Abbildungen der Seite

cross. Around these, other logs are placed impossible, in this method, to collect the
leaning against them, thus forming a trun- pyrolignous acid or gas.
cated cone resting on the horizontal layer. The waste which thus takes place, has
If the quantity of wood permit, a second led to various attempts to improve the pro-
and a third range of logs are piled up in the cess. Among these, has been the forma-
same manner; the rule to be observed, ticn of moveable enclosures of basket-
work, by which the pits might be surround-
ed, and which, if carefully guarded from
combustion during the first time they are
used, are so much charged with pyrolignous
acid as to be thereafter almost incombusti-
ble. Another method is, to form the floor
of the pit of iron sheets, or cast iron plates,
beneath which is a cavity that serves as a
furnace; no air holes need be left in this
method, and thus little wood is burnt away.
It has been proposed, by Mr. Marcus Bull,
to effect the conversion into charcoal, at the
expense of fuel of inferior value; for this
purpose, the whole space between the logs
is filled up with the refuse charcoal of
former burnings, which, being more inflam-
mable than wood, burns first, and chars the

The pit being thus finished, it may be set on fire either by pushing burning brands to the centre of the base through one of the horizontal passages; or by drawing out the central stake of the upper layer, and dropping in burning fuel.

By either of these methods, the product of 1124 lbs. of wood may be raised to 22 lbs. The last is obviously easily practica. ble; as wherever the preparation of charcoal is carried to a large extent, the removal and handling leaves a considerable

and condensing the volatile parts, the whole of the matter of the wood may be collected. This is now found to consist of a black mass, retaining the figure and structure of the wood, and known by the name of charcoal, composed of carbon, and the earthy and saline matter mentioned as found in ash-being that the height of the truncated cone es; water; acetic acid held in the water; shall be about half the diameter of the base. tar, partly unmixed, and parly dissolved in The heap being completed, the outside is the water by the action of the acetic acid; with covered with small wood, on which are laid carbonated hodrogen, carbonic oxide and twigs and branches. Upon these, a layer carbonic acid. At the temperature of 340° of earth, from 4 to 6 inches thick, is placed, Fahr. the quantity of solid matter left is nearly covering the whole heap, except a few opendouble that left at a red heat, and if exposed ings, one of which is in the middle of the suddenly to a heat above redness, the quan- top, and others correspond to the radiating tity of charcoal left, is diminished. The passages in the horizontal layer. charcoal is itself a product of sufficient value to be sought for to the exclusion of the rest; at other times the decomposition of wood is effected principally for the sake of the acetic acid; the carbonated hydrogen has in some few cases been collected and applied to the purpose of illumination, and when this is the case the tar is also saved. hole at the top of the heap, which will be A thick smoke will first ooze through the Manufacture.-The most perfect mode followed, after a time, by flame. As soon of manufacturing charcoal, is that which as flame appears, this hole is closed by corresponds most nearly with the distillation laying a sod over it. It now becomes nereferred to in the preceding section. Wood laying a sod over it. to pay particular attention to the cessary is introduced into iron cylinders, which are closed, and placed in a heated furnace.-regulation of the combustion, b; closing and opening the remaining holes, in proThe action is continued as long as any portion to the energy of the combustion. If gaseous or volatile matter appears. The cylinder is then removed, and replaced by charcoal will be consumed; if too slow, it be too rapid, too large a portion of the At the Bennington furnace, (Vermont,) another also charged with wood. As the the logs will be only partially charred, leav- where the coal is obtained from a tract of gas which is evolved is principally of an inflamable character, it is, after the conden-ing what are called brands. In addition to wood land which has never before been cut, the holes already left, it may be necessary a mode of preparing charcoal, different from sable substances have been separated in a proper refrigerator, carried by a pipe to the to open others at points where the combus-any we have described, has been put in tion is too slow, and to stop up crevices practice. The trees were of so large a which may be formed by the cracking of size, as to render the labor of cutting them the earthen covering. A regular and pro-sive. They, in consequence, were not rein lengths, and piling them on end, excesper action is marked by smoke flowing slowly and in equal quantity from all the duced to less dimensions than 12 feet in openings but that at the top, where the great-length, and were rolled together into piles er rapidity of the current causes a larger in which they retained their horizontal posiquantity of smoke to make its way from tion, and which, therefore, had a prismatic under the sod laid upon it. When the outer These heaps were covered with legs of the pile have been reached by the earth, and lighted from the top; the draught management, fire, which will be shown by the outside vents were at the ends. The appearing of a dull red heat at night, the in other respects, was the same as in the process is completed; all the openings must conical pits, and the charcoal was of supethen be carefully stopped, and a second rior quality. After a few hours, these coats of earth are layer of earth applied to the whole surface. removed, and replaced by a third, which must be so applied as to prevent all access of external air.

furnace, where it is inflamed by the burning
tuel, and by the heat of its combustion, aids
wood. This method is employed in the
manufacture of charcoal for gunpowder.
In this process, it has been found that dry
wood yields 28 per cent. of charcoal, and
requires 12 per cent. of the same wood,
used as fuel, to effect its decomposition.
That part of the volatile matter which
consists of water holding acetic acid, and
tar in solution, goes by the name of pyro-
lignous acid. This process is sometimes
conducted principally in 'reference to this
product, which may be used in the prepara-
tion of vinegar, and as a source of pure

in the distillation of the remainder of the

acetic acid.

The apparatus used in this method is too costly to permit it to be employed in making the great quantities of charcoal which are required in various chemical and mechanical arts, and for domestic purposes. In these cases, recourse is had to the simple and ancient mode of carbonising the wood, in what are usually styled coal-pits.

The wood which is to be converted into charcoal, is cut to the usual length of cord wood, say about four feet. A floor is first formed by laying logs radiating from a centre, with an interval of a few inches between them, and filling the sectors of the circle included between them with other logs. At the centre of this circle, a stake is set up vertically, to the top of which two short pieces, crossing each other, are adjusted. Four logs are placed on end, leaning against the stake and supported by the

In a pit of a single layer, the whole pro-
cess is finished on the fourth day, and the
charcoal fit to be drawn.
In the largest
heaps, it may not be finished for from 15 to
30 days.

This process would be perfect, were
no more wood burnt away than is
sufficient to drive off the volatile matter of
the remainder. It is, however, hardly pos-
sible to attain this, although it is said to
have been approached in Sweden, in some
instances, when the heaps were of the
largest size. In this operation, even when
performed under favorable circumstances,
it rarely happens that 1124 lbs. of wood
yield more than 17 of charcoal, while by
distillation in a cylinder, the same quantity,
as we have seen, yields 28 lbs. It is also

quantity of dust and small stagments which may be applied to the purpose.


(Concluded in the next)


From the New England Farmer.

ROOTS FOR CATTLE.-It is impossible to manage a farm to advantage, or raise stock to profit without feeding cattle with roots; and among the best of roots for that purpose is the ruta baga, or Swedish turnip. We believe that the person most instrumental in introducing the culture of that excellent root into the U. S. was the late William Cobbett. The following directions for raising that root are extracted from a treaties written by that famous agriculturist; and perhaps are as as plain and correct as can be prescribed.

Mode of saving aud preserving the seed.The ruta baga is apt to degenerate if the seed is not sowed with care. In England we select the fairest roots and the best form for seed, rejecting all such as are of a whit



'sh color or greenish towards the neck, pre- || KINNEAR, of Albany, to view a Cashmere ferring such as are of a redish cast. These Goat. Mr. Kinnear, through the aid of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. when selected should be carefully preserved relatives in France, purchased a pair of SEALED PROPOSALS will be received over the winter, and set in the month of these beautiful and rare animals, from a by the Hudson & Berkshire Railroad ComMarch or April, in a rich soil, remote from geatleman who owns the only flock in pany, at their office in the city of Hudson, any roots of the turnip or cabbage kind, to France; and they were brought from Paris until the 20th day of July, for excavating preserve the seed and unmixed. Two to Havre in the Diligence, and there pu Chatham 4 Corners to the city of Hudson. and embanking 16 miles of their road from or three roots if they do well, will yield seed on board of one of the packets, but from Also 2 bridges of 50 and 70 feet span. Prosufficient for an acre of land. Let the seed some cause, the voyage was too much for tiles of the route will be exhibited at the remain in pods until the time of sowing. the back, which died, as well as the young Railroad office in the city of Hudson, divid. Time of sowing-The time of sowing kid, which was added to the family on the led into sections of half a mile and one mile may be from the 25th of June to the 16th voyage. The doe, however, survived; each, for examination, by the 1st of July of July, as circumstances may be. and although very lean, is a beautiful ext. Proposals will also be received for Quality and preparation of the land.-animal; being, as we were informed, the furnishing 300,000 feet of white pine, chestAs a fine, rich garden mould of great depth first ever imported into this country, will, ut, or white hemlock sills, 5 by 8 and 16 and having a porous substratum is best for we hope, be the first of numerous flocks long and 6 inches square. feet long; and 10,000 chestnut ties, 8 feet every thing that vegeta es except plants which shall in a few years cover our hills; that live best in water, so it is best with ruta and we trust that Mr. Kinnear may soo baga. I know of no soil in the United replace his loss, and be successful, in States, upon which this root may not be rearing a flock which may be profitable. cultivated with the greatest facility, except- Why may we not, in a few years, manuing a pure sand and a stiff clay, which are facture Cashmere shawls, as well as silk? very rare in this country. We MAY-and shall do it-and compete with the foreign manufacture in this as in NOTICE OF THE NEW-YORK AND every thing else we undertake.

Manner of sowing. My ploughman puts the ground up in little ridges, having two furrows on each side of the ridge, so that each ridge consists of four furrows, and the tops of the ridges were about four feet from each other; and as the ploughing was performed to a great depth, there was of course a very deep gutter between two ridges.



ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Lawrenceburgh and
Indianapolis Railroad Company, June 20, 1836.
PROPOSALS will be received at this office until
the Sth of August for the graduation and masonry on

the first division of the Road.

This division commences near the Ohio River at
Lawrenceburgh, Indiana, and follows the Valley of
Tanners Creek a distance of ten miles.

works can be examined at the Engineers Office, Law-
Plans and Profiles of the Route and proposed
renceburgh, Dearbor County, Indiana.

I took care to have the manure placed so as to be under the middle of each ridge, that is to say, just beneath where my seed was to come, which was sown principally in this manner :--A man went along by the sides, of each ridge, and put down two or three sceds in places ten or twelve inches dis-opened on the 19th, 20th, and 21st days of July next,

tance from each other, just drawing a little earth over and pressing it lightly upon the seed, in order to make it vegetate quickly, before the earth became too dry. In this method four pounds of seed sowed seven acres. Two men sowed the whole seven acres in two days.

After culture.-When the plants were fairly up, we went with a small hoe, and took out all but one in each ten or twelve inches, and thus left them to stand single. We next went with a hoe, and hoed the tops of the ridges about six inches wide on each side of the rows of plants, and then horse hoed between the rows, with a common horse plough, after the manner of tilling Indian corn, or potatoes, by first turning the earth from the plants, and next towards the plants at the second hoeing. There is no ground lost in these wide intervals, for the lateral roots of the large turnip, as well as the ruta baga will extend six feet from the ball of the plant; and my crop of thirty three tons, or thirteen hundred and twenty bushels to the acre, taking the whole field together, had the same intervals; and less than this, as was practiced by my neighbors, always diminished the crop. Wide as the intervals were, the leaves of some of

25-tau15 JULIUS W. ADAMS, Engineer.
BOOKS of Subscription to the above Stock will be
as follows, to wit: at the

"Syracuse House," in Syracuse.
Joseph C. Spencers's "Coffee House," Canastota.
J. H. Pratt's" Canal Coffee House," Utica.
"Mansion House," Albany.
Office of the

ny," New-York

Farmers' Loan and Trust Compa

In Syracuse, Canastota and Utica the Books will be!
kept open from 9 to 12, and from 2 till 5, P. M., on the
two first days, and on the last day till sunset.

In Albany and New-York from 10 till 3, P. M-
Capital Stock $500,000. Shares $50. $5 to be
paid on each share on subscription. Payments to be
10th June, 1836.
made in specie or Bank hills of this State. Dated
1. S SPENCEE, Secretary.


WILLIAM ATKINSON, Rochester, New-York,
Real Estate Broker, buys and sells on Commission
FARMS in the County of Monroe, and attends to the
Collection of Mortgages.

Persons desirous of purchasing Farms in that fertile
region, will do well to call on him.

Persons applying for contracts will be expected, unless personally known to the company or engineer, to present with their proposals, recommendations as to their ability to perform their contracts.

GEORGE RICH, Chief Engineer. Hudson, June 25, 1836. 25-tj20

ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. THE Company hereby withdraw their Advertisement of 26th April, in consequence of their inability to prepare in time, the portions of the line proposed to be let on the 30th June, at Binghampton, and on the 11th of July at Monticello. Future notice shall be given, when proposals will be received at the above places, for the same portions of the road.

JAMES G. KING, President.


ARCHIMEDES WORKS. (100 North Moor street, N. Y.) NEW-YORK, February 12th, 1836. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprietors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all kinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in successful operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, none of which have failed-Castings of all kinds, Wheels, Axles, and Boxes, furnished at shortest notice. II. R. DUNHAM & CO. 4-ytf

TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Eastern Railroad Company, Boston, between the 29th and 30th inst, for the grading and masonry of said Road from East Bos.on to Newburyport, a distance of 334 miles

The line of this road is along a favorable country, passing threugh Lynn, Salem, Beverly, and Ipswich, which places will afford contractors every facility for obtaming provisions, &c. Plans and Profiles will be ready, and may be seen at the Office, after the 22d instant.

Satisfactory recommendations must accompany the proposals of those who are unknown to the Engineer. JOHN M. FESSENDEN, Engineer. 22-130j

THE SUBSCRIBER is authorised to sell PAGE'S MORTICING MACHINES, to be used in any of the Western, Southern, or Middle States, (except New-Jersey,) and also to sell Rights for Towns, Counties, or States, in the same region, including New-York.

MACHINES will be furnished complete, ready to work, and at a liberal discount to those who purchase territory, or machines to sell again. Applications may be made by letter, post paid, or personally, to

D. K. MINOR, Agent for Proprietor,
132 Nassau street, New-York.

Terms of single machines, $30 to $35, for common morticing; and $50 to $60 the plants would nearly meet across the for HUB machines, which, in the hands of an experienced man, will mortice 14 to 16 rows, and I have had them frequently meet setts of common carriage or wagon hubs per day. in England.

From the May No. of the New-York Farmer.
CASHMERE GOATS.-We were invited,

WILL be published, in a few days, NICHOLSON's Treatise on Architecture.

a few days since, by Mr. J. DONALDSON Also, PAMBOUR on Locomotive Engines on Railroads.





PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the James River and Kanawha Company, in the City of Richmond, from the 15th to the 23rd day of August, for the construction of all the Excavation, Embank ment and Walling not now under contract, together with nearly all the Culverts and the greater po:tion of the Locks between Lynchburg and Maid ns' Adventure.

The work now advertised embraces the twenty miles between Columbia and the head of Maidens' Adventure Pond, the eight miles between Seven Is land Falls and Scottsville, and about twenty isolated sections, reserved at the former leiting, between Scottsville and Lynchburg.

The quantity of masonry offered is very greatconsisting of about two hundred Culverts of from three to thirty feet span; nine Aqueducts, thirty-five Locks a number of Wastes, with several farm and road Bridges.

General plans and specifications of all the work, and special plans of the most important Culverts and Aqueducts, will be found at the offices of the several Principal Assistant Engineers on the line of the Canal.

The work will be prepared for examination by the 25th July; but mechanics, well recommended, des rous of immediate employment, can obtain contracts for the construction of a number of Culverts at private letting.

Persons offering to contract, who are unknown to the subscriber, or any of the Assistant Engineers, will be expected to accompany their proposals by the usual certificates of character and ability.

CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Chief Engineer of the James River and Kanawha Company NOTE. The Dams, Guard-Locks, most of the Bridges, and a number of Locks and Culverts, are reserved for a future letting. Persons visiting the lime for the purpose of obtaining work, would do well to call at the office of the Company in the city of Richmond, where any information which they may will be cheerfully communicated. The valley of James River, between Lynchburg and Richmond, is healthy. (20-ta 18) C E. Jr. RAILWAY IRON. 95 tons of 1 inch by inch. 200 do 14 do do 40 do 1 do #do 800 do 2 do do 800 do 24 do & do

FLAT BARS in lengths of 14 to 15 feet, counter sunk holes, ends cut at an angle of 45 degrees, with splicing plates and nails to suit.

soon expected. 250 do. of Edge Rails of 36 lbs. per yard, with the requisite chairs, keys, and pins.

Wrought Iron Rims of 30, 33, and 36 inches diameter for Wheels of Railway Cars, and of 60 inches diameter for Locomotive Wheels.


THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, and particularly Railroad and Bridge Corporata ions that he will build Frame Bridges, or vend the right to others to build, on Col. Long's Pat nt, through out the United States, with few exceptions. The following sub-Agents have been engaged by the 'underged who will also attend to this business, viz.

florace hilds,

Alexander McArthur,

John Mahan,

Thomas H. Cushing,

Ira Blake,


Amos Whit more, Samuel Herrick, Simeon Herrick, Capt. Isaac Damon, Lyman Kingsly, Elijah Halbert, Joseph Hebard, Col. Sherman Peck, Andrew E. Turnbull, William J. Turnbull, Sabried Dodge, Esq., Booz M. Atherton, Esq. Stephen Daniels, John Rodgers, John Tililson, Capt John Bottom, Nehemiah Osborn,

Henniker, N. II.

Mount Morris, N. Y. do do Dover, N. H. Wakefield, N. H.

Hancock, N. H. Springfield, Vermont. do do

Northampton, Mass.


do Waterloo, N. Y. Dunkirk, N. Y. Hudson, Ohio. Lower Sandusky, Ohio. do do (Civil Engineer,) Ohio. New-Philadelphia, Ohio. Marietta, Ohio Louisville, Kentucky. St. Francisville, Lous'a.


Well known establishment, situated one mile
from Boston. The improvements consist of,

No. 1. Boiler House, 50 feet by 30 feet, containing all the necessary machinery for making boilers for Locomotive and other steam Engines.

No. 2. Blacksmith's Shop, 50 feet by 20, fitted with cranes for heavy work.

No. 3. Locomtive House, 54 feet by 25, used for putting together Locomotive Engines. Several of the best Engines in use in the United States have been put in this establishment.

No. 4. A three story brick building, covered with slate, 120 feet by 46, containing two water-wheels, equal to 40 horse power; Machine Shop, filled with lathes, &o.; Pat tern Shop; Rolling Mill and Furnaces, capable of rolling 4 tons of iron per diem, exclusive of other work; three Trip Ham. mers, one of which is very large; engine for blowing Cupola Furnaces, moved by waterful-wheel; one very superior 12 horse Steam Engine, which could be dispensed with; and a variety of other machinery.

Tonawanda, Penn Rochester, N. Y. Bridges on the above plan are to be seen at the lowig localities, viz. On the main road leading from Baltimore to Washington, two miles from the former place. Across the Metawankeag tiver on the MiliLary road, in Maine. On th National road in Hlinois, at sundry points. On the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rrailroad at three points. On the Hudson and Patterson Railroad, in two places. On the Boston and Worcester Railroad, at several points. On the Bosthe Contocook river at Hancock, N. H. Across the ton and Providence Railroad, at sundry points. Across Connecticut river at Haverhill, N. H. Contoocook river, at Henniker, N. H. Across the Souhegan river, at Milford, N. H Across the Ken

No. 5. An Iron Foundry, 80 feet by 45, with a superior air Furnace, and two Cupo. las, Core oven, Cranes, &c. fitted for the largest work. Attached to the Foundry is a large ware-house, containing Patterns for motive and other Steam Engines, Lead Mill the Castings of Hydraulic Presses, LocoRolls, Geering, Shafts, Stoves, Grates, &c. These were made of the most durable maAcross the Genesse river, at Mount Morris, New-tific and practical Engineer, and are supterials, under the direction of a very scienposed to be of great value.

Across the

nebec river, at Waterville, in the state of Maine

York, and several other bridges are now in progress. The undersigned is about to fix his residence in Rochester, Monroe country. New-York, where he will promptly attend to orders in this line of business to any practicable extent in the United States, Mary land excepted.

MOSES LONG. General Agent of Col. S. H Long. Rochester, May 22d, 1836. 19y-tf. PATENT RAILROAD, SHIP AND BOAT SPIKES.

Axles of 24, 24, 24, 3, 34, 31, and 34 inches in diameter, for Railway Cars and Locomotives, of patent iron. The above will be sold free of duty, to State Gov-versal use in the United States, (as well as England, ernments and Incorporated Governments, and the drawback taken in part payment.


9 South Front street, Philadelphia. Models and samples of all the different kinds of Rails, Chairs, Pins, Wedges, Spikes, and Splicing Plates, in use both in this country and Great Britain, will be exhibited to those disposed to examine them. 4-d7 Imeowr


Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels complete at the Jefferson Colton and Wool Machine Factory and Foundry, Paterson, N. J. All orders ad dressed to the subscribers at Paterson, or 60 Wall street, New-York, will be promptly attended to. Also, CAR SPRINGS.

Also, Flange Tires, turned complete.

Builder of a superior style of Passenger
Cars for Railroads.

No. 264 Elizabeth street, near Bleecker street,

RAILROAD COMPANIES would do well to examine these Cars; a specimen of which may be seen on that part of the New-York and Harlaem Railroad now in operation J25u


WILLIAM V. MANY manufactures to order. IRON CASTINGS for Gearing Mills and Factories o every description.

ALSO-Steam Engines and Railroad Castings o every description.

The collection of Patterns for Machinery, is no equalled in the United States. 9-ly

where the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found

superior to any ever offered in market.

[blocks in formation]

The Troy Iron and Nail Factory keeps constantly for sale a very extensive assortment of Wrought Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactured by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after The above establishment being on tide five years successful operation, and now almost uni-water, presents greater advantages for some kinds of business than any other in the United States. Coal and Iron can be carried Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes from vessels in the harbors of Boston, to the having countersink heads suitable to the holes in iron wharf in front of the Factory, at 25 to 30 rails, to any amount and on short notice. Almost all the Railroads now in progress in the United States are cents per ton. Some of the largest jobs of fastened with Spikes made at the above named fac iron work have been completed at this es tory-for which purpose they are found invaluable, tablishment; among others, the great chain as their adhesion is more than double any command lift pumps for freeing the Dry Dock at spikes made by the hammer. the Navy Yard, Charleston.

[blocks in formation]

Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by 1.
& J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Mer-
chants in Albany and Troy; J.1. Brower, 222 Water
street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T.
Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston.

P. S.-Railroad Companies would do well to for-
ward their orders as early as practicable, as the sub-
scriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so
as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for
his Spikes. (1J23ain)

300 dozens Ames' superior back-strap Shovels
150 do
do plain
150 do do do cast steel Shovels & Spades
150 do do Gold-mining Shovels
do plated Spades

[blocks in formation]

The situation for Railroad work is excel. lent, being in the angle formed by the crossing of the Providence and Worcester Railroads. The Locomotive "Yankee," now running on the latter road, and the "Boston," purchased by the State of Pennsyl vania, were built at these works. With the Patterns and Machinery now n the premi ses, 20 Locomotives, and as many tenders, besides a great quantity of cars and wagons, could be made per annum.

For terms. apply to THOS. J. ECKLEY, Boston, or to ROBERT RALSTON, Jr. Phila. j25-4t Boston, April 21, 1835.

THE NEWCASTLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Delaware, with a capital of 200,000 dollars, are prepared to ex ecute in the first style and on liberal terms, at their extensive Finishing Shops and Foundries for Brass and Iron, situated in the town of Newcastle, Delaware, all orders for LOCOMOTIVE and other Steam Engines, and for CASTINGS of every description in Brass or Iron RAILROAD WORK of all kinds finished in the best manner. and at the shortest notice. Orders to be addressed to

MR. EDWARD A. G. YOUNG, feb 20-ytf Superintendent, Newcastle, Del.

[ocr errors]




D. K MINOR, and



SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1836.,

(VOLUME V-No. 28

E. V. Patent Chain Cable Bolts for Railway Cargine started immediately at the base, with, 433 axles, in lengths of 12 feet 6 inches, to 13 feet 21, 23 4343, 34. 34, 31, and 34 inches diameter.


[blocks in formation]


Report of the Directors of the Uuca and Schenectady Railroad Company...


Application of Chemistry to the Useful Arts-concluded...


Ship Canals-Railroad from Morristown to Car

penter's Point..


Zine in New-Jersey-Agriculture, &c.

[merged small][ocr errors]




NEW-YORK, JULY 16, 1836.

We would call attention to the advertisement of the Messrs. Ralston of Philadelphia, in this number of the Journal, in relation to Railway Iron and Locomotive Engines..

Chains for Inclined Planes, short and stay links,
manufactured from the E. V. Cable Bolts, and proved
at the greatest strain.

India Rubber Rope for Inclined Planes, made from
New Zealand flax.

Also Patent Hemp Cordage for Inclined Planes,
and Canal Towing Lines.

Patent Felt for placing between the iron chair and stone block of Edge Railways

out a running start, and dragged up said load of 19,200 lbs. the above distance of 2800 feet in the space of two minutes and one second, or at the rate of 143 miles per hour; pressure on the boiler a fraction under 60 lbs. to the square inch. The Engine then descended the Plane with the same load at various speed, frequently stop.

Every description of Railway Iron, as well as Lo-
comotive Engines, imported at the shortest notice, by
the agency of one of our partners, who resides in ping to test the security. The valves being
England for this purpose.
reversed, or set for going ahead, and when


Mr. Solomon W. Roberts, a highly respectable American Engineer, resides in England for the pur-it was desired to stop altogether, the steam pose of inspecting all Locomotives, Machinery, Rail- was let on very slowly which brought her way Iron &c. ordered through us. A. & G. RALSTON. to a dead stand for a second or two, when Philadelphia, No. 4, South Front st. she would immediately start up the grade, In this way, stopping and starting at pleaLOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON INCLINED PLANES. Sure, the time occupied in descending the BETTER AND BETTER-It is with great 2300 feet, was from 12 to 15 minutes, thus pleasure that we lay before our readers, the testing the perfect security of her perforfollowing statement of a remarkable per-mance on the Plane. She again ascended formance, handed to us by Mr. W. Norris the Plane with the same load and took her of Philadelphia. We hope to see some one lace on the road, the same morning, ready take up these facts and reconcile them to for use." the theories hitherto adopted.

The Messrs. Ralston have been engaged more than six years in the business, and have ordered over 100,000 tons of iron for State governments and companies; and their experience in the business, and the reMeanwhile we will take a trip to the Cosidence of one of them, or of a competent lumbia Road for the express purpose of agent, in London, to inspect before ship-witnessing a series of experiments upon ment, every thing ordered by them, will in that road with this engine. sure to those companies who purchase of them, or give orders through them, the most favorable terms the market will allow. RAILWAY IRON, LOCOMOTIVES, &c. THE subscribers offer the following articles for Railway Iron, flat bars, with countersunk holes and

[blocks in formation]

"The Locomotive Steam Engine "George Washington" made for the State of Pennsy!vania by William Norris of Philadelphia, was placed on the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad on Saturday afternoon the standing we delayed the Journal of last 9th inst. On the following morning her week one day for it; and as we do not re. powers were tested in ascending the In.ceive the Newark papers, though we have clined Plane near Philadelphia, This plane for many months sent the Journal to the is twenty eight hundred feet in length, with Daily Advertiser, we have now to content an ascent in that distance of one hundred ourselves with the following concise notice and ninety-six feet, or at the rate of 369 feet of the pleasures and performance of the to the mile, or seven feet rise in one hundred feet, or one foot in thirteen. The The cars with a large company left Jerweight of the Engine is 14,930 lbs. only. The load attached weighed 19,200 lbs. in- sey City about 9 o'clock on the 7th inst. cluding the weight of 24 persons who were Proceeding over the ridge-by the temporaon the Tender and Burthen Car. The En-ry road, laid until the proper bed is formed


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70 " 11" 80" 14" +, 1700 90" 1 " t with Spikes and Splicing Plates adapted thereto. To be sold free of duty to State governments or incorporated companies.

Orders for Pennsylvania Boiler Iron executed. Rail Road Car and Locomotive Engine Tires, wrought and turned or unturned, ready to be fitted on the wheels, viz. 30, 33, 36, 42, 44, 54, and 60 inches qiameter.


The enthusiasm of the people was great. Vehicles of every description were drawn

He is connected with enterprising men,| upon whom merit will not fail to make the proper impression.

For the Railroad Journal.

through the cut-the road crosses the mea- On the whole, we think that Mr. Sykes || trade or population, except such as is deridows and reaches Newark. From Newark deserves much credit, and has earned a ved from, and dependent on, the coal trade. a train of thirteen cars was taken in fine reputation, by so far finishing his road, Hence the descending freight, or coal, must style by the "New Brunswick," a very fine which will not, we are sure, be impaired by necessarily bear the burden of the re1urnengine. The train stopped and additional its completion. ing cars or boats nearly freightless. Not company was taken on board at Elizabethso will it be with cars on the New York and Pittston Railroad; for at Pittston the town, and Rahway. The road was passed Susquehannah River is struck, the Wyo. over in fine style, though no attempt was ming Valley, an: Lackawana Valley, rich, made at a quick trip. populous, productive,and rapidly advancing, will be reached. From Pittston the State canal is already completed down the river up on the sides of the road, some of them One hundred and six miles, on an air line, to Columbia, and will be soon finished up evidently from a distance—the family seat-from the City Hall to the heart of the An- the river to the State line. A vast extent of ed under the nearest tree decked in their thracite Coal Valley of Luzerne County, country, already rife with business and best-the ladies waiving handkerkchiefs-Pennsylvania! This is the text: this is population, now supplied, imperfectly by the men and boys cheering along the whole the text I preach from. Sooner or later it circuitous routes, will require and receive must have its effect in your great city. by the direct line from New York, fish, Schools were turned out and the grand-Fifty miles nearer to New-York than Alba- plaster, salt, sugar, molasses, oil, coffee, mother of eighty years, shook her heady. Not further from the Park on a straight hides, grindstones, domestic and foreign line, than Washington Square in Philadel. goods and merchandize of all sorts, which phia is, on the route travelled, from the will all bear handsome tolls, and enable the coal mines of Schuykill, is it not appastockholders and carriers to place the toll rent, to a moments reflection, that those and carriage on coal so low, that this necesLuzerne coal deposites are so near to New.sary and leading article may be transported York, and so easily accessible, as to render to your city, at a moderate cost. them objects of first rate importance to the consideration of all who are concerned in the business and prosperity of the city? Cannot New York, by these mines, enter into fair competition with Philadelphia, in the coal trade? And if she can, is not that already great and rapidly growing business, worthy of her earnest, prompt and early


and raised her hands in astonishment, hardly believing what her eyes beheld.

The company were most hospitably entertained at New Brunswick, where a general holiday seemed to be held. The cars stopped opposite the town on the hill and the company proceeded by way of the Old bridge the new one not yet being completed to the town hall.

Here a very appropriate address was delivered by the Mayor of New Brunswick, which was responded to by Gen. Darcy, president of the company.


Before I close, my purpose is to give a

A number of toasts evincing the spirit and good will of the company were given-brief description of the Luzerne Anthracite and all present seemed delighted.

In the afternoon we returned with a large company in addition from New Brunswick, and again received hospitable entertainment at Newark.

The value of this road is very generally known. A continuation of it will give the shortest and best route for general travel to Philadelphia.

Amicable arrangements have been made we understand with the Camden and Amboy Company, and we may soon have a choice of routes offering every conveninɔe for travel and transportation of goods and passengers bstween the two cities.

We think that this road reflects great credit upon Mr. Sykes its engineer.

His rail is a very good one, and some of his contrivances in the mechanical details of the work are of such importance as to merit a separate and more extended notice. We think that some short curves, and arms of double curvature, might in some instances have been avoided. A few hundred dollars additional expense in excavation are not too much to pay for a direct road. These curves, however, may have been dictated by circumstances of propriety, of which we are not aware,

Coal Valley. One or two remarks, how.
ever, press on my mind, and I may as well
put them down here.

First. In a late number of the Journal it
is mentioned that the Darlington and Stock-
ton Railroad, in England was expected,

when made to transport 50,000 tons of coal.

Lo! beyond all expectation, or even hope,|
during the past year there have been trans-
ported on it near 500,000 tons: So it is:
So, too, on all the canals and Railways in
England, leading to coal mines, the busi-
ness in coal has very greatly surpassed the
most excited expectation: So, too, would
it be here, were the proposed railroad fairly
in operation.

I wish, Mr. Editor, you would add to the
interest and value of your very interesting
Journal, monthly, or once in three months,
prices current of railroad and canal stocks,
in our own country and in Great Britain.

Suppose the distance of the Railroad from Pittston to New York to be 130 miles, and this is making a large allowance for deviations from the straight line, cars, going down with coal, at the rate of 11 miles an hour, would, at this season of the year, leave at sun-rise, and arrive at New York at half past 4 P. M. There would be then time to load with merchandize, and with their lighter freight return to Pittston before morning. Shorten the road, as it is believed may easily be done, from its present cir. cuitous location, 10 miles, and with a speed entirely consistent with safety, the trip out and back may be made in a day. Can any one of your readers tell us how many days a boat on the Schuylkill Canal, or Lehi and Morris Canal, is usually engaged in making

a trip for coal? I am fully persuaded that, in a very few years, the coal trade from the LuZerne mines to New York, will be one of the most extensive and lucrative branches of business carried on by your enterprising city. And this consideration should be borne in mind by capitalists disposed to make investments in lands in Luzerne; namely, that the balance of trade will natur. ally be large in favor of the Anthracite Val. leys; and that every district which has the balance of trade in its favor, consequently grows rich, and therefore that all property therein goes on steadily appreciating.

I have stated the suppositions that the Railroad might be 130 miles: if so, and the toll be fixed at 1 cent a ton per mile, $1,30 Transportation 2 cents a ton per mile, 2,60


Second. In a note to my former number you mentioned the probable price, per ton, at which coal could be taken from Pittston to New York. In my opinion that price was much to high, for, you must consider, that the return cars would all go back loaded. I pray you to remember, that, from Then the actual cost of taking coal to Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk, and from New York from Pittston would be three Philadelphia to Schuylkill, the boats have dollars and ninety cents. Add 40 cents for to return nearly empty, because they go in-raising and 50 cents for its value per tou in to a barren, uninhabited region, without the mine and you have $4,80. On canals

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