Abbildungen der Seite




THE subscriber would respectfully inform the pubSEALED PROPOSALS will be received ta.ions that he will build Frame Bridges, or vend the lic, and particularly Railroad and Bridge Corporaby the Hudson & Berkshire Railroad Com-right to others to build, on Col. Long's Patent, throughpany, at their office in the city of Hudson,out the United States, with few exceptions. The foluntil the 20th day of July, for excavating lowing sub-Agents have been engaged by the 'underand embanking 15 miles of their road from signed who will also attend to this business, viz. Horace Childs, Henniker, N. H. Chatham 4 Corners to the city of Hudson. Also 2 bridges of 50 and 70 feet span. Profiles of the route will be exhibited at the Railroad office in the city of Hudson, divid. ed into sections of half a mile and one mile each, for examination, by the 1st of July next. Proposals will also be received for furnishing 300,000 feet of white pine, chestnut, or white hemlock sills, 5 by 8 and 16 feet long; and 10,000 chestnut ties, 8 feet long and 6 inches square.

Persons applying for contracts will be expected, unless personally known to the company or engineer, to present with their proposals, recommendations as to their ability to perform their contracts.

GEORGE RICH, Chief Engineer. Hudson, June 25, 1836.


TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Eastern Railroad Company, Boston, between the 28th and 30th inst., for the grading and masonry of said Road from East Boston to Newburyport, a distance of 334 miles

The line of this road is along a favorable country, passing threugh Lynn, Salem, Beverly, and Ipswich. which places will afford contractors every facility for obtaining provisions, &c. Plans and Profiles will be ready, and may be seen at the Office, after the 22d instant.

Satisfactory recommendations must accompany the proposals of those who are unknown to the Engineer. JOHN M. FESSENDEN, Engineer. 22-130j

ARCHIMEDES WORKS. (100 North Moor street, N. Y.) NEW-YORK, February 12th, 1836. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprietors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all kinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in successful operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, none of which have failed-Castings of all kinds, Wheels, Axles, and Boxes, furnished at shortest notice. H. R. DUNHAM & CO.


Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels complete at the Jefferson Cotton and Wool Machine Fac tory and Foundry, Paterson, N. J. All orders addressed to the subscribers at Paterson, or 60 Wall street, New-York, will be promptly attended to. Also, CAR SPRINGS.

Also, Flange Tires, turned complete.



300 dozens Ames' superior back-strap Shovels
150 do do
do plain
150 do do do cast steel Shovels & Spades
150 do do Gold-mining Shovels
100 do do plated Spades
50 do do socket Shovels and Spades.
Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Crow
Bars (steel pointed,) mannfactured from Salisbury re-
fined iron-for sale by the manufacturing agents,

No. 2 Liberty street, New-York.

No. 8 State street, Albany. N. B.-Also furnished to order, Shapes of every descrption, made from Salisbury refined Iron. 4-ytf NOTICE OF THE NEW-YORK AND

ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. THE Company hereby withdraw their Advertisement of 26th April, in consequence of their inability to prepare in time, the portions of the line proposed to be let on the 30th June, at Binghampton, and on the 1th of July at Monticello. Future notice shall be jiven, when proposals will be received at the above laces, for the same portions of the road.

JAMES G. KING, President. 21-tf


Mount Morris, N. Y.
Dover, N. H.
Wakefield, N. II.
Hancock, N. H.
Springfield, Vermont.

Northampton, Mass.

do do Waterloo, N. Y. Dunkirk, N. Y. Hudson, Ohio.

Lower Sandusky, Ohio. do do (Civil Engineer,) Ohio. New-Philadelphia, Ohio. Marietta, Ohio Louisville, Kentucky.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. JAMES RIVER AND KANAWHA CANAL. James River and Kanawha Company, in the City of PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Richmond, from the 15th to the 23rd day of August, for the construction of all the Excavation, Embankment and Walling not now under contract, together with nearly all the Culverts and the greater portion of the Locks between Lynchburg and Maidens' Adven


The work now advertised embraces the twenty miles between Columbia and the head of Maidens' Adventure Pond, the eight miles between Seven Island Falls and Scottsville, and about twenty isolated sections, reserved at the former letting, between Scottsville and Lynchburg.

The quantity of masonry offered is very greatconsisting of about two hundred Culverts of from three to thirty feet span; nine Aqueducts, thirty-five Locks a number of Wastes, with several farm and road Bridges.

General plans and specifications of all the work, and special plans of the most important Culverts and Aqueducts, will be found at the offices of the several Principal Assistant Engineers on the line of the Canal.

The work will be prepared for examination by the 25th July; but mechanics, well recommended, desirSt. Francisville, Lons'a.ous of immediate employment, can obtain contracts Tonawanda, Penn. for the construction of a number of Culverts at private letting.

Rochester, N. Y.

Alexander McArthur, John Mahan, Thomas H. Cushing, Ira Blake, Amos Whit more, Samuel Herrick, Simeon Herrick, Capt. Isaac Damon, Lyman Kingsly, Elijah Halbert, Joseph Hebard, Col. Sherman Peck, Andrew E. Turnbull, William J. Turnbull, Sabried Dodge, Esq., Booz M. Atherton, Esq. Stephen Daniels, John Rodgers, John Tillson, Capt. John Botton, Nehemiah Osborn, Bridges on the above plan are to be seen at the fol lowing localities, viz. On the main road leading from Baltimore to Washington, two miles from the former place. Across the Metawamkeag river on the Military road, in Maine. On the National road in Illinois, at sundry points. On the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rrailroad at three points. On the Hudson and Patterson Railroad, in two places. On the Boston and Worcester Railroad, at several points. On the Boston and Providence Railroad, at sundry points. Across the Contocook river at Hancock, N. H. Across the Connecticut river at Haverl.ill, N. H. Across the Contoocook river, at Henniker, N. H. Across the Souhegan river, at Milford, N. II. Across the Kennebec river, at Waterville, in the state of Maine.-Across the Genesse river, at Mount Morris, NewYork, and several other bridges are now in progress. The undersigned is about to fix his residence in Rochester, Monroe country, New-York, where he will promptly attend to orders in this line of business to any practicable extent in the United States, Maryland excepted. MOSES LONG. General Agent of Col. S. II Long. 19y-tf. Rochester, May 22d, 1826.

Persons offering to contract, who are unknown to the subscriber, or any of the Assistant Engineers, will be expected to accompany their proposals by the usual certificates of character and ability.

CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Chief Engineer of the James River and Kanawha Company. NOTE. The Dams, Guard-Locks, most of the Bridges, and a number of Locks and Culverts, are reserved for a future letting. Persons visiting the line for the purpose of obtaining work, would do well to call at the office of the Company in the city of Richmond, where any information which they may desire will be cheerfully communicated.

The valley of James River, between Lynchburg and Richmond, is healthy. (20-ta 18) C. E. Jr. RAILWAY IRON.

[blocks in formation]

FLAT BARS in lengths of 14 to 15 feet, counter sunk holes, ends cut at an angle of 45 degrees, with splicing plates and nails to suit.

250 do. of Edge Rails of 36 lbs. per yard, with the

PATENT RAILROAD, SHIP AND requisite chairs, keys, and pins.


Wrought Iron Rims of 30, 33, and 36 inches diameter for Wheels of Railway Cars, and of 60 inches diameter for Locomotive Wheels.

Axles of 24, 24, 27, 3, 31, 31, and 34 inches in diameter, for Railway Cars and Locomotives, of patent iron.

The Troy Iron and Nail Factory keeps constantly for sale a very extensive assortment of Wrought Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactured by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after The above will be sold free of duty, to State Govversal use in the United States, (as well as England, drawback taken in part payment. five years successful operation, and now almost uni-ernments and Incorporated Governments, and the where the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found superior to any ever offered in market.

Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes having countersink heads suitable to the holes in iron rails, to any amount and on short notice. Almost all the Railroads now in progress in the United States are fastened with Spikes made at the above named factory-for which purpose they are found invaluable,| as their adhesion is more than double any common spikes made by the hammer.

All orders directed to the Agent, Troy, N. Y., will be punctually attended to.


Troy, N. Y., July, 1831. **Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I. & J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Merchants in Albany and Troy; J.1. Brower, 22 Water street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T. Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston.

P. S.-Railroad Companies would do well to for

ward their orders as early as practicable, as the subscriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for his Spikes.



[blocks in formation]


9 South Front street, Philadelphia. Models and samples of all the different kinds of Rails, Chairs, Pins, Wedges, Spikes, and Splicing Plates, in use both in this country and Great Britain, will be exhibited to those disposed to examine them. 4-d7 Imeowr


WILLIAM V. MANY manufactures to order, IRON CASTINGS for Gearing Mills and Factories of every description.

ALSO-Steam Engines and Railroad Castings of every description.

The collection of Patterns for Machinery, is not 9-ly equalled in the United States.

STEPHENSON, Builder of a superior style of Passenger Cars for Railroads.

No. 264 Elizabeth street, near Bleecker street, New-York. RAILROAD COMPANIES would do well to examine these Cars; a specimen of which may be seen on that part of the New-York and Harlaem Railroad now in operation. J25tf

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]




[VOLUME V.-No. 26.


[blocks in formation]


To Contractors; Syracuse and Utica Railroad;
A Level for sale; New Arrangement; Serious
Accident on the Bostor and Providence Railroad 401

Little Falls; Erie Canal Enlargement... 403 a sensitive bubble with a scale, stout level


Erie Canal Enlargement...
New-Jersey Railroad opened to New-Brunswick;
Syracuse, Cortland, and Binghampton Railroad 404
Appendix to Pambour on Locomotion, concluded 405
Gurney's Safety Method of Lighting Mines..... 409
Virtue of Lime as a Manure..
Cornell's Patent Stave Machine.
Agricultural Papers; On Pride of India Tree as
an article for Fencing..




Who will not plant a Locust Tree? Electrical
Shock from a Sheet of Paper; Item..

415 .415, 416

plates with clamp and tangent screws com-
plete. It is a new instrument, has only had
two weeks use; the owner having no fur-
ther use for it, offers it for $118.

NEW ARRANGEMENT.-I take pleasure in AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. announcing to the readers of my periodicals

NEW-YORK, JULY 2, 1836.


ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Lawrenceburgh and
Indianapolis Railroad Company, June 20, 1836.
PROPOSALS will be received at this office until

FOR SALE-At this office, a good LEV-pis said to have occurred through the carelessness of the conductor of the Boston train, EL, made by Pike. It has a 20 inch telescope | whose duty it was to wait until the Dedham train had passed. Whether it be so or not, there can be no doubt but that a fearful responsibility rests somewhere. It is the duty of the directors of every railroad company to employ sober, careful and prudent men. This however is not all they are bound to provide. They are also under the strongest obligations to establish proper regulations, and when they are established, to see that they are observed. The conductor of a locomotive engine who neglects to attend to his instructions, is equally culpable, if injury occur to any one, with the omnibus dri ver who disregards our city regulations, and drives furiously round a corner, to the des. truction of life or limb; or with the engineer of a steamboat, who through strife or carelessness, destroys or injures the passen. gers; and we deem it a proper subject the Journal and Mechanics' Magazine-in for investigation by the Grand Jury, who the discharge of which duties he has for should inquire into the cause of not only several months past taken an active part-the present, but also of previous accidents and, as we have reason to believe, much to the satisfaction of our readers and pa

that I have taken as a partner, in the busi-
ness pertaining to them, Mr. GEORGE C.
SCHAEFFER, a gentleman of education and
a practical engineer.

Mr. Schaeffer will hereafter have the prin-
cipal charge of the editorial department of

the 8th of August for the graduation and masonry on
the first division of the Road.
This division commences near the Ohio River at

Lawrenceburgh, Indiana, and follows the Valley of

Tanners Creek a distance of ten miles.

Plans and Profiles of the Route and proposed works can be examined at the Engineers Office, Lawrenceburgh, Dearborn County, Indiana.

25-tau 15 JULIUS W. ADAMS, Engineer.

SYRACUSE AND UTICA RAILROAD. BOOKS of Subscription to the above Stock will be opened on the 19th, 20th, and 21st days of July next,

as follows, to wit: at the

"Syracuse House," in Syracuse.
Joseph C. Spencers's "Coffee House," Canastota,
J. H. Pratt's "Canal Coffee House," Utica.
"Mansion House," Albany.

Office of the "Farmers' Loan and Trust Company," New-York

In Syracuse, Canastota and Utica the Books will be kept open from 9 to 12, and from 2 till 5, P. M., on the two first days, and on the last day till sunset.

In Albany and New-York from 10 till 3, P. M. Capital Stock $500,000. Shares $50, $5 to be paid on each share on subscription. Payments to be made in specie or Bank bills of this State. Dated 10th June, 1836. I. S. SPENCEE, Secretary.



With our united efforts we hope to render the periodicals worthy of a more extensive


This number it will be observed completes part one of Volume five.


New-York, July 2nd, 1836.


We learn from the papers that a very serious accident occurred on Wednesday last, on the Boston and Providence Railroad. It

on Railroads; and in every case where the carelessness of the managers, or coninjury has resulted to individuals through ductors, they should be subjected to such penalties and punishments as will at least cause others to be more careful.

It is the duty of the directors to discharge, and publish the name of, every individual who shall, through carelessness, negligence or intemperance, cause injury to individuals or property. Nothing short of the most rigid scrutiny on the part of stockholders, directors, or engineers, will produce that confidence in the públic mind towards railroads to which they are entitled: and it is the duty of every friend of the system to unite their efforts to prevent unavoidable accidents, and to punish the inividuals who cause those resulting from carelessness.

We desire not, as every reader of this || west, and also on the east are the beautiful || caused weeks of derangement to the busi Journal will bear us witness, to traduce, in-and fertile flats of the Mohawk; but on the ness of forwarders-much distress to the jure, or prejudice railroads, or the railroad north the village. is hemmed in by hills, acceptors of drafts in this city, and an accusystem-nor can it be imagined that we de-covered with forest, approaching in some mulation of boats in contact with each oth sire to cast odium on the directors, engi- places nearly to the water, with abrupt ander, from Oriskany to Frankford, 16 miles. neers, or subordinate agents of any, and es. almost precipitous acclivities; whilst in The Engineers in the employ of the State pecially of this particular railroad; but as other places the village extends for half a stand uncommitted as to the enlargement, the early, steadfast, and unyielding friends mile or more from the main street. It is on as far as has come to the public eye, except of the system, who desire, and expect, to see the south side, however, that we behold the Mr. J. B. Jervis, who has raised the curthem--if judiciously managed-pervading mountalns in their majesty. The canal, tain as to the mode he proposes to get the whole country, deem it our duty to call which hugs the side of the precipice, and along with the mason work necessary to be the early and earnest attention of ENGINEERS winds its way amongst the rocks, is about done in the winter, to wit: See Assembly and DIRECTORS to the importance of prevent. 30 feet above the river; and the summit of Documents, 1836, No. 99, pages 8 and 10; ing accidents, which have been so frequent the hills are more than three hundred feet, as to the summer, we are left in the dark by and oftentimes so disastrous, on our rail- and in some places almost perpendicular, all the Engineers. "This work must be roads. Let every accident be properly look-above the canal. This was indeed a her- done in the winter; and to protect the cement ed to, the circumstances published, and then from frost, a house must be erected over the let a just and merited censure fall upon site, and a proper temperature maintained by those who trifle with the safety and lives of stoves." passengers.

LITTLE FALLS.-This picturesque and thriving little village is situated on both sides of the Mohawk river, 72 miles west of Albany, and 22 miles east of Utica. The great western canal passes through it, on the south side of the river, and is connected with the main part of the village by a beautiful stone aqueduct over the river, whien serves as a feeder, receiving the water from the old canal on the north side, and affording to the village every convenience desired

for business.

This beautiful village was, until within a few years, owned by an English gentleman,) Mr. Ellis, we believe,) and its immense water power was for many yeaïs, indeed almost since the revolutionary war, nerly useless, as the proprietor declined to sell, or even to give permanent leases, and the village of course made but slow progress in the march of improvement which has marked the course of many less favored plaues farther west.

culean task; and to others than Americans,
an attempt to construct such a work would
have been deemed almost chimerical.
was however, accomplished, and is now the
admiration of the hundreds of thousands
who annually pass on its waters.

Before this work is further progressed in, the pnblic require that there shall be a responsibility rest somewhere, in the event of The improvements of the place are pro- failure; and that we have a right to expect gressing with spirit-its water power is es-one, is evident, or there is a gross neglect of mated equal to 750,000 spindles and several duty on the part of the superintendents, sites with power have recently been sold.-which we do not charge them with, when There are now in operation three furnaces, the fact is stated, and notorious to all forone turning shop, three paper mills, one warders, that the Erie Canal has been gradmachine shop, two saw mills, one flouring ually filling up by deposits, since its construc. mill, one grist mill, one plaster mill, three tion, and so little time has there been to tanneries, one distillery, two malting hou-clear it out, during the time of suspended ses, three blacksmith shops, one axe and navigation, (let alone enlarging it,) that scyth factory and one carriage manufactory. boats drawing over 24 feet of water cannot A woollen factory, and two flouring mills now navigate our nominal 4 feet canal, withwith four runs of stones are to be erected out touching the bottom!! and such is its the present season. This place being the present state, and the constant contact of centre of a rich agricultural country carries boats, from its narrowness and their increason a considerable trade with Albany and ing numbers, that boats last only 4 years, New-York. The item of cheese alone pro- upon an average, instead of 6 years, as was duced in Herkimer county, and shipped by the case after the first construction of the its merchants, on the canal during the last Erie Canal. Boats, with even 35 to 38 tons, season amounted to upwards of $350,000. rubbing on the bottom to their serious injuIt is surprising to us who know and ap-ry, even with the water in many parts being preciate its advantrges, that a situation so eligible, so healthly and with such immense Fortunately, however, here, as in many water power should have been until this other places, a change has come over the period overlooked by this shrewd money aspect of things-a forign proprietorship making and speculating community. They give way to one of true American spirit. will not longer be disregarded as proper atThe title was about two years since trans- tention is now directed to it; and the period ferred to a gentleman of this city, who is not distant when LITTE FALLS will boast viewed things as an AMERICAN. He caused the property to be surveyed, streets and public squares to be laid out, and has contributed largely to the erection of churches, and has sold freely and at] fair prices to those who desired to improve its advantages. Those who, like ourselves, recollect its appearance twenty years ago, and have witnessed its progress under the fostering care of its present proprietor, need no description of its present condition, or its delightful surrounding scenery-but to those who have not witnessed its beauties, a brief description may not be uninteresting.

The village of Little Falls is situated in a narrow defile, which appears to have been formed by the waters of the river in its passage from the lakes to the Hudson, on the

raised 12 to 18 inches above the 4 foot line as first constructed, and this too, from the necessity of the case on the part of the superintendents, to keep up and open early our trade, at the risk of constant breaches, in the canal, and to its great and constant injury.

That the Canal Board wish to meet the of its numerous manufactories its rapidly | public expectation, in opening the Erie Caincreasing, intelligent, and wealthy popula-nal as early as possible, there can be no tion and its flourisng hischools. May it long doubt,-nor do they desire to run the risk of continue to flourish, and its worthy proprie-interrupting the trade upon it; but when tors, as well as its enterprizing population, it is gravely stated, by one of their engineers, reap rich reward for their labor.


We notice the Canal Board are to meet Tuesday the 21st, and trust it is further to consider their resolutions to enlarge the Erie Canal, and that at all events they will place before the public the modus operandi of executing this important work, without interrupting the trade upon, which even for a day, or a week, cannot be permitted. The breach at Utica, of 3 or 4 days this spring,

[who has not, so far, risked his reputation, by presenting his plan in his report that this work-more difficult and expensive than building an entire new canal, 8 feet by 30 or 90 feet wide,] that the enlargement can be accomplished, by excavating on the basin or heel-path bank, in the summer, “leaving a cone or cove in the middle, to be removed during the time of suspended navigation," when a large part of the mason work, locks, culverts, aqueducts, &c., is to be executed, "under the cover of houses, kept to the proper temperature by stoves!!!" It may

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Mr. J. in a manner that shows that very little of this kind of protection will be required.

If any further evidence is wanted to show the unimportant character of this item, it is found in the estimate of Mr. Jarvis, where it amounts to eight thousand and four hundred dollars. But the total estimate of Mr.

be the case, that the Engineers in the jof near 300 pages, which is at least some cement; and the question is presented by
employ of the State have not been called on evidence of the publicity of the doings of
by the Canal Board or commissioners to ex- the Board on this subject. Your corres
press their opinions as to cost and facility pondence refers to pages 8 and 10. At
of construction of a new canal with larger
page 8, in speaking of the propased im-
locks, along side of the present important
provement at Schoharie Creek, in reference
work, at a much less expense than to at-
to the Guard lock, Mr. Jervis says This
tempt to patch on to an old and imperfect
work. The public call for opinions on this work must be done in the winter, and, to
subject from the Canal Board. As it is to protect the cement from frost, a house must
be an expenditure of 12 to 20 millions of be erected over the site, and a proper tem-
dollars, the best engineering talents in and perature maintained by stoves." Here, it
and out of the State, should be personally will be observed, the proposition is express-
examined before the Canal Board, at the ex-ly for a Guard Lock, in a peculiar situation
pense of the State, instead of getting del-which is explained in the report referred to,
phic and gratuitous replies from Engineers and no intimation is given that this method
to written queries on the subject of the en-is proposed for every ordinary or lift lock;
largement, as we understand was the course
and even in the case of this particular
adopted prior to proposing the plan to the
Guard lock, Mr. Jervis goes into a course
Legislature. Even these queries and replies
are in none of the State documents, and a
of reasoning to show that the old line at
this place should be abandoned, and the
Creek crossed by an aqueduct, instead of
the present mode, by a dam and Guard

fearful responsibility rests somewhere, in
the anticipated event of the enlargement
plan being a failure.

From the N. Y- Times. '



In this general estimate he leaves the present line at this place, and gives the In the Times of the 21st inst. (June) an estimate on the new line which he recomarticle appeared under the above head, mends. It therefore appears he does not over the signature of Oswego. After al-recommend the plan of erecting a house luding to the meeting of the Canal Board, over any lock whatever. and calling for information in relation to the In relation to aqueducts, page 10 of said manner they intended to proceed with the document Mr. Jarvis observes, "When the proposed work, the writer observes-"Up abutments are sound, they may be extento this time, the Engineers in the employ ded in the summer season, and the trunks of the state, stand uncommitted, except so put on during the suspension of navigation. far as Mr. J. B. Jervis has raised the cur- But in cases where it is necessary to re tain, as to the manner he proposes to exe-build the old part of the abutment, it is procute the necessary mason work to be done posed (unless the line can be changed) to do in the winter, to locks, culverts, aqueducts, the work in the winter; and to guard &c, in speaking of it. See Assembly against the influence of frost, &c." It is Doc. No. 99 of 1836, pages 8 and 10.- not then for the purpose of enlarging the This work must be done in the winter, and canal, but to renew the work indispensable houses built over the same, with stoves to to the maintenance of the present navigakeep up a proper temperature." tion that this plan is proposed; and even The idea that would be taken by most this, ouly in cases where a change of line readers, would no doubt be, that Mr. Jer-is not practicable. vis had recommended that all the mason In relation to culverts on the page above work for "locks, culverts, aqueducts, &c." quoted, Mr. J. observes, "The culvers that should be done in the winter and protected are sound will only require to be lengthenfrom frost as above stated. This construced, and new wings and parapets put on tion, however, is more favorable than some one end which may be done during the ssason of navigation. Some new culverts will we have seen, for we recollect seeing an be required, and when the levels are lower article in some newspaper a few months ed, they will generally require to be rebuilt since, in which he is made to recommend This work can only be done in the season that not only masoury, but the entire canal of suspended navigation. and when it is should be covered to protect the work of necessary to make them of stone and cement, a house must be erected," &c. enlargement from frost. To guard the pubThe cases, it appears, in which culverts lic from an entire misapprehension of the will require to be built in the winter, will doings of the Canal Board and their En-mainly depend on the imperfection of those gineers, we have thought it worth while now in operation; and whether they will to examine the report alluded to. The do- require protection from frost, will depend cument is reports of engineers accompany under bottom of canal in some cases may on the necessity of using cement. The part ing the report of the Canal Board, present- be made of timber, or of cast iron, or of stone ed to the legislature 26th January, 1836, so well cut and secured as not to require

J. is near three millions. Now, we would ask, can any candid man suppose that your correspondent viewed this small item of so much importance as to call public bound to have given it only the importance attention to it? If so, then he was in honor it had in the report referred to. But as before quoted, it will be perceived that, "locks, culverts, aqueducts, &c." are to be built in the winter and protected from frost, &c. We have seen that there is no proposition to build the locks in this way; and that your correspondent had no occasion to be alarmed for the culverts and aqueducts. But where are his et cetera? They imply that there is something else-but nothing of the kind is found in the report of Mr. J. except what we have quoted.

From the examination we have given to this subject we are brought to the conclusion that your correspondent was disposed to find fault, and considering the proposi tion alluded to as novel, and probably to him incomprehensible, he has thought it worthy of presentation to the notice of your readers. In regard to the novelty, however, he is mistaken. It has been adopted to build locks on even American canals; and where circumstances require it, it is no very fearful undertaking.

The doings of the Canal Board are charged by your correspondent as hidden from public view. Now as we are not at liberty to say who your correspondent is, we will put on the broad mantle of charity, and presume he has but partially read the public documents that contain the proceedings of this board, and which are easily found on the printed journrls of the several Legislatures to whom they have been presented.

We are led to the further conclusion, that if in a document of near three hundred pages, this is the only item on which "the curtain has been raised," there must have been extraordinary stupidity, or wonderful ingenuity. The document is before the public, and any one may examine it, and> we believe any candid man will find on examination, that it proposes to enlarge the Erie Canal from Albany to Buffalo, and gives, in as much detail as is usual, an estimate of the expense; and much remark in relation to the matter of doing the work, communicated in a candid and unreserved manner.

It would be drawing out this communication to too great a length to go into an exposition of their doings. But as several communications have been made besides that of your correspondent, tending to give the impression, that the Canal Board contemplated stopping, or interrupting the naviwork of enlargement could only be done gation of the Erie Canal, and that the in the winter, we will merely mention, that their official reports, and those of the Canal

Commissioners, with accompanying documents, unequivocally take the ground, that the suspensim or interruption of the naviga tion is admissible, and that the great majority of the work, is to be done in the usual season of performing such work; and even the manner of doing work in the season of navigation in several cases, suppes d to be attended with most difficulty, have been referred to or pointed out. There is nothing that can be considered proof against misrepresentation, but we are confident that any candid man will be satisfied on reading the printed proceeding of the Canal officers, that there has been a plain practical and unequivocal mode of proceeding, not only in relation to the enlargement of the Erie Canal, but of all their duties as public officers in a most important branch of the

affairs of the State Government.

We hope, therefore, that your correspondent, before he presents any further account of their doings, will examine their published proceedings, and give the public a correct accoun. Such a course will do the Canal Roard no harm, be honorble to your correspondent, and promote TRUTHI

We are gratified to be able to publish the following correspondence between a committee of the Common Council of New Brunswick and a committee of the Railroad Company. We trust the day will be as fair and pleasant for the celebration, as the advantages of the work will surely be great to New Jersey.

From the Newark Daily Advertiser, June 29.


The following invitation of the Common Council of New Brunswick, to the Presi

dent and Directors of the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Company, and the correspondence on the subject we insert with plasure, as an annunciation to the public that their Railrord will be complete to New Brunswick by the 1st of July, and also as an evidence of the friendly feelings and deep interests manifested by our sister city towards this important enterprise.

NEW BRUNSWICK, June 11th, 1836.
To the President and Directors of the New
Jersey Railroad and Transportation

highest aim and desire of its projectors should prove a powerful means of develop ing the resources of New Jersey, and of promoting the convenience of its citizens," and we rejoice that we have been the humble instruments of awakening an enlarged spirit of enterprise in a section of the State, which, though rich in resources, had long been neglected, and in furnishing facilities of communication, which cannot fail greatly to advance its wealth and prosperity. It is to us a source of sincere gratulation, that whatever may be the prospects of revenue to our work, its beneficial influence to others in promoting the value of property, in facilitating and fostering social intercourse, and in advancing the business operations of the community at large will be immeasurably greater.

GENTLEMEN:-The undersigned having been appointed a Committee by the Common Council of this city, "to make arrangements for the proper reception of the President and Directors of the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Company, upon their arrival in this city when said road is first opened," will proceed with alacrity in the performance of that duty, actuated by emotions of no ordinary character, believing as the Committee do, that the work, about being completed, is emphatically a New Jersey improvement, and that it will eventu ally tend more to the developement of the resources of our State, and add more to the convenience of our citizens, than any other Our road will be completed to your city work that can be constructed within its by the first of July, and it is highly compli limits. mentary to our company, that you should The Committee would respectfully sug-propose to connect the celebration of its gest whether if the road be completed by opening with the anniversary of our National that time, it would not be proper to connect Independence; Iut as this day is consecratthat event, (so important to the interests of ed to commemmorate by general jubilee the our State,) with the anniversary of our most important event in our country's histoNational Independence. ry, we hope you will permit us to postpone our excursion, until after that period; we accordingly have designatnd Thursday, the 7th of July, as the day on which our com pany will be happy to receive the hospitable civilities of your city.

The Committee would be pleased to
learn the day that may be selected for the
celebration of the event above referred to
at your earliest convenience.

Respectfully, your obedient servants,

Committee &c.

We have the honor, Gentlemen to be, very respectfully, your obedient servants, GEORGE L. SCHUYLER, JOHN P. JACKSON,

Committee, &c.

From the Cortland Advocate.

NEWARK, June 25th, 1836. To J. C. Zabriskie, S. Van Ducrson, and D. W. Veil, Esquires, Committee of the Common Council of New Brunswick : The Syracuse, Cortland, and BingGENTLEMEN: The New Jersey Rail-hampton Railroad Central Committee, it road and Transportation Company have will be seen by the following notice, have assigned to us the agreeable duty of accep- called a meeting of the Commissioners ting the polite invitation of the Common Council of New Brunswick, and of making the arrangements appropriate to the occasion. In behalf of those we represent, we tender you our acknowledgments for the very kind terms with which you have been pleased to characterize our work, and we fondly trust that time will confirm all your favorable anticipations. Its progress has not been unattended with the difficulties

New Brunswick, June 6, 1836. At a meeting of the Board of Common and toil incident to undertaking of this Conncil, held this evening, the following character and magnitude; but the unwaverpreamble and resolution were adopted; viz: ing confidence and steady perseverance of "Whereas it is understood that the New the capitalists* with whom we are assaciatJersey Railroad will be completed in a shorted, have enabled us to prosecute thus far time-and whereas the citizens of New with gratifying success, this "New Jersey Brunswick feel a deep interest in the com- improvement," and we feel entirely assured pletion of said work, Therefore, Resolved, That a Committee be appoint-fested, that the same spirit will coutinue to from the fidelity and devotion already manied to make arrangements for the proper its final consummation. reception of the President and Directors We deem that tribute justly due to those of the New Jersey Railroad Company upon to whom this state is chiefly indebted, for their arrival in this city, when said road is the construction of a work which it is the first opened."

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(A true copy.)

The Committee appointed consists of the Recorder, Alderman Zabriskie, and Mr. Vail.

[*We presume the allusion is to the enter prising house of Nevins, Townsend & Company, of New York City, whose names are honorably connected with a number of the most important public works in this country.--Ed.J

named in the bill incorporating the above named work, and although the proceeding may not be strictly regular, it will be excused, as it cannot result prejudicially to any one, and as it secures great despatch, and is more convenient than any other method. The step was taken by the Central Committec, at the request of the resident Commissioners.

The Commissioners to open the books, etc. of the "Syracuse, Cortland and Binghamton Railroad," are requested to meet at the Eagle Tavern, in Cortland Village, on Tuesday the 12th day of July next, ät 12

o'clock M:

The Commissioners are as follows:Augustus Donnelly, Samuel G. Hathaway, Henry Stephens, Eleazer W. Edgcomb, Edward C. Reed, Roswell Randall, William Randall, Samuel S. Foreman, Elam Lynds, Myrom S Mills, Henry F. King, Deniel Dickinson, Joseph S. Bosworth,

and Thomas G. Waterman.

Central Committee.

June 23, 1836. ·

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