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and two guns.

Signs of Inns-Daniel Lambert.

a grand victory, 2000 killed, 5000 taken, and 12 guns!

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At Shisheh they surprised a Russian which rejoiced the King's ministers expost, killed 300, and took 500 prisoners ceedingly; for on no occasion before This was swelled into had their troops been known to approach near enough to the enemy to get killed. The death of our sergeants "Upon questioning them why they settled a doubt that existed among the exaggerated so much, when they knew Persians, whether or not Christianst how soon the falsehood would be dis- would fight against Christians in favour covered, they very ingenuously said, of Mussulmans, and this occurrence 'If we did not know that your stubborn raised us not a little in their estimation. veracity would have come in our way, "In one of the first visits which the we should have said ten times as much. Ambassador paid to the Grand Vizier, This is the first time our troops have he found him directing a letter to the made any stand at all against the Rus- Governor of Mazanderan, which was sians; and you would not surely re- to announce the defeat of the Russians. strict so glorious an event in our history When the writer had got to the catastroto a few dry facts.' phe, he asked, 'How many killed am We wish all European conquerors I to put?' Write 2000 killed, 5000 were equally ingenuous. The Persians made prisoners, and that the enemy had about 14,000; the Russians 800 were 10,000 strong.' Then turning to men. One of their articles of capitulation the Ambassador, he said, 'This letter was, that their heads were not to be cut has got to travel a great distance, and off; an act which in Persian and therefore we add in proportion.' When Turkish warfare is a common custom. the King saw the Ambassador, he exDuring this fight ten tomaums were pressed his joy at the event; and said, given for every head of the enemy that that he had a forewarning of it by a was brought to the Prince; and it has dream, in which he saw a ruffian about been known to occur after the combat to plunge a dagger into his breast, but was over, that prisoners have been put that he had been saved by his son to death in cold blood, in order that the Abbas." heads, which are immediately dispatched Prince Abbas, it should be told, heto the King, and deposited in heaps at haved very nobly to the Russian comthe Palace gate, might make a more mander, when brought wounded beconsiderable show. Two of the En- fore him. Observing that he had no glish sergeants (in the Persian service) sword, he took off his own, which was were killed on this occasion, and after of great value, and desired him to put the battle was over, one of their bodies it on and wear it for his sake. It may was found without its head, which was be gathered, however, from the above, discovered among a heap of Russian that Persia owes its safety neither to heads. It had doubtless been severed by a Persian, who passing it off for a Russian head, bad received the price fixed for such a commodity. The Persians lost 100 men, a circumstance army could march.

the gallantry of the Prince, nor the valour of his troops, but to the absolutely impracticable nature of its frontier, through which no regular invading


From the Gentleman's Magazine.


T Leicester, his native place, in the street called Gallow-tree gate, is a public house, the sign-board of which exhibits a portrait of this person, by far the fattest and heaviest man ever known. He was born March 13, 1770, and was for many years Keeper of the flouse of

Correction at Leicester, where his vast bulk excited a curiosity which was very rarely gratified, as he had the greatest repugnance to being gazed at. He was fond of cocking, horse-racing, and the sports of the field; and when prevented by his size from an active participation in these pleasures, they formed the fa


Signs of Inns-Daniel Lambert-The Dog.


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Notwithstanding the almost infinite

In "The Sporting Cabinet" there are 24 beautiful delineations of different kinds of dogs, engraved by Scott from the drawings of Reinagle; but of this number 16 will be more conveniently noticed under other signs; viz. the

vourite topics of his discourse. A traveller, who had learned these circumstances, and was very anxious to see this variety and great dissimilitude in the human prodigy, knocked at his door, appearance, size, and qualities of the and enquired if he were at home. The different species of dogs, yet it is admit. servant replied, "Yes;" but added, ted by every naturalist that they all "that Mr. Lambert never saw strang- spring from one parent stock. ers.""Tell him," said the visitant, "that I called about some cocks." Lambert, who overheard the conversation, suspecting the real motive, immediately called aloud to his servant, "Tell the gentleman that I am a shy cock." At another time,a person who was extreme- water-dog and water-spaniel, the spanly importunate to see him, pretending ish and english pointers, the setter and that he had a particular favour to ask, the springer, or springing spaniel, unwas after considerable hesitation admit- der the “ Dog and Duck, Dog and Parted; when he said he merely wished to tridges ;" the fox-hound and the terrier, inquire into the pedigree of a particular under "The Fox ;" the english, irish, mare. Lambert, aware of the true and italian grey-hound, under "The cause of his visit, with happy prompti- Greyhound" the Southern-hound, the tude replied, "Oh, is that all ?--she was harrier, and the beagle, under the " Hare got by Impertinence out of Curiosity." and Hounds ;" and the blood-hound Being under pecuniary embarrassment, and the stag-hound, under " The Stag." be at length very reluctantly assented to Of the remaining eight dogs,

a public exhibition of himself; and 1. The Shepherd's dog is supposed March 28, 1806, arrived for that pur- by Buffon to be the original Dog of pose at lodgings in Piccadilly, London, Nature, from which every other species where he was visited by crowds of spec- is derived. *

tators. He afterwards exhibited him- 2. The Bull Dog, the native producself at most of the principal towns in tion of Britain, is the most courageous England, and died on his journey at and unrelenting of the canine species. Stamford in Lincolnshire, June 21, It is a distinguishing and invariable trait 1809. He had retired to rest in appar- in the true-bred dog, never to atack the ent health, and intended seeing compa- bull but in front, seizing upon the lip. By the following day, but was found lifeless in his bed in the morning. His coffin, consisting of 112 superficial feet of elms, was rolled upon two axle-trees to the grave back of St. Martin's church, where a monument was erected, thus inscribed :


"In remembrance of that prodigy in nature, Daniel Lambert, a native of Leicester, who was possessed of an excellent and convivial mind, and in Personal Greatness he had no competitor. He measured three feet one inch round the legs, nine feet four inches round the body, and weighed 52 stone, 11 lbs. (739 lbs.) He departed this life on the 21 of June, 1809, aged 39 years. As a testimony of respect this stone is erected by his friends in Leicester."*

has been taken from the Obituary of the Gentleman's

Edward Bright, Malden, Essex, died November, 1750,
weight 42 stone 7 lbs.-615 lbs.
Jacob Powell, Stebbing, Essex, died October 1754,
Benjamin Bower, Holt, Dorsetshire, died December
Mr. Baker, Worcester, died July 1766,“ supposed to

weight, 40 stone-560 lbs.

1763, weight, 34 stone 4 lbs.-480 lbs.

be a larger man than Bright," but no weight stated. Mr. Spooner, Shuttington, Warwickshire, died June 1775, 40 stone, 9 lbs-569 lbs. Daniel Lambert, Leicester, died June, 1809, weight, 52 stone 11 lbs.-739 ibs!

About the year 1805 Mr. Henry Hawkes, a fariner of Halling in Kent, returning home from Maidstone market, after drinking freely, lost his way in a deep snow, and overpowered by sleep, the constant back upon the ground. His attendant, a shepherd's concomitant of extreme cold, he laid himself on his dog, scratched away the snow, so as to form a kind of protecting wall around, and then laid himself on the bosom of his helpless master. The frost was extremely severe during the night, and the suow continued falling. Early in the morning a Mr. Finch, who ran to him, and by the most importunate acin the pursuit of wild fowi, was perceived by the dog, tions attracted bis attention, and conducted him to the spot; where upon wiping away the icy incrustation from the face, be recognized the features of the farmer, and conveyed him, apparently lifeless, to the nearest house; but the proper means being speedily applied, animation was again restored, the warmth of the dog, in covering the most vital part, • The following list of persons of remarkable size having prevented a total stagnation of the blood.

N. B. The stone of 14 lbs.

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Remarks on Signs of Inns-The Mastiff, &c.


the tongue, the eye, or some part of the my so much his inferior. Another masface, where he hangs in spite of every tiff, belonging to Mr. Wilson of Maxeffort of the buil to disengage himself. welhaugh, on the 21st of October, 1797, Some years ago a savage monster, in seeing a very little dog carried away by the North of England, proposed for a the current of the Tweed in spite of all trifling wager, "that he would, at four its efforts to bear up against the stream, distinct intervals, deprive the animal of after watching its motions attentively, one of his feet by amputation; and that, plunged voluntarily into the river, and, after every individual deprivation he seizing the wearied minutive by the should attack the bull with his previous neck, brought it safely to land in the ferocity; and lastly, that he should con- presence of several spectators. tinue to do so upon his stumps." Shock- Lord Rambures, in Shakspeare's ing as the recital must prove to the feel- "Henry V." says, ings of every reader, the experiment England breeds very valiant creatures; was made, and the result demonstrated their mastiffs are of unmatchable cou the truth of the prediction.


"that island of

"A gentleman, walking by the side of the river Tyne, and observing on the opposite side a child fall into the water, gave notice to the dog, which immediately jumped in, swam over, and catching hold of the child with its mouth, brought it safely to land."

3. The Mastiff is supposed by Buf- 4. The Newfoundland Dog in its nafon to have been generated between the tive country is frequently employed in bull dog and the irish greyhound. Man- drawing sledges, loaded with wood, wood derives its name from Muse the- from the interior to the sea-coast. It is fese, being supposed to frighten away extremely docile, sagacious, and affecrobbers by its tremendous voice. Stra- tionate, and from its strength in the wabo tells us that the mastiffs of Britain ter has been the happy instrument in were trained for war, and were used by saving many lives. the Gauls in their battles. The Roman Emperors appointed an officer in this island with the title of "Procurator Cynegii," whose sole business was, to breed, select, and send from hence such as promised by size and strength to become adequate to the combats of the amphitheatre. Stow relates an engagement between three mastiffs and a lion in the Tower of London, in the year 1427, before James I. One of the dogs being put into the den was soon disabled by the lion, which took it by the head and neck, and dragged it about: another dog was then let loose, and served in the same manner: but the third being put in, immediately seized the lion by the lip, till, being severely torn by his claws, the dog was obliged to quit its hold; and the lion, greatly exhaust ed in the contest, refused to renew the engagement, but, taking a sudden leap over the dogs, fled into the interior part of his den.

The fatal duel between Colonel Montgomery and Captain Macnamara originated in a quarrel between their two dogs, of this description, in Hyde Park.

5. The Greenland Dog. These animals are used in drawing sledges, the only method of travelling during the winter in Kamschatka. Capt. King relates that, whilst he was there, a courier with dispatches, drawn by dogs, performed a journey of 270 miles in less than 4 days. The sledges are generally drawn by five dogs, and the driver has a crooked stick, answering the purpose of both whip and reins; with which, by striking on the snow, he regulates A dog of this kind belonging to the the speed of the dogs, or stops them at late M. Ridley, Esq. of Heaton, near his pleasure. When they are inattenNewcastle upon Tyne, being frequent- tive to their duty, he chastizes them by ly teazed by the barking of a mongrel, throwing it at them, and the regaining at last took it up in his mouth by the of his stick is the most important and back, and, with great composure, drop- difficult manœuvre in his profession; ped it over the quay into the river, with- for, should he happen to lose it, the out doing any further injury to an ene- dogs soon discover the circumstance, 2L ATHENEUM, Vol. 4.

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or till the carriage is overturned or dashed to pieces.

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7. The Pug, by some writers, is said

and, setting off at full speed, continue to run till their strength is exhausted, to have been introduced into this island from Muscovy, of which it was a native; by others, to have been produced by 6. The Dalmatian or Coach Dog by the commixture of the bull-dog and the some naturalists has been styled "the little Dane. Among all the canine speHarrier of Bengal," but Buffon says cies there is not one of less utility, or that it was not a native of any part of possessing less the powers of attraction; India. Its origin is generally ascribed applicable to no sport, appropriated to to that part of European Turkey from no useful purpose, susceptible of no which it takes its name; but it has been predominant passion, and ugly in its apdomesticated in Italy for more than two pearance, he is continued, from age to centuries. Its sole destination in this age, for what alone he might have been country is to contribute, by the beauty originally intended, the patient followof its appearance, to the splendour of er of a ruminating philosopher, or the the stable establishment, constantly at- adulatory and consoling companion of tending the horses and carriage to which an old maid.

he belongs.

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From the European Magazine, September, 1818.

S the belief in Witchcraft is one of have been made of late years to confirm the most ancient of human super- the truth of such circumstances, they stitions, so it is one with which man- have, without any exception, been ulkind seem to have been most reluctant timately proved to be the effects of imto part; and it was not until they had position and fraud; and the only genbeen divested of nearly all other like erally insisted on proof in the Scriptures, infatuations, that they ceased to credit (I allude to the Witch of Endor) has the possibility of an intercourse being been thought by many to have been an maintained by human beings with the effect beyond the power, and even to evil spirits of another world. the astonishment of the Witch berself, and rather regarded as a divine interposition than as the result of her incantations.

Even at the present day, many enlightened persons will not deny the existence of Witchcraft at remote periods, although in Europe the practice of it is It seems to me that upon the whole, at present universally discredited. Most the proofs of the existence of Witches of these found their belief upon pas- are defective, because, although tales sages of the Scriptures, and upon nar- of their powers are numerous, yet there rations which have come down to us does not seem in any of the instances with as much of the semblance of truth related, a sufficient cause for the Alas any other historical relations. mighty Ruler of the World, whose deAll that there is in the shape of testi- crees are perfectly just, and therefore mony on the subject is conflicting; for perfectly wise, to suffer the existence of on the one hand, in all countries and in such crimes as this practice would inall ages, the existence of Witches has troduce into the world, and the placing been acknowledged, apparently well such enormous and almost unlimited attested relations of their powers have power in the hands of persons, who (as been handed down to us, and in most these Witches without exception were,) civilized countries punishments have were unable from their ignorance, povbeen provided for the crime by the le- erty, or infirmity, to use it to proper gal authorities. On the other hand, ends. the whole force of our experience, is, it must be confessed, strongly against the belief; for, although many attempts

"I do not love to credit tales of magicHeaven's music which is order seems unstrung. And this brave world,

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(The mystery of God) unbeautified,


Disordered, marred, where such strange things are acted."


resteth, or the skin, bone, or other part of any dead person, to be employed or used in any manner of Witchcraft, SorIn England no doubt was entertain- cery, Charme, or Enchantment, or ed of the existence of this crime, our shall use, practise, or exercise any earliest laws inflicting punishments for Witchcraft, Enchantment, Charme, or it and in the reign of Henry the 8th Sorcery, whereby any person shall be an Act was passed declaring all Witch- killed, destroyed, wasted, consumed, craft to be felony without benefit of pined, or lamed in his or her body, or clergy. any part thereof, such offenders duly and lawfully convicted and attainted shall suffer death."

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In the reign of Queen Elizabeth it is evident that the belief of Witchcraft being practised was much shaken, if it In consequence of the encouragement had not totally ceased, and from their shewn to this belief in this and the sucbeing introduced on the stage familiar- ceeding reign by the legislature, the ly, and almost ludicrously, it seems superstitions of most people were alarmthat their existence was then considered ed; and as there are at all times peras an old and ridiculous prejudice. It sons ready to make the weaknesses of is true that Judicial Astrology was then others subservient to their own vices, practised with no small succes and if some men had the effrontery to pretend it was not considered lawful, it was so that they possessed some natural and inmuch connived at, that the Queen her- taitive power to discover Witches, and self is said to have consulted Dr. Dee they carried on this trade, receiving reon her future destiny. It is, therefore, wards from the government, and levymost probable, that although an Act of ing contributions on the people. The Parliament was passed in this reign for most notorious of these was one Matinflicting punishments for the practice thew Hopkins, commonly known by of Witchcraft in Ireland; yet from the name of the Witchfinder: he lived there being contained in that Act sin- at Manningtree in Essex, and in the gular provisions for the trial of Peers years 1644, 5, and 6, made a tour who should be charged with this crime, through the Eastern counties. This its purpose was rather to keep in check man's arrogance and conceit were so or to remove such of the Irish Nobles great, in consequence of his success, as were disaffected to the Queen, by a and the countenance afforded him by less odious mode than the violent means the parliament (from whom he held a not uncommonly resorted to, a charge commission for the discovery of of this sort being so much more easily Witches,) that in a letter of his which made than repelled. By an Act passed is preserved, he seems to consider visitin the 1st year of the reign of James 1st, ing the towns as a favour conferred by and supposed to be by the express di- him-but let him speak for himself: rection of that sagacious Prince, who "I intend to give was himself a most zealous believer in youre towne a visit suddenly. I am every sort of superstition, the various to come to Kimbolton this weeke and species of Witchcraft are enumerated: it shall be tenne to one but I will come this so perfectly illustrates the then pre- to youre towne first; but I would cervalent opinion on the subject, that it tainlye knowe aforehand whether youre may excuse the following extract. towne affords many sticklers for such

"Any one that shall use, practise, cattell,* or willing to give and afford as or exercise any invocation or conjura- good welcome and entertainment as tion of any evill or wicked spirit, or otherwhere I have been, else I shall consult, covenant with, entertaine or wave youre shire, (not as yet beginemploy, feede, or reward any evill or ning in any part of it myself) and bewicked spirit to or for any intent or pur- take me to such places where I do and pose, or take up any dead man, woman may persist without controle, hut with or child out of his, her, or their grave, or any other place where the dead body

This is the elegant expression by which he desig

nates his victims.

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