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of the British troops, composed the centre. Briga dier-general Frazer commanded the left. The Germans, headed by major-generals Philips and Reidesdel, and col. Breyman formed the right. With a fine train of artillery, flying colours, and full roll of martial music, from wing to wing the towering heroes moved. On the other hand, fired with the love of liberty, the Americans poured out by thousands, eager for the glorious contest. Their dear country's flag waves over their heads. The thoughts of the warriors are on their children, and on the chains now forging for their tender hands. The avenging passions rise, and the battle moves. Morgan brought on the action. In a large buckwheat field, which lay between the two armies, he had concealed his famous regiment of riflemen. The enemies, chiefly Canadians and Indians, unsuspiciously advance. They were suffered to come within point blank shot, when they received a general fire, which strewed the field with their dead bodies. Morgan pursued; but was soon met by a heavy reinforcement from the British, who quickly drove him, in turn. Arnold then moved on to support Morgan; and, in a short time, with nine heavy regiments was closely engaged with the whole of the British army, both parties fighting as if each was determined never to yield: while the incessant crash of muskets and roar of artillery appeared both to sight and sound as if two wrathful clouds had come down on the plain, rushing together, in hideous battle, with all their thunders and lightnings. The weight, however, of the American fire was directed against the enemy's centre, extending along the left wing: and though it was some time sustained with the greatest firmness, yet at length it prevailed, and threw the British into confusion. Butthe gallant Frazer flying to their assistance, soon restored their order and renewed the fight. Severely galled still by Morgan's rifles on the flanks, and hard pressed at the same time, in front by Arnold, they gave way a

second time; and a second time Frazer's presence revived their valour, and rekindled the battle in all

its rage.

Here Arnold did an act unworthy of the glory of the well fought battle. He ordered up twelve of his best riflemen, and pointing to Frazer, who on horseback, with brandished sword, was gallantly animating his men, he said: "Mark that officer!-Himself is a host; let me not see him long."

The riflemen flew to their places, and in a few moments the hero was cut down. With him fell the courage of the left wing, who, being now fiercely charged, gave way, and retreated to their camp. But scarcely had they entered it, when the Americans, with Arnold at their head, stormed it with inconceivable fury; rushing with trailed arms through a heavy discharge of musketry and grape shot. The British fought with equal desperation. For their all was at stake; the Americans, like a whelming flood, were bursting over their intrenchments; and, hand to hand, with arguments of bloody steel, were pleading the cause of ages yet unborn. Hoarse as a mastiff of true British breed, Lord Balcarras was heard from rank to rank, loud-animating his troops; while on the other hand, fierce as the hungry tiger of Bengal, the impetuous Arnold precipitated his heroes on the stubborn foe. High in air, the encountering banners blazed; there bold waving the lion-painted standard of Britain; here the streaming pride of Columbia's lovely stripes-while thick below, ten thousand eager warriors close the darkening files, all bristled with vengeful steel. No firing is heard. But shrill and terrible, from rank to rank, resounds the clash of bayonetsfrequent and sad the groans of the dying. Pairs on pairs, Britons and Americans, with each his bayonet in his brother's breast, fall forward together faintshrieking in death, and mingle their smoking blood.

Many were the widows, many the orphans that were made that day. Long did the daughters of

Columb.a mourn their fallen brothers! and often did the lovely maids of Caledonia roll their soft blue eyes of sorrow along the sky-bound sea, to meet the sails of their returning lovers.

But alas! their lovers shall return no more. Far distant, on the banks of the roaring Hudson they lie, pale and helpless on the fields of death. Glassy now and dim are those eyes which once "beamed with friendship, or which flamed in war." Their last thoughts are towards the maids of their love: and the big tears glisten in their eye, as they heave the parting groan.

Then was seen the faded form of Ocean's Queen. far-famed Britannia, sitting alone and tearful on her western cliff. With downcast look her faithful lion lay roaring at her feet; while torn and scattered ou the rock were seen her many trophies of ancient fame. Silent, in dishevelled locks, the goddess sat, absorbed in grief, when the gale of the west came blackening along the wave, laden with the roar of murderous battle. At once she rose-a livid horror bespread her cheeks-distraction glared on her eyeballs, hard strained towards the place whence came the groans of her children! the groans of her children fast sinking in a distant land. Thrice she essayed to curse the destroyers of her race. But thrice she


remembered, that they too were her sons. wild shrieking with a mother's anguish, she rent the air with her cries: and the hated name of North resounded through all her caves.

But still in all its rage the battle burned: and both parties fought with an obstinacy, never exceeded. But, in that moment of danger and of glory, the impetuous Arnold, who led the Americans, was dangerously wounded, and forced to retire; and several regiments of British infantry pouring in to the assistance of their gallant comrades, the Americans, after many hard struggles, were finally repulsed.

In another quarter, where the strength of the Germans fought, the Americans, led on by Morgan, carried the intrenchments sword in hand. The face of Morgan was like the full moon in a stormy night, when she looks down red and fiery on the raging deep, amidst foundering wrecks and cries of drowning seamen; while his voice, like thunder on the hills, was heard, loud-shouting his heroes to the bloody charge. The tall regiments of Hesse Cassel fell or fled before them; leaving their baggage, tents and artillery, in the hands of the victors.

This was a bloody day to both armies: but so peculiarly disheartening to the British, that they were obliged to retreat that night to Saratoga, where, in a few days, (on the 13th of October, 1777,) they surrendered to the Americans, under Gates, by whom they were treated with a generosity that astonished them. For, when the British were marched out to lay down their arms, there was not an American to be seen! They had all nobly retired for a moment, as if unwilling to give the pain, even to their enemies, of being spectators of so humiliating a scene! Worthy countrymen of Washingtou! this deed of yours shall outlive the stars, and the blest sun himself, smiling, shall proclaim, that in the wide travel of his beams, he never looked upon its like before.

Thus, gloriously for America, ended the campaign of '77. That of '78 began as auspiciously. In May, Silas Deane arrived from France, with the welcome news of a treaty with that powerful people, and a letter from Louis XVI. to Congress, whom he styled -very dear great friends and allies.

Soon as it was known by the British ambassador at Paris, Lord Stormont, that the king of France had taken part with the Americans, he waited on the French minister, De Vergennes; and with great agitation mentioned the report, asking if it were possible it could be true.

"Very possible, my Lord," replied the smooth Frenchman.

"Well, I'm astonished at it, sir," continued Stormont, exceedingly mortified. "America, sir, is our daughter! and it was extremely indelicate of the French king thus to decoy her from our embraces, and make a w-e of her!"

"Why as to that matter, my Lord," quoth Vergennes, with the true Gallic shrug, "there is no great harm done. For the king of France is very willing to marry your daughter, and make an honest woman. of her.


Lord North, coming to his senses, sends commissioners to AmericaClinton evacuates Philadelphia-Washington pursues him-battle of Monmouth-Arnold's apostacy-Andre apprehended-executed -his character

THE news of the total loss of Burgoyne and his army soon reached Parliament, where it produced a consternation never before known in that house. The Ministry, utterly confounded, could not open their lips; while the Whig minority, with great severity, lashed their obstinacy and ignorance. Lord North, beginning now to find, as the great Chatham had foretold, that "three millions of Whigs, with arms in their hands, were not to be enslaved," became very anxious to conciliate ! Commissioners were sent over with offers to repeal the abnoxious taxes! and also with promises of great favours which Lord North would confer on America, if she would settle the dispute with the mother country. The better to dispose her towards these offers, elegant presents were to be made to her best friends, (such as Washington, the President of Congress, &c. &c.,),

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