Abbildungen der Seite

followed him to the Palace. A salute of artillery had announced to the inhabitants of Madrid the dawn of this happy day. The Prefect of Madrid repaired to the confines of his prefecture, and there presented to his Majesty the homage of all the province. The Commandant of the army of the centre, and the Governor of Madrid, went to the same place to receive his Majesty they accompanied him as far as the Palace. The troops of the garrison were drawn up in line along the whole of the road. The Municipality, headed by the Corregidor, received his Majesty under an arch erected before the gate by which he was to enter; and the Corregidor had the honour to present the keys of this capital to his Majesty.-On alighting from his carriage, the King was received by the Ministers, the Counsellors of State, the Officers of the Household, the Grandees and Nobility, the Generals and military officers not on duty, the Members of Tribunals, and principal Ecclesiastics. His Majesty condescended to address them with his characteristic affability. A general illumination took place in the night, and this day bull-fights will be exhibited to the people gratis, and the theatres will also be opened gratuitously.

Official News from the Armies in Spain.

CATALONIA.-Marshal Suchet, after the capture of Tarragona, marched towards the interior of Catalonia. The assemblages which Campoverde had attempted to organise dispersed in haste; the Marshal's presence made to fall back upon Agrament the corps assembled at Igualada about the end of the siege; it is entirely disbanded; the men are hastening to their homes in small bands, selling their arms and their horses for bread; most of these parties threw themselves into the mountains of Arragon, when they are falling into the hands of the gendarmerie, and of the moveable columns which were sent in pursuit of them. Marshal Suchet has marched upon Vicque, where he was expected on the 13th of July. The assemblage at Olot dispersed in its turn, on his approach. Campoverde, abandoned by all his followers, was obliged to embark on the 14th at Mattaro, pursued by the inhabitants of the coast, who plundered his baggage.Some days before the departure of Campoverde, General M. Matthieu sent a detachment to Mattaro, which burnt and destroyed the magazines which the enemy wished to form at that point; an hundred

of the insurgents were killed; ten English ships of war vainly endeavoured to protect Mattaro; their hot fire cost us only 3 men and 3 horses-The English at present are before Palamos, without daring to land. The fortress of Figueras is more completely shut up than ever; all the horses have been eaten, a little flour is all they have left; the lines are watched with double vigilance, to prevent all escape on the part of the garrison, who must soon surrender at discretion.-The enemy's commandant, from the want of provisions, has dismissed unconditionally the prisoners which he took in the fort, amounting to 850.-In the mean while a corps of the army of Arragon is on its march against Valencia, and is collecting within reach of that town, a depot of ammunition and provisions, for the purpose of forthwith reducing the province.

District of the Army of the North.

The Duke of Istria having learned that an assemblage of Gallicians was forming in the valley of Vierzo, and threatened to cut off the communication between Leon and the Asturias, thought it necessary to concentrate a part of his troops, and for a moment to draw nearer to him the corps of General Bonnet, who received orders to repair to Leon about the 20th of June, after having sufficiently protected the line of the Deba. The fortifications of Astorga being considered useless and burthensome, the Duke of Istria ordered them to be razed.-On the 23d of June, the advanced guard of the insurgents made its appearance at Benavides. General Valletaux forthwith set out with 3 battalions, and 60 chasseurs. The ardour of the troops could not be restrained; the sharpshooters dashed forward in pursuit of the enemy, and drove them to Quintanilla del Valle. In this position the enemy's army was perceived, 7,000 strong: they were too far engaged to be able to retreat; the General made his dispositions without calculating the number of the enemy, and ordered the village to be attacked. It was carried with impetuosity, in spite of the efforts of the enemy, who was compelled to take a position in the rear. The 119th took post to the right, beyond the village; the 122d was opposed to the enemy's columns which had formed on the roads to Fontoria and Quintana Dejor; the Chief of Battalion, Durrel, kept in check, on the left, the troops which came from Astorga, and which made

dead bodies; near 400 brigands were left lying in the town, 100 were taken, the rest were pursued, and sabred in the cornfields. Three hundred horses, one standard, 50 carts laden with salt, and all the baggage of the band, remained in the hands of the soldiers. Morales, one of their chiefs, was found among the dead.— The Junta of Valencia had given to General Sayas the command of all the united bands of the provinces of Cuenca; on the 3d of July that General made a movement towards Jadraque: reconnoitring parties belonging to our posts in Guadalaxara exchanged shots on the same day with the enemy's advanced posts near Ilita.-On the 5th July, General Hugo was in readiness to march against the enemy, and to force his positions in order to drive him back upon the left of the Tagus. General Lahoussaye was ordered to advance in order to cut off the enemy's retreat. Sayas did not await them; he immediately commenced a retrograde movement with all his troops to the amount of 6,000 men, marching straight upon the Tagus. Ge

fruitless efforts to turn him.-The action thus began was successful; our soldiers won the field of battle, on which were found 600 of the enemy dead; the number of their wounded was much more considerable.This brilliant affair does honour to the last moments of General Valletaux, who was killed at the close of the combat; while dying he saw the defeat of the enemy; together with him we lament the loss of 30 brave men; we had $7 wounded. The Chief of Battalion, Pati, Aid-de-camp Meda, and Captain Grassi, of the 28th Chasseurs, deserve praises as well as all the officers and soldiers of this detachment. The enemy had retired beyond Astorga; General Bonnet reconnoitred him about the 10th of July; all the necessary measures were taken for attacking this assemblage, commanded by Santocildes.-The band of Pastor, lately formidable to Discay, is now reduced to a few banditti, whose numbers the gendarmerie daily diminish.-Longa, another chief of brigands, is hotly pursued by the moveable columns: he no longer knows where to find an asylum;neral Hugo set out in pursuit of him, while his followers are availing themselves of the amnesty to surrender at discretion.-General Dorsenne is arrived at Valladolid to take the chief command of the army of the North. He immediately sent the General of Division Dumoutier, with 10,000 men and 1,500 horse, to take a position on the Coa, in advance of Ciudad Rodrigo.Four divisions of the army of reserve have entered by Pampeluna and Vittoria. The fine appearance of these troops, of whom the lowest soldier has seen four years' service, has strongly surprised the inhabitants, and given them a new pledge of the uselessness of all the efforts of Eng. land.

District of the Army of the Centre.

Major Montigny, commanding the depots of cavalry at Madrigal, having learned that several united bands were moving upon Penaranda, concerted measures with the Commandant of Arevalo. On the first of July, two columns assembled at Flores D'Avila under the orders of Major Montigny. At daybreak the enemy were discovered bivouacking near Penaranda, to the number of 1,000 men; the Major so rapidly charged them with his troop, that the brigands had not time to mount their horses. The streets, the houses, and environs of Penaranda were instantly covered with


General Lahoussaye, leaving Guadalaxara, advanced by forced marches towards the bridge of Aunon, where he hoped to cut off the enemy's passage, who appeared to be retiring upon Cuenca. General Sayas had already passed the Tagus and collected his force at Val de Oliva. On the 11th General Lahoussaye crossed over his troops in haste; at the entrance of a defile his advanced guard fell upon the cavalry of. Manco, supported by a battalion of infantry which Sayas had sent to take possession of the bridge of Aunon; 50 dragoons and a company of the 75th of the line intrepidly charged the enemy, routed and pursued them sword in hand as far as Sancon, where all our cavalry assembled; the enemy was at last come up with between Alcocer and Val de Oliva. Three battalions and two squadrons were drawn up, and thought to defend themselves by forming a square; the French cavalry soon broke through them, and all that were not sabred on the spot were taken.— A thousand prisoners, a number of whom are officers, 600 killed, one standard, all their baggage, about 200 horses, and a considerable convoy of cattle, are the resalts of this affair.-The remains of the troops of Sayas precipitately fled towards Cuenca. General Lahoussaye will not cease the pursuit till this corps shall no longer exist. The misunderstandings among the

chiefs, the desertion of the soldiers, the absolute want of every thing, powerfully contribute to its destruction. More than 1,200 guerillos have already returned to their homes; Martines, one of their chiefs, has surrendered with all his officers; Sayas is retiring upon Valencia.-The King has arrived at Madrid; he received upon his road the most unequivocal testimonies of the love of true Spaniards; his presence has electrified all minds; opinions are approximating.

Army of Portugal.

The English army has taken up cantonments around Portalegre, and keeps upon the defensive. The Duke of Ragusa has his head-quarters always at Merida, from whence he scours the country as far as the enemy's lines. Badajoz being in a formidable state of defence, and provisioned for 3 months, the Duke of Ragusa means to put his army into quarters for refreshment, in the Valley of the Tagus, with only an advanced guard on the Guadiana, during the heats of the month of August, which render the Valley of the Guadiana extremely unwholesome. The fifth corps will, during that period, keep up the communication between the army of Portugal and that of the South.

District of the Army of the South.

party of the same force, consisting of English and some Spaniards, and posted on steep rocks. Col. Bonnemain took his dispositions so well, that the enemy, in spite of the advantage of the ground, was routed and forced to retire upon Algesiras, abandoning some prisoners and a convey of 100 bullocks.-The enemy reckoned on being able to take advantage of the moment, when the bulk of the army of the south had marched into Estremadura, in order to attack in force the town of Ronda. General Bejinie, at the bread of three regiments of the camp of St. Roch and of the peasants of the vicinity, on the 4th of June, advanced to form the blockade of Ronda, which was defended by some companies of the 43rd of the line. The Duke of Belluno immediately caused to set out from Seville a column of troops, under the orders of Adjutant-Commandant Remond; a second column, commanded by General Pecheux, at the same time sat out from the lat corps; they united at Meron on the 15th. The enemy confiding in his strength, drew up in order of battle, two leagues from Ronda; but he was attacked with such impetuosity by our troops, that in a few moments he was broke and routed along all his line; a horrible carnage followed; near 500 dead remained on the spot, with 900 wounded; the regiments of Siguenza and of Ronda were almost entirely destroyed. The remains of the enemy's division escaped only by the help of rocks, where our cavalry could not reach them.-Our columns the same day entered Ronda, which was completely re-victualled.

FRANCE.--Speech of COUNT SEGUR, Orator of the Council of State, to the Legislative Body, at the Close of the Session, July 25,


The 1st corps is constantly exerting the greatest activity in the works of the blockade of Cadiz. Puerto Santa Maria and Puerto Real are become very strong places; new batterics have been erected both on the side towards the sea, and upon all the approaches by land; they are connected by lines which also are defended by very strong batteries.-On the 13th of June, the garrison of the Isle of Leon attempted a sally against our works at the Arracise: 1,200 men advanced to our out-posts, while all the batteries and (Concluded from p. 224.) enemy's gun-boats kept up a violent fire...Previous to opening it, the Emperor upon the lines of Chiclana; but all this wished you should be collected round his mighty racket produced so little effect, throne; he wished to be surrounded by that our batteries at Chiclana scarcely you when he went to the temple to return deigned to return their fire. The infantry thanks to the Eternal for the birth of that met a worse reception at the Arrecife. infant king, who has completed our wishes, After a two hours fire of musketry, the and realized our hopes: you have been. enemy was compelled to save himself in witnesses of that pompous ceremony, the haste, leaving a great many killed on the holiness of the place, the majesty of the field of battle, and carrying off a great throne, the union of Princes, of the Nobinumber of wounded.- Colonel Bonnemain lity, of the first corps of the empire, of the had been sent to reconnoitre towards deputies from the towns, the offering of an Tariffa, with 600 men. On the 9th of infant dedicated to God, by glory and virJuns he encountered at Sanona, an enemy's tue united. The emotion of the assistants,

and the acclamations of an immense peo- the organization of the imperial Courts, ple, which on the same day were repeated which will restore to justice its force and throughout the extent of this vast empire dignity, and the creation of the great se-this noble and touching picture is too minaries, of the acquisition or the repairdeeply engraved in your memories, to al- ing of a number of churches, of the suclow me to attempt to retrace it. If I cess of industry which makes amends by spoke of that universal sentiment that ex- the discoveries of genius for privations cited the public happiness, I should but which war causes. He has informed you repeat your own words, express as every of the immense works undertaken to conFrenchman does the joy that birth has struct bridges, dig canals, drain marshes, caused which guarantees the solidity of embellish cities, &c. these works have our destiny, the duration of our glory; cost nearly 380 millions; they thus equal, which constitutes the happiness of our au- in two years, the efforts which were forgust Sovereign and his beloved consort. merly made in a century.-You have not In the midst of the fêtes which were seen without surprise upon all the points given to celebrate this great event, the of our coast and frontiers, those fortificaEmperor came to this place: he has in- tions which prudence erects or repairs in formed you of the motives of high policy the midst of triumphs. The activity which which determined him to extend our fron- reigns in all the ports, the works undertiers, and unite new provinces to the em- taken at Antwerp, Flushing, Cherbourg, pire. His Majesty has described to you | Ostend, and Terneuse, those armaments our flourishing situation, the fidelity of his which prepare for the future successes of allies, the glory of his armies, and the our marine and new destinies for the prosperous state of his finances. In short, ocean, and the prosperous state of the pubin announcing to you that he had ordered lic treasury which has to provide for so his minister to place before you the ex- many expences. Such is the picture which pences of 1809 and 1810, his Majesty in- has been traced to you. Happy the reign formed you, that although he was obliged in which the recital of facts renders euloto place at the disposition of his ministers an gium unnecessary. After the presentaextraordinary credit of 100 millions, he tion which has been made to you, Gentledid not ask any new impositions. It is men, of two projects to create new subthus that, after many years of war, con- perfectures, and of a great number of quests, and creations, our Sovereign termi- transactions which interest the communes, nates his discourse; whilst the Govern- you have adopted the project of a law ment who wishes to contend against him, upon the finances. The satisfaction which every year demands new loans, imposts, its examination afforded you, is too great and sacrifices from the English people. A to make it necessary for me to re-state the few days after that memorable sitting details.-The Orator of your Commission your deputation came to lay at the foot of of Finance has said upon this important the throne the homage of your devotion, law all that could be added to the motives your love; and through your President, developed by the Orators from the Counwho enjoys the esteem of our monarch, cil of State. He has pointed out the adand your merited confidence, you made vantages of the order established, by which known the noble and simple principles five or six months are sufficient to examine which guide, and the sentiments that ani- and check the accounts of so many dif mate you. In that audience you expe- ferent administrations. He has remarked rienced fresh pledges of the paternal affec- the amelioration which has taken place in tion of his Majesty.-The solemn forms the proceedings for the recovery of the of the opening of your Session being ful- contributions; the moderate expence of filled, the Minister of the interior in great prosecution has not escaped him. He has detail pointed out the situation of the em- with equal sagacity viewed the different pire. Sixteen departments have been causes of the increase of the State reveunited to France, producing a population nues, which at present amount to 985 milof five millions, and a revenue of 100 mil- lions, and the reason of the augmentation lions. The communications opened be- of the expence of the different departtween the Scheldt and the Baltic, between ments. We have acquired 300 leagues of the north and south of Italy, render our coast, and 10,000 sailors. maritime supplies independent of the ene tions demand an increase of expence, but my's squadrons. The Minister has spoken they give at the same time the means of to you of the progress of the University, providing for it.The economy intro

Such acquisi

sieged by complaints, threatened with commotions, it is reduced to propose to the people, by way of resource, a fictitious money, which has no other pledge but a confidence which exists no longer.-The Emperor, on the other hand wishes for peace, and the liberty of the seas; he has 800,000 men under arms; the Princes of Europe are his allies; his whole empire enjoys profound tranquillity: without loans, without anticipations, 954 millions, raised with facility, secure the free execution of his noble plans; and his majesty commissions us to address you only in the language of satisfaction and hope.-What confidence, gentlemen, ought this parallel to inspire: Diffuse it among your fellow. citizens, communicate to them the impressions you have received; your task will be easy; you will find them all animated with the same sentiments towards a sovereign, who has no other object in his labours than the happiness and the glory of his people. M. de Segur, after having read the decree which ordered the closing of the session, came down from the tribune amidst acclamations of Live the Emperor !

duced into many branches of the administration-the augmentation of the produce of the customs, the measures adopted relative to tobacco, which, without pressing upon the people, give the State the advantage which some companies exclusively enjoyed, and furnish the means of diminishing the land-tax; all give a complete assurance of constantly seeing our resources superior to our expenditure. The liquidation of the years preceding 1808 is effected; that of the following years is considerably advanced that of the present year is completed; no inquietude exists with respect to the future. France has no occasion for any increase of the customs, nor for loans, nor for any new taxes. Thus you have evident proofs of the happy situation of our finances, and certainly they ought to excite as much confidence in our fellow-citizens, as fear in our enemies.-At the moment when, by order of his Majesty, those satisfactory representations were placed under your eyes, a shout of triumph reached us from Spain; the junction of our armies were effected; Badajoz was delivered; and Marshal Suchet had overthrown the walls of Tarragona in presence of the English, the mortified spectators of this victory. A garrison of 18,000 men, courageous and obstinate, has not been able to resist French valour; 10,000 prisoners and a great number of cannon and standards are the trophies of the conquerers: noble presages, which confirm the hopes given to us a short time since by a monarch, all whose predictions victory is accustomed to fulfil.-At the same instant cries of distress issued from the bosom of the British Isles; credit, which supported her colossal and factitious power, was shaken; and that Go-Government, and that no other obligation vernment, already banished from the Continent, but which nevertheless boasted, amidst the cumbrous heaps of its manufactures, of being able to exchange its productions for all the gold of Mexico and of Peru, is now forced to proclaim its error, to acknowledge that it loses public confidence, and to propose the enforcement of a paper money.-The English Government desires war, the monopoly of commerce, and the domination of the seas; its allies are either destroyed or lest to it; it ruins all those whom it wishes to subsidize; it exhausts its people in useless efforts; it is punished for its selfishness by its state of insulation; and, after having heaped loan upon loan, tax upon tax, be

M. THE PRESIDENT then spoke, with the view of pointing out, that it was the happy destiny of the Legislative Body never to assemble but in order to associate themselves in the illustrious labours of the Government, or to be able to form a better judgment of their wisdom, by seeing their valuable results; that the Deputies of the Legislative Body, after having received, through the medium of the Orator of the Council of State, the assurances of his Majesty's satisfaction, were happy in returning to their homes, to have it in their power to communicate to their fellowcitizens only new benefits on the part of

had been imposed upon them this session but that of gratitude. Six copies were ordered to be printed of the speeches of M. de Segur, and of the President.-M. the President then, in conformity to the Decree, declared that the session of 1811 was terminated, and the Assembly rose.

FRANCE-M. Regnaud's Address to the

Emperor on the subject of the Finances; and his account of the Progress made in the business of the CADASTRE, or valuation of the lands.—July, 1811.

SIRE, I present to your Imperial Majesty, the accounts of the Administration of the Finances in 1809, and in 1810-It

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