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formandam, jamdudum utriuf que Linguæ Doctorum GRAMMATICAS Erudito Orbi expofui; qui, Supremo Numine favente, benigniter eas acceperunt, magnoperè comprobârunt, et undique coemendo remuneraverunt: Quamobrem planè ita confido, ut, volente itidem DEO cujus Nutu omnia reguntur, aliquo etiam nunc Loco finant apud eos effe Lucubrationes elaboratas has noftras, quæ ad ornatè DICENDI ARTEM pertinent, et quas fub veftris potiffimùm amplis et aufpicatiffimis Nominibus in eorum Manus pervenire volui. Nec minus quoque spero quòd hilari illas Vultu, PRÆSTANTISSIMI MECENATES, etiam yos ipfi si admittetis. Quod profectò facietis, nifi me fallunt omnia.

Sufurros Invidorum, et malignos Sermones Malevolorum, prorfus spernere decrevi; Judicio Vestri, ac Bonorum, quibus Religio, Leges, Otium commune, Sapientiæ Doctrinæque Studia funt Cordi, Præfidio fatis


DEUM ter optimum maximum fuppliciter veneror, ut omnia vestra, DIGNISSIMI VIRI, Confilia fortunet, et hic, aucto indies Nominum veftrorum Splendore, Vos diu Patriæ, Ecclefiæ, Norfolcienfi Comitatui, Scholæque noftræ, falvos et superstites effe velit.

Dabam HOLTII, Octavo
Die ante Calendas Octobres,

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d, when underTHEon by frequent entive fedulous


To the LEARNED INSTRUCTORS, and STUDIOUS YOUTH of GreatBritain and Ireland.

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S Some Account of every Work, that's made publick, is always expected to be given, you have here, Gentlemen, humbly offer'd to you, THE ART OF RHETORIC, or, The Elements of Oratory, not only collected and composed from the whole Body of Orators and Rhetoricians ancient and modern, but accompanied likewife with Examples from the Claffics and Scriptures, and briefly compriz'd in a Short, Plain, Comprehenfive and Regular Method.

Here, Young Gentlemen, you'll meet with the Precepts, Animadverfions, Remarks, and Hints of ISOCRATES, ARISTOTLE, CICERO, QUINTI

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si admittetis. INUS, and others of cietis, nifi m gether with VOSSIUS, NABY, and all the Sufurros ern Rhetoricians: Whose Kutes are alt along supported, demonftrated, and illustrated by Instances taken from the flowery Fields of the Poets, Orators, and Historians; For, as Lucretius says,

Floriferis ut Apes in Saltibus omnia libant,
Omnia nos itidem depascimus aurea Dicta.

Whence may appear what Grace and Beauty are to be met with in FIGURES, what Delight and extensive Significancy are contain'd in TROPES, what nervous Force and barmonious Pith we experience in REPETITIONS or Turns, and what Power and inexpressible Influence of Perfuafion in proper PRONUNCIATION and confonant Action. In short, you have here a brief and lively Representation of Universal Eloquence; from which you may easily and readily, with a little Pains, understand all the Oratorial Beauties of Excellent


Excellent Writers, and, when underStood, make 'em your own by frequent Composition and an attentive fedulous Imitation.

OBJ. But are there not Rhetorical Treatises enough already extant for this Purpose? What Occafion have we then for your's?

ANSW. 'Tis own'd there are enough, and some of 'em exceedingly good in their Way, but not One, that I've had the Happiness to meet with, in every Respect adapted to the Capacity, or fitted for the Ufe, of Youth in Grammar-Schools; especially in this Day, when School-Boys are expected to be led, Sooth'd, and entic'd to their Studies by the Eafiness and Pleasure of the Practice, rather than by Force or harsh Discipline drove, as in Days of Yore. For while some of 'em are too Copious in Things not so immediately the Concern of Boys at School, most are too Brief in Things really necessary for Youth to be inform'd of, and none at



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