Abbildungen der Seite
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Vertor; see devertor, praevertor, revertor, 273. III.

to avenge.

to use.

to eat.

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to trust.



283. Principal Parts in: io, īre, īvi, ītum.

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1. Perfect in ii for īvi.-V is often dropped in the ending of the Perfect; audii for audivi. See 234. 1.

2. Perfect and Supine Wanting.-Desideratives (332. III.), except esurio, -itum; nupturio, ire, īvi, and parturio, ire, ivi, want both Perf. and Sup. Also a few others:


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284. First Irregularity.-Perfect after the Analogy of the Second and Third Conjugations.

I. Perfect in ui, as in Conjugation II.

Principal Parts in: io, īre, ui, tum.

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II. Perfect in si (i), as in Conjugation III.

Principal Parts in: io, īre, si (i), tum (sum).

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So compounds: advenio, convenio, devenio, invenio, obvenio, pervenio, etc.

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Part, oriturus.-Pres. Ind. of Conj. III., orěris, oritur.

orĕrer. So compounds, but adorior follows Conj. IV.

1 From părio of Conj. III.

to rise.

Imp. Subj., orīrer or

2 Comp. assentio has a deponent form, assentior. See 286. 2.

3 In the Pres. Ind. and Imp. Subj., forms of Conj. III. occur.

4 Compounded of ad and sentio. See sentio, 284. II.

5 Compounded of ex and pario; ob and pario. See comperio, 284. II.


287. A few verbs which have unusual personal endings, are called by way of preeminence Irregular or Anomalous Verbs. They are

Sum, edo,


volo, fio, eo, queo,

and their compounds.

288. Sum, I am.

The conjugation of sum has been already given (204.); its numerous compounds-absum,' adsum, desum, praesum,' etc.-except possum and prōsum, are conjugated in the same way.

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1 Absum and praesum, like possum, have Pres. Participles, absens and praesens.


potuissěm, -issés, -isset; potuissēmus, -issētis, -issent.






PRES. potens (as an adjective).

1. COMPOSITION.-Possum is compounded of potis, able, and sum, to be. The parts are sometimes separated, and then potis is indeclinable: põtis sum, põtis sumus, etc.

2. IRREGULARIȚIES.—In possum observe

1) That potis drops is and that t final of the stem is assimilated before 8: possum for potsum.

2) That ƒ of the simple is dropped after t: potui for potfui.

3) That the Infin. posse and Subj. possem are shortened forms for potesse and potessem.

3. OLD AND RARE FORMS. See 204. 1 and 2.

290. Prōsum, I profit, is compounded of pro, for, and sum, to be. It inserts d when the simple verb begins with e; prōsum, prōdes, prōdest, etc. Otherwise it is conjugated like sum.

291. Edo, I eat.

This verb is sometimes regular, and sometimes takes forms like those of sum which begin in es. Thus:

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1. PASSIVE FORMS.-Estůr for ědětůr (Indic. Pres.) and essētůr for ěděrētŭr (Subj. Imp.) also occur.

2. FORMS IN IM for am occur in Pres. Subj.: ědím, ědis, édit, etc., for ědům, ēdās, ēdāt, etc.

3. COMPOUNDS are conjugated like the simple verb, but comedo has in Sup.

comesum or comestum.


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1 Fers for feris; fert for ferit; fertis for fĕritis (i dropped).

2 Ferrem, etc. for fěrěrěm, etc.; ferrě for fěrěrě (e dropped).

• Fěr for fěrě; fertő, fertě, fertōtě for fĕritő, fëritë, fëritōtě (i dropped).

4 Ferris for fěrĕris; fertur for fĕritür.

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