Red Gas: Russia and the Origins of European Energy DependenceSpringer, 28.12.2012 - 279 Seiten This book applies a systems and risk perspective on international energy relations, author Per Högselius investigates how and why governments, businesses, engineers and other actors sought to promote – and oppose– the establishment of an extensive East-West natural gas regime that seemed to overthrow the fundamental logic of the Cold War. |
1 | |
The Rise of the Soviet Natural Gas Industry | 13 |
3 Toward an Export Strategy | 31 |
The Pioneer | 45 |
5 Bavarias Quest for Energy Independence | 67 |
The SovietAustrian Experience | 89 |
Natural Gas as Ostpolitik | 105 |
8 Constructing the Export Infrastructure | 135 |
10 Scale Up or Phase Out? | 167 |
11 From Soviet to Russian Natural Gas | 197 |
12 Conclusion | 217 |
Acknowledgments | 237 |
Notes | 239 |
Bibliography | 263 |
269 | |
Importing Soviet Gas in Practice | 151 |
Andere Ausgaben - Alle anzeigen
Red Gas: Russia and the Origins of European Energy Dependence P. Högselius Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - 2012 |
Red Gas: Russia and the Origins of European Energy Dependence P. Högselius Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2012 |
Red Gas: Russia and the Origins of European Energy Dependence Per Högselius Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2013 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Algerian already Aufsichtsrat Austria Bahr BArch Bavarian Bayerngas Belarus Bonn Brandt Cold War compressor stations construction contract cooperation Council of Ministers countries country’s Czechoslovakia Dohnanyi Dutch gas East East-West gas economic Egon Bahr energy Europe’s Federal Ferngas France fuel Galician gas companies gas exports gas fields gas imports gas industry Gas Journal gas market gas price gas supply gas system gas trade Gazovaya promyshlennost Gazprom German German gas Glavgaz Gosplan imports of Soviet infrastructure Iranian gas Iron Curtain Italy January June Kortunov Lantzke Mingazprom Ministry of Economy Moscow negotiations October OeStA ÖIAG-Archiv Oil and Gas ÖMV ÖMV’s Orudzhev overall percent planned Plesser political problems red gas regional republics RGAE route Ruhrgas Russian gas Schedl Schelberger Siberian gas Sonatrach Soviet gas Soviet natural gas Soviet side Soviet Union Soviet-Austrian Soviet-German system-building transit Ukraine Ukrainian VÖEST volumes West European gas West Germany Western Europe Yamal