); Richmond, John C. Boylan ($15,000).

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