Verse. Ed. by ERIC PARTRIDGE. London: The Scholartis Press. 8vo. 9 × 5. pp. 192. 7s. 6d. Rev. in New Statesman, Nov. 10, 1927, XXX, 182. Warton, Joseph. 1917. SMITH, AUDLEY L. The Primitivism of Joseph Warton. M.L.N., Dec. 1927, XLII, 501-4. Watts, Isaac. 1918. Homage to Isaac Watts. Nation, Mar. 16, 1927, CXXIV, 280. Wesley, John. 1919. HUTTON, WILLIAM HOLDEN. John Wesley. London: Macmillan, 1927. 8 × 51. pp. xvii, 181. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 21, 1927, 274. 1920. SIMON, JOHN. John Wesley, the Master Builder, 1757–72. Epworth Press, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. 344. 18s. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 8, 1927, 600. White, James. 1921. TOMPKINS, J. M. S. James White, Esq. A Forgotten Humourist. R.E.S., Apr. 1927, III, 146–56. Wise, Jeremiah. 1922. MURDOCK, KENNETH B. Note on Jeremiah Wise's Sermon on the Suitableness and Benefit of Prayer in Affliction, 1717. Publ. of the Colonial Soc. of Massachusetts, 1927, XXVI, 235-6. Wollstonecraft, Mary. 1923. GODWIN, WILLIAM. Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft. See 1780. XIII. 5. NINETEENTH CENTURY XIII. 5 a. GENERAL Anthologies. 1924. ANDREWS, C. E. and M. O. PERCIVAL (eds.). Poetry of the Nineties. (Bibl. 1926, 1745.) Rev. by Lee W. Dodd in Sat. Rev. of Lit., July 16, 1927, III, 976–7. 1925. BARNES, NELLIE (comp.). American Indian Love Lyrics and Other Verse, with a Foreword by MARY AUSTIN. (Bibl. 1925, 1529; 1926, 1746.) Rev. by Sidney Cox in Sewanee Rev., Jan.Mar. 1927, XXXV, 119–20. 1926. BELL, MACKENZIE (ed.). Half hours with representative novelists of the nineteenth century, being passages from their works with brief biographies and introductions and a critical essay. London: Routledge; New York: Dial Press, 1927. 3 vols. 22.5 cm. pp. xi, 462; 504, 509. $10.50. 1927. CARMAN, BLISS (ed.). Oxford Book of American Verse [18th-20th centuries]. Oxford, 1927. pp. xxix, 680. 1928. FEHR, BERNARD. Englische Prosa von 1880 bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig: Teubner, 1927. Rev. by A. C. E. Vechtman-Veth in E. Studies, Dec. 1927, IX, 209-10. 1929. FISCHER, WALTHER. Amerikanische Prosa vom Bürgerkrieg bis auf die Gegenwart (1863-1922). Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1926. pp. viii, 256. 8 M. Rev. briefly in M.L.R., July 1927, XXII, 362; by H. Lüdeke in Deutsche Literaturztg., Jan. 15, 1927, XLVIII, N.F. 4, 107–11; by K. Brunner in N. Sprachen, 1927, XXXV, 3, 222−7; by K. Arns in E. St., 1927, LXI, 3, 446; by E. H. Zeydel in Euphorion, 1927, XXVIII, 2, 320-1; by A. C. E. Vechtman-Veth in E. Studies, Dec. 1927, IX, 209–10. 1930. GRABO, CARL H. Romantic Prose of the Early Nineteenth Century. New York: Scribner's, 1927. 17.2 cm. pp. xxii, 476. 1931. PARRINGTON, V. L. The Connecticut Wits. See 1616. 1932. WILLIAMS, CHARLES (ed.). A Book of Victorian Narrative Verse. London: Milford, 1927. 7 × 51. PP. 337. 3s. 6d. Rev. in N.Q., Dec. 10, 1927, CLIII, 432. 1933. WINSLOW, OLA ELIZABETH (comp.). Harper's Literary Museum; a Compendium of Instructive Entertaining and Amusing Matter Selected from Early American Writings. New York: Harper, 1927. 8vo. pp. ix, 412. $4.00. Miscellaneous. 1934. BAUMANN, ARTHUR A. The Last Victorians. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1927. 24.5 cm. pp. 315. Illus. $5.00. Rev. by Ernest Boyd in Independent, May 21, 1927, CXVIII, 542. 1935. BEARD, CHARLES and MARY. The Rise of American Civilization. See 1382. 1936. BEER, THOMAS. An Irritating Archangel (i.e. Amos B. ALCOTI and his literary friends). Amer. Bookman, Dec. 1927, LXVI, 356–66. 1937. The Mauve Decade. American Life at the End of the Nineteenth Century. (Bibl. 1926, 1753.) Rev. by Dumas Malone ir Virginia Quart. Rev., Jan. 1927, III, 143–6. 1938. BLEYER, WILLARD GROSVENOR. Main Currents in the His tory of American Journalism. See 1623. 1939. BOYNTON, PERCY HOLMES. More Contemporary Americans Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1927. 22.5 cm. pp. vii, 230. $2.50. [Includes criticisms of Herman Melville, Lafcadio Hearn, Ambros Bierce, Joseph Hergesheimer, Sherwood Anderson, and Sinclai Lewis.] Rev. by Robert M. Lovett in Dial, Dec. 1927, 508–11; by Robert Walcott in Harvard Grad. Mag., Dec. 1927, 320-2; by Arthu Colton in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Dec. 3, 1927, IV, 368; by Ernest Boyd in Independent, Sept. 24, CXIX, 309. 1940. BRINTON, CRANE. The Political Ideas of the English Ro manticists. (Bibl. 1926, 1754.) Rev. by Arthur K. Davis, Jr., i Virginia Quart. Rev., Apr. 1927, 111, 291–8; in Nation, Feb. 23, 1927 CXXIV, 215. 1941. CHANCELLOR, E. BERESFORD. Life in Regency and Earl Victorian Times. An Account of the Days of Brummell and D'Orsay 1800-50. London: Batsford, 1927. 10 × 7. pp. ix, 130. .25s. Rev in T.L.S., Mar. 3, 1927, 141. 1942. CLARK, Evert MordecAI. An Unpublished Bit of Jeffer sonian Verse. S.A.Q., Jan. 1927, XXVI, 76–82. [Marginalia from folio ed. of Machiavelli's Works in Yale library.] 1943. CRUMP, GEOFFREY H. Poets of the Romantic Revival London: Harrap, 1927. 71 × 5. pp. 261. 3s. 6d. 1944. CUNLIFFE, JOHN W. Modern English Playwrights: A Short History of the English Drama from 1825. (Plays and Playwrights Series.) New York: Harper, 1927. 81 × 51. Pp. x, 260. $3. Rev. in T.L.S. (Leading Article), July 28, 1927, 509–10. 1945. DE VOoys, S. The Psychological Element in the English Sociological Novel of the Nineteenth Century. Amsterdam: H. J. Paris, 1927. 24 × 15.5 cm. pp. 159. (Diss. Amsterdam.) 1946. FABES, GILBERT. The Autobiography of a Book. London: Elzevir Press, 1927. 91 × 61. pp. 204. 7s. 6d. 1947. FEHR, BERNARD. Die englische Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. (Bibl. 1923, 1761; 1925, 1537; 1926, 574.) Rev. by F. Wild in N. Sprachen, 1927, XXXV, 1, 59–60; by C. H. Herford in M.L.R., Apr. 1927, XXII, 228–30. 1948. FIRKINS, INA TEN EYCK. Index to Plays, 1800-1926. New York: Wilson, 1927. 4to. pp. 397. 1949. FISCHER, WALTHER. Aus der Frühzeit der amerikanischen Anglistik: Louis F. Klipstein (1813-79). E. St., Nov. 1927, LXII, 250-64. 1950. Gold Star List (The). American Fiction, 1821-1927; five hundred titles classified by subject, with notes. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse Public Lib., 1927. 8vo. pp. 30. Paper, 25 cents. 1951. A Great-Niece's Journals: Being Extracts from the Journals of FANNY ANNE BURNEY (Mrs Wood), 1830-42. Ed. by M. S. ROLT. (Bibl. 1926, 1763.) Rev. in Independent, Jan. 15, 1927, CXVIII, 80. 1952. GREEN, JULIEN. Suite anglaise. See 1636. 1953. GRIBBLE, F. Romantic Movement. Fortn. Rev., Nov. 1927, 610-20. 1954. HOWE, MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE (ed.). Later Years of the Saturday Club, 1870-1920. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1927. 8vo. pp. xvii, 427. 1955. JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD. America and French Culture, 1750-1848. See 1639. 1956. KELLNER, LEON. Geschichte der nordamerikanischen Literatur. Teil 2. 2nd ed. [from E. A. Poe to the moderns]. Berlin and Leipzig: de Gruyter, 1927. pp. 111. Rev. by W. Fischer in Euphorion, 1927, XXVIII, 2, 320–1. 1957. KING, JOSEPH LEONARD, Jr. Dr George William Bagby; a Study of Virginian Literature, 1850-80. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1927. 21 cm. pp. ix, 193. $2.50. 1958. KNICKERBOCKER, WILLIAM S. Creative Oxford: Its Influence in Victorian Literature. (Bibl. 1925, 1545.) Rev. by Edward N. Hooker in Sewanee Rev., July-Sept. 1927, XXXV, 374-8. 1959. LOCKWOOD, HELEN DRUSILLA. Tools and the Man; a Comparative Study of the French Working-man and English Chartists in the Literature of 1830-48. (Studies in Engl. and Comp. Lit.) New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1927. 23.5 cm. pp. 9-244. $3.00. (Diss. Columbia.) 1960. MACCALLUM, M. W. The Dramatic Monologue in the Vic torian Period. See 101. 1961. MCMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C. The First Printers of Chicago, with a Bibliography of the Issues of the Chicago Press, 1836–50 Chicago: Covici, 1927. 4to. pp. 42. 1962. MAUROIS, ANDRÉ. Etudes anglaises-Dickens, Walpole, Ruskin et Wilde. La Jeune Littérature. Paris: Grasset, 1927 18.7 x 12 cm. pp. 293. 1963. MILLINGTON, YULE O. A List of Newspapers Published ir the District of Columbia, 1820-50. Papers of the Bibliographica Soc. of Amer., 1925, XIX, 43–65. 1964. Odell, George C. D. Annals of the New York Stage. Set 1654. 1965. PARTRIDGE, ERIC. The General Movement of Criticismsince 1798. Contemp. Rev., June 1927, 747-55. 1966. PEDDIE, J. R. Sidelights on the Character of Queen Vic toria. Cornhill, Apr. 1927, 409-19. 1967. PONSONBY, A. A. W. H. English Diaries. See 1088. 1968. 1969. More English Diaries. See 1089. Scottish and Irish Diaries. See 1090. 1970. QUINN, ARTHUR HOBSON. A History of the Americar Drama from the Civil War to the Present Day. 2 vols. New York Harper, 1927. 22.5 cm. pp. xvi, 296; ix, 359. $10.00. Rev. by Joseph Wood Krutch in Nation, Dec. 21, 1927, CXXV, 713-14. 1971. ROBERTSON, J. M. Modern Humanists Reconsidered. Lon don: Watts, 1927. 91 × 6. pp. vii, 200. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S. Aug. 4, 1927, 527. 1972. Rusk, Ralph LesliE. The Literature of the Middle Western Frontier. (Bibl. 1925, 1556; 1926, 1777.) Rev. by F. E. Farley in M.L.N., Apr. 1927, XLII, 249–51; by George N. Shuster in Common weal, Jan. 12, 1927, V, 276–7. 1973. SPILLER, ROBERT E. The American in England during the First Half-Century of Independence. (Bibl. 1926, 1783.) Rev. and continued by G. H. ORIANS under 'Early American Travelers in England' in J. E. G. Phil., Oct. 1927, XXVI, 569–81. 1974. SULLIVAN, HERBERT and FLOWER, NEWMAN. Sir Arthu Sullivan: his life, letters and diaries. Introductory Note by ARNOLI BENNETT. London: Cassell, 1927. Roy. 8vo. 9 × 61. PP. 326. 215 Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 27, 1927, 759; in New Statesman, Dec. 3, 1927 XXX, 252-4. 1975. TABOR, MARGARET E. Pioneer Women. See 1665. 1976. THOMPSON, HAROLD WILLIAM. The Anecdotes and Ego tisms of Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831). See 1666. 1977. WATSON, ERNEST BRADLEE. Sheridan to Robertson. Study of the Nineteenth Century London Stage. (Bibl. 1926, 1792. Rev. by Alwin Thaler in Univ. Calif. Chron., Jan. 1927, XXIX, 119–24 1978. WEDD, A. F. (ed.). The Fate of the Fenwicks. From th Correspondence of Mary Hays, 1797-1827. Methuen, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. xvi, 248. 12s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 15, 1927, 949. 1979. WORTHAM, H. E. Oscar Browning. London: Constable, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. viii, 327. 16s. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 21, 1927, 275; by John J. Withers in Nation-Athen., June 4, 1927, XLI, 9, 308. XIII. 5 b. AUTHORS Adams, Henry. 1980. COMMAGER, HENRY. Henry Adams. S.A.Q., July 1927, XXVI, 252–65. Alsop, Richard. 1981. BENSON, ADOLPH B. Scandinavian Influences in the Works of William Dunlap and Richard Alsop. See 2154. Archer, William. 1982. Three Plays. With a Personal Note by G. B. SHAW. London: Constable, 1927. 81 × 6. pp. xl, 269. 10s. Rev. in T.L.S., May 12, 1927, 333; in Nation-Athen., June 4, 1927, XLI, 9, 310; in New Statesman, May 21, 1927, XXIX, 185–6. Arnold, Matthew. 1983. BoUTON, ARCHIBALD L. (ed.). Matthew Arnold, Prose and Poetry. New York: Scribner's, 1927. 17 cm. pp. xxxvi, 513. 1984. HOUSTON, PERCY H. The Modernism of Arnold. Sewanee Rev., Apr.-June 1927, XXXV, 187–97. 1985. KNICKERBOCKER, WILLIAM S. Matthew Arnold at Oxford: the Natural History of a Father and Son. Sewanee Rev., Oct.-Dec. 1927, XXXV, 399–418. 1986. PHILLIPS, E. M. English Friendships of Sainte-Beuve. M. H. R. A. Bull., Apr. 1927, 1, 17–25. 1987. ROBERTSON, J. M. Modern Humanists Reconsidered. See 1971. Austen, Jane. 1988. Novels. Ed. by R. W. CHAPMAN. (Bibl. 1923, 1809; 1924, 1359.) Rev. by P. L. in New Republic, June 15, 1927, LI, 102-3. 1989. The Works of Jane Austen. Georgian Edition. With Introductions by JOHN BAILEY. Five vols. Eveleigh Nash and Grayson, 1927. 8 × 51. Vol. 1. Sense and Sensibility. pp. xv, 578. Vol. 11. Pride and Prejudice. pp. xviii, 607. Vol. 111. Mansfield Park. pp. xviii, 720. Vol. IV. Emma. pp. xix, 734. Vol. v. Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Lady Susan, The Watsons. pp. xviii, 348, xx, 373, xix, 195. 5s. each vol. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 1, 1927, 905. 1990. The Watsons: A Fragment. Now reprinted from the ms. Oxford: Clar. Press, 1927. 71 × 5. pp. 164. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., July 28, 1927, 517; in New Statesman, Sept. 3, 1927, XXIX, 656. 1991. BROWN, EDITH C. The Date of ‘The Watsons.' Spectator, June 11, 1927, 1016–17. 1992. M., H. V. (ed.). Mary Hamilton. By a Niece of the late Miss Austen. [First publ. 1834.] London: Elkin Mathews and Marrot. 71 × 4. pp. 86. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., July 28, 1927, 517. |