Since He fustains, and animates the Whole; Hymn on the Seasons, ver. 107. BUT 'tis Time to return to our Critic, who is come now to SECTION XLIV. and the last. In which, as a Conclufion to this Treatife, LONGINUS inquires - Whence it came to pass that in his Day there was fuch a Scarcity of truly excellent and fublime Writers? - And concludes it owing to their not having the fame Liberty and Encouragements to excell, as the Ancients had; and to the different Views of that Age, who strove rather to vye with each other in Riches and Luxury than Learning and Virtue. BUT how much more laudably partial is our Sublime THOMSON towards some of his Contemporaries and Country-men! HAPPY BRITANNIA! High is thy Renown join'd. What need I name thy BOYLE, whose pious Search Still Still fought the great Creator in his Works, Is not wild SHAKESPEAR Nature's Boast and thine? And every greatly amiable Muse Of elder Ages in thy MILTON met? His was the Treasure of two thousand Years 7 Seldom indulg'd to Man'; a God-like Mind, Unlimited, and various, as his Theme; Astonishing as Chaos; as the Bloom Of blowing Eden fair; soft as the Talk Of our Grand Parents, and as Heaven SUBLIME. Summer, ver. 604. With This, SIR, I return you your Trea tife, and am, Your most humble Servant, J. H. QUES QUESTIONS to be answer'd by the Text of the First Book, being that Part which is to be committed to Memory. WHAT is Rhetoric? What is it's Principal End? What is it's chief Office? On what are all Arguments grounded, and What are Reasons to do? What are Affections to do? 2. WHAT is Difpofition? How many Parts are there in an Oration, and in what Order should they stand, and how may they easily be remember'd? How many, and what are the Parts of a Theme, and how may they easily be remember'd? 2. In what doth Elocution confift? and, What doth Composition regard? What mean you by Dignity of Language?.. 2. What is the Difference between Tropes and Figures? What is a Trope? How many, and what are the Chief Tropes in Language? What QUESTIONS to be answer'd, &c. What is a Metaphor? an Allegory? a Metonymy? Synecdoche? an Irony? an Hyperbole? a Catachrefis ? How many, and what are the Faults of Tropes? 2. WHAT is a Figure? How many, and what are the Principal Figures in Speech ? What is an Ecphonefis? an Aporia? Epanorthosis? Apofiopefis? Apophafis? Apoftrophe? Anastrophe? an Erotefis? Prolepfis? a Synchoresis? Metabasis? Periphrafis? a Climax? Afyndeton? an Oxymoron? Enantiofis? Parabole? Hypotypofis? Profopopæia? Epiphonema? How many, and what are the Faults of Figures? 2. WHAT are Repetitions or Turns? How many, and what are the Principal What is Anaphora? Epistrophe? Symploce? What is to be observ'd in the Use of Repetitions? 2. WHAT is Pronunciation? What are the Parts of Pronunciation? In the Delivery of an Oration, what is to be observ'd as to Voice? What is to be observ'd as to Action? Upon the Whole, What must be done to make ourselves acceptable Orators? AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THЕ TROPES, FIGURES, and TURNS, in both Books; directing to the Place where they're Note, The Numbers I, II, shew the Books; and 1, 2, 3, &c. Anthropopathía I. 42. Barbarísmus I. 62. Anthypophora I. 49. Biaíon I. 49. Antimería I. 61. Brachycataléxis 1.62. Antimetabole I. 71. II. 50. Cæfúra 1.62. Antimetáthesis efis 1.71. Catábasis 1.52. Antiphrafis I. 42. Catachréfis Ι. 41. ΙΙ. 55. Antipodía I. 62. Cataléxis I. 62. Antíptofis I. 62. Characterismus I. 55. Antistasis I. 69. Charientismus I. 39. Antistoichon 1.61. Chleuá mus 1. 40. Antiftrophe I. 49. Chreía I. 59. Antithefis 1. 53, 61. Chróma I. 42. Antitheton I. 53. Clímax 1. 51. II. 35, Antonomáfia I. 36. 50. Apeúche 1. 45. Coinótes I. 38. Cómpar |