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ly and a large party were sitting down to dinner. One gentleman, about my own age, took upon himself the payment of hospitable attention to me. . . Imagine my surprise, when I heard him addressed as Mr. L., at the sound of which all associations of satire and Dr. Parr's wig thronged my imagination; but the trick of taking Parr's wig and wearing it at dinner with the Doctor, he persists in denying.

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"The time goes on very pleasantly in the family: all are so unexceptionable, that it would be almost invidious to speak of one more than another. Their hospitality is like a genial atmosphere; you breathe it refreshingly without feeling its weight. You are left so much at leisure, and yet can always find society in one or other of the Libraries. We have Lord Duncannon and his brother, Col. Ponsonby, whose military anecdotes are very amusing. We had yesterday the reinforcement of a Keeper of the Records named Patric, a man of great information, in the Lysson's style, and Dr. C- -tone, who shows to more advantage here than at Oxford. I did him injustice in forming a rash opinion of him. I have been talking with him the greater part of the morning; and it verifies a remark I have often made, that if you get hold of a well-informed and well-bred man, it is your own fault if an hour or two cannot be pleasantly got over with him. He is just gone to examine some books on a commission which Courtenay gave him. . . . I shall regret to be obliged to leave this place on the second of January; for I have pressing reasons to get an interview with my London booksellers. T. C."

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Among the smaller poems of this year were Reullura, The Ritter Bann, and A Dream*—all familiar to the readers of poetry, and exhibiting the Lyric Muse of Campbell in a new and attractive dress. In the last of these pieces, as it strikes me, there is throughout a marked allusion to his own private fortunes in the race of life. It is worthy of its predecessor, The Last Man, which it much resembles, but does not reach, either in poetical conception or expression.

These lyrics appear from the MS. to have undergone much judicious alteration before they were admitted to a place in the authorized edition.

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THE next event in Campbell's life, was the part he took in founding the London University-an event to which he always looked back with peculiar satisfaction-" the only important one," as he modestly expresses it, "in his life's little history." The project of a great metropolitan school had dwelt upon his mind, and occupied his serious thoughts, ever since his return from Germany; but it was only to a select few of his private friends, that he had ventured to propound the scheme, and ask the benefit of their suggestions. During the past year, however, his opinions had became gradually matured by communication with those in whom he had confidence, and on whose talents and co-operation he could fully rely, whenever his plan should be brought before the public. This experiment was now to be

tried; and to prepare the way for its favorable reception, private

conferences were held, where the merits of the scheme were freely discussed, and arrangements concluded for a public meeting on the subject. From various documents regarding these meetings, and the first stage of the University-scheme, I annex the following particulars in the words of the writer:


"Saturday, Feb. 12th, 1825.-The establishment of an University in London has for a considerable time been a favorite object with my friend Thomas Campbell. It is now more than a year since he first mentioned the project to me. I agreed with him as to the great importance of such an Institution; but I did not concur with him in the probability he thought there was of raising money to carry his project into execution. In several subsequent conversations, he developed his plan, which was comprehensive; but I still remained in doubt that money could be raised to carry into execution. About a month ago, Mr. Campbell told me he was resolved to bring his project before the public, that, at least, it might be known; that he was sanguine of success, from the assistance which making it known would procure for him. . . . On the 31st ult. a gentleman called upon me, said he had dined with several other gentlemen the preceding evening, at Mr. Brougham's; he named the gentlemen who dined there, and among them, Mr. T. Campbell. After dinner, he said, Mr. Campbell talked of his project of a London University, which was countenanced by all who were

present. Mr. Campbell, he said, evidently calculated on the assistance of every one of them. It was this, I conclude, which induced Mr. Campbell to publish his letter to Mr. Brougham, on the 9th inst., in the Times newspaper, as a project for a University.

"In a conversation which I have just had with Mr. Hume, he informed me that there would be a dinner on Monday next, at Mr. John Smith's; where Mr. Hill, Mr. Brougham, Mr. Campbell, and himself, would be guests; and he hoped something would be done to promote Mr. Campbell's project. I told Mr. Hume that I saw but one obstacle to it, and that was want of money; and this obstacle I did not expect would be removed. Mr. Hume replied, that if a sketch of what Mr. Campbell intended, as well in teaching, as in moral discipline, and expense to students, were drawn up, he doubted not that he could procure subscribers to a large amount, which he named; and this induced me to promise, on the part of Mr. Campbell, that such a paper should at once be drawn up. I objected, however, to Mr. Hume, that the large sum he had named might not be subscribed; and that he might be disappointed. To this he replied-'Get the paper drawn up, and trust to me to make good my promise.'


Sunday, Feb. 13th.-Mr. Campbell has been with me, and has undertaken to produce such a paper as Mr. Hume requires. I have no doubt that his project will be crowned with success."*

From these memoranda regarding the University, we turn to the Poet's own account of it, in a more advanced stage.

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"SEYMOUR-STREET WEST, April 30, 1825.

I have had a double-quick time of employment since I saw you. In addition to the business of the Magazine, I have had that of the University in a formidable shape. Brougham, who must have popularity among Dissenters, propounded the matter to them. The delegates, of almost all the dissenting bodies in London, came to a conference at his summons. At the first meeting, it was decided that there should be Theological chairs, partly Church of England and partly Presbyterian. I had instructed all friends of the University to resist any attempt to make us a Theological body; but Brougham, Hume, and John Smith, came away from the first meeting, saying: We think with you, that the introduction of Divinity will be mischievous; but we must yield to the Dissenters, with Irving at their head. We must have a theological college.' I immediately waited on the Church of England men, who had already subscribed to the number of a hundred, and said to them;-You see our paction is broken; I induced you to subscribe, on the faith that no ecclesiastical interest, English or

* "The substance of notes which I made when the proposal for an University in London was first countenanced by Mr. Campbell's friends. "FRANCIS PLACE."

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Scotch, should predominate in our scheme; but the Dissenters are rushing in-What do you say?' They-that is, the Church of England friends of the scheme-concerted that I should go, commissioned from them, to say at the conference, that either the Church of England must predominate, or else there must be no church influence. I went with this commission; I debated the matter with the Dissenters. Brougham, Hume, and John Smith, who had before deserted me, changed sides, and came over to me. Irving and his party stoutly opposed me; but I succeeded, at last, in gaining a complete victory. The Dissenters themselves, I must say, behaved with extreme candor: they would not even suffer me to conclude my reply to Mr. Irving, but exclaimed, "Enough, enough. We are convinced, and concede the point, that the University shall be without religious rivalship." The scene concluded amicably; Lord Althorp appeared on the part of the Church, and coincided in the decision.

"A directory of the association, for the scheme of the University, is to meet in my house on Monday; and everything promises well... You cannot conceive what anxiety I have undergone, whilst I imagined that the whole beautiful project was likely to be reduced to a mere Dissenters' University! But I have no more reason to be dissatisfied with the Dissenters, than with the hundred Church of England subscribers, whose interests I have done my best to support. I regard this as an eventful day in my life.

T. C."

The co-operation of Mr. Brougham and Mr. Hume was a public guarantee for the success of the experiment; and by the union of private and parliamentary interest, Campbell had the happiness to see his scheme taken up with spirit, and carried triumphantly through all its successive stages. To a friend deeply interested in the undertaking, he writes:-" Monday... You will not grudge postage to be told the agreeable news that Brougham and Hume have reported their having had a conference with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Lord Liverpool; and that they expressed themselves not unfavorable to the plan of a great College in London. Of course, as Ministers had not been asked to pledge themselves to support us, but only to give us a general idea of their disposition, we could only get what we sought, a general answer. But that being so favorable, is much. I was glad also to hear that both Mr. Robinson and Lord Liverpool approved highly of no rival theological chairs

having been agreed upon. Mr. R. even differed from Mr. Hume, when the latter said that, of course, getting a charter is not to be thought of. 'I beg your pardon,' said Mr. Robinson, 'I think it might be thought of; and it is by no means an impossible supposition.'

"A copy of my scheme* of Education, but much mutilated and abridged, is submitted to their inspection. I mean, however, to transmit to them my scheme in an entire shape, and to publish it afterwards as a pamphlet. In the meantime, I must for a while retire,† and leave this business to other hands-now that it seems safe from any mischief which hitherto threatened it. I send you this intelligence, beause it is an event to me, or at least a step in a promised event, which will be, perhaps, the only important one in my life's little history; and your correspondence has been a register of my affairs for a long time, and I hope will always be."

T. C."

"30th.—I rejoice to find the wisest Churchmen and the wisest Dissenters decidedly agreeing on this point-that we ought, in this scheme, religiously to avoid all chance of religious controversy. Mr. Irving said that learning and science were the natural enemies of religion; but, if he said so, I paid him home for it very well. He came and shook hands with me at the con







The principal difficulties in the undertaking were now surmounted the course was smooth and open; and in connexion with those who had ably supported him in his patriotic views, Campbell had the happiness to feel that the subject became every day more popular. Public meetings were held; patrons multiplied; subscriptions poured in; and, before the end of summer, he had the certain prospect of seeing his expectations realized. The scheme of education which he had proposed, was * Vide Appendix.

The retirement, to which he alludes, was from the business part of the arrangements. He appears to have attended the committees; and, though naturally averse to steady and continued exertion for the attainment of other objects, to have shown on this, at least, unabated zeal and perse


He complains, however, and apparently with some reason, that after the difficulties had been overcome, the importance of his service in the cause was rather questioned than acknowledged. Be this as it may, it is satisfactory to know that the honor of having originated the scheme of a university in London, belongs exclusively to Campbell.

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