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No. I.

To the Editor of the Railroad Journal:

S.r, lasă leave, through the columns of your valuable Journal, to address the citi zeas of New-York on a subject of very great importance to their interests.

Hear! O Wall-street! and give ear! Broadway!

true spirit of Internal Improvement is abroad || You are rendering the public an important.
in the West, and will, beyond all question, service, by giving energy and character to
make it the garden of the world.
the progress of Internal Improvement. You
have my hearty concurrence in the measure
of raising the subscription to five dollars.
Inclosed you have five dollars, U. S. Bank
note, for my next year's subscription. Please
send to Judge Breese, by mail, to Carlyle,
Illinois, the whole of your Railroad Journal

from the commencement, and he will remit the amount of your bill.

With the best wishes for the success of your valuable publication,

I reman your friend,

D. K. MINOR, Esq.

W. S. W.

Greenville, Bond Co., Illinois, Jan. 20, 1836. Dear Sir,-The Legislature of this State have just adjourned, after passing several acts of incorporation, for the purposes of Internal Improvement. The most imporHave you a map of New-York, Pennsyl- tant of these are, the Central Railroad bill, via, and New-Jersey? It is before you. and the Wabash and Mississippi Railroad Very well. Place one point of your dividers bill. The last commences at the terminaat Pittston, the mouth of the Lackawana, tion of the Maumee and Wabash Canal, (20 miles below Carbondale,) in Luzerne and is to end at Alton, on the Mississippi, county; place the other point at the city of completing the line from the city of NewNew-York. Now measure the distance on York to the Mississippi River, by the Newyour scale. Behold! the distance is only York and Erie Railroad. one hundred and six miles! And what of The Central Railroad is to strike through Buffalo, Jan. 12, 1836. that? Way, gentlemen, Pittston is one of the heart of the State, from the Illinois and MR. MINOR,-A friend has just loaned the finest deposits of Anthracite Coal there Michigan Canal to the Ohio River, running me your December No. of the Mechanics' is in the world. Numerous mines are al-midway between the Wabash and the Mis. Magazine, in which I find the communicarealy open. There are none richer, purer, sissippi Rivers, through one of the most fer.tion I sent you last September, for the Railroad Journal, upon the plan of constructing or easier to be wrought in earth. It is true, tile and delightful regions of the West. The Railroads. I regret the necessity of trouthe enty of New-York is within 106 miles of work will commence at or near Ottawa, and bling you farther upon this subject, but as the very best anthracite coal mines. How pass through the counties of La Salle, Mc-I have been so unfortunate as to be wholly important coal is to your city, for fuel or Lane, Macon, Shelby, Fayette, Marion, Jef- misunderstood by you, I have little hopes of better fortune with your readers, without com nerce, I need not say. What quantity ferson, Franklin, and Johnson, to the best farther explanation. you use, or ship abroad, I cannot tell. This point on the Ohio River. These counties In your prefatory note to the article, you I know, the number of tons is very great, lay in the most direct route, but the Com- say my plan of constructing Railroads "will and annually increasing. Where does it missioners may vary it as the interests of be found useful in many parts of the councome from? First, from Mauch Chunk, by the public require. The southern termina-, for passing soft or marshy ground." Now, so far from this, the plan will never Rutral, Casal, and de-water transporta-on is to be at or near the mouth of the answer for such ground, under any circumtion, one auadred and sixty miles. Second, Ohio River, and the northern at or near the stances, nor was it ever intended it should. a part comes from Carbondale, one hundred termination of the Illinois and Michigan The present method of building, upon such aad (wenty-four miles, to the Hudson, and Canal. From the northern point, a branch ground, wants no improvement; and if it did, this structure could never be sustained thea down the river near ninety miles more, is contemplated, to strike the Upper Missisupon it. mixing 214 in les. Thirdly, from Schuylsippi at Galena. From the southern exkil, and perhaps the largest quantity.-tremity, or near it, a branch from the main The distance by Raritan Canal: stem, to cross the Ohio above the mouth of Railroad to Pottsville, 5 miles the Cumberland, would communicate with Cinal to West Philadelphia,


Road to East Pailadelphia,


To Bordentown,


Canal to Brunswick,

Tide to New-York,



Again, you say it may be useful "for the construction of cheap roads." If the plan has any merit, it is that of giving, at a meplans now in use-whatever their cost of dium price, a better road than any of the


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In specifying the proper kinds of timber, you have printed beach, cedar, and locust." I wrote "red beach," &c., as some varieties of that wood will not survive a single year's exposure, without marks of deRespectfully, yours, R. W. HASKINS.

the Nashville and New-Orleans Railroad. The distance from the Ohio River at that point, to Nashville, being less than one hun ired and thirty miles. It would cross Kenucky through Princeton and Hopkinsville. The route through Kentucky and Tennescay. 237 miles ee would intersect a fine tract of country. Being an average distance of two hundred where the inhabitants are enterprising and Note. I requested that two or three aal ave miles. And yet the richest coal intelligent, and alive to the subject of In-copies of the article might be sent me, when published, but none have come to manes in the country are within one hua-ternal Improvement. hand. I should still be glad of them, as aldred and s.x miles of your city. This splendid undertaking, therefore, wilo, of such remarks, if any, as you may Did the Is not this a matter of interest to you? complete a grand line of internal commu-publish thereon, from other pens. May it not be turned to very great account?ication from the great Lakes through the article appear in the Railroad Journal, for which work it was sent you? It was for May not a Railroad be made from your city whole length of Illinois, across Kentucky, he readers of that work, more particularly, to those inines, on which cars of coal can Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Lou that I designed it, &c. cone easily in a day? Even supposing, toisiana, to the Gulf of Mexico, running near aro.d mountains, the Railroad must windly parallel to the Mississippi River, at the its way so as to a ld 20 miles, still the dis-medium distance of a hundred miles. tance would be little more than half that The names embraced in the act of incor your coal now travels which comes from the porat on include a large portion of the most Suyll Vastly important as I regard intelligent and influential men in the State


this, it is but one view of a subject that The name of the Hon. SYDNEY BREESH
weirs another aspect of deep interest to should be remembered among the earlies
your whole community, which I shall treat projectors of this undertaking. He was the
of in my next.
first man who recommended it to public no-
tice; and we are indebted to his persevering
We are indebted to a friend for the fol-efforts for the early maturity of the scheme
lo ving interesting letter in relation to the I cannot close my letter without express
Proposed works of Internal Improvement ing my satisfaction at the acceptable man
the youthful yet giant State of Illinois. The ner with which your Journal is conducted.

R. W. H.

We feel grateful to those who contribute

descriptions of useful inventions, in relation

to Railroads, and therefore give the above

explanation, as a matter of justice to our correspondent-with the remark that, from

a single perusal of his first article, we formed the opinion expressed. If it was erro. neous, our readers would surely not be led stray by it, as they usually form their own pinion from the facts, without regard to ours. We regret exceedingly that he did not see he number of the Journal in which it was published, and can apologise for the omis

on only by saying to all who require extra copies of the Journal, that we are too

poor to pay for the engraving, and then cities in the valley of the Mississippi, with|| In designating the above proposed routes send duplicate copies of it to gentlemen who those on the Atlantic coast, a great nation-of Railroads, I have endeavored to divest al object would be effected, the advantages mysli of all sectional partialities, prejuthink enough of the work to desire their of which, as respects personal convenienced.ees, and interest, and to have my eye fixed plans and inventions to appear in its co-and comfort in travelling, the advancemeat only to promote the general interest of every lumns, yet not enough to aid in sustaining of private property, the general circulation section of the Union; and therefore you will it by subscribing for it. When they shall, of intelligeace and useful knowledge, and find they pass through almost every State in as we, have devoted all their leisure hours together the several States of this Union by constructed, they can be so located as o de so. its political bearings and influence to bind the Union; and saculd these works ever be for four years, ail expended three thou.indissoluble bonds, that of self-interest, the It can admit of no doubt, if these improvesand dollars, over and above the entire r- means of security and safety, they would ments were made, the public interest would ceipts in return, to establish a work which ailord each other in times of difficulty and be greatly promoted, and it is an object, shall aid and promote the works of Inter. danger, whether of a foreign or domestic therefore, which the citizens of every sec nal Improvement of the country, without There are certain great leading routes which plished. It must, however, be evident to all, nature, it is utterly impossible to calculate.tion of our Union must desire to see accoinreceiving a penny for their pains, then, are necessary to be established through that to effect this, a spirit of accommodation perhaps, a community of feeling may ex- the different States for the accomplishment and compromise, which alone can produce ist, which will induce us to procure enof these great designs, and which the natu- harmony, and unity of design and action is gravings, publish their descriptions, and ral face of the country points out as the indispensably necessary, as well as a vast then send the work, gratis. most eligible. I will take the liberty to amount of cash capital, far beyond the abilpoint out some of those which the gener 1ty of those most concerned in it, can at present command. The following plan is therefore submitted for obviating the objec tions that have been stated, and for completing the works designed.

It may be said, and perhaps with truth,interest of the country requires to be con-
that the investment was injudicious. We structed; but I shall notice only such as
believed it perfectly good-and do not now
pass through more than one Staté.
doubt but that it would eventually have
proved so, if we had not had the misfortune
to lose almost our entire stock of back vo-
lumes and printing materials, worth over
five thousand dollars, by the late conflagra-
tion. Now it is an entire loss, and there-
fore every person interested in, or connect-
ed with, Railroads, is solicited to aid in sus.
taining the work, not only by his own sub-
scription, but also by inducing others to be Railroad.-This will extend from Charles-cure
2. The Southern Atlantic and Mississippi
alike-wise. Its Editor, like old " Eng-ton, S. C., to Augusta, Eatonton and For-
land expects every man to do his duty," by syth, to West Point, on the Chatahoochee;
forwarding a few additional subscribers as
from thence to Montgomery and Woodville,
early as possible, with the advance sub-burgh, a distance of about 712 miles.
Alabama, by Jackson, Mississippi, to Vicks-

Railroad. This, it is proposed, should com-!
1. The Northern Atlantic and Mississippi
mence at Boston, and pass by the most con.portion of Railroads have already been con-
I am well aporised that a considerable
venient route to Albany, New-York, from structed in the lines of these routes by pri-
thence, by Utica, Rochester and Buffalo, to vate corporations, and that some difficulties
Cleveland and Maumee, Ohio, through ing them. It is, however, believed that
Erie in Pennsylvania; from thence to may arise on that account in establish-
Michigan and Indiana, by Michigan City these may be combined and connected with
and Lake to the Mississippi and Jefferson one great company for the constructing and
City, Missouri. The distance of this Road completing any of these entire routes on just
will be about 1500 miles.
and equitable principles; which shall equal-
ize the profits arising from the whole, and se-
which the benefit and interest of all will be
a general system of operations, by

Tuscaloosa, November 24, 1835.

The plan which I would propose is the following: Let five great companies be organized to construct and complete these five great national works of internal improvements, to be incorporated by all the States capital sufficient to finish them in the best through which they may pass, and with a and most substantial manner. If, however,

3. The Atlantic Coast and New-Orleans or Union Railroad. This road, it is proposed, We publish in our columns to-day, ex- Maine, by Portsmouth, N. H., Boston, Mass., should extend from Augusta, in the State of tracts from a very interesting letter address- Providence, R. I., New-Haven, Conn., to ed to the Committee of the Alabama Leg.s-New-York city; and from thence by New-this cannot be done, let each State incorpolature, on the subject of Railroads, by Mr. ark, New-Brunswick, and Trenton,N. J.. rate a company or companies for the conJ. F. SCHERMERHORN. The large and liberal and Baltimore to Washington City; thence works in their own States. The stock to to Philadelphia; thence by Port Deposit struction of these works and other similar views developed in that letter, and the inti- by Richmond and Fredericksburg, Virginia, be divided into shares of one hundred dolmate acqua.ntance with the localities of the Raleigh, N. C., Columbia, S. C.; thence to lars. Each State shall have the right to take vast regions of the west, acquired by Mr. Augusta, Georgia, until it intersects the one-fourth of the stock necessary to conSchermerhorn, in the discharge of his offi-and thence with the line of said road by Ea States shall have the privilege to take oneSouthern Atlantic and Mississippi Railroad, struct roads within the same; and the U. cial duties as Indian Commissioner, entitle tonton and Montgomery to Woodville, and fourth of the entire stocks in all the Railhis remarks to an attentive consideration. thence to Mobile and New-Orleans, a dis-roads, and the balance to be taken by citi It will be perceived that the Legislature of tance of about 2000 miles. zens of the United States only; but the citiAlabama has granted a charter on the plan 4. The Baltimore and Mobile and New-Or-zens in each State, in the first place to have recommended by Mr. Schermerhorn. Jeans Railroad.-This will extend from Bal. the right to take the whole amount of stocks timore to Harper's ferry, which is already created for the building of the roads within nd Abbingdon, Virginia, to Knoxville and taken by the State or the United States.constructed, then by Winchester, Staunton, the same, and which shall not have been Kingston to the Tennessee River at Brown's The amount of stock subser bed and Ferry, near Lock-out Mountain; thence by inally apportioned to the several citizens, Wills Creek Valley and Woodville to Mo- by the Commissioners and Directors apbile, a distance of about 1050 miles, and from pointed by the act of incorporation, shall be thence to New-Orleans. secured by mortgage on real estate, with inerest payable semi-annually, and the principal payable in twenty years; the same to be appraised by Commissioners appointed or that purpose by the Legislature or Govrnor of the State. When these mortgages ind the Railroad and income of the same shall be pledged to the State, the State shall nake a loan for the b nefit of the Railroad ompany, either from the U. States, from her urplus revenue, if any; and if this cannot e done consistently with the principles of he constitution, then from the citizens of he United States, or the citizens of any oreign nation, to be redeemable in twen. y years, or any time thereafter, at the pleasure of the States. The whole details, as

Sir, I find, in travelling through the western States the past season, that there is a great movement among the people on the subject of Internal Improvement, especially by the construction of Railroads; and as the people of Alabama are at present as sembled in a convention on this subject, and your Legislature will soon be called to act upon applications of this kind; I take the liberty to a dress to you some considerations in reference to them, which will be found worthy the serious consideration of every statesman and friend of his country.

The experiments that have already been made, have sufficiently developed the practicability and utility of Railroads, to transmit commodities and facilitate intercourse between different sections of the country. If Internal Improvements could be extended through the States generally, so as to connect the trade and intercourse between the several principal commercial places and

5. The New-Orleans, Mobile, and Michi zan Railroad.-this, it is contemplated shall run from New-Orleans, by Jackson. Mississippi, to Columbia, Tennessee; and from Mobile by Tuscaloosa and Courtland. Alabama, also to Columbia; thence by Nashville to Louisville, Kentucky, and In lianapolis to Michigan City and Lake vhere it will also intersect the Northern Atlantic and Mississippi Railroad; and ir passing the Wabash river, it will also inter sect the Lake Erie and Wabash Canal.The distance from Mobile is about 900 miles and from New-Orleans about 1000 miles.The whole length of these five Railroads, i completed, would not exceed 6000.

it respects the number of Directors in each || greatly stop the stock-jobbing system, and main through which they may pass will State, the manner the monies shall be drawn prevent them in a great degree from ever go-also be greatly enhanced in value by these and expended, and the division of the profitsing out of the country; and this certainly is improvements, and it is a question whether so is to equalise the same among all the stock an object of great public importance. There the Railroad companies should not receive holders in the different States; the manner is no doubt that foreign capi al is now very from Congress a portion of these lands or in which the stock may be transferred, and extens.vely employed in banking institutions a certain per centage on these within a certhe mortgages cancelled and others subst. ad in making our internal improvements; tain distance of the read, the minimum tuted for thein, can and must all be adjusted, nd as long as it is done in the way of loans price of which should be immediately adand satisfactorily secured in the several o States, and they do not own the stocks of vanced one hundred per cent. charters; in which, however, there should hese companies, there can be no objection I trust, sir, that although I have only albe an express provision, that the rates on the o it, be ause there is a security the loans luded to many important advantages which road shall be so adjusted from time to time, will be redeemed; but if foreigners once would result from the construction of these that the nett income of the roads shall not become stockholders of our works of inter- Railroads, to the private stockholders, to yield the stockholders more than fifteen nalimprovements, which of neces ity are cor-the public generally, to the several States per cent. or the first construction of the road poations of perpetuity, the country never can interested in them, and to the United States; after the loan has been paid off and re- be relieved from this incubus; and we must still sufficient, I think, has been said to show deemed. become tributary to foreigners, and every that the plan for raising funds to execute step which leads to such an event ought to the works proposed, is safe, practicable, and these circumstances, who can doubt for a been suggested shall have a tendency to be deprecated and avoided. And, under all important; and if the few ideas which have moment whether the Legislatures of the promote the general welfare and prosperity several States will not readily accommodate of our common courtry, I shall feel myself their people in this respect, and thus pro- highly honored and rewarded. mote the general welfare.

I am, with great respect,
Your obedient servant,

Col. J. W. LANE, Chairman

of the Com. Internal Im-
provement of the Senate
of the Legislature of Ala.

ENLARGEMENT OF THE ERIE CANAL.The subject of enlarging the Erie Canal is one of such vital importance to this comunity, that we shall deem it our duty to devote considerable space to it.

The annexed article from the Albany Argus, and another from the Commercial Advertiser, in relation to the enlargement and termination of that work, should be read with attention.


It is believed that if this plan is adopted in any State, there will be no difficulty in having the whole amount of stock taken and adequately secured, for making every possible improvement, in each State that will warrant the undertaking. The advantage to the stockholders must be manifest to every one, for by paying the interest only on The General Government of these States their stocks, while the roads are construct is also greatly interested in having these iming, without depriving themselves of the provements made both as respects public use and occupation of their plantations, or utility, and in the economy and facilities jeopardizing their property in the least, or wh ch will be thus afforded for carrying on diminishing the value of them; but instead the operations of the government. This of this, actually advance it one hundred per will be seen in strengthening and increasing cent. the moment these works are completed; the bonds which cement our Union, by the and ultimately, when the loans are paid off social relations of life, which will be in. from the profits of these roads, which may creased and extended-by equalizing the be the case even in 10 instead of 20 years, advantages to be enjoyed-by furnishing they will have the whole amount of their markets for the productions of every part of stock free, and for what has comparatively the country-by the commercial relations cost them nothing. So that it must be evident which will thus be extended and increased, to all, there can and will be no difficulty in dis and by the means that will thus be afforded posing of their stock to complete the roads, in times of war and insurrections, of conif the States will lend their aid to their own centrating the whole force of the country at citizens in this matter. And here let me any given point, in a very short time. The ask, why should not every State in the Union saving also will be great to the nation in do this, for the benefit of the commonwealth the transportation of the munitions of war. generally? She can sustain no possible loss subsistence and transportation of troops, and or risk in doing it, for she is triply secured in dispensing with the necessity of making for the responsibility she assumes in making several military works for defence, but es The N. Y. Legislature, at the last session, the loan-first, on the real estate mortgaged pecially in the transportation of the United at its present value-second, in the increas- States mail. For the time has already with a liber lity for which no example can ed value of the property mortgaged, by come when the Post-Office department will be found in the annals of American Legisla making the improvements contemplated-require the action of the government on this tion, placed at the disposal of the Canal and thirdly, by the road and entire nett in- subject, in order to prevent impositions from Board the revenues of the Erie and Chamcome thereof, until the loan is paid. But Railroad corporations. The Congress of plain canals, to an indefinite amount, and from this the States may receive other bene- the United States will be constrained either for an unlimited period-the amount estifits by investing her public stocks for comto make post roads of this kind, for the con-mated by the Governor to be twelve millions mon schools and university funds, if she has veyance of the mail, or else encourage the at the lowest, and the period twelve years any, and if she has none, she may now cre- construction of Railroads, by making loans at the shortest: And this, too, without the aid of science to enlighten their deliberaate them by taking a portion of the stocks or taking a portion of the stocks, and entertions; for not a single survey or estimate of these companies, and finally, pledging ing at the same time into some special ar the income of them after the loan is redeem-rangement for carrying the mails at certain was required, as a preliminary to this vast el, for such purposes, which will enable the rates on said roads, for the patronage she appropriation. States to extend the blessings of education, United States were to take one-fourth of such unwonted confiding to subordinate pubThe object sought, and which demanded thus extends to these improvements. If the and the diffusion of benefits of common schools to their entire population. But the the stocks in the Railroads before mention.ic agents, and such bold, precipitate action, State of Alabama will have another peculiar from them to the Government would be suf.west!"-not the interior trade of western N. ed, it is believed the nett annual income was "the great and growing trade of the far advantage in making such loans for the ficient of itself to pay the entire expense of purpose of making the contemplated imthe Post-Office department. This would provements within her State. Her loans enable Congress to reduce to a mere nomi will be deposited as an additional banking nal sum the postage on letters, and to make capital of several millions of dollars for free entirely the postage on all newspapers commodation of this section of our State, twenty years, which costs them nothing, and journals of science and magazines of therefore, no appropriation could be thought and the advantage of which alone will en- useful knowledge, which would have a great of while so many parts of the State ren ainable her to take one fourth of the entire tendency to diffuse very generally useful in-ed unimproved, and so many projects were stocks of these roads, which is self-evident formation on the subjects of polities, science, yet untouched. But the prize which imand religion, throughout the whole of these pelled the Legislature to immediate action United States. But this is not all: unless was the trade of the "far west"-a prize mails can be conveyed in some other way for which we are to contend with Canada, than they are now conveyed, there must be as well as Pennsylvania, Maryland and Vira limit to our accommodations by mails, orginia. With this unbounded grant of mo. else we must have them at an increased ex-ney and power, the Canal Board seemed to pense, for they are now frequently overbur-imb.te the ardor and haste of the LegislaThe general diffusion of these stocks dened; and what must they be in a short ture, having settled and revised their plan of among our own citizens, especially the time, with the increased population and operations, although the Governor inform planters or farmers and mech: nics, will, business of our country. The public do- us that they have not yet acquired the in

in the end can cost them nothing And

with such a fund devoted to the enefit of common schools and the advancement o

science, what an immense benefit will she confer upon her population, and v hat a glorious example will she set for her sister States.

York. In this we were sufficiently secure.and that section of our State had been sufficiently accommodated by an expenditure of 9 or

10 millions. For this trade and for the ac

formation necessary to an estimate of ex-dimensions proposed by the Canal Board,|| ENLARGING THE ERIE CANAL.—The enpenditure approaching to accuracy. These (unless better can be devised) from Albany largement of the canal has, during the last circumstances are detailed to palliate the to Lake Erie, by the route of Oneida Lake season, been determined upon, at an expresumption of questioning either the dis-and River, Lake Ontario and the Niagara-pense somewhat exceeding its original cost. cretion of the grantors or the prudence of [see Assembly documents, last session, carrying this resolution of the legislature the gantees of this ample power. 195.] The distance by this route to be ca into elect, we understand that the canal What is the project, and what are its nalled will be about 150 miles: 127 miles board intends to rectify the course of the bearings? Twelve millions at least are to from Albany to the Oneida Lake, 13 miles caual in those places where from the inex be expended to convert a small boat canal round the rapids of the Oneida and Oswego perienced and hasty decisions of the eninto a large one; and as the trade has be. rivers, 9 to 10mdes round the Falls of Niaga gineers originally employed, the line of the come too important to tolerate interruption, ra-in all 150 m 1s of artificial navigation. canal was improperly located. At this dethis expenditure is to be made principally The whole distance from the Hudson to terminat on we rejoice. in the winter months, say from the 30th Buffalo by the Lake route is 378 miles, whe Every person who has travelled the Erie November to the middle of April. A more may be reduced to $634 miles, should the Canal must have observed many places lavish expenditure of money than this con- direct route from Schenectady to Albany b. where the route could be judiciously altered. templates, cannot be imagined. Indeed, adopted; giving 223 m les of natural navi-In one part of the canal to which public athow the various labors of earth excavation, gation, instead of 305 miles by the Eric tention has of late been particularly directlock-pits, coffer-dams, culverts, masonry, Canal. The natural navigation is bothed, its length is doubled, besides crossing a grouting, &c., in short almost any portion cheaper and more useful than artificial. river twice in the space of 15 miles. We except rock excavation, can be achieved in even though the latter were not encumbered refer to the eastern section between Schethe winter months in this high latitude, is with tolls. nectady and Albany. The distance across not easily conceived. Practical men prothe country is but 75 miles, and by the canounce it impracticable, and the best engihal it is 30 miles. In the present route, too, neers say, that an entire new work, by the the canal is twice taken across the Mohawk, side of the old, constructed in the proper seaand when the aqueducts are lowered three son, would cost less than the contemplated feet on account of the increased depth of the alteration. canal, it may well be doubted whether they can be constructed to withstand the spring freshets of that rapid river. It has been proposed to bring the canal direct to Albany as a mode of avoiding this difficulty, and at the same time shortening this section of the canal.

As twelve years must be devoted to this enterprise, little benefit can result to us until that period shall have expired, so far as the trade we seek is concerned, for as long as a prin of the canal is contracted in d. mensions, small boats once loaded, would proceed through the whole line, instead of transferring their lading to a single large boat, at an intermediate point.


The ground between Schenectady and Albany is a high table land, intersected by deep dry ravines and creeks, which empty into the Mohawk to the north and the Hud

For the cost of these 150 miles, better data are furnished by former surveys than are yet afforded fo the enlarged route. Mr. Roberts, an engineer of acknowledged talents and established reputation, estimates the Niagara Falls portion, in a detailed report, ai less than a million of dollars, for sloop or ship navigation." As a work of less mag nitude at his place would not be useful that portion of the work should be set dow at this sum, say one million. Mr. E. F. Johnson, has estimated the cost of a still larger work, viz: 8 feet deep, 90 feet broad at the surface, with stone locks 130 feet long by 30 feet brond, for steamboats, from Interest compounded at 5 per cent. while Oswego to Utica, at a little more than a mil the work is in progress, would swell its cost lion, [$1,131,989, see his report, Ass. doe. son on the east. The descent from the Moto about 16 millions of dollars. Our rivals No. 195, page 47.] As this portion of the hawk at Schenectady to the Hudson at Alwould have the field for 12 years to come, work may be made to correspond with that bany, is 220 leet. The height of the table with nothing more formidable than our of the Mohawk section, viz: a large boat 7 land at Schenectady, is 115 feet above the present work to contend against; and when feet by 70 and 16 feet locks; one million Mohawk, and at Albany, 185 feet above the that distant period arrives at which we are would be ample. That engineer Johnson Hudson. If this table land should be cut to demand three times the amount of wesis good authority, will be conceded by through at Schenectady down to the level of tern trade that our present canal can accomthose of the canal engineers at least, who the Mohawk, inasmuch as the table land demodate; when we are to challenge our ri- have measured arms and tried their prowess scends toward Albany, upon an average, vals on the north, and on the south, and with him; four mill ons will remain to com. 15 feet in the mile, the deep cutting would combat for the prize, it is greatly to be fear-plete a boat canal from Utica to Albany, dis. diminish as the canal advanced from the ed that our enlarged canal will be burthened feet by 70, and 13 feet locks! If this sum is level of the Mohawk would strike the top of tinct and separate from the present canal, 7|| Mohawk, and in eight miles a line from the with tolls in proportion to its magnitude; adeqante to this portion of the work, ex unless our exhausted treasury can be rethe table land. plenished and our unproductive canals suspended in the summer, it follows pretty clear From that point there would be a cont`nutained from other sources than the Erie, the whole work on the Erie Canal route ex.ble land be cut through, the work is not for ly, that twelve millions are not enough for a! descent to the Hudson, Even if the ta. and projected improvements in other parts pended in the winter. of the State, be postponed for 12 years. Un. Now I ask any one midable; but if a proper ravine he chosen, Jess this can be compassed, we shall have the labor will be much dimmished. The enlarged our work without attaining our portance to the west. A saving of 15 miles object to be obtained is of the highest imobject.

saving of not less than $3 in rolls on every upon the castern section of the canal, is a boat entering the Hudson, and the ame on the return, making $12 saving in tolls alone on each boat. The saving in time will be five hours each way, making ten hours on penses of each boat at $1.50 for one day of each boat, which, estimating wages and exten hours, will make a total saving of $13.50 on each boat.

to doubt, if they can, that six millions in four,) are not as liberal an estimate for these money and six years in time, (I may say As it would be both unjust and ungener- twelve years are for the 365 miles? If so, 150 miles of canal, as twelve millions and ous to find fault with our Legislature, and this work being achieved six years before condemn the projects of their agents, the other could be, and having three times the Canal Board, without proposing substi-the capacity of the old canal, and being able tutes, I will venture to submit one for public to bear the same toll (if required to do so) consideration, which promises to accomplish the same object, for less than half the expect from it thus charged, an addition of as the Erie, it would not be unreasonable to expenditure of time and money, and one that one million in toll per year, on the entire can earn in the remaining half of the peri- cost of the work in these six years. If this od, at a resonable estimate enough to reim-work could accomplish so much, there burse all the cost-that is at the end of 12 would indeed still remain about one million, years. When the enlarged Erie Canal would upon the principle adopted with the Erie begin to refund the 16 millions expended upon it, my canal will have earned enough to reimburse its cost, leaving the Erie Canal and its present revenues untouched. This State will have placed itself in a condition to compete with the western trade within six years, and in 12 years will have saved 15, The Lake route canal seven millions, of millions, which, if expended in other works, which six would have been reimbursed, The route proposed for this section of the would go far to satisfy the demands of leaving one million against sixteen; or an canal by Mr. Randal, who fully examined other sections of the State, numerous as they advantage in favor of the Lake route of fifthe ground, was to leave the present canal are. Startling as this proposition is, it is teen millions. Six years earlier com- 600 yards west of Schenectady, and go up nevertheless made with confidence,and with petition for the western trade would be the valley of the Sandkill until you arrive the hope of provoking discussion and ex-achieved, and a better canal for all time to at a point one and three quarter miles east amination. of Schenectady, where the deep cutting begins and continues 165 chains at an ave

To the project :-Construct a canal of the||

Canal for interest on the disbursements,
while the work was in progress. The
amount at the end of twelve years would
stand thus:

Erie Canal enlargement would have cost
sixteen millions, and nothing refunded.


J. E. B.

In 1834 there were 32,428 boats arrived and cleared at the Hudson, which, at $6.75 on each boat, would make an annual saving to those navigating the canal of $218 956. Taking the present year as a basis, the sav ing would not fall short of $250,000, and each year it will probably increase. Should we not, then, earnestly inquire whether this great and annually increasing expense cannot be saved?

Tage depth of 52 feet to Lyshe's kill, and thence 100 chains, with the same average depth of cutting. Including the ravine of Lyshe's kill, the average of deep cutting for the whole 365 chains, or 4 miles and 20



he must abandon it. The Company, by manager conducts the work, in all its
placing this work under contract, cannot parts, advantageously.
any circumstances, but most
probably will lose. They cannot gain by
having the work done with the funds of
contractors, (and in this way I am sure it
is not their wish to gain,) because, if the
contractor has an inadequate price, and al-
hough he may be in possession of the re-
quisite fuads, he will not, most probably,

If the President and Directors should concur with me in the opinion that the 8th section of the first division should be placed under the direct management of agents of the Company, I would then respectfully but earnestly, further recommend, for the same reasons, that two other sections be also graduated by the Company. Indeed, ny and to the ruin of himself; and if his taking the other two difficult and expensive price is based upon the expectation of great sections. At any time that an increased The estimate of the cost of excavating difficulties, and those difficulties should not force might be temporarily required on any and constructing the canal at the deep cut. tings, has also been made by Mr. Randa!, occur at all, or only in part, then his price one section, it could be applied from one or will be too high, and the Company will be both of the other sections. Besides the cor$188,464 the loser. And again, if his price is ade-rect management by the Company, of sec. 278,488 quate and his funds inadequate, he will tions, on different parts of the line, would 40,678 most likely fail: or if his price and funds exert a powerful moral influence upon the 148,172 are both adequate, and greater difficulties conduct of those employed on the whole

rods, will be reduced to 45 feet. From this point there is another excavation for 9 chains, of an average depth of 15 feet, along the valley of the Flykill, and thence another through the table land, 150 chains long, and an average depth of 22 feet, to the head of Mill Creek, which flows toward the Hudson,expend them for the benefit of the Compa-there will be additional reasons for under

and empties itself into that river between

the Manor House and the State Arsenal.

and is as follows:

For excavating, &c., No. 1,




No. 2,

No. 3,
No. 4,

So that the total cost amounts to $955,802//should occur than he expected, a failure line, very highly beneficial both to the in

The residue of the route is all sand and common cutting for six and one-eighth miles to the Hudson River, which is estimated at $30,000. So that the direct route

new as the old route.

would cost less than $1,000,000, independent of the locks, which are the same on the Now is the time for investigation, before the State has expended a dollar on the enlargement of the canal. Let the route be fully explored, and let it be ascertained whether the canal cannot come direct to the Hudson, instead of going round by the Co.


most proper course.

[ S. ]

must be the consequence.


terests of the Company, and the contractors and laborers.

In the event of those sections being con

Failures are greatly to be deprecated, especially in the commencement of a great work, and every possible precaution ought ducted as recommended, I would very reto be taken to prevent them. Their occurspectfully suggest that if the provisions of rence is highly prejudicial to the interests the charter justify the measure, and the of the Company and of every one employed President and Directors approve it, that the by them, because they occasion distrust, establishment of stores by the Company, at those sections respectively, would prove riot, and consequent embarrassment, if not beneficial both to the interests of the Comgreat injury to other contractors. The uncertainty of payment causes an advance in pany and those employed by it. The Comthe price of every article of value, and in pany would, of course, sell to their operanone perhaps more than in that of labor.tives at very moderate profits, and whilst And if the credit of the line sustains, in its they would thus advance their own intercommencement, such a shock, as would beests, would also subserve the interests of Baltimore, 26th Sept., 1833. produced by a failure on this section, it can those in their empicyment, by selling to Sir,-In compliance with your instruc- scarcely be expected to recover from it be them necessary articles at fair prices and at tions, I have taken into consideration the fore the work shall have been finished, and convenient places, by which they would be propriety of causing the graduation of the he Company must, in the mean time, pay saved from loss of time and perhaps from heavy section (*Sth) of the first division of the premium or advance in the price of la imposition. The superintendency of these the Washing on Railroad, to be executed bor occasioned by it. It will then be establishuents would, of course, devolve under the immediate direction of agents ofceived that the baneful consequences of a upon some other officer of the Company the Company, instead of the customary failure on this section, may not be confined than the Superintendent of Graduation and mote by con ract, and recominend it as the to it alone, but will pervade the whole line Masonry, whose time would be too much of Road. And in the event of failure the otherwise occupied to attend to them. The It is believed that the gradation of this Company will be compelled either to un-establishment of stores which will be conse tion, under the most judicious manage-dertake the section themselves, or again ducted on correct principles, and which ment, and in the absence of the occurrence place it under contract, most likely at an will save both time and money to the la of extraordinary difficulties, such as iron advanced price, and with very little cer- borers and others in the service of the Comore, quicksands, landslips, &c., cannot be tainty that the succeeding contractor will pany, is considered of so much impartance, effected at a cost less than from eighty to finish it. And finally, after encountering that I would recommend that the President ninety thousand dollars. Very few of such all the moral disadvantages of several failand Directors should, in the event of their persons as are disposed to become contracures, to pay vastly more than the original declining to establish them by the Compators, or such as now are contractors on pub-value of the work. For these reasons and ny, afford every practicable facility to such lic works, are in the possession of such others which might be named, I would re- persons as will establish them and conduct amount of funds as are indispensably neces-spectfully recommend to the consideration them on correct principles. sary for the advantageous commencement of the President and Directors the proprieand prosecution of a work of this magnity of conducting the graduation of this sec-men of character,-of long tried integrity, tude, and the insufficiency of means is notion, by agents of the Company. For this of capacity and great industry, adequate unfrequently the cause of failure, even purpose, a principal agent or manager, to be compensation must be given, or their serwhere the price is ample and the manage- selected by the President and Directors, vices cannot be commanded: and unless ment good. But this section is, from ap and to be under the direction of the Super-such can be obtained, it would be more adpearances, so very liable to the occurrence of intendent of Graduation and Masonry, will visable to encounter all the hazards, perextraordinary difficulties, such as are above be necessary. This agent should be a man plexities and difficulties likely to grow out alluded to, that no prudent contractor wil of integrity, fidelity, capacity, and of great of contracts for such expensive jobs. undertake its graduation without adding energy. The minute details of the work, as From the preceding remarks I do not to his price such sum as will, in his opin-well as the selection of the necessary sub- wish it to be inferred that I am against ion, indemnify him for the risk. If he does ordinate agents, should be confided to him, contracting altogether. I am decidedly in not do this, and any or all of those appre-as he alone will be held responsible for the favor of contracting in general, and would hen led difficulties should be met with, his judicious and economical execution of the only make exceptions in cases of very large price will, of course, prove greatly inade-work. The general outlines of the opera-extent, or in such as it is beyond the capaions and system of accountability will be city of man to form a correct estimate of prescribed by the Superintendent of Gra- the value of the work to be done, because duation and Masonry, whose duty it will of threatened or expected difficulties that also be to see that the principal agent or may or may not occur.

quate to the completion of the work, and

NOTE-This section was subsequently joined to the 1st section of the second division, and both then called the lat section of the 2d division.

To such men as are suitable for agents,

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