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5th. That the judges of the county courts should act as appraisers, instead of commissioners appointed by the vice chancellor.

right to use the water, by allowing reason-of crime; for how many men would beton dam, the piers and bridges for crossing able compensation for it. found, under such circumstances, scrupu- the Harlem river, &c. with proper descriplous about taking from another, what they ions of the materials to be used, the manwanted, if they knew they were not to bener in which they shall be worked together, prosecuted for it; or how many of the peo- and other necessary information preparaple of Westchester are there who would ory to the making of the contracts; which take the trouble of prosecuting for any he has promised to furnish as soon as prac losses, when in order to be indemnified, ticable and the commissioners are in hopes they would only have to present their bills that if they succeed in obtaining the land, to the city comptroller for the payment of to estimate the value of which commissuch loses ? sioners have been appointed, and shall receive from the engineers the necescary plans and specifications, they will still be enabled to place some part of the work under contract before the close of the pre sent year.

The second complainants contended that the corporation ought to be prohibited from using the land required under the act for any other purposes than that of supplying the city with water, and should it not be used for said purpose, that it ought to revert to the person from whom it was taken, he paying back the sum received for it.That necessary fences should be erected and sustained by the corporation, and convenient passes made under and across the aqueduct, where it intersects the land of an individual owner.

The remonstrance to the legislature by the first complainants, was effectually opposed by the commissioners, and no crder was taken on it by that honorable body; but the complaints of the second appeared to the commissioners reasonable, and an act was accordingly passed on the 26th of May, 1936, embracing the aforesaid provisions, to which the commissioners could see no objections.

The citizens of New-York, it is admitted, will be greatly benefitted, but at a very heavy expense. They are not the only portion of the community, however, who will reap advantage from the project. The city of New-York is the principal mart of these United States, and those who send the produce of their farms to this market for sale, or who come there for the purpose of purchasing domestic or foreign produce, will enjoy, as well as our own citizens, the benefit of a plentiful supply of an element of the first necessity, froin the use of which they can feel assured that no injury will ensue to the constitution or the health of the par


The county of Westchester is more particularly interested in this matter than any other portion of the State, except the city, and that in several ways.

First, by the increase of the population and prosperity of New-York, she is insured a good and unfailing market for all the surplus produce of the county.

Second, the land required for the work is chiefly of second rate quality, the price paid for it will be liberal, and will produce a greater income to the owner than what would be realized from its cultivation; and Third, the large amount of money that will be expended in the county, will nat urally tend to increase the trade of the place, and thereby not only benefit the farmer, but the merchant and mechanic also.

All which is respectfully subinitted.

Water Commission

Office of the Water Commis-
sioners, August 1st, 1836. f



The out

From the Albany Argus. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF STATE. It will be generally recollected that the legislature at the last session, made provision for a geological survey of this State, including an account of its botanical and zoological productions. This important measure was to be executed under the direction of the Governor, by competent persons to be appointed by him. lines of a plan for this work, together with a specification of the objects to be embraced in it, were submitted to the legislature in an able and excellent report, made to that body by Gen. Dix, as Secretary of State. This plan has, with some inconsiderable alterations, been adopted by the Governor. The State is divided into four districts, and one principal geologist and an assistant assigned to each, instead of two geologists, as suggested in the report made

The commissioners were in hopes that the passage of the aforesaid act, would convince the people of Westchester that they were anxious to secure to them every right and privilege that could be reasonably required. It appears, however, that there are still dissatisfied persons among them, as by the proceedings of a meeting lately held at Tarrytown, it is said, a remonstrance in the form of resolutions was passed, which, among other inadmissible demands, declares in substance that the taking of their lands will be resisted and carried up to the supreme court of the United States, unless the corporation will agree to indemnify the the citizens of Westchester from all damage they may sustain by taking their lands, together with The unfortunate prejudices engendered all such other damage as may accrue to by the proceedings alluded to, have pre-by Gen Dix. them now and hereafter; intended no doubt vented the commissioners from bringing to include any loss they may sustain by any farther negociation for the land retheft or other crimes committed by persons quired to a favorable issue, and they have employed on the works. If this is not the accordingly applied to the vice chancellor meaning, why is it that they oppose the for the appointment of commissioners to act of 1834, which provides compensation take by appraisement some pieces of land for all damage sustained in taking the land belonging to James Griffin, James Palmer, or water or affected thereby? The 13th Zophar Palmer and Joshua Purdy, lying section declares that "In case of disagree-in the vicinity of the site for the Croton ment between the commissioners and the dam, which application has been acceded owners of any property which may be re-to, and the business is believed to be in a quired for the said purpose, or affected by progressive state. any operation connected therewith, as to the amount of compensation to be paid such owner, the vice chancellor of the first circuit may, upon the application of either party, nominate and appoint three indifferent persons to examine such property, and to estimate the value thereof, or damage sustained thereby."

How in justice more can be required than what the law provides, the commissioners are unable to perceive. If the corporation agreed to the demands made in the resolutions said to be passed at the meeting alluded to, it would in effect, as the commissioners view it, amount to the proclaiming of a premium for the commission

It was supposed that it would be necessary to have a draughtsman for each district, but it is believed that a change in this respect can be advantageously made. The geologist and his assistant will be able to execute all the ordinary drawings, and the services of only one draughtsman will be required to execute the more difficult parts of this branch of the work. An accurate, minute and uniform ana, Isis of the minerals, including mineral waters, and of the va rious soils of the State, has been deemed of It will be seen from the above that the great importance, and will be of evident utilprincipal obstacle now in the way of pro-ity. To ensure the best result in this respect, ceeding with the work is the difficulty to and to prevent the repetition of the same labe overcome in obtaining the necessary bor to some extent at least by each geologist, land. The commissioners, however, are this department of the work has been comstill in hopes that after the proper explana-mitted to one person. The Governor has, tions shall be made to the inhabitants of Westchester, most, if not all these difficulties will be removed.

we believe, taken great pains to secure to the State the services of persons in all respects well qualified for the duties assigned them; and has almost completed the list of appointments.

At a meeting of the commissioners on the 23d of July, 1836, the chief engineer was required to furnish them with plans and John Torry, M. D, Professor of Chemspecification of the Croton aqueduct, the istry and Botany in the College of Physeveral tunnels throughout the line of aque-sicians and Surgeons, New-York, &c., is duct, the several embankments on said line, appointed Botanist, and is to execute the bothe several culverts on the said,line the Cro-tanical department of the survey.


Lewis C. Beck, Professor of Chemistry The assistance which the geologists will west and north-east, the bleak points of the and Botany in the New-York University, be desirous of receiving, will, I presume, re-farm-buildings, the borders of permanent &c., is appointed Mineralogist and Chen-late principally to information concerning divisions, and the highway side. ist, and has charge of that branch of the localities which are interesting as connect Every soil and climate are naturally work which relates to the chemical analy-ed with the objects of the survey-to the adapted to the growth of particular species sis of the ninerals, soils, &c. collection of specimens--and to the facili-of trees. These indications of nature James E. De Kay, M. D. author of nuties which they may require in conducting should be consulted, and trees growing natmerous papers on the Geology and Zoology the more difficult part of their researches. urally on similar soils in the neighborhood, of the United States, has charge of the Those who are disposed to contribute in or under a like temperature, should be seZoological Department. any manner to the accomplishment of this analysis of various soils which had been The work before us gives the use ul work, will no doubt be willing to planted as woodland, and indicates the trees confer with the public agents as to the which have flourished best upon each. On manner in which they can best carry into a sandy heath soil, containing but three effect their good intentions. parts in 400 of clay, incumbent on ferruIt may be that in the course of their reginous stones, the Scotch fir, (Pinius sylvestris,) birch and beech succeeded well, and the last best when the subsoil was a deep sand. A poor sandy soil, seven parts in growth of the pine, larch, sycamore, &c. 400 of clay, was found congenial to the A sandy loam, with nine parts in 400 of clay, grew the larch and fir tribes luxuriandy, and also the beach. On a light sand, incumbent on clay, the oak and chesnut did well, and the elm tolerably so. A clay loam,

William W. Mather, for several years Professor of Mineralogy and Geology in the Military Academy at West Point, is ap. pointed principal geologist to execute the survey of the first district. His assistant has not yet been selected. The first dis-searches, those agents will wish to extend trict is composed of the following counties their examinations beyond the surface of Suffolk, Queens, Kings, Richmond, New-the earth. This will, in some instances at York, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, least requi.e labor which it will not be in Dutchess, Orange, Sullivan, Delaware, Ul their power to perform. The legislature 3 er, Greene, Columbia, Rensselaer, Albany, made no provision for an expenditur for Schoharie, Schenectady, Sara oga and such purposes, and unless those who may Washington. be immediately interested, should be willing to bestow the labor required in such cases, the advantages that might result from such examinations cannot be attained at pre


Ebenezer Emninons, M. D., professor of a clay subsoil, brought the oak to the natural history in Williams College, has highest state of perfection. On a damp claybeen appointed principal geologist for the second district. James Hall, instructor in soil, incur ey bent on clay, the oak, elm, ash the Rensselaer School at Troy, is appointA careful and complete geological sur- and the tulip tree (white wood,) grew free and horn-beam, attained to great perfection, ed the assistant. This district contains the vey of the State, including a minute and when the ground was trenched. A rich counties of Warren, Essex, Clinton, Frank-accurate analysis of its minerals and soils, alluvial marsh soil, containg 32 parts in lin, Hamilton, St. Lawrence and Jefferson. together with an account of its botanical 400 of clay, and 40 of vegetable matter, is Timothy A. Conrad, outhor of a work and zoological productions, such as was said to be cap ble of growing all kinds of on the "Fossil shells of the Tertiary for-designed by the legislative, is an undertak trees, at least the following were found to mations of the U. S.;" Monograph of the ing of much labor, and although exec.ted thrive extremely well, viz. willow, alder, American Uniodeæ, &c. is appointed prin- in the most economical manner, will be at-(some of the European species of these, cipal geologist for the third district; and Geo tended with great expense; but both of grow to trees,) elm, sycamore, ash, locust, birch, oak, horse chesnut, Spanish chesnut, W. Boyd, M. D., curator of the N. Y. Ly these, however, will be considerably di-horn-beam, lime, &c. ceum of natural history, is appointed his inished, if the gentlemen engaged in carryassistant. This district includes the coun-ing this measure into effec should receive, ties of Montgomery, Herkimer, Oneida, as I hope, they will, the co-operation of Lewis, Oswego, Madison, Onondaga, Cay public spirited individuals in various parts uga, Wayne, Ontario, Monroe, Orleans, of the Stare. Genesee and Livingston.

Permit me to solicit from you such facilities in the prosecution of this undertaking, as you may find it convenient to grant to those who have been employed in executing it.

In selecting trees for a plantation, reference should also be hal to quickness of growth and value of product. Where it is exempt from the borer, these qualities are found eminently combined in the common locust, (robina pseudo-acucia,) with the further advantage, that it multiples rapidly by

its roots.

The oak, ash, beech, maple, wal. nut, baswood, plane, chesnut, elm, and many other native decidius trees, are readily propagated by seed, and afford profitable

I have the honor to be, with great re-timber and wood. Of the coniferous trees,

The fourth district includes the counties of Otsego, Chenango, Broome, Tioga, Cortland, Tompkins, Seneca, Yates, Steuben, Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauque, Erie, and Niagara. Lardner Vanuxem, late professor of chemistry and mineralogy in spect, your obedient servant, Columbia College, South Carolina, has been appointed principal geologist for this district. The assistant has not yet been selected:

The following is a copy of a circular which the Governor, has furnished to the persons employed in the survey:

Albany, 25th July, 1836.

Sir-I take the liberty to introduce to



From the Cultivator, for Au ust.


Of the soils and situations most proper for planting, the treatise which we are consulting, "Useful and Ornamental Planting," particularizes

ive, is incalculable.

the seeds of several species of pine, larch, and fir, indigenous and exotic, may be readily procured. The Scotch pine and larch are particularly of thrifty growth, and are useful in the arts and on the farm.

Girth or circumfe-
Height in
rene at 2 feet Do. do at inches when
from the ground. 7 feet.
18 to 36

The relative growth of several kinds of shown below, as ascertained on a plantation trees, during 17 years after planting, is of the Duke of Bedford, in England, upon porous soil. The measurement was meant to indicate the medium size, individual 1. Exposed waste lands, and those tha trees being found much larger. The last one of the gentlemen employ-are steep, rocky and precipitous. The loss column of figures shows the height at ed in executing the geological survey of the to individuals, and to the nation, by such which the several kinds are usually planted State, directed by the legislature at the last large tracts of land lying utterly unproduc-out, from nursery beds, in Great Britain. session. The importance of this measure in respect to our general prosperity, and particularly to the interests of the people in those sections of the State which are supposed to contain mineral productions, or in which valuable discoveries may be made, will, I trust, secure to them a favorable consideration in every place to which their duties may lead them. I confidently anticipate a readiness on the part of the intrabitants in every section of the State, to render to the persons engaged in this work, such assistance as will facilitate its execu tion.

2. Lands of better quality, which are un-
productive by reason of their exposure to
bleak winds. Cases are cited, where lands
altogether unproductive before, have been||
brought to produce good corn and pasture.
merely by a judicious disposition and ar-
rangement of belts of trees to shelter the
ground, and thereby ameliorate the climate.
3. Where the local soil and climate are
good, a scarcity of timber exists, or is like
y to exist soon, for the periodical wants of
agricultural and manufacturing operations
Here the planting may be confined to the
angles of enclosures, belts on the exposed
borders of the farm, as to the north, north-


41 inches 37 inches
37 do 32 do
321 do 251 do
Silver fir, 284 do
Chesnut, 27 do
Sycamore, 24 do


6 to 24

6 to 20

32 do



9 10 30



8 to 20

27 do



22 do

12 to 30

25 do

20 do

9 to 30



6 to 30

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]

The shaft, from whence the Tunnel works are carried on, was built at Rotherhithe in the form of a tower, 50 feet in diameter, 40 feet in height, and 3 feet thick, at about 150 feet from the edge of the wharf, and it was sunk into its position by excavating the earth within. In the annexed sketch the brick-work is supposed to be broken open, to show its construction, and the numbers below refer to the different parts of that "tower," which how forms the shaft, and is intended finally to be occupied by

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][graphic][graphic]
[merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed]

The divisions of the shield are advanced separately and indepondently of each other, by the means pointed out in the foregoing sketch: each division, as is attempted to be shown in the annexed design, has boards in front (known by the technical name of poling boards) supported and kept in position by means of jack screws, which are lodged against the front of the iron frame; these boards are in succession taken down while the earth in front of each is excavated, the first board being always replaced before a second is removed; thus forming a constant firm buttress. The several parts will be better understood by reference to the following numbers.

1. Toling boards.

2. Jack screws.

3. The "top staves" covering the upper part of the excavation, till the shield is succeeded by brickwork.

4. Screws to raise or depress the top staves.

5. "The legs," being jack screws fixed by ball joints to the shoes 6, upon which the whole division stands.

7 & 8. The sockets, where the top ard bottom horizontal screws are fixed to force the division forward.

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