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patent, is the conical cups attached to segmental rods, extending from levers working on a horizontal shaft, raised and lowered by the eccentrics and rods, substantially as described, operating in the manner and for the purpose herein fully set forth and represented.


No. 8117.-Improvement in Portable Swings.

Having thus fully described the construction and operation of my improvement in portable swings, what I claim therein as new, and of my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the suspension of a swing to the hinged frame, supported or strengthened by the adjustable brace, C, substantially as herein set forth.


No. 8118.-Improvement in Carriages.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is making the sides of the bodies or boxes of carriages of a series of springs, slats, or bars, when the same are constructed, and operate, substantially as herein set forth and described.


No. 8119.-Improvement in Omnibus Steps.

Having thus described the nature of my invention, and the manner in which it is constructed, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the manner of constructing the step as described, viz: by having a portion (B) of the body of the omnibus projecting downwards a suitable distance, the bottom of said projection, B, forming the step, C, and so arranged as to be perfectly covered and protected by the door, D, when closed, substantially as described.


No. 8120.-Improvement in Carriages.

What I claim as my invention and desire to secure by letters patent, is the manner of construction, as described, viz: forming the body of two separate parts, A, B, united by a joint which allows the body to vibrate and act upon a single spring, and also admits of a direct attachment of the body to the axles, substantially as set forth.


No. 8121.-Improvement in excluding Dust from Railroad Cars.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the application of vertical blinds, shutters, or screens on the outside of railroad cars, employing the same to prevent the entrance of dust, smoke, cinders, &c., into the windows of the cars, as herein described. EDWARD HAMILTON.

No. 8122.-Improvements in Hemp Brakes.

What I claim as my invention, and wish to secure by letters patent, is the combining a sufficient number of slats to break the full length of the hemp at once, in combination with the manner of feeding, substantially as set forth.


No. 8123.-Improvement in Self-weighing Machines for Grain.

Having thus described my self weighing machine for grain, and shown the operation of the same, I desire that it shall be understood that I do not claim a self-weighing machine operated by the weight of the grain, so as to form an automatic weighing machine, by which, with the aid of a register or index, the amount weighed is ascertained, nor do I claim opening a gate or door in the bottom of a receiving hopper by the descent of a steelyard simultaneously with the discharge of the grain from a rotating hopper; but what I do claim as new, and of my own invention, is the employment of the metallic plate, C, or its equivalent, attached to the receiving hopper, B, and made to rise and fall by the action of said hopper and a gauge, Q', in such a manner that on the descent of a suspended hopper, F, the gauge-plate, Q, connected therewith, will disengage a catch-plate (f) from the right end of the metallic plate, C, and permit the latter to fall and cut off the discharge of the grain, and simultaneously therewith open a trap-door, H, in the bottom of the suspended hopper, and on the ascent of the same the receiving hopper, B, will be made to tilt frontward by the weight of the grain, so as again to raise the plate, C, and open the hinged door, D, of the said plate, C, simultaneously with the closing of the trap-door, as fully described and represented.

I also claim the employment of the gauge plate, Q', when combined with the lower or discharging hopper, F, for the purpose of determining the quantity of grain to be weighed by limiting the descending movement of the suspended hopper, F, and consequently gauging the action of the projection, Q3, on said gauge-plate, Q', to actuate the plate, C, to cut off the discharge of the grain from the receiving hopper.

I also claim the employment of the vertical pendant rods, P, R, confined to either side of the frame when combined with a suspended hopper, F, provided with a trap-door, H, for the purpose of opening and closing said trap door by their descent alternately, said vertical pendant rods, P, R, being respectively actuated by the descent of the metallic plate, C, to disengage the spring catch (t) from the rod, P, to open the trap-door, and by the tilting frontward of the receiving hopper, B, to disengage the spring bar, O, from the vertical rod, R, and allow its descent to close the trap-door, H, as set forth in the specification and shown in the drawings. WILLIAM BIDDLE.

No. 8124.-Improvement in Bran Dusters.

What we claim as our invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the scouring, beating, and distributing brush with

the perforated guard-plate surrounding it, whereby the bran to be dressed is more equally distributed and fed to the bolt than has been done by devices heretofore in use for the purpose.



No. 8125.-Improvements in Planing Machines.

Having thus fully described my improved machine for planing, tongueing and grooving planks, &c., what I claim therein as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is

First. The jointing or hinging of the plane stock-supporting frame, E, J,f,f, or its equivalent, at one end, and giving it an elastic bearing at its opposite end, substantially as herein set forth, whether the said plane stock-supporting frame to be used in connexion with individually vibrating plane stocks, or with other descriptions of plane stocks, or planingknives, or cutters, for the purpose of reducing or planing planks, or boards, upon their sides or edges.

Second. I claim the combination of the supporting frame, containing the adjustable plane stocks, H, H, with the self-adjusting supporting frame, containing the plane stocks, G, G, by which the inner or under surfaces of the plane stocks, G, G, are made to form a self-adjusting bed, one side of a plank; whilst the knives in the stocks, H, H, are operating upon and facing the opposite side of the same, and by which the inner or under surfaces of the plane stocks, H, H, are made to form an unyielding bed on one side of a plank; whilst the knives in the plane stocks, G, G, are operating upon and reducing its opposite side; and by which a plank can be faced on one side, and reduced and faced upon its opposite side, at simultaneous operations, substantially as herein set forth.

Third. I claim the combination of the supporting frame, containing the self-adjusting plane stocks, G, G, with the arbor of the roller, A, at its forward end, and with the supporting frame, containing the plane stocks, H, H, at its rear end, for the purpose, in the first place, of so guiding the transversely reciprocating movements of the said plane stock sup. porting-frames as to keep the inner sides of the respective series of plane stocks contained therein, parallel with each other, and parallel with the surfaces of the pairs of rollers, A, A', and B, B' ; and in the second place, for the purpose of enabling the supporting frame, containing the self-adjusting plane stocks, G, G, to be detached from the supporting frame containing the adjustable plane stocks, H, H, and be swung outwards upon the shaft of the roller, A, to afford free access to the inner sides of the plane stocks in both the said plane stock supporting frames, substantially as herein set forth.

Fourth. I claim the combination of the rollers, d, d, with the plane stocks, G, G, when they are so arranged that the roller in one plane stock will form a rotating and self adjusting mouth-piece to the planing knife that succeeds it, and at the same time form a bed on one side of a plank for a planing knife, acting upon its opposite sides, substantially as herein set forth.

Fifth. I claim the giving to straight-edged planing or reducing knives, or cutters, that are arranged athwart the surfaces of the boards or planks

operated upon, a transversely reciprocating movement, whilst a continuous longitudinal movement is imparted to the said boards or planks.

Sixth. I claim the manner of producing a uniform elastic pressure upon the upper and lower bearing boxes of the arbors of the pressure rollers, A, B, C, viz: by means of pairs of screws, k, k', arranged as herein described, and having threads inclining at angles of about thirty degrees with their axes, which are banded together, and operated upon by a weight, (N,) substantially as herein set forth.

Seventh. I claim the within-described improved stock, that receives the tonguing cutters, v, v and r, r, composed of the central governing plate, S, combined with the projections, o, o, on the side plate, Q, and the projections, o", o", on the side plate, R, substantially as herein set forth.

Eighth. I also claim the manner of combining the stationary cutters, v, v, with the governing centre plate, S, by means of the inclined projections, o, o", on the sides of the said plate, the flaring notches in the plate, and the gibs, p, p, having lugs at each extremity, placed in the said flaxing notches, and acting upon the edges and front sides of the said cutters, v, v, substantially as herein set forth.


No. 8126.--Improvementin s Breech Loading Fire Arms.

What I desire to secure by letters patent, and claim as my invention in that class of breech-loading fire arms in which the barrel is disconnected from the breech, and is pivoted at some point intermediate between its but and its muzzle to the stock, is a lever beneath the stock, by means of which the barrel is turned upon its pivot, to raise and to depress its but, and is locked to its breech when the but is depressed, and is unlocked therefrom to allow the but to be raised, the several members of the implements being arranged and operating substantially as herein set forth.

In combination with the above-claimed device, I claim a piston breech pin, which, by the movements of the lever to depress the but of the barrel, and to lock it in place, is made to move the cartridge forward in the barrel and to close the but thereof, and which, by the movement of the lever, to unlock and raise the barrel, is made to unclose or open the but of the barrel before the latter rises under the action of the lever.

I likewise claim the sliding bolt, I, constructed with slot and hook, or their equivalents, and arranged as herein set forth, in combination with a lever handle, for the purpose of imparting motion to the piston breechpin from the lever beneath.


No. 8127.-Improvement in Boot Crimps.

Having thus fully described our invention, what we claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the spring frame, B, crimping plates, C, and boot tree, D, with the adjustable side springs, F, F, for the purpose of crimping boot fronts, and adjusting the pressure of the crimping plates to the particular point in

which the creases have a tendency to run; the whole being arranged in the manner herein described and represented, or in any other manner essentially the same.


No. 8128.-Improved Self-adjusting and Locking Switch for Railroads.

Having thus fully described this form of self-adjusting railroad switch, what I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the counterpoise weights, R, R, R, R, or their equiva lents, with the toggle levers, D, D, and stops, Q, Q, substantially as described, operating in the manner and for the purpose herein substantially set forth and made known.


No. 8129.-Improvement in Comb Cutting Machines.

I do not claim the invention of a single chisel, made to operate by successive blows or cuts, each of which is in advance of another, and so as to create a series of cuts through a plate of horn or shell, such as will separate such plate into two combs without what is termed a bottomingthat is to say, with the roots of the teeth of each of the said combs in a straight line and not in a curved line, as they are when made with the "bottoming," nor do I claim a die so made of stationary chisels or cutters, (that is to say, those which are removable with respect to one another,) and for the purpose of enabling a person, by pressure of the whole series of cutters at once, against a plate of horn or shell, to separate it into two combs, either with or without a bottoming; but what I do claim is my improvement in comb cutting machinery, the same consisting in making the cutters to operate or move separately and independently of each other, and in regular succession, in combination with making them of different and the required lengths, so as to produce the separation of two combs from a comb plate, substantially in the manner,, and with the bottoming to their teeth, as herein before specified. HORACE S. COOK.

No. 8130.-Improvements in Hand Machines for Spinning Wool.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the clamp, D, D', the inclined planes, E, E, the lifters, F, F, the adjustable stop, G, the trip, H, the hand and ratchet, L, with the hand and ratchet, K, M, M', and N, combined and arranged as set forth and described, or any analogous device for the purpose of spinning wool. MARGARET HULINGS.

No. 8131.-Improved arrangement of Machinery for Actuating the CrankIndicator.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the arrangement of bevel wheels, c, f, g, e, and their shafts, F, I, H, herein represented and described; the first, c, in the series being actuated

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