Abbildungen der Seite

held responsible to the commissioners for
their condition.

What is done in this way would then
be thoroughly done, and in a few years the
marked improvement of the roads would
demonstrate the superior economy of those
thus constructed.

Either of these modes would form hard and level roads, and although the committee are not prepared to express an opinion as to their relative cost and duration, they are fully satisfied that either mode would be economical compared with the wasteful and useless expenditure of money and labor made under the existing system. From Indeed so strongly is the committee imthe best information to which the commit-pressed with the advantages of at once tee has had access, they estimate the cost of commencing this reform upon an extensive a road thirty feet track properly Macadam-scale, that they would recommend the anised to be $5000 per mile; one of burnt clay ticipation by way of loan on the credit of $1000; one of wooden blocks $1000; one the State of one half of 20 years' assess of planks $3500. These, however, are ments, the amount raised to be rateably dimere estimates, and may vary much from vided, and at once applied under proper superintendence to the construction of the principal stage roads in the several counties of the State.

the truth.

It would probably be the wisest policy to adopt the Macadamised system where practicable, and to make portions of roads upon each of the other modes in order to bring them all to the test of experience.

ner in the State, of eight days in the transportation of the produce of a small farm, ind a saving proportionably greater upon larger farms.

This illustration of the superior economy of good roads might be applied to other branches of industry, and their results would show an enormous expenditure of time and money thus indirectly made by the people of the State, in transportation on bad roads, to the amount, probably, of $10,000,000 annually, a sum sufficient to out all the roads of the State in good order. This saving in time and money is not the only benefit that would accrue to the State from the adoption of the policy proposed. By the expenditure of the principal sum raised by loan, in constructing and repairing roads in the several counties, money would be circulated, labor employed, and the en

Inasmuch as the amount now annually raised for the repair of roads equals $1,176,969; this sum to be thus raised by loangies and enterprise of the whole commuOn one point, however, there is no doubt would be $11,769,690, which could be inity would be stilated by the actual exein the committee that the present system mmediately applied to the construction of benefits of public improvements throughout cution of a policy calculated to diffuse the should be entirely abandoned, and a mode those roads, leaving the sum of $589,484 to he State-not advancing one part at the adopted which shall sooner or later give a be annually raised by assessment, and applihard and uniforin surface to the public roads.ed to the repair of roads, and a like sum to be expense of the whole, but giving to each This is necessary, not only to facilitate the appropriated to the repayment of the loan county its just share, and conferring upon transportation of the produce of the State To this might be added the tolls to be collect all equal, and at the same time, substantial benefits. Among these may be mentioned to market, but to redeem the community ed on particular roads, in case the Legislamore rapid increase of the population of from the reproach of annually expending ture should deem it expedient to make those the State. millions without effecting or even approx- who used the roads contribute, as in EngWith good roads the second and third imating to the object proposed by the framers land, to their maintenance and repair. To class of lands may be made equally proof the law relating to common roads. this mode of maintaining roads may be fairly attributed the excellence of those in luctive with the most fertile, where the England, where the roads of particular disroads are bad-the difference in the expense of transportation being more than an tricts are placed under the control of trus tees, who have authority to manage the equivalent to the difference in the quantiroads as a productive estate, and who are thus enabled to improve the roads at the expense of those who use them-borrowing money for constructing and repairing them, and repaying its principal and interest from the proceeds of the tolls.

ties produced.

Emigration from the State will be thus checked, and the better and more substantial class of emigrants from other States will be induced to settle here. A similar policy is recommended in relation to the construction of bridges. All the bridges over small streams, and many of those over the large rivers, should be made of stone, or brick, where stone cannot be procured. Such structures would be permanent, requiring little or no repair, and though more expensive in the construction, are more economical than wood, when the expense of construction and repair is spread over twenty years.

The mode of effecting that reform is a subject adinitting of different opinions. To undertake at once to Macadamise all the roads in the State would be an effort, in the opinion of many, beyond the ability of the community. The cross roads in counties are not enough travelled to warrant such an expenditure at this time, and in general they are in better order than the more frequented roads. While the system of repairing roads, therefore, requires a total If, after determining upon the construction change in the agents employed to superin- of the principal roads upon proper princitend its execution, it would probably be the ples, similar powers should be given to the best policy to apply the reform in the mode County Cominissioners for Roads, a great of constructing roads in the first instance reform would be effected, and the means of to the post routes, and to devote the great-transporting produce to market much facil est portion of the money raised to ren lering itated, without increasing the annual assess them perfect before undertaking those of ments. The importance of this improvement minor importance. When those are once in common roads would well justify such a well constructed the annual expense of keep-step on the part of the State. With good A similar mode might be adopted in coning them in order will be small, and the roads, every farmer in the State would be enreform of the other roads upon the same prin-abled, at a comparatively small expense, to nual assessments into two parts, the first to structing the bridges, i. e., dividing the ancip'es can then be undertaken, until the pub cairy produce which is now useless tomarket. be appropriated for twenty years to the exlic roads throughout the State shall be put The difference in the expense of transpor- tinguishment of a loan equal to one half of in perfect order. tation to the first purchaser, so important twenty years' assessment, the loan to be The changes which your committee an item in the ultimate cost of produce, think could be advantageously made in the would be 50 per cent., making a diminu- applied, under the direction of the State, in present system with the view of producing tion of one half of the present cost. Taking ral counties, and the residue to be used for constructing permanent bridges in the sevesuch a result, are an alteration of the present the average amount of produce raised on a law so as to establish five road commission-farm of 100 acres, beyond what is required keeping those in repair, whose permanent construction is to be postponed. ers in each county, who shall be empower for the use of the farmer, to be equivalent ed to order the construction and repair of all to 400 bushels of grain-an amount be Your Committee are aware that the polithe stage roads, and to employ a surveyor, lieved to be below the real quantity; and cy recommended is liable to the objections under whose superintendence these roads with the present roads fourteen journies to that it will involve great expenditure, and shall be constructed and repaired. Instead the market town, with a two horse wagon, that it is novel. Objections always ready of assessing the farmer so many days' labor, will be required to transport it to market-with the timid, the unenterprising, and those the assessment should be made payable in a labor which, if the average distance of who deem the existing condition of things money or in broken stone of the proper size each farm be estimated at 10 miles, would as not susceptible of improvement. and kind, to be delivered at specified places employ a wagon, horses and driver, fourteen -such a quantity of stone to be an equiva- days. With Macadamised roads, the same lent to a day's labor. The roads then could labor could be performed in six days, with be repaired under the immediate superin more ease to the horses and less injury to tendence of the surveyor, who should be the wagon, making a saving to every far

The policy recommended, however, is not meant merely for the present generation. Like the public buildings and the canals of the State, and the aqueducts of cities, roads are intended to be permanent.

They belong to the State, an existence that We believe the more that public improve-advantages. It gives the parts of the State is to last through ages, and her public ments are multiplied, the reason for com- which are sequestered, advantages bearing works should all be constructed with refer-plaints for taxation for their support will be some proportion to those parts of the land on which Nature has poured out her bounence to an equally enduring existence. iminished. For when the real estate of an individual is augmented in value, by a pub-ties. Economy in a State is not consulted in limic improvement, or a new facility created Why is that man rich? Becuse he lives iting the expenditure to merely what serves to aid him in locomotion, or a new avenue in the city of New-York. Why is that the present occasion; but in looking for-pened for importing merchandise or export-man poor,of equal capacity to make money? ward beyond the wants of the pre enting the produce of his soil, he must have a Because he lives on sequestered barrenness. generation, and having carefully consulted feeble idea of moral obligation, would seek This poor man, which we have supposed, the ability of the community, proportioning to evade the payment of his just part of is the victim of position. To reduce the amazing difference of position, between one the expenditure to the importance of the ob- such public work. ject to be attained. Taxation, toll, or impost, is the considera-citizen and another, not by pulling down tion money a people pay for a public blessing the fortunate, but by raising him up who is not so, is the consequence of a liberal the shape of an internal improvement.And we believe that the following is a fair system of Internal Improvements. Again, rule by which to test the propriety of the the money expended in these improveState embarking in a public work: ments, will mostly remain in this State, among our own citizens. It is not as though we were importing these improvements from a foreign land, and sending our capital there to purchase them. No, we buy these improvements from our own citizens. We buy their labor, provisions and materials; our own citizens receive the consideration

The subject referred to the Committee they deem of the highest importance, wheth-n er considered in reference to the present or the future, and they recommend that a nemorial should be addressed to the legislature, expressing the views set forth in this rep rt. All which is respectfully submitted, in

behalf of the Committee.

J. BLUNT, Chairman.

New-York, Jan. 9, 1836.

Add the increased value of the lands and Houses caused by the improvement running through the country where they are situated -add to this the time saved by man and beast-the reduced expense of the transit of nerchandise or produce-add to this a reaOn motion of Mr. Gordon, it was sonable sum for the agreeableness of manResolved, That a Committee of ten beger of transacting business, by means of the money for the construction of these public improvement, as compared with old modes works. But without consuming more of appointed by the Chair, to report to this then say if the interest on the capital sum your time in general remarks, the question Convention subjects for its consideration. these advantages are worth, exceed the in. is asked, by what means shall light be colThe Chair appointed the following named terest on the capital required for the com-lected and imparted to the public mind, so gentlemen: Messrs. Gordon, Spencer, Bra-pletion of the work, then make it. It is, that New-York need no longer hesitate to take the high station the God of nature indish, Bloomfield, Titus, Jordan, Welch, in the opinion of the committee, demon tended her. Buel, Walworth, Leland. strated, if not mathemat cally, at least upon Mr. Gordon stated that it was his inten-the principle of political economy, that the work should be prosecuted. tion to leave the city the following morning, and was excused from serving on the same, and Mr. Alvan Stewart appointed in his place.

Your Committee believe a State Society consisting of gentlemen of intelligence, leiIt is believed that were the present rates of sure and patriotism, who are willing to aid toll preserved on the Erie Canal for 12 years in developing and perfecting the resources to come, and the business transacted thereof this State, who shall meet annually at on was to increase in the same ratio it has your Capitol, and impart to the public the information acquired during the year by The following resolution was offered by for six years past, we should derive reveMr. J. A. Spencer. "That it is expedient nue of three millions. Then say that half the members of the Society, will best pronow to consider the resolution reported at a million should be applied for repairs, im-mote the interest we have at heart. We the Utica Convention, in relation to the provements and use of Canal, we should take the liberty of submitting a draft of a formation of a State Society." still have left two and a half millions, or the annual interest, at 5 per cent. of 50 millions.

The resolution, on motion of Mr. Kirkland, was laid on the table.

The Convention adjourned to meet in the Assembly Chamber to-morrow afternoon,

at 3 o'clock.

Assembly Chamber, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1836.


Your Committee believe that a Society, of which the most ambitious literary man Your Committee have no question in asmight be proud of a membership, is the serting that whatever sum might be expend-best plan this Committee can recommend, ed in the next twenty years, the State to secure the great objects of this Convenwould reap a fourfold return. Every dol-tion; which is, to have a body of our most lar expended in Internal Improvements, patriotic citizens constantly in the field of renders the State more desirable, more pre. inquiry, and bringing forth from their treaThe Convention met pursuant to adjourncious and more esteemed in the affections sures things new and old," by which the ment, Judge Cheever presiding. of its citizens, and draws forth their patri- public mind may at last see the path of inotic love. Every new mode of conveyance, ernal improvements too plain to ever lose by which time is saved, is a great object to All of which is most respectfully, &c. the poor laboring man, for his time is his capital, and every hour lost in tardy locoALVIN STEWART, Ch'n. motion, is a positive loss of his capital. A rich man thinks it hard to lose the interest of his money, but he is deeply affected at the loss of his capital; but the poor man who is travelling loses as much capital as he wastes of hours and days by a poor and tardy conveyance.

Mr. Stewart, from the Committee appointed to report subjects for the consideration of the Convention, presented a report, together with a draft of a Constitution of State Society, and which being read, the report was accepted.


Mr. S. then read the following report:
We believe there is a general feeling in
the puplic mind, that an enlarged system of
laternal Improvements, in the shape of
Roads, Canals, and Railroads, is the true po'- The Railroad is the poor man's road.
ley of the State of New-York. By what It is the rich man's money expended for the
means shall this belief and feeling be ren-benefit of himself and poor man.

dered the most available, to advance these Were an exclusive system of Internal
great improvements? This is a question Improvements adopted, and brought to com-
deserving our most serious consideration. pletion, the facilities of intercourse would
We believe that nature has given to New-be so augmented, perhaps it is not too
York a natural eminence in point of posi- much to assert, that it would render life it-
tion and relation unsurpassed by any State self more valuable, by diminishing the stock
or country on this continent. We believe of human misery, and adding to the state
her natural advantages--her natural capital of human happiness.
-to be very great; but we also believe that The State of New-York will become, un-
to that we may add almost as much more, der the fos ering care of intelligence and
by developing her entire capabilities by a liberality, the garden of the American con-
grand and judicious system of Internal Im- tinent-a land in which Art shall give Na-
provements. If a kind Providence had done ture fair play. New-York, standing at the
more for us than it has, room word not
rate-way of the ocean, holds the key in
have been left for man to manifest h's grat. her hand which unlocks the treasures of
itude-discover his genius, and exh it his the Americas.

its way.

Mr. Spencer called for the consideration of the resolution heretofore offered by him, and which was then laid upon the table. The resolution being the first of a series reported to the Convention at Utica, by the Committee of which Mr. Jas. E. Bloomfield was Chairman:

Resolved, That it is recommended to form a State Society for the promotion of Internal Improvements, and that this Convention, at its adjourned meeting, adopt means to organize the same; the duty of which Society shall be, to collect and diffuse such information as may be deemed of public utility. The Society shall consist of a member from each county in this State, who shall appoint such officers and agents, and adopt such by-laws and regulations as they may deem necessary.

Mr. Leland moved to amend the resolu tion so that it should read "for the forma tion of a Statistical and Internal Imr

ment Society." The amendmen This system goes far towards equalizing withdrawn, the resolution was passe

The consideration of the Constitution, as reported by the Chairman of the Cominittee of ten, being called for, the same was read by its articles and adopted, in the form and words following:


ART. 1. This Society shall be called "The New-York State Society for the promotion of Internal Improvements."

ART. 2. The object of this Society shall be to develope the resources of the State, to collect, preserve and impart information, on all subjects connected with the advancement and prosperity of the State, and the promotion of a general system of Internal Improvements.

ART. 3. The officers of this Society shall be, a President, two Vice Presidents, two Secretaries, one for correspondence, and the other for recording the proceedings of the Society, together with a Treasurer.

ART. 4. This Society shall consist of four members from the city and county of New-York, and one member from each of the other organized counties of this State.

ART. 5. The Society shall hold an annual meeting on the second Monday of January in each year, in the city of Albany, and report to the public the proceedings of the Society for the past year.

ART. 6. The officers of this Society shall be elected annually; a majority of the mem' ers thereof shall have power to alter this Constitution, to fill all vacancies occurring in their own body, and to elect, as honorary members, distinguished individuals residing out of this State.

ART. 7. Fifteen members of this Society shall form a quorum for the transaction of the ordinary business, and a less number shall have power to adjourn.

ART. 8. The Society shall have power to pass all necessary by-laws, rules, and regulations for its government.

ART. 9. A special meeting of this Society may at any time be called by the President or presiding officers thereof.

On motion of Mr. Spencer, it was Resolved, That a Committee of twelve be appointed by the Chair, eight of whom shall be taken from the Senatorial Districts, one from each, to nominate suitable persons as officers and members of the State Society.

The Chair appointed the following gentlemen members of the Committee.

I. A. Spencer, A. J. Parker, Charles Borland, James Powers, Philip Kearney, D. D. Aikin, Ambrose L. Jordan, L. Stetson, Sands Higginbottom, L. Beardsley, D. D. Nixon, Bates Cook.

Convention adjourned to meet to-morrow at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Assembly Chamber, Thursday, Jan. 14, 1836. Convention met pursuant to adjournment, Judge Cheever presiding.

Mr. Spencer, from the Committe of twelve, reported the following gentlemen as having been selected and nominated as suitable persons for officers and members of the State Society:

List of Members and Officers.


Richmond-Minthorn Tompkins.
Kings. Gen. J. G. Swift.
Queens.-David S. Jones.
Suffolk.-Sidney Smith.


Westchester-Allan McDonald.
Putnam.-Walker Todd.
Dutchess.-Albro Aikin.
Ulster-Henry Barclay.
Sullivan-John P. Jones.
Orange. Robert Dennison.
Rockland.-- Blauvelt.
Delaware.-Noadiah Johnson.

Columbia.-Jonas White.
Rensselier-Stephen Ross.
Albany-Jesse Buel.
Schenectady-John I. De Graff.
Schoharic. Abraham L. Lawyer.
Greene.-Luke Kiusted.


Saratoga.-John W. Taylor.
Washington.-Henry C. Martindale.
Warren-William Hay.
Esser-Henry Ross.
Clinton-William Swetland.
Franklin.-Luther Bradish.

St. Lawrence.-Gouverneur Ogden.
Montgomery.-Isaac H. Tiffany.


Madison.-John B. Yates.
Oneida-Joshua A. Spencer.
Oswego.-Christian J. Burkle.
Jefferson.-Orville Hungerford.
Lewis-Sylvester Miller.
Herkimer-Dr. Doolittle.


Otsego.--Erastus Crafts.
Chenango.-Augustus C. Welch.
Broome.-D. S. Dickinson.
Tioga--Thomas Maxwell.
Steuben.--Ziba A. Leland.
Tompkins.--Heman Camp.
Cortlandt.-John Miller.


Onondaga.--Moses Burnet.
Cayuga.-Nathaniel Garrow.
Seneca.--Asher Tyler.
Wayne.-Wm. H. Adams.
Ontario.-Bowen Whitney.
Yates. Aaron Remer.


and the following was adopted as the 9th article of the Constitution:

"A special meeting of this Society may at any time be called by the President or presiding officer thereof."

Mr. Spencer moved the following resolutions, which were passed unanimously.

Resolved, That the several gentlemen who have been elected officers and members of this Society be, and they are hereby respectfully requested to accept thereof.

Resolved, That every officer and member who shall enter upon and faithfully discharge the important duties of his station, will deserve to be ranked among the public benefactors of his country, and receive the enduring gratitude of his fellow citizens.

Monroe.-Anstarchus Champion.
Livingston.-George Hosmer.
Alleghany.--Philip Church.
Cattaraugus-Frederick S. Martin.
Genesee-David E. Evans.
Orleans-William James.
Niagara-Samuel De Vaux.
Erie.-Peter B. Porter.
Chautauque.--William Peacock.
For President, Jesse Buel.
For Vice Presidents, Luther Bradish.
John B. Yates.

Corresponding Secretary, David C. Col


Recording Secretary, Robert Dennison.
Treasurer, John I. De Graff.

Resolved, That every intelligent and pa. triotic citizen of this State, is earnestly reqested to lend his aid in advancing the di versified and great objects committed to the charge of the Society

On motion of Mr. Stewart, the report was adopted by the Convention.

On motion of Mr. Spencer, the 6th article of the Constitution was amended by ad

Resolved, That this Convention, entertaining an entire confidence that the Society, by its organization, in the execution of its plan, will be influenced by no local or sectional jealousies, or polotical party considerations, but that its labors will be characterized by a patriotic devotion to the public weal.

Resolved, That in view of the rapid increase of the population in the Valley of the Missisippi, and the country bordering on the Lakes, whose wants are to be supplied from our Atlantic cities, and whose surplus products are there to find a market, an enlightened public policy demands of New York, the exertion of her utmost energies in the construction of public works, which shall expedite and cheapen communication between her cities and that vast region of fertile country.

Resolved, That the thanks of the Convention be presented to the Committee appointed at Utica for their very able report in part on the subject of Post and County Roads, and that they are respectfully requested to prosecute their useful labors, and report the results to the State Society organized by this Convention.

Resolved, That our thanks be tendered to the Honorable the Assembly for the use of their Chamber during the sitting of this Convention.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this Conventon be published by the Corresponding Secretary, and that he be authorized to affix the names of its officers thereto. On motion of Mr. Jordon, it was

Resolved, That this Convention do respectfully submit for the consideration of the Legislature the propriety of appropriating some suitable room in the Capitol for the use of the Society.

On motion of Mr. Kirkland it was

Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be presented to the Honorable Samuel Cheever for the satisfactory manner in which he has presided over its deliberations.

On motion of Mr. Kirkland, the Convention adjourned.



New York-Joseph Blunt, David C. Col-ding thereto the words "that the above Fletcher M. Haight, den, James B. Murray, Philip Kearney. named officers shall be elected annually;"David C. Colden,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Coeymans, Knox, Rensselaer,

[blocks in formation]

Coeymans, 24 bridges. Knox, 3 bridges. Total, 27 bridges. 7 towns, having 44,923 inhabitants, made no returns.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

420 27 450 1388 52 1041 S380 119 3235 1771 56 13521 1647 80 1682

700 250


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Sherman, Stockton, Westfield,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


743 50




[blocks in formation]


449 75




[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

120 200

Carroll, 10 bridges. Ellicott, 8 bridges. French Creek, 8 bridges. Mina, 5 bridges. Sherman, 2 bridges, which cost $150 each; some smaller ones, which cost from 40 to 60 dollars. Stockton, 6 public bridges, besides several smaller ones. Total, 39 bridges. No returns from 12 towns, having 16,301 inhabitants.

Chenango County.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Coventry, Green,

[blocks in formation]


1425 30



1232 80



2943 100

[blocks in formation]


1213 50


1859 100


14671 652 11249


175 16

311 27 180 4791

Green, 8 bridges. Preston, 25 public bridges, generally supported by an annual tax. Total, 28 bridges. No returns from 11 towns. having 22,567 inhabitants.

Clinton County.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

6604 302 4087 120 100 Lisle, 3 bridges, which cost $1,400. Windsor, 1 bridge. Total, 4 bridges. 7 towns, having 10,975 inhabitants, made no


Cattaraugus County.

9760 358 Beekmantown, 25 bridges. The turnpike is a military one, made at the expense of the United States. Champlain, 24 bridges. Plattsburgh, 14 bridges, one cost $2000, 1 cost $1800, 2 cost $1500, 10 cost about $3000. Cost of repairing roads and bridges differ from $250 to $500. Total, 63 bridges. No returns from 5 towns, having 9584 inhabitants.


903 68 1159

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


852 75 1392

New Albion,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Stockport, Austerlitz,

Columbia County. 25 1520


2245 100

[blocks in formation]


2063 40

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

3000 72

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Copake, Ghent, Taghkanich,

1676 135

1270 2783 75 1535 325 1654 60 1000 250

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Franklinville, 17 bridges. Fudom, 10 public bridges. Napoli, no public bridges, excepting those built by the town; roads in bad condition. New Albion, 2 bridges, which cost $206.00. Total, 29 bridges. 14 towns, having 8,990 inhabitants, made no


Cayuga County.

2297 70 2334

2691 54 19181

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

100 50 200


51 275



[blocks in formation]

Cincinnatus, Cortlandville,

Sumner Hill,







Marathon, Preble,

[blocks in formation]


Niles, in 1834, there were expended on the roads $120. Auburn, 4 bridges. Ledyard, 5 bridges. Mentz, several bridges. Victory, 3 bridges. Total, 12 bridges. inhabitants, made no returns.

12 towns, having 25,839

48 1000

1819 68 1693

55 1400

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Cortlandville, 5 bridges. Preble, 7 public bridges. Total, 12 bridges. A Railroad is anticipated. No returns from 5 towns, having 12,122 inhabitants.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Alabama, 2 State bridges; causeway, or log road, the dearest and worst, in the long run. Bergen, 3 bridges. Bethany, 10 bridges. The ordinary means authorised by law wholly inadequate to render roads and bridges permanently good. Byron, 12 bridges, 2 of which cost for rebuilding, $500, last year. Castle,

3 bridges, which cost $350 to build. Darien, 12 bridges; this returned from Darien Centre. Java, 2 bridges; only $75 have been received this year, for repair of roads. Middlebury, 7 bridges. Total, 51 bridges. No returns from 14 towns, having 32,899 inhabitants.

Rush, Sweden, Wheatland,

Chili, 9 bridges. Clarkson, 14 bridges. Gates, 2 bridges to build, which cost $100. Henrietta, few bridges, which are but of trifling expense. Mendon, 30 bridges. Pittsford, 4 bridges. Rush, 3 bridges. Wheatland, 4 bridges. Total, 66 bridges. No returns from 7 towns, having 23,007 inhabitants.

1032 15 1488 2101 70


[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]





[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Annual Cost

of Bridges.

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