The Great Rebirth: Lessons from the Victory of Capitalism over CommunismColumbia University Press, 10.10.2014 - 320 Seiten The fall of communism transformed the political and economic landscape in more than two dozen countries across Europe and Asia. In this volume published on the 25th anniversary of the fall, political leaders, scholars, and policymakers assess the lessons learned from the "great rebirth" of capitalism and highlight the policies that were most successful in helping countries make the transition to stable and prosperous market economies. Also discussed in this book are examples of countries reverting to political and economic authoritarianism. The authors of these essays conclude that the best outcomes resulted from visionary leadership, a willingness to take bold steps, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and deregulation. Recent backsliding in Russia and Hungary has cast a shadow over the legacy of the transition a quarter century ago, however. This volume grew out of a two-day symposium of experts and practitioners reflecting on the past, present, and future of reform, held in Budapest, Hungary, on May 6–7, 2014. |
1 | |
15 | |
17 | |
Chapter 2 Regression Reform Reversal in Hungary after a Promising Start | 39 |
The Spirit and Main Contours of the Postcommunist Transformation | 53 |
The Most Radical Reforms | 73 |
The Arduous Transition to a Market Economy | 89 |
Part II Latecomers and NoShows | 111 |
Part III Trends | 185 |
Chapter 10 The Microeconomics of Postcommunist Transformation | 187 |
Macroeconomic Aspects of Transition | 205 |
The Role of Trade and Investment | 233 |
Chapter 13 Transition in Historical Perspective | 251 |
Chapter 14 The Political Economy of Change after Communism | 273 |
Timeline of Events in the Region | 297 |
Abbreviations | 305 |
The Latecomer That Caught Up | 113 |
The Greatest Vacillations | 135 |
The Most Radical CatchUp Reforms | 149 |
Greatest Hopes Greatest Disappointments | 165 |
About the Contributors | 307 |
309 | |
Other Publications from the Peterson Institute for International Economics | 321 |
Andere Ausgaben - Alle anzeigen
The Great Rebirth: Lessons from the Victory of Capitalism over Communism Anders Aslund, Simeon Djankov Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - 2014 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Anders Åslund average Balcerowicz Baltic Belarus budget Bulgaria capital catching-up CEECs Cline competition corruption crisis currency Czech Republic Czechoslovakia debt deficit democracy democratic deputy prime minister deregulation Development Djankov early Eastern Europe EBRD economic growth economic reforms elections enterprises Estonia European Bank European Union exchange rate exports finance fiscal flat tax foreign former Soviet Fred Bergsten Gaidar Gary Clyde Hufbauer GDP per capita Georgia Global Hungary important income increase inflation initial institutions International investment ISBN Jeffrey John Williamson Kyrgyzstan Latvia leaders Leszek Balcerowicz liberalization Lithuania macroeconomic Marcus Noland market economy ment Moldova monetary Non-CIS oligarchs parliament party pension percent of GDP Poland political postcommunist countries privatization radical regime rent seeking Romania ruble Russia Schott score sector Slovak Slovakia social Soviet Union stabilization tax reform tion transformation transition economies Ukraine Václav Klaus World Bank Yeltsin Yushchenko