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Winchester with the intention of quitting military life. He had been chosen a member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, and was affianced to the charming widow of Daniel Parke Custis, who was about his own age-twenty-six years. They were wedded at the "White House," the residence of the bride, on Jan. 17, 1759. Then Washington took his seat in the Assembly at Williamsburg. At about the close of the honeymoon of Washington and his wife the speaker of the Assembly (Mr. Robinson), rising from his chair, thanked Washington for his public services. The young colonel, surprised and agitated, rose to reply, but could not summon words. His face crimsoned with

was again entertained at the mansion confusion, when the accomplished speaker of Mr. Robinson, and he lingered as long adroitly relieved him by saying, "Sit in the company of Miss Phillipse as duty down, Colonel Washington; your modesty would allow. He wished to take her with is equal to your valor, and that surpasses him to Virginia as his bride at some the power of any language I possess." time in the near future, but his natural The speaker was the father of Beverly modesty did not allow him to ask the Robinson, of New York, at whose house boon of a betrothal. He left the secret Washington had met and fell in love with with a friend, who kept him informed his sister-in-law, Mary Phillipse. of everything of importance concerning the rich heiress of Phillipse Manor on the Hudson, but delayed to make the proposal of marriage. At length he was informed that he had a rival in Col. Roger Morris, his companion-in-arms under Braddock, who won the fair lady, and the tardy lover married the pretty little Martha Custis three years afterwards.

On June 15, 1775, Washington, then a member of Congress from Virginia, was nominated by Thomas Johnson, a member from Maryland, as commander-in-chief of the Continental army, and was chosen, unanimously, by ballot. On the opening of the Senate the next day, the president officially communicated to him a notice of his appointment. Washington immediateAfter the capture of Fort Duquesne, ly arose in his place and made the followWashington took leave of the army at ing reply: "Mr. President, though I am

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truly sensible of the high honor done me favorable to my reputation, I beg it may in this appointment, yet I feel great dis- be remembered by every gentleman in the tress from a consciousness that my abili- room that I this day declare, with the ties and military experience may not be utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the extensive and important trust. equal to the command I am honored with. However, as the Congress desires it, I As to pay, sir, I beg leave to assure the will enter upon the momentous duty, and Congress that, as no pecuniary consideraexert every power I possess in their ser- tion could have tempted me to accept the vice and for the support of the glorious arduous employment, at the expense of cause. I beg they will accept my most domestic ease and happiness, I do not wish cordial thanks for this distinguished tes- to make any profit from it. I will keep an timony of their approbation. But, lest exact account of my expenses. These, I some unlucky event should happen, un- doubt not, they will discharge, and that

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is all I desire." The Congress, by unan- one side was a profile head of Washington, imous vote, resolved that they would with the Latin legend, "Georgio Washingmaintain and assist the commander-in- ton, Svpremo Dvci Exercitvvm Asertori chief, and adhere to him, with their lives Libertatis Comitia Americana "-" The and fortunes, in the cause of American American Congress to George Washington, liberty. The commander-in-chief of the the Commander-in-chief of its Armies, the Continental army left Philadelphia on Assertor of Freedom." On the reverse, the June 21, and arrived at Cambridge on device shows troops advancing towards July 2. He was everywhere greeted with a town; others marching towards the enthusiasm on the way. His arrival in water; ships in view; General Washington New York was on the same day that Governor Tryon arrived from England, and the same escort received both. On the morning of July 3, the troops were drawn up in order upon the common, at Cambridge, to receive the commander-in-chief. Accompanied by the general officers of the army who were present, Washington walked from his headquarters to a great elm-tree, at the north side of the common, and under its shadow, stepped for


in front, and mounted, with his staff, whose attention he is directing to the embarking enemy. The legend is, "Hostibus Primo Fugatis""The enemy for the first time put to flight." The exergue under the device, "Bostonium Recuperatum, xvii. martii. mdcclxxvi."-" Boston recovered, March 17, 1776."

On Dec. 27, 1776, the Congress, sitting in Baltimore, alarmed at the dangerous aspect of affairs, "Resolved, that General Washington shall be, and he is hereby, invested with full, ample, and complete powers to raise and collect together, in the most speedy and effectual manner, from any or all of these


ward a few paces, made some remarks, United States seventy-six battalions of indrew his sword, and formally took command of the Continental army. See ARMY (Continental Army).

fantry, in addition to those already voted by Congress; to appoint officers for the said battalions of infantry; to raise, offiOn March 25, 1776, when news of the cer, and equip 3,000 light-horse, three regiBritish evacuation of Boston reached Con- ments of artillery, and a corps of engineers. gress, that body resolved that its thanks and to establish their pay; to apply to any be presented to the commander-in-chief of the States for such aid of the militia as and the officers and soldiers under his com- he shall judge necessary; to form such magmand, for their wise and spirited con- azines or provisions, and in such places, duct in the siege and acquisition of Bos- as he shall think proper; to displace and ton; and that a medal of gold be struck appoint all officers under the rank of brigin commemoration of this great event and adier-general, and to fill up all vacancies presented to his Excellency." This medal in every other department in the Ameriwas nearly 24 inches in diameter. On can armies; to take, wherever he may be,


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