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of Israel, but God made his name glorious to the ends of the earth. The harbinger of it came preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, and the character and work of our Lord is expressed in one important sentence-he went about doing good-he taught in the synagogue, and he preached the gospel. He did indeed confiue his ministry principally to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but he rejoiced in spirit when men came from afar to hear him; and considered it as a pledge that his Heavenly Father would give him the ends of the earth for his possession that he should see the travail

of his soul and be satisfied.

The last orders he issued to his dis ciples as he was about to be taken up, were, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature; and all who would avoid his power or share his mercy, ought to pay much attention to his last command.

Yet the first display of a missionary spirit was occasioned by an enemy. For when the disciples, happy in the love of God, and in the society of each other, shewed but. little disposition to obey their Lord's command; a persecution was raised upon the death of Stephen, and carried on particularly by means of a young man, whose name was Saul. He entered every house, he dragged men and women to prison, and compelled them to blaspheme: and as they would not go out voluntarily to preach the Gospel, they were burnt out by the fire of persecution, and were scattered abroad into many lands, preaching the Gospel.

Whatever we know, indeed, about the first planting of the gospel is chiefly derived from the itineracy of St. Paul, who was the most zealous missionary of primitive times, and who from Jerusalem and round about to Illysium, fully preached the Gospel.

Mr. Smith proceeded to give an historical sketch of the effects of a missionary spirit in succeeding ages, and referring to the reformation, called it a Second Pentecost; and expressed a hope that a Third Pentecost was now dawning on the world, introductory of the glories of the latter day. He then took a general review of the efforts of the Moravian-the Baptist-the Church, and the Wesleyan Missionary Societies, expressing great thankfulness to God for their success, while on certain accounts, he avowed the preference he gave to this Society. We do not, said he, blame those who go by tribes, to take possession of the land, but we prefer going all in a body to seize on the inheritance.' Mr. Smith then took a glance at our different missions abroad, on

which he made many judicious remarks, and it grieves us to be obliged, by the narrowness of our limits, to omit them.

Joseph Butterworth, Esq. M.P. for Dover, seconded the motion. He began by congratulating himself and the Wesleyan congregation usually assembling there, on their meeting the London Missionary Society in that Chapel, observing with pleasure, that the prejudices on both sides, which would once have prevented such meeting, had subsided. He remarked that the great power and influought to be employed for the promotion ence now possessed by this country ciety, then assembled, had in view; and of some great object-such as the Sothat the colonies belonging to this country, which had been sadly neglected, ought now to be considered. He adverted particularly to the East Indies, and the cruel superstitions which still prevail there, and which had lately increased rather than diminished, 900 women having been burnt in the last preceding years. It was however conyear, which exceeds the number of soling to learn that some of the prejudices of the natives were giving way, and that there were various symptoms of improvement.

Mr. B. then recommended liberality in the support of the Society, and, noticing a hint which had been put into the institution in their wills, he exhorted his hands advising persons to remember them rather to be their own executors, and to do as much good during their lives as they possibly could; but if not able to do this as they wished, then to do some good at their death. Mr. B. warmly recommended, that publicity should be given to the account read by Mr. Hayward; and having adverted to the exemplary observation of the Lord's Day in Otaheite, took occasion to reprobate the publication of Sunday Newspapers, commending the efforts now making by some serious people to put a stop to that mischief; and observed that if any appeal should be shortly made to the legislature on that subject, he hoped it would have the vigorous support of all classes of religious persons. concluded by noticing what a wide field and the necessity of the aid of the Holy for exertion was opened by the Society, Spirit to render their efforts effectual.


The Rev. Richard Watson, (a minister of the Wesleyan connexion), then moved the third Resolutoin :-viz.

That as the most important benefits have resulted to this and other Institutions from the formation of Auxiliary Societies:-of Associations in congrega


tions and of Associations among ladies and young persons; the further formation of such Societies and Associations, wherever practicable, be most earnestly recommended to the friends of this Society in every part of the united Empire, and in other countries.'

Mr. Watson commenced by observing, that he laboured under the disadvantage of a cold, but said, On such an occasion as this, I should think there is criminality in silence, and while a man has a voice to speak, however harsh or dissonant that voice may be, he ought to lift it up in praise to God, and in exhortation to his people, to prosecute this glorious work. It has been said, There is no rivalship among the Missionary Societies, I think what we have seen to-day is a proof that there is at least no rivalship at head quarters; nor is there any at the different statious to which the Missionaries have been sent, but they all exhibit a most edifying example of Christian love and unity; thus constraining the heathen

to say,

See how these Christians love

one another,' and I do think that the spirit now displayed by the Missionary Societies, is the most encouraging proof of the coming of the kingdom of our God and Saviour. If that kingdom have originated from the God of love, and is carried into effect by Jesus Christ, who so loved us that he gave himself for us, then its most prominent feature will be the love of the brethren.'

Afterwards adverting to the South Sea Mission, he said, 'I never turn to it but I think it of infinite importance, as displaying various interesting points of instruction to all engaged in Missionary enterprizes.'' The early circumstances of that mission, and its ultimate success, have impressed on all our minds the absolute necessity of divine influence; and, in the account of the exertions of the present year, I have been pleased to hear how generally this truth has been acknowledged-We are to plant, and we are to water; but it is our duty to pray that what we plant, and what we water, may be made to increase by the Spirit of God.'

"But this mission is important in another point of view. We find, in every connexion, persons ardent to carry on this great work; and ardent minds are too frequently impatient minds. There are persons who suppose that we have only to go into the land to possess ourselves of it; but there are many circumstances to try the patience and faith of the saints. The ultimate success of this mission may therefore encourage future missionaries patiently to persevere,

though early success may not attend their labours.

In the course of this address, Mr. Watson noticed the objections which some persons urge-one of which is that of novelty. In answer to which, he observed, that although there may be some novelty in the mode of our proceedings, yet that the very same principle which has produced these exertions in our day operated in the minds of our predecessors; but they had other employments-they were called to settle the churches, and to establish them in their faith but who that reads the spirit of the fathers of the Christian Church does not see that that same spirit would have carried them as wide and as far as 1 rethe various Institutions among us. member Baxter says that he should not have regretted that so many godly mi

nisters had been turned out of their Churches, if they could have found access to the heathen world; and with reSpect to the sweet singer of our modern Israel, Dr. Watts, I will appeal to you who are best acquainted with him, whether he ever strikes his lyre with so vigorous a hand as when he pours out, in the full tide of his verse, the sublimity of his hopes on this subject. Poets were once called Prophets, and there are two lines of Watts which occur to my mind that seem to be almost prophetic

The islands of the southern sea

Shall stretch their grateful hands to


The Rev. Dr. Collyer, who seconded this motion, observed, that the last speaker had made the best apology for him. I should be sorry,' said he, 'to diminish, by any thing of mine, the effect which has already been produced on this meeting. But there is one part of this resolution which comes more immediately home to my own heart, and which I would earnestly recommend to those alluded to in it-I mean young persons. It has been among the happiest feelings of my heart this day, that, out of 38 years of my life, I have been connected with the Missionary Society more or less 24 years.—

A flower when offer'd in the bud,
Is no vain sacrifice.'

And if I should live to the extent of the longest life allotted to man, that satisfaction must be increased from year to year.

Dr. Collyer proceeded to notice various objections formerly made to this Institution, and how futile they have proved to be, and he particularly referred to the East and West Indies, challenging opposers to say, what evil ef

eets, once so seriously produced, have followed our missionary labours.

Referring to the future prospects of the Society, he said, 'Whilst some who have been ardent in the missionary cause have fallen, how pleasing is the hope that others are rising up to fill their places! and whilst we perceive on the faces of some around us the rapid advances made by time, and every year seems to go for more than one with them, we cannot see, without regret, the chariots descending which shall bear away our fathers; but this is the strongest argument, if there be one argument stronger than another, that those who may survive should prove themselves worthy to tread in their steps, and to follow their example.'

A pause was here made for the purpose of making the collection, which, according to the custom in this Chapel, and generally in the North of England, as well as in foreign countries, is done from pew to pew. A hymn was also sung.

Rev Mr. Knill, a Missionary who laboured in India, but who was obliged to return on account of his health.

that could degrade the mind. There
they sacrificed the animals which they
had brought, and then returned to their
families, who had kindled about a thou-
sand fires on this large plain. There
they took their victims, that they might
'eat and drink, and rise up to play.'
I felt for them-I prayed for them-and
I vowed to the Lord that if health and
strength were afforded to me, I would
labour with ten fold diligence to make
known to this people the riches of the
grace of Christ. Oh, my friends, we
must go to some idolatrous country to
see the value of the gospel and its ef-
fects upon the character of man. I know
not that there was one Christian within
200 miles of this place.

Mr. Knill then mentioned his removal
to Travancore, where Mr. Mead was
labouring very usefully. Mr. M. said
he, had visited many of the people on their
dying beds, who expressed their hope of
salvation by Jesus Christ. When he
commenced his labours there, about a
year before, there were about 900 persons
professing Christianity: since which,
about 1000 were added: there are now
ten congregations and schools.

My dear Christian friends,-I would wish
to transport you, in the feelings of your
Mr. Knill mentioned his going to a
mind, from this sacred place, to that place where about 700 people were
land of idolatry whence I came. In assembled; 300 of whom could not get
Madras there are 300,000 precious souls into the chapel. A short discourse was
all given to idolatry: but I was forced
delivered from that charming passage,
to quit that interesting field of labour for 'God so loved the world,' &c. they list-
one which was considered more salubri- ened with great attention: and sometimes
ous. As I was travelling, about 200 miles you would see the tears trickling down
from Madras, I halted one evening at a their black faces, and you would have
place where I intended to remain that been delighted to observe the pleasure
night. All around me was favourable to with which they heard of the love of God
meditation, and my heart was drawn out to a guilty world. Those who were
to the Father of Spirits. I took a walk without, requested me to visit them.
along a path which led to a temple; the I did so; and as I advanced, they all rose,
officiating priest was performing the du- up, not to worship the black bull, but
ties of his office-lighting the lamps, to praise the Lord who had sent a mis-
and decorating the image, to receive the sionary among them. I am persuaded no
adorations of the people; the image which missionary there ever wished himself back
was stone, was the figure of a bull; again; they all count it their honour and
it was painted black, and adorned their happiness to be thus employed in
with flowers. I stood amazed to think the work of the Lord. There are many
of the awful state of apostate man; and young men here whose hearts beat high
while I was thus meditating, I heard a in this cause: and I can say that the
great noise; and turning my eyes towards visits of the Son of God are not less fre-
the place whence it came, I perceived quent in Travancore than they are in
the element as it were all in a blaze! I England, and it is his smile which makes
soon saw that it proceeded from a mul- this desert to blossom as the rose.'
titude of persons who were approaching
that place. There was a great number of
men, women and children, ten or twelve
thousand, I think,-
,—some leading sheep,
some goats, and some lambs. I imme-
diately discovered that they were going
to sacrifice in another, a larger temple,
which exhibited at once every thing
grand in its formation, and every thing


Mr. Knill proceeded to give an interesting account of the schools, of the reflections of some elder people, who said there were none of these good things when they were young, and of the happy death of a converted Hindoo. And then added, O I have seen enough to fill my soul with rapture till the day I shall close my eyes on all terrestrial scenes.

2 B


Col. Munro has been a great friend to Mr. Mead and the mission, and I rejoice in it. We mentioned to him that we were desirous of increasing the schools, but we could not do it without assistance. A piece of ground was pointed out as being desirable, and he kindly obtained it for us. This will be sufficient, when drained and cultivated, to support a great number of children. And were it in my power I would gladly lay down £100 to carry this design into execution, and think it the happiest moment of my life; but for my part, I must say, silver and gold I have none,' but if I had 1000 lives I would consecrate them all to this work. Perhaps, my friends, I shall never see you again. Oh pray that God may keep me humble, make me useful, and fill me with love to precious souls.

pressive to me, than to any of you who have been regularly favoured with these anniversaries. My soul has often rejoiced in the labours of this venerable society and its success; but never before had I the privilege of meeting with you on these occasions. The only argument that could have induced me to rise is, that I am the sole representative of Missionary Societies in a distant part of the world, with whom I have been privileged to act for 23 years. With so many feelings pressing upon my mind, you will not be surprised that I am unable to express what I now experience. When I consider how many souls, born in ignorance, have been enlightened in the knowledge of the truth by means of this society, and are now received into glory, how delightful and overwhelming is the thought! I have come over a world of waters, three thousand miles, under the protection of my heavenly Father, and how delightful is it to find my Redeemer worshipped in the old world as he is in the new-to behold Christians united to spread the salvation of Jesus Christ, and to hear the songs of praise raised to the throne of God and the Lamb. I desire to thank God that I did not arrive a day later than I have done, or I should have lost this feast of love. I delight to meet the Missionary Society-I delight to meet them in London; but it gives me infinite delight to meet them in a Methodist chapel. The Rev. Mr. Berry next addressed the God in this country as I have seen them I delight to see the fruits of the Spirit of meeting, and said,

Rev. Mr. Collison then read a letter

from a gentleman, who having perused an article in the Missionary Quarterly Chronicle referring to the above donation of land, and the need of money to cultivate it, had most generously sent to the Society that very sum which Mr.

Knill had mentioned. A bank note for

1007. was then presented by Mr. Collison, from his friend, to the Treasurer. This information being totally unexpected, produced a very delighful effect on the meeting, and a vote of thanks was given with heartfelt gratitude to the unknown benefactor.

If the list of the Resolutions had been placed before me, I know not any one I would rather have selected for myself than that which I have now in my hand; but as the time is so far advanced, and our highly-respected friend from America, (Mr. Bethune) is about to address us, I shall only read the motion,

• That the cordial Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Directors, and to all who by their gratuitous services have assisted in the management of the Society's affairs during the past year.'

Divie Bethune, Esq., of New York, spoke to the following effect :

SIR, Friends, and Brethren.-Having arrived here from a far distant country, and unexpectedly called upon to address you, I hope I shall find you to be, as you have been in more important concerns, the stranger's friend, and that you will bear with me in the utterance of my heart; for though I cannot express what I have felt this day, I would just remark that the scene must be much more im

in that which I have left. With Methodist brethren I have gone arm in arm in their labours of love; and I have embraced them to my heart in the exercise of Christian affection. This unity is one of the fruits of the Spirit, and without that spirit, men are at least uncertain in their professions of allegiance to Him、 who said, 'By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye love one


Mr. Bethune next adverted to the late


daring efforts of Infidelity, and rejoiced in the noble efforts of British Christians in resisting them; he then referred to the blessed effects produced by the Bible in America. What, said he, was the state of that country whence I came? Who went to that country, and for the first time raised the standard of the Cross in the Western world, but the puritans of England? They went and found it a waste howling wilderness: they landed on the rocks, entered the country, thǝ trees of the forest bowed before them, and the Temple of God was reared, and now, over a wide space of 10,000 square miles, prayers and praises to God are offered

where once nothing was heard but the warwhoop sounding louder and louder, and where little was known but the tomahawk or the scalping knife. These are proofs of the triumphs of the Cross of Christ in that country. I am happy to say, we have Missionary Societies in America; but they are but scions from the parent, stock, and the fruit, if they bear fruit, is just like yours.'

Mr. Bethune then gave an interesting account of Missionary and other Societies in America, which gladdened the hearts of the assembly; but we have not room to detail them. After which this welcome stranger thus expressed himself, I cannot conclude without acknowledging the honour done me in being called to stand before this Society; it is a Society for which I shall ever feel, and in the prospect of your further success, my heart swells with delight; but there is one feeling, in which you cannot unite with me-I have the pleasure of being a Foreign Director in my native land!'

The Motion was put by Mr. Berry and carried unanimously.

Mr. Hankey, the Treasurer, then said,

I shall not take up much time in returning you thanks for the honour you have done me. I hold in my hand what affords me greater pleasure than any verbal expression of kindness---a list of Contributions from Auxiliary Societies, during the past year, and I beg you will accept this as my answer to your vote of thanks.

A list of the Contributions of Auxiliary

Societies was then read.

Rev. Mr. James next addressed the Meeting to the following effect :—

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SIR,-At this advanced state of the proceedings of this interesting meeting, when our time and strength are exhausted, though our patience is not; when dazzled by excess of brightness, our intellectual vision is aching with those successive flashes of eloquence which have been darted upon it; when our hearts are trembling with emotion, and almost longing to be at rest,-it would be unpardonable in me to detain you long: and yet I cannot content myself with simply reading the Resolution in my hand. That individual must be either more or less than human, who can have seen what we have seen, and heard what we have heard, and not have felt to the very bottom of his soul. Our smiles and our tears, like sun-beams in the rain, have been mingled together, and, like the vernal showers which fall on the

earth, are intended, in a moral sense, to make it bring forth and bud. It would be quite unnecessary for me to dwell upon the great object in which this Society is engaged. I shall only state a little anecdote which fell under my own notice :

Travelling in North Wales about four years ago, in this most excellent cause, with a gentleman of the Principality, he suddenly arrested my course to relate a circumstance which had taken place in that vicinity. One morning, said he, four children went out to gather wild berries on the mountains; toward noon three of them returned to the village, but the fourth was missing: the agonized parents immediately proceeded in search of the little wanderer, but he was not to be found. They then applied in their distress, to me. As the best expedient which suggested itself at the moment, I ordered the village bell to be rung, and called the inhabitants together. Being assembled, I briefly stated the circumstance of the lost child. Eighty persons immediately volunteered their services to go in quest of the babe. They were so arranged, in different parties, as to search the whole of the mountains and vallies in their different routes. They met at dusk; but, no traces of the little wanderer had been found. They assembled again the next morning, and renewed their search, but still to no purpose; for on meeting again in the evening we heard the melancholy tidings that the dear babe had not been discovered. I exhorted to perseverance; and the next morning they again proceeded on their search, and after several hours had elapsed, the child was found fast asleep in that gulley, said my friend, pointing to the spot, down which a mountaintorrent rolls in winter, but which is dry in summer. He was brought back in triumph to his parents, who received him with delirious joy, and the whole village was glad as at the tidings of a victory.

Now, Sirs, we should all despise the marble-hearted monsters who would say, What! all this concern about a child of four years old? But every parent's heart, and every feeling heart, will justify their solicitude, and sympathize in their sorrows and their joys. Now then, what is Has one inthe object of this Society? dividual of the human race wandered from his father's house, and strayed on the dark mountains of idolatry and sin, where he is in danger of being eternally lost? And are we assembled this morning from almost all parts of the kingdom, all denominations of religion, and the four quarters of the globe, to send out

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