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expofing the fallacy and the pernicious tendency of thofe falfe principles, which have produced fuch mifchievous confequences; and by enforcing thofe found fundamental principles, the prevalence of which would have afforded fecurity against the exifting evils, and have bleffed the world with repofe and happiness. This being the object of the prefent work, the author begins, with peculiar propriety, by a difquifition on the importance of "firft Principles," which is the subject of the first chapter. He juftly obferves that

"The benighted traveller looks anxiously forward to the light which may direct his footsteps in fafety through the bewildering fhades and unexplored receffes of the foreft: The mariner views, with attentive eye, the needle, ever conftant to its invisible ruler in the north, and fteers fecurely by its guidance through the dangers of the trackless ocean; but, in the moral world, men are frequently content to wander through the forest of uncertainty, and to be toffed on the waves of life, without fearching for a steady light to illuminate their paths, or a guide to direct their course,"

This difference he thus explains.

"Reafon is nothing more than the power of comparing our ideas, and deducing inferences for the purpose of inftruction; but this comparison implies the existence of a standard to which we may refer, and according to which we may decide. All men must have fome ftandard for the direction of their judgement, but it will vary with the degrees of their knowledge and reflection.

"How can we reafon but from what we know ?"

It is frequently affumed without examination; fometimes from the opinions of a leading character; fometimes from the common opinions of the world, and often from fome intermediate propofition readily admitted as a criterion in its popular fenfe, but not carried back, as it ought, to the original standard from whence it is fuppofed to be derived. Of the victims of madness it has frequently and juftly been afferted, that they reafon right upon wrong prin ciples. It is poffible, therefore, to reason, and to reafon ably, without advancing to the difcovery of truth.

"Hence, then, arifes the greateft, the most important, though not the moft obvious, difference between man and man. Some, through ignorance, are incapable, and more, through indolence and want of reflection, are re. gardless of looking back to thofe Firft Principles, which form the true ftandard of reference and decifion."

After juftly appreciating the various endowments of the mind, which are noft efteemed by men, he fays, with equal force, and juftnefs that

"Wisdom confifts in the poffeffion of a standard by which we can estimate the value of all things within the range of our comprehenfion, and regulate the conduct of life."

The following diftinction deferves particular attention.

"The difference is obvious between thofe first principles which refpect the conduct of the individual, and those which form the foundation of a science. The former are neceflary to all; the latter are requifite only for thofe who


are called to the ftudy and exercife of that particular science, and are useful to others only as they are adopted among the grounds of general knowledge, and employed for the advantage of mankind. The peafant may poffefs the former. He is graciously furnished with the means of acquiring them. He can read, or he can liften to the voice of truth, and to this facred standard he may refer for inftruction. The peasant with these principles is wiser than the fubtleft arguer without them.”

The author fhews himself well acquainted with the character of the prefent age, when he fays that-

"A general diffufion of the loweft fpecies of knowledge, a dashing ftyle of compofition, a tinfel fort of eloquence, together with a deficiency of folid thought, a want of logical precifion, and an ignorance of original principles, mark the features of the times with colours too glaring to be mistaken, with foreign tints which fhame the modeft fimplicity of nature, and disguise the genuine dignity of truth."

Respecting the origin, progrefs, and effect of erroneous opinions on political fubjects, the following obfervations deferve the particular attention of thofe perfons, who fuffer their notions on fuch fubjects to be formed without reflection, or to be derived from the fpecious and captivating addreffes of popular declaimers.

"There are generally a fet of opinions floating loofe in the world, adopted without confideration, and uttered without thought, which have been handed down in the fame form, from age to age, and received as established maxims by the unthinking, and the indolent. Many of thefe are fpecious fophifms, employed only by the eloquent orators of the day, as they fuited their addreffes to the paffions of the populace, and favoured their oppofition to fome exifting evil, or fome preponderating power. Though unable to bear the test of ftrict examination, they have never been refuted and expofed, merely because the preffure of no peculiar circumstances has called for their refutation or expofure. Thefe maxims are eagerly feized by the conceited matterers in knowledge, and the ardent fpirits of turbulence and faction. They are magnified into undeniable axioms, and felf-evident truths. They are expanded into gigantic fhape, and difplayed before the eyes of the people. They are fharpened or rounded into weapons of attack, and this artillery is charged with every inflammable fubftance which malice or ingenuity can furnish. The watch-word of confpiracy is given out-the trumpet of fedition is founded and the enthufiaftic demagogues hurry their deluded followers into battle with established ufages and constituted authorities, undifmayed, though the hoftile forms of wisdom and experience are drawn out in array against them. If the ramparts of the fortrefs they attack are neglected or decayedif the works are weakly defended, or difficult of defence, down falls the edifice with a mighty ruin, and thakes the aftonished earth around. But if the venerable fabrick be conftructed of more durable materials, and its garrifon be vigilant and ardent in its defence, it frowns unhurt at the impotent attack, and bids defiance to all the ftorms which affail it. Yet not even in this cafe eafily difcouraged, though baffled in his first attempts, the practised enemy, perhaps, only changes his mode of warfare, and lays afide the open front of hoftility for the fecret fap and the infidious mine,"

T 4


The fecond chapter confifts of a most valuable effay on libertya fubject, which more than any other, has excited the paffions, and bewildered the reafon, of mankind.

Whoever pays any attention to what is paffing on the political theatre, will readily fubfcribe to the following remark.

Were we to liften to the declamatory arguments of popular orators, we fhould be taught to believe that the establishment of Liberty alone was the proper end and defign of government. No other object is ever held up by them to admiration, no higher good is ever propofed for acquifition. They are convinced that this mode of addrefs is the fureft paffport to the hearts of the people; and the appeal is made fo frequently, and with fo much enthufiafm, that they fometimes argue themselves into a perfuafion of the truth of the doctrines which they have fo eloquently maintained. But, furely, it requires no very great portion of difcernment and reflection to difcover the falfehood of fuch an abtract pofition, and even be brought to wonder at its detected abfurdity."

This is one of thofe errors which have chiefly contributed to focial infelicity, and the author gives it a moft complete refutation. He admits that "the true end of government is the public good, or the general happiness of the community." But to produce that end, he Thews that it muft operate by means of reftraint-the very name of government, he obferves, " implies controul upon the actions of men." It is, therefore, in its effence, incompatible with the poffeffion of abstract liberty.”

Restraint, therefore, is the firft and moft effential quality of government. It is infeparable from its nature-it is government itfelf." Such alas! is the wid extent of vice and folly, of ignorance and error, that the majority of mankind must be fubject to perpetual controul. In a fyftem well conftructed, and well administered, this control operates fo infenfibly, that it is fometimes overlooked, and fometimes attributed to the power of human reafon over hu man conduct; but alter the fyftem, abolish the government; and the neceffity for exterior restraint becomes dreadfully apparent. All wife and good men, therefore, look up to government with an eye of reverence and awe. They confider it in fome refpects as a facred fubject, and they fear rafhly to lay their hands on the ark of venerable authority."

The author then fhews, by a happy and beautiful mode of illuftration, that the power of controul, which is effentially inherent in government, is the real fource of true and falutary freedom.

"But if restraint be thus requifite for man, and fubmiffion be a duty incumbent upon him, what becomes of the fair form of freedom, who lately prefented herself to our fight, attired in all her feducing graces, attracted our love and admiration, and claimed a precedence among the principles of government? Is not her image banifhed? Is not her nature annihilated by the prefence of restraint? No, her ferene and virtuous power rifes from the midit of fetters with unincumbered dignity; and converts the chains of controul into the wreaths of pleafure nay, paradoxical as it may appear, the freedom which conduces to happiness regards reftraint as her parent, companion, and

friend. If reftraint be directed to the attainment of its proper object, the public good, it will ftay the hand of oppreffion, defeat the defigns of fraud, deftroy the combinations of tyranny, and check the numerous evils of vice; but will it not, in fo doing, give freedom of action, and fecurity of poffeffion, to the juft, the peaceable, and the innocent; and can fuch freedom be enjoyed without fuch restraint? The answer is obvious :-Under the protection of a good government, the virtuous man walks through the prison of the world unmolested and unhurt; but liberate the captives of vice, and he would be affaulted, plundered, and abused.

"Liberty then, in the first place, must be confidered as the confequence of reftraint. General Liberty is the effect of restraint upon every individual; particular liberty is the confequence of general reftrains: it looks up to government as its author, to law as its guardian. Independent of a fyitem of Law, the Liberty of a nation is an empty found.”

The remaining part of this work contains two chapters; one on Democracy, and the other on the Party Denominations of Whig and Tory, both of which we fhould be happy to notice more particularly. But we hope we have faid enough to give our readers a general idea of the merit and utility of the publication, and to induce them to give it an attentive perufal. The ftile is clear, nervous, and correct. We obferve with great pleasure, that the author has it in contemplation to proceed further in the execution of his plan.”

A Practical Improvement of the Divine Counfel and Conduct; attempted in a Sermon, occafioned by the Deceafe of William Cowper, Efq. preached at Olney, 18th May, 1800. By Samuel Greatheed. 8vo. PP. 47: Is. Newport Pagnel. Wakefield, Williams. Lon


T is impoffible for us to defcribe the mingled fenfations of pain and pleasure, difguft and fatisfaction, which the perufal of this difcourfe excited in us. As a compofition, it has all the defects which might be expected in an extempore rarangue, delivered before an independent congregation, by the Lord knows who, educated and ordained the Lord knows where. It is, by turns, pious, awful, ridiculous, fenfible, filly, elevated, colloquial, vulgar. Our feelings have nevertheless been greatly interetted by it, fince it contains many melancholy traits of character in an eminent writer, who was not altogether unknown to us, the author of the Task. The biographical part, therefore, of the fermon we will give to our readers, as briefly as may be; interfperfing facts and obfervations, which we are able to furnish from our own knowledge and recollection. We begin our extracts in p. 10. at the commencement of a paffage for which we muft fufpect that the author is indebted to a pen more able than his If we do him wrong, we can only fay, in reproof of his general negligence, Ofi fic omnia. But to Mr. Cowper,


"Born of amiable and refpectable parents, of noble affinity, and connected with perfons of great worldly influence, his advancement in temporal


affluence and honour feemed to demand no extraordinary mental endow◄ ments. His opening genius, however, difcovered a capacity for elegant literature; and he enjoyed the beft advantages for improvement. With uncommon abilities, he poffeffed a moft amiable temper; and he became not only the darling of his relations, but beloved and admired by his affociates in education; fome of whom, with inferior prospects, have fince risen to diftinguifhed reputation, and even to the highest profeffional rank!"

Allufion is here evidently made to the intimacy which fubfifted. through life between Mr. Cowper and Lord Thurlow. To the peer, we believe the poet to have been principally indebted for the royal penfion beftowed on him fome time previous to his death. In the fuccefs of his ingenious friend, we know that the Chancellor felt himfelf peculiarly interested; and it is a circumftance which ought to be recorded, that while the tranflation of Homer was going forward, he could relax from the feverities of office, to communicate to his poetical correfpondent his private remarks as a man of reading and taste.

"But the towering hopes which were naturally built on fo flattering a ground, were undermined at an early period. From childhood, during which he loft a much-loved parent, his fpirits were always very tender, and often greatly dejected. His natural diffidence and depreffion of mind were increased to a moft diftreffing degree, by the turbulence of his elder comrades, at the most celebrated public school in the kingdom!"

Mr. Cowper was bred at Westminster school.

"When (at mature age) he was appointed to a lucrative and honourable fituation in the law, he fhrunk, with the greatest terror, from the appearance which it required him to make before the Upper Houfe of Parliament. Several affecting circumftances concurred to increase the agony of his mind, while revolving the confequences of relinquifhing the poft to which he had been nominated."

Mr. Cowper was one of the hyeft of mankind; yet was he deftined, by want of proper feeling and difcernment on the part of his friends, to fill a confpicuous poft in the House of Lords. A blunder of the fame kind was committed, by the admirers of Mr. Addison, when he was appointed one of the Secretaries of State. Mr. Cowper (as we have heard the ftory) when the office, to the reverfion of which he was to fucceed, became vacant, fecreted himself, and was no where to be found. When the office was filled, he again made his appearance; but with a bofom in which there was no peace, because he had fpon- ́ taneously deprived himself of an independent fituation in life, at a time when it was his wifh to have made the object of his attachment happy, by an offer of marriage. Such is the tale of his incipient fufferings, as it has been related to us. Under fuch impreffions,

"He wifhed for madness, as the only apparent means by which his perplexity and diftrefs could be terminated. A defperation, of which few among mankind can form a fuitable conception, but which it may be hoped many will regard with tender pity, drove him to attempt felf-murder !""


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