Abbildungen der Seite

Adams's History of the United States.

Benton's Thirty Years' View.

Campbell's Colonial Florida.

Williams's History of Florida.

Memoirs of Florida. R. H. Rerick and Fleming.

Fairbanks's History of Florida.

Green's History of Florida.

Lowry's History of Mississippi.

Stevens's History of Georgia.

Parton's Jackson.

Sumner's Life of Jackson.

Alexander Hamilton. Henry Cabot Lodge.

James Monroe. D. C. Gilman.

Thomas Jefferson. J. T. Morse, Jr.

James Madison. S. H. Gay.

John Quincy Adams. J. T. Morse, Jr.

Life of J. Q. Adams. Josiah Quincy.

Memoirs of J. Q. Adams. Chas. Francis Adams.

Eaton's Jackson.

Niles Register.

Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London. Richard


Von Holst's Constitutional and Political History of the United States.

Acquisition of Florida. American Historical Magazine, Vol. XIX, pp. 286-301. Hon. J. L. M. Curry.

Mistake Made as to the East Boundary of Louisiana (1814). Benj. Vaughan

ABBADIA, d', 129.

Acadia, 143.

Adaes River, 150, 299.


Adaes, Nuestra Senora de los,

post, 159.

Adams, John, 54.

Adams, John Quincy, 74, 79, 89,

90, 95, 324, 328; member of
joint commission to go to St.
Petersburg, 202; takes part of
Jackson in cabinet debate,
267-270; extract from diary of,
268-269; terms of adjustment
between Spain and United
States proposed by, 276-277;
disputes between De Onis and,
277-278; comments upon offer
of England to mediate, 279;
desirous of recognizing South
American colonies, 280;
makes inquiry regard-
ing England's attitude to-
ward colonies, 280; De Onis
protests to, against course of
Jackson, 282-283; answer of,
to De Onis, 283-284; reply of
De Onis to, 284-285; sends to
Pizarro full statement of
American case, 286-291; ap-
preciation of document, and
its success, 291-293; describes
opinion in England regarding
Jackson campaign, 295; letter
to, from Erving regarding
propitious time for treaty,
296-297; opinion about De
Onis, 298-299; treats with De
Onis concerning boundaries,
299-300; demands cancellation
of land grants in Florida, 300;
reply of De Onis to, 300-301;
requests England to join Unit-
ed States in recognizing South
American colonies, 301-303;
recommends provisional seiz-
ure of Florida, 303-304; De
Neuville intermediary between
De Onis and, 304; opposition
to, in cabinet, 304-305; final
negotiations between De Onis
and, 305-307; comments of,

treaty provisions, 307-
308; De Onis and, discuss
question of land grants in
Florida, 309; sends instruc-
tions to Forsyth, 311-312;
presidential aspirations of,
313; reply of, to Vives, 315;
further discussions of, with
Vives, 315-318; replies to

Vives concerning consent of
cortes, 318; assumes air of in-
difference, 318; diary of, in
Jackson's estimation, 320;
principle followed by, in his
negotiations, 330.

Adams, Samuel, 17.
Addington, Henry, 112.
Adet, Pierre Auguste, 98.
Aix-la-Chapelle, 297.

Alabama, 173, 227, 321.
Alabama claims, 219.

Alabama River, 203, 204.
Alagon, Duke of, 309.

Alexander, Emperor of Russia,
202, 274.

Alexander, Colonel


Allegheny Mountains, 35, 36, 54.
Mexican plotter,

Robert, 253, 288,
295, 296, 328; captured by
Jackson, 249; trial and exe-
cution of, 250-252; debate in
congress over, 256-267, Adams
justifies execution of, 289-290,

Amelia Island, 79, 191, 193, 194,
197, 202, 205, 238, 240, 244,
277, 278, 288, 295, 327; char-
acter of inhabitants of, 231-
232; under MacGregor, 232-
234; Aury takes possession of,
235-236; surrendered to Am-
ericans, 236.

America, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30,
37, 44, 50, 57, 60, 63, 71, 88,
92, 96, 123, 139, 162, 253, 262,
273, 314. See also United
States, and North and South

Ames, Fisher, 83, 326.
Amit channel, 53.
André, Major John, 263.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguig-
non d', 141.

Apalache, 124.

Appalachian Mountains, 26, 28.
Appalachicola River, 32, 144,
148, 227, 228, 229, 230, 238,

Aranda, Don Pedro Abarca y
Bolea, Count d', 29, 58.
Arbuthnot, Alexander, 245, 253,
287, 292, 295, 296, 328; busi-
ness of, in Florida, 246-247;
writes to his son from St.
Marks, 247; captured by Jack-
son, 248; Jackson places
blame upon, for escape of Bo-

Arbuthnot, continued-

leck, 249; trial and execution
of, 250-252; debate in con-
gress over, 256-267; accusa-
tion of, by Adams, 286;
Adams justifies execution of,
289-290, 291.

Arkansas River, 299, 306, 307.
Armstrong, General John, 160,

161, 177, 178, 204; receives in-
structions from Madison re-
specting French construction
of Louisiana purchase treaty,
134-136 Talleyrand writes to,
respecting same, 138-140; with
Monroe, advises decisive meas-
ures, 152-153; rejects Talley-
rand's proposals regarding
Florida, 162; transmits
America offer of Napoleon,
162; Monroe sends instruc-
tions to, 168.


Arnold, Benedict, 172.
Arroyo Hondo, 299.
Ashley, Colonel Richard H., de-

mands surrender of Fernan-
dina, 193.

Atlantic Oceán, 33, 110, 183, 288,

Aury, Louis, 232; career of, 234-
235; takes possession of Am-
elia Island, 235-236; surren-
ders Fernandina, 236.
Austria, 273.

BAGOT, Sir Charles, 270, 278,
279, 301; opinion of Jackson,

Bahamas, the, 247.

Baltimore, 214, 225, 226, 232.
Barataria, 211, 232.

Barbary states, 36, 44, 259.
Barbé-Marbois, Francois de, 112,
134, 158.
Barnabue, Juan B., protests
against occupation of Florida,
189; complains of violations
of neutrality by United States,
190; replies to complaints of
United States against De
Onis, 214.

Barrancas, Fort, 205, 206, 209,

243, 244, 255, 259, 282, 288.
Basle. peace of (1795), 69;
treaty of, 74.

Baton Rouge, 160, 174, 184, 185,
186, 210.

Bayard, James A., 202.

Bayonne, 312.

Belle River, 194.

Beloxi, 144.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bourbons, the, 30, 281; Family
Compact of, 141.
Bournonville, General. French
ambassador at Madrid, 116,
125, 139, 140.

Bowdoin, James, 175; advises
decisive measures in Louis-
iana negotiations, 152; ap-
pointed minister to Spain, 159;
Madison sends instructions to,
168; advises seizure of Flori-
da, 176-177.

"Bowlegs, Billy". See Boleck.
Bowles, General William Augus-
tus, 51: commits hostilities
against Florida, 92-93.
Bowyer, Fort, 202, 207.
Brazil, 273, 274.


General James,

Brent, Thomas L., 214, 215.
Breton, Cape, 143.

Brissot de Warville, Jean Pierre,

Brown, James, a United States
senator, 321.

Buenos Ayres, 182, 190, 199.
212, 218, 280, 282, 302, 303,

Bulgary, Count, 312.
Bunker Hill, 17.

Burr, Aaron, 175, 214, 263; con-
spiracy of, 170-171; connec-
tion with Wilkinson. 171; trial
and acquittal of, 173-174.
Butler, Percival, a Western lead-
er, 74.

Butler, Captain, a privateer, 210.
Butler, Lieutenant Robert, 323.

CADIZ, 212, 275, 310.
Calcasieu River, 158, 299.
"Caledonia," the, 225.
Calhoun, John C., 238, 240, 241,
242, 243, 244, 303; takes part
in cabinet debate concerning
Jackson, 267-270; writes to
Jackson, 294.

Callava, Don José, a Spanish
commissioner, 324.

Campbell, Hugh, 193, 194.
Canada, 21, 27, 62, 78, 120, 143,
201, 212.

Caraccas, 182, 190.

Carmagnole, term applied to
D'Yrujo, 87.

Carmichael, William. 66, 67; re-

ceives instructions from Jef-

ferson, 53-54, 55-56; appoint-
ed commissioner plenipoten-
tiary in Spain, 57; instructions
from Jefferson to, 58; leaves
Spain, 59.
Carolina, 34.

Carolinas, the, 40.

Marquis of, 174;
writes of Western settlements,
54-55; asks aid against Genet,
62; excuses delay in transfer-
ring posts, 77-78.

"Carron," the, 206, 208.
Cartagena, 207, 218, 231, 234.
Castlereagh, Lord, 202, 253, 278,

Cedar Keys Bay, 247.

Cevallos, Don Pedro, 100, 105,
109, 112, 116, 149, 168, 215,
218, 277; statement to Pinck-
ney not justifying Louisiana
purchase, 115; refuses to ap-
prove treaty submitted by
Pinckney, and transfers nego-
tiations to Washington, 156-
157; discusses terms with
Monroe, 158-159; grants full
power to De Onis to treat,

[blocks in formation]

Choctaws, the, 41, 203, 230.
Christian, Pass, 202, 230.
Cincinnati, 34.

Claiborne, William Charles Cole,

119, 120, 137, 160, 174, 186,
187; named governor of Lou-
isiana, 118; receives orders to
dismiss Spanish officials, 161-
162; warned by Jackson
against Wilkinson, 172-173;
organizes government of West
Florida for United States,

Clark, George Rogers, 48, 61,
62, 63, 64, 74, 171.

Clarke, General Elijah, 51, 61,
79; disturber on Florida bor-
der, 63-64.
Clay, Henry, 262, 265, 305, 309,

321; denounces course of
Jackson in debate, 259-261;
attacks administration for
failure to recognize South
American colonies, 281; at-
tacks treaty of 1819, 319-320.
Clinch, Colonel Duncan L., 229,

Cobb, William C., 265; opens

discussion concerning execu-
tion of Arbuthnot and Am-
brister, 256-259; introduces
three amendments, 259.
Cobbett, William, sketch of, 85-
86; reviles D'Yrujo, 85-87;
charged with libel, 87.
Coffee, General William, 210.
Colorado River, 147, 148, 149,
158, 159, 162, 168, 272, 276.
Columbia River, 305.
"Comet,' the, 225.

Cook, white man captured by
Jackson, 249.

Copenhagen, 260.

Coppinger, Don José, governor
of Florida, 323, 324.
Cow Ford, 192.

Crawford, William H., 192, 240,
241, 265, 267, 270, 303, 330;
opposes Adams in cabinet,

Creeks, the, 223, 228, 251, 254,
261, 286; treaty with Georgia,
38-39; treatment of, by pion-
eers, 40-41; treaty with Unit-
ed States, 49-50; futile,
51-52; war upon Unit-
ed States, 203; destroy Fort
Mimms, 203; routing of, by
Jackson, 203-204; join the
Seminoles, 227.

Crozat, Antoine, 120.

Cuba, 16, 100, 133, 141, 142, 182,
189, 205, 221.

Culvo, Marquis de Casa, 161.
Cumberland River, 201.

Cumberland settlements, 47.

[blocks in formation]

Enghien, Duc d', 260.
England, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 48, 49,
53, 56, 58, 59, 62, 65, 66, 72,
74, 80, 83, 86, 106, 107, 108,
112, 115, 138, 141, 142, 150,
131, 170, 175, 183, 187, 211,
214, 219, 221, 224, 227, 228,
248, 252, 260, 268, 271, 281,
296, 297, 304, 312, 313, 326,
328, 330; warned against ac-
quisition of Louisiana and
Florida, 54; Spain tires of al-
liance with, 69-70; declares
war against Spain, 71; at wai
with Spain, 79; proposed alli-
ance of, with United States
against France and Spain, 87-
89; failure of scheme, 90-91;
determines boundaries of East
and West Florida, 143-144;
plan of alliance of Unit-
ed States with. frustrated,
161; prospect of war with,
177: possibility of occupation
of Florida by, 178; declaration
of war against. 197; probabil-
ity of occupation of Florida
by, 200; mastery of, over
Spain, 204-205; assisted by
authorities in East Florida
against United States, 205;
seizure of Pensacola by, un-
der Nicholls. 205-206; rumor
of cession of Florida to, 218;
assumption of Jackson regard-
ing, 246; indignation in, over
course of Jackson, 253-254;
Russia withdraws Spain from,
273; relations of Spain with,
274-275; offers to mediate be-
tween Spain and United
States, 278-279; policy of, as
to South American colonies,
280; opinion in, regarding
Jackson campaign, 295; re-
quested to join United States
in recognizing South Ameri-
can colonies. 301-303. See
also Great Britain.

Eppes, John W., senator from
Virginia, 265.

Erie. Lake, 29.
Erving, George W..

176. 180,

271, 285, 286, 307; quits Ma-
drid, 214-215; named minister
to Spain, 215; writes concern-
ing attitude of Spain toward
United States, 272-273; con-
cerning Russian-Spanish un-
derstanding, 273-274; concern-
ing relations of Spain with
other European powers, 274-
275; negotiates with Pizarro,
275; describes Spanish council
of state, 276; writes concern-
ing favorable attitude of
Spain, 278; out of patience
with De Onis, 278; Adams
writes to, concerning Eng-

land's offer to mediate, 279;
describes character of Pizar-
ro and D'Yrujo, 296; an-
nounces propitious time for
making treaty, 296-297; ad-
vises seizure of Florida, pend-
ing negotiations, 305; sends
information concerning land
grants in Florida, 309; suc-
ceeded by Forsyth, 310.
Escambia River, 210, 244.
Estafanos, José, 226.
Estrada, governor of Florida,


Europe, 19, 54, 56, 57, 58, 68,
96, 107, 140, 148, 150, 176,
181, 189, 199, 202, 205, 206,
211, 218, 220, 221, 227, 293,
294, 295, 303, 315, 316, 326,
328; excitement in. over
course of Jackson, 252-255;
favors Spain against colonies,

Eustis, General William, 192.

"FAIRY," the, 225.
Fatio, Philip, 86.
Fauchet, Jean Antoine Joseph,
62, 70.

Fayetteville, 244.

Ferdinand VII. 179, 180, 181.
183, 199, 202, 213, 215, 216,
Fernandina, 191, 195, 234, 235;
surrender of, demanded by
Ashley, 193; surrendered to
patriots, 194; delivered to Am-
ericans, 194: captured by
MacGregor, 232; surrendered
to Americans by Aury, 236.
Flint River, 29, 33, 229, 237.
Florida (Floridas, the), 21, 22,

23, 24, 34, 35, 39, 40, 45, 51,
52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61,
63, 78, 79, 83, 88, 89, 90, 91,
92, 96, 97, 124, 125, 136, 137,
142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 150,
151, 152, 153, 155, 159, 160,
161, 162, 163, 164, 175, 186,
187, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194,
205, 207, 210, 212, 216, 223,
227, 228, 231, 232, 233, 236,
239, 240, 243, 246, 247, 251,
252, 255, 258, 265, 266, 267,
268, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284,
285, 289, 291, 294, 301, 308,
310, 313, 314, 318, 319, 329,
330; importance of, 9; diplo-
matic history of, neglected, 9;
sources, 9-10. General char-
acter of early history of, 15-
16; attacked by southern colo-
nists, 16; ceded to Great Brit-
ain, 16; loyal to England dur-
ing Revolution, 17; traded for
Jamaica to Spain, 18-19; al-
lotted to Spain in peace nego-
tiations, 30; northern boun-
dary of, 31-32; complaints
against American settlers, 37-

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