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night. She has moved from one room to an- | symptom of melancholia, and it may be one other and turned the bed in all directions, yet of its most troublesome manifestations, but

the result is the same. If, however, she simply goes across the field to the old house she sleeps without the slightest trouble. She states that she has lost all interest in everything, and that she feels that she is useless. She would not want to make away with herself, she says, but if it happened accidentally she would think that it would be very pleasant. She will not of her own accord leave the house, but if she is taken she will go, and it is necessary to take her away at times in order that she may sleep. In that house she is absorbed in herself and her miserable existence.

The appetite is good, the bowels regular, and the digestive organs appear to be normal. The urine is normal. There is no evidence of central disease. There is no headache, and the eye-ground is normal. She has wasted some in flesh, and lost some strength. The skin has been growing darker since she has been sick. She informs us that the menses are regular, but that the quantity is decreasing, which, in connection with her age, would indicate that she is in the menopause.

As you can judge from her answers the intellect is perfectly preserved. There is no disturbance or impairment of any of the special senses. It is quite common in melancholia, of which this is an example, to find that the patient has perfect preservation of intellect. The subject will be able to transact business and be perfectly rational on every question. We notice, in this case, that the melancholia presents the peculiarity of association with a definite spot. It is not very rare to find the depression of spirits connected with a locality. Sometimes it is a dread of a locality or topophobia, which is a word coined to express this condition. A person may be perfectly able to go anywhere with the exception of on a certain street. He has an unconquerable aversion to this street. times it is only one side of a street. It is often the case that where these persons cannot go, they can be taken without resistance. It is more unusual to have the manifestation of aversion to a dwelling, which is seen in this patient.


Another interesting fact is the insomnia which is connected with this house, and which is immediately relieved by leaving it. When she goes to another house, she states that she cannot get enough sleep. This is an unusual feature. Broken sleep is a common

it is somewhat peculiar to have such marked insomnia, and to have it so completely relieved by removal. I have, however, seen it in a less degree. Some cannot sleep in one room, while they sleep very well in the next room. Some cannot sleep with the bed in a certain position, but if it is moved the trouble disappears. It is unusual to find the whole spot tainted with this insomnia while all other localities are free from it.

In melancholia, it is the rule to have depression of the general health; appetite may be preserved, but assimilation suffers. The patient usually loses flesh and grows weak. Notwithstanding this the patient is often able to take a great deal of exercise, and indeed there may be, in some cases, constant restlessness, such patients being with difficulty kept quiet sufficiently long to rest them after fatiguing walks. The patient is, however, rarely able to do connected work. This woman has not exhibited this restless manifestation. She is perfectly content to remain in one spot, eyes lowered, perfectly idle, and absorbed with her miserable feelings, and going over and over the same unending chain of morbid notions.

This case also illustrates the hereditary nature of this affection. There is perhaps no other form of mental derangement which is more commonly the result of hereditary transmission than this. A tendency to melancholia runs in certain families, and for several successive generations, several members of each generation presenting this disposition. The disease is apt to make its appearance late in life, so that, although none of her brothers and sisters have yet showed this tendency, it is not impossible that some of them may yet exhibit it. In women, it is very likely to develop at the menopause, and it is at this time that constitutional tendencies in females are most apt to become prominent. This tendency to melancholia is perhaps especially apt to show itself at this time, because even in women who show no tendency to true melancholia, there is depression of spirits at this period. It is, therefore, not strange that in those who have a predisposition to the affection it should develop at this time.

In her father's case the tendency to recur, which this affection presents, was well seen. The deep gloom which has rested over the pa

peculiarity of the organization of the brain,
which, under any disturbing cause, such as the
menopause, nervous shock or strain, is likely
to produce this distressing condition. [The
patient was removed.]
The prog-

tient for months, rendering him utterably mis- | be found. In this patient, the melancholia erable, and prompting him to self-destruction, appears to be dependent upon some inherited suddenly passes away in a few hours or in a few days, and the patient will be himself again with his normal, cheerful disposition. This is of frequent occurrence. In the case of the father of this patient, the tendency was to annual recurrence, continuing over a period of thirty years. It more commonly returns at irregular intervals. The successive attacks are worse and worse, until at last the condition deepens into permanent melancholia in which the patient dies, so that the later years of a patient with recurrent intermittent melancholia are apt to be marked by permanent depression.

In some cases there are special causes which operate to produce this trouble, such as family troubles, nervous shock, business worry, or ex hausting discharges. It is, however, very rare to have the affection arise as it has in this woman.

In speaking of hereditary influences as predisposing to mental derangements, I would ask your careful attention in connection with the subject of melancholia to its relation to inherited gout or a disposition to lithæmia. In a certain number of cases there is a very close connection between the two, and the development of the morbid depression of the melancholia is distinctly associated with mal-assimilation of the food and torpidity of the stomach, liver, and kidneys, or in other words with that condition which we name lithæmia. Although this term is a vague one, it is applied to that group of nutritive disturbances usually met with in the subjects of internal gout, and is doubtless associated with impaired functional activity of the great digestive organs, so that the blood is more or less altered in composition. In such subjects various nervous manifestations take place. Neuralgic conditions are frequent. In epilepsy the attacks are frequently preceded by the development of a lithæmic state, and apparently there is a spontaneously generated poison which operates upon the nervous system and produces the explosion. In the same way, there is in many cases a close connection between melancholia and lithæmia. Cases of this kind are familiar in history. The connection between this type of mental trouble and lithæmia is well worth notice in considering its dietetic and therapeutic treatment

The diagnosis is extremely easy. nosis is always guarded. It is in this type of mental trouble that suicide is most commonly committed, and you can readily understand that in a person possessed with such feelings as our patient, isolated from her family by her miserable feelings, unable to sleep, the thought would naturally suggest itself that she was in the way, and the temptation to put an end to her existence would be very natural. This element is always to be recollected in our prognosis, and it is always to be guarded against in our treatment. Further than that, these spells of melancholia continue an indefinite time, but the individual attack nearly always passes away, sometimes abruptly. Therefore the prognosis in a case lasting a long time should not be unfavorable as regards the particular attack. We may, however, fear that it will return.

We shall encourage this patient to fight against her morbid feelings. Undoubtedly change of scene, travel, and distraction of the mind constitute most potent remedies. This patient cannot sleep in her own house, and she should not be forced to remain there. If she went away this trouble might be benefited. I should advise you to use drugs with a good deal of care and only when there are wellmarked indications. Occasionally you will be forced to use remedies, such as bromides, hyoscyamus, assafoetida, and valerian, to secure rest, but as a rule, the less you use of these sedative remedies, and the more you accomplish by a change of scene, change of diet, change of occupation, and moral influences the better.

Malignant Disease of Left Lobe of Liver. This woman is 66 years of age, and has been a hard working woman. She has led a strictly correct life. For one year past she has noticed slight jaundice. As can be seen, the skin is somewhat colored, the conjunctivæ are slightly stained, and the urine is colored with bile pigment; during this time there have been no attacks of pain in the region of the liver. The jaundice has come on gradually, and we cannot In other instances nothing of this kind is to suspect that it is due to gall-stones. The jaun

dice has, as is usual, been accompanied with itching of the skin, constipation, and pale feces, although not absolutely clay-colored. With these, there has been impaired appetite, impaired intestinal digestion, from the absence of bile from the intestinal canal. These are the symptoms common to jaundice. There has been for some time slight pain in the pit of the stomach, and gradual, but very positive and progressive, loss of flesh. When she first presented herself, a hard tumor was found in the abdormen in the left side. This appears to be connected with the left lobe of the liver. It is slightly painful on pressure. It is the seat of It is the seat of the pain of which she complains. For the past two years she has had more or less pain across the back.

The jaundice which she presents is undoubtedly due to gradually increasing obstruction of the biliary ducts. The gradual and progressive development of the jaundice excludes all such causes as gall-stones and attacks of acute inflammation closing the duct by the swelling of the membrane, and by pressure and adhesion. Of the causes of gradual obstruction, the most common at this age is the gradual development of some neoplasm in connection with the liver, and pressing upon its duct.

The right lobe of the liver is not materially enlarged. Over the left lobe there is increased hardness, and the liver projects below the margin of the ribs at least two inches. This enlargement is irregular, and justifies the suspicion that there is a new growth forming in connection with the left lobe of the liver. The degree of jaundice is slight. The urine is moderately stained, but otherwise normal. These facts show that the obstruction is not complete. Some of the ducts are pressed upon, while others are patulous.

with the left lobe of the liver and pressing upon some of the ducts.

The symptoms are not urgent, the pain is not severe, and the digestive functions are fairly well performed. The treatment of this condition must of course be symptomatic and palliative. The only thing to be done here is to give attention to diet, and to administer such remedies as will assist in perfecting the digestive processes. For this patient, pepsin, with a little muriatic acid, would be suitable. For the constipation, a little prepared ox-gall with pepsin and nux vomica would be of service. vice. It is often necessary to associate with these remedies hyoscyamus or belladonna as a sedative. In the present instance, the pain is not sufficiently severe to call for such remedies.

This case has already lasted over one year, the jaundice being a year's standing. The case is advancing very slowly. As regards the duration of the case, it is difficult to form any opinion, but I think it will continue for some considerable time. Although she has lost flesh and strength, she is not much reduced and is able to be about. The usual course of these cases is from six to eighteen months, but the freedom from pain, the comparative preservation of general health, the small size of the tumor, and its limitation to the left lobe, point to the fact that this case will be prolonged.




BY F. E. DANIEL, M.D., Editor Daniel's Texas Medical Journal, President Travis County Medical Association, Secretary to Section of Dermatology Ninth International Medical Congress, Member- American Medical Association, and of the American Public Health Association, Secretary of the Association of American Medical Editors, Secretary of The Physicians' Mutual Benefit Association of Texas, etc.


The diagnosis in this case is undoubtedly that there is a neoplasm forming in connection with the left lobe of the liver, in all probability of a sarcomatous or carcinomatous nature. The age of the patient, the progressive emaciation, and the local pain favor this view. The absence of any other satisfactory cause to explain the presence of the jaundice assists in the diagnosis. It is a well-known fact that the liver is one of the most frequent seats of the primary formation of these neoplasms. Considering all the facts in the case I do not think that the diagnosis can be open to doubt, that we have a slowly forming growth in connection ciety, January 13, 1886.

ENTLEMEN: I thank you for the cour tesy of an invitation to be with you on this interesting and important occasion. It is an occasion which I hope and believe will mark a new era in the history of the medical profession of the grand old county of Williamson. It will be an era of departure and of progress, a falling into line, as it were,

*Delivered by invitation at Georgetown, Texas, on the occasion of the organization of the Williamson County Medical So

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of the body of the profession of this enlightened community in that grand march of sanitary and medical progress which is now resounding throughout the length and breadth of this broad and beautiful land, and a preliminary to which is as in all else of progress and reform-organization. I thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me by an invitation to address you on this occasion, and, while I feel and appreciate the courtesy as a recognition of my humble labors in this fruitful field, I am yet more sensible of my inability to enlighten -nay, I fear, to even interest you. Were my ability commensurate with my inclination, or were my eloquence equal to the interest, nay, the enthusiasm I feel in all that pertains to the welfare of our beloved profession, I would gladden your hearts with a speech to-day, such as would arouse in you, too, a desire to be "up and doing." This hall should resound with stirring words, such as were wont to fall from the lips of a Houston, and should echo an eloquence worthy of a Coke or a Terrell. But, alas! "unaccustomed as I am to public speaking," my tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth and refuses its office, while swell, like billows on the mighty ocean, the deep thoughts within my bosom! But, I apprehend, my hearers are too generous, too sensible men to expect eloquence of an editor. To write, and not to speak, is his province; and, to the best of my humble ability, each month I endeavor to lay before you a translation of such thoughts as do "swell," as just remarked.


Gentlemen, I come not here to talk, though of my inability to do justice to the subject ;" I come not here to bandy compliments, nor to indulge in commonplace platitudes, neither do I come to tell of that " "grandeur of medical science," the dignity of the medical profes sion," nor to sing of the achievements of the genius of medicine or surgery, for that genius which God gave to man-that subtle essence of intellectuality by which man has, in all ages, by its exercise and development, in one way and another, reached a sublimity almost di vine, asserts itself as powerfully, as unmis takably in the life-work of a Sims, a Gross, or a Flint, as ever it did in that of a Franklin, a Watt, or an Eads. It shines as resplendently in the writings and in the work of a Pepper, a Carpenter, or a Gaillard, as in the brilliant and bloody records of a Lee, a McClellan, or a Stonewall Jackson.

Not alone in the still chamber of death, where, with hushed voice and stifled tread, the physician battles successfully with the "fell destroyer;" not alone in the plague "beleagured city," where "pestilence walketh in darkness," where the death-angel flaps his wing, and the devoted doctor cheerfully lays down his life in the unequal struggle, does genius illuminate and make glorious the life and character of the devotees of this divine science, but in the crash of battle, in the shock of contending hosts, where gallantly rides the proud crest of a Hood, a Wane, a Terry, or a DeBray, leading the victorious and impetuous Texans—there, too, is seen the sash of a Cupples, a Beall, or a Wooten.

I come not here to sing of the "grand achievements of medicine," nor to recount how, step by step, it has advanced from an humble calling, with its few devoted followers, to that proud eminence it to-day occupies, as a grand, a sublime science, resplendent among the kindred sciences of the world. Nor to recall the struggles of surgery, through its Parés, its Nélatons, its Grosses, and its Hamiltons, upward and ever onward from the dark domain of ignorance, to which a blind and superstitious priesthood had relegated it, on the absurd dogma that "the church abhors bloodshed"— the church, which a little while later made the streets of Paris run red, knee-deep, with the blood of the "reformers." It is a fact in history well-known to you all, that Pope Gregory XI. forbade the practice of surgery on the part of any of the priesthood, in whose hands at that period was all the learning, on the pretext that it was "sinful to shed blood." For years all the surgery was done by the barbers, who were called "leeches," as indicative of their trade, and, in addition to shaving and shampooing, they cupped, bled, and leeched; and to day the striped pole which adorns the shop of the humblest "tonsorial artist" is a symbol of surgery's disgrace. It is equally well-known to you that the immortal Paré, who revived the practice of surgery, and made that kind of bloodshed, at least, respectable, was saved at bloody Bartholomew by especial protection of the weak and cruel Catharine, and the weaker the Dauphin-Charles IX.

But I do come here to talk of organization; that great element of success in science as in war, and without which great things are impossible. Behold the vast chain of railroads

to-day, while ostensibly building a mythical temple, are, in reality, erecting one to famefor good, charity, and benevolence—to endure when the rock-ribbed shores of the Atlantic and Gibraltar's granite greatness shall have crumbled into the sea!

We have seen, in the harmonious working of societies, medical and others, the accomplishment of much good. Not alone for the promotion of science do we meet, but each assembling of our little society-a chosen brotherhood, into whose charmed circle only the

and system of railroads which encircle the globe with an iron band! The mighty commerce of the world, with its fleets of steel steamships begemming every water! With what precision and success are they operated. It is only by a combination of means and minds, and thus the domination of mind over matter, that such is possible. The grandest works of all ages, and in all lands, the beautiful charities which ennoble the order of Freemasons and kindred organizations, are the result and outcome of combination and system, the handmaids of organization. And the great-worthy can come, estimated by that ideal est and most renowned military exploits that have ever startled the world, the gigantic engineering feats which have spanned an ocean and tunnelled a mountain, would have been disastrous failures, but for system, discipline, and combination, which wait alone on organization. A mob, a howling mass of humanity, however numerous, is powerless to cope with a squad of disciplined troops till touched by the genius of organization, when lo! great armies arise, at whose measured tread the very earth quakes and trembles.

Even so, it is the magic of organization that gives life and energy to scientific progress.

If in those days, when man was in his infancy, and science yet in its swaddling clothes, it was found necessary to organize to accomplish any desired end; if, thousands of years ago, for want of organization that most daring deed of man was doomed to failure and "a confusion of tongues" told the tale of Babel; if, thousands of years ago it was possible only by organization to build the great temple to Jehovah, an organization which endures till to day, and which, with hands clasped around the globe, is yet intact, and ten thousand times more perfect, more powerful for the advancement of science and the promotion of all the virtues, how much more necessary is it to-day, when men and methods, means and necessities have multiplied many millions of times?

On "general principles," therefore, I assert, organization is a prime necessity with mankind in every relation of life.

I have often wondered why, in a learned profession, numbering many thousands, alike in all parts of the world, a brotherhood having common interests, common sympathies, and a common mission, a life-work of philanthropy of tangible reality, should never have organized on such plan as did those who,

standard understood and recognized by physicians, but hard to define-enables us to renew that fraternity of feeling and intellect which ennobles and beautifies the life of the physician. We meet, like harvesters, to garner up somewhat of the fruit we may have reaped amid the toils, the successes, the failures of a physician's daily life. They are regular recurring periods, devoted to retrospection and anticipation, and are a necessity in our nature-periods when, pausing, we may look back upon the shadowy fragments of the past, gathered into solemn forms of warning, or of encouragement; or look to the future, bright, but unformed, and take counsel with ourselves how best we may shape it that coming generations may know that we, too, have lived and struggled; that "some forlorn and shipwrecked brother" may recognize our "footprints on the sands of time," and, "seeing, take heart again."

The profession of medicine, the legitimate practitioners of rational medicine, should organize in every nook and corner of this great State, and cease not the good work till every worthy practitioner is enrolled upon the records of a grand State Association, which, in turn, should form an integer of a grand or national organization; like tiny tributaries, each pouring its wealth into a common stream of majority and might. In that way, every village community, every individual practitioner will be brought into accord with, and subject to, the restraints and the benefits of the central or general society, the meetings of which are full of pleasure and profit. Such meetings have been aptly compared to mile-stones along the pathway of life to show us how far we have travelled. It is ennobling to reflect that you are a part of that grand whole, so potent for good. The influence of association is magnetic. You return from a convention of your State Associa

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