Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

677-in Sheffield, 679-Annual Ad-
dress of the, 779-attempt to alter
the constitution of the, remarks on,
38-supreme legislative power of
the, recognised by the Vice-Chan-
cellor, 302; by the Lord Chan-
cellor, 310, 311; remarked on,
313, 846-expression of confidence
in the, 465-vindication of the,
against the misrepresentations of
the author of "Spiritual Despot-
ism," 533-a party and sectarian
spirit disclaimed by the, 618-conces-
sions of the, in 1797, examined,
849, 915-late modifications by the,
of the rules and usages of the society,
noticed, 922

Confidence in God, encouraged in the
Scriptures, 517

Cooke, Rev. Joseph, mentioned, 89
Copts, notices concerning the, 841
Council of Toledo, diabolical decree
of, 443

Council of Trent, decrees of, quoted,
on the authority of tradition, 439-
on the power of the church to in-
terpret Scripture, 441-on transub-
stantiation, 445-on the sacrifice of
the mass, and the adoration of the
host, 446-on indulgences, 447
Coverdale's (Bishop) translation


the Bible, account of, 787-emarks
on, 801-notices of, in Croly's Ter-
centenary Sermon, 932
Covetousness, premium offered for au
essay on, 382

Cowper, Life and Works" of, by
the Rev. T. S. Grimshawe, noticed,
546, 779, 856

Croly's (Rev. David O.) "Essay on
Ecclesiastical Finance," reviewed,
363, 437-referred to, 480, 481

Damascus, notice of, 626
Darrell, remarks by, on confidence in
God, 517

Daughter, the pious, and her dying
father, 526

Dead Sea, water of the, 625
Deuf and dumb boy, interesting ac-
count of a, 265

of lay-members of the
Society assembled at Sheffield, 685
Declarations approving of the disci-
pline of the Connexion, referred to,

Deed of Declaration, referred to, 38,
314, 434, 537, 541, 680, 817-vali-
dity of the, established, 783-nature
and design of the, 830

Delegates from the Association, an-
swer of Conference to the, 683-
impossibility of entering into a ne-
gotiation with the, 781

Demagogue of former times, character
of a, 129

Denton, Rev. W., conversion of, 11
Diotrephes, the character of, 276
Discipline, Wesleyan, attempts to
subvert the, 38-approval of the,
by District Meetings, 449, 450, 465,
561-scriptural and efficient charac-
ter of the, 594-necessity of main-
taining the, 618-resolution of Con-
ference to support the, 783-origin
of the, noticed, 846-mode of ad-
ministering the, considered, 818-
a collection of Rules entitled "The
Form of Discipline," remarks on,
by the Vice-Chancellor, 300; by the
Lord Chancellor, 310; noticed,
919, 920, 921

District Meetings, powers of, 298,
308, 312, 313-sentiments express-
ed by, on the attempts to disturb
the Connexion, 449, 450, 465, 561
Dixon, Rev. James, speech of, in
Exeter-Hall, 472

Doddridge, Dr., reflections of, on the

New Testament, commended, 58
Douay Catechism, quotation from the,


Doyle, Dr., statement of, that the

Popish and Protestant Churches do
not essentially differ, refuted, 439
Dreams, the Methodists unjustly
charged with paying undue atten-
tion to, 272

Dunn, Mr., speech of, in Exeter-Hall,

Durg, Rev. Theodore, speech of, in
Exeter-Hall, 471

Eagle, notices of the, 760
Eckett, Mr., statement of, respecting a
paraphrase of the Rules of the Society,
refuted, 917, 921
Edmondson, Rev. Jonathau, account by,
of the origin of the Plan of Pacifica-

tion, 131-"Scripture Views of the
heavenly World," by, reviewed, 131
-character of the Rev. Thomas Lay-
cock by, 893

Education of Missionaries, remarks on
the, by a Missionary, 39, 422; opinion
of Dr. Clarke favourable to the, 422;
seminaries for the, 429—of Ministers,
remarks on the, by the Rev. Robert
Hall, 180

Egypt, Notices of. The Barage, 520-
Canal of Mahommadie, 522-The
Nile, 522-Mahomet Ali, 523-Coal
Mine on Mount Lebanon, 524
Egypt, present state of, 833-recent
ravages of the plague in, 911
Eudoros, expeditious of, for the circum
navigation of Africa, 118
"Evangelical Register," attack upon
Methodism by the, noticed, 271
Evans, remarks by, on laxity of reli-
gious opinion, 108

Exeter Circuit, letter from the, 450
Expulsion, the power of, not vested in
the Leaders' Meeting, 849, 915-
modification of the Rule respecting, 922

Farmer, Thomas, Esq., speech of, in
Exeter- Hall, 485

Fast day, quarterly, 217, 466, 707, 958
Fitzwilliam, Earl, friendly conduct of, to
the Methodist society in Peterbo-
rough, 61

Fleetwood, Hesketh, Esq., M.P., speech
of, in Exeter-Hall, 460
Fletcher, Mis., communion of, with her
husband's spirit, 83

Foleshill, exertions of the society at, to
relieve their chapel from debt, 142
Forbes's "Oriental Memoirs," extracts
from, 127, 186, 269, 350, 614-no-
ticed, 135

Foster, Rev. John, remarks by, on Po-
pery, 664

France, Rev. W. Toase's account of the
Wesleyan Mission in, noticed, 207,
959-introduction of the New Tes-
tament into the elementary schools
of, 291-publication of Mr. Wes-
ley's Sermons in, 292-establish-
ment of a Protestant school in, 293
--account of Madame Calamé's in-
stitution in, for the education of
poor children, 429- unsettled state
of, 802-sketch of the Revolution in,
932-revival of religion in, 955
Friends, division in the Society of, 357
Funds, Methodist, declaration of mem-
bers of the Committees appointed
to manage the, 64-noble example,
to the subscribers to the, 137
Funeral ceremonies, in the east, no-
ticed, 614

Gambier, Captain, speech of, in Exe-
ter-Hall, 557

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Hale, Sir Matthew, "Memoirs" of,
noticed, 628

Halifax, Nova Scotia, statistical notices
of, 199

Hall, Bishop, remarks on the conduct
of Absalom by, 129

Hull, Rev. Robert, observations by, on
the education of Ministers, 180-re-
marks on Popery by, quoted, 363,
369, 438, 448-opinion of, respect-
ing the writings of Foster, 664
Hanno, expedition of, along the west-
ern coast of Africa, 119
Happiness in God, remarks on, 905
Happy mute, account of a, 265
Hardy, John, Esq., M. P., speeches of,
in Exeter-Hall, 463, 467, 490, 551
Harmer's (Rev.T.) “Observations" men-
tioned, 926

Harvey, Madam, liberal support of Me-
thodism by, noticed, 212

Heber, Bishop, "Life and Writings'
of, noticed, 60

Herbert, Mr., character of, as a poet,

Herodotus, narratives by, of expeditions
into Africa, 117, 121

Hicks, Elias, erroneous doctrines of,

Hillel, imperturbable patience of, 46
Hindoo damsels, simple manners of,

127, 351-musicians and dancers, si
milar to those mentioned in Scrip-
ture, 128-widows, degraded state of,
128 potentates, pomp affected by,
when travelling, 128-ceremony of
ablution, described, 350-mode of
watching their crops, 351-mausole-
ums, splendour of, 352-devotees, vo-
luntary sufferings of, 414-marriage
ceremonies, 927-idolatrous customs,

Honey, wild, abundant in the east, 127
Hooker, quoted, 441-verses on the death
of, 647

Hopper, Christopher, death of, mention-
ed, 88

Hora Biblica, No. XI. Mary and Mar-
tha, 42

Horn, the, in eastern countries, figura-
tive of power and dignity, 614
Horne's (Rev. Hartwell) "Protestant
Memorial," noticed, 778-account of

Bishop Coverdale's translation of the INTELLIGENCE (Home) continued.

Bible, extracted from, 787

Howe, Rev. John, quoted, on conten-
tions among Christians, 619
Humility, remarks on, 662

Humphrey, Dr., speech of, in Exeter-
Hall, 479

Hungerford Circuit, prosperity of Me-
thodism in the, 563

Hurst, Mr., of Hinckley, liberal conduct
of, 216

Ibrahim Pasha, notices of, 524, 843, 910
"Illuminator," article from the, 260
India. See South India and Ceylon.
Indian love-feast, account of a, 950
Indians of Nova Scotia and New Brans-

wick, character and habits of the, 52
Indulgences, remarks on the Popish doc-
trine of, 446-Luther's opposition to,
mentioned, 931

Infidel, conversion of an, 853
America, pious Proclamation in, 143
-testimonies of official personages
in, against spirit drinking, 144-
Report of the Temperance Society
in, 951

China, means of supplying, with
Bibles, 144- proceedings of Mr.
Gutzlaff in, 383-establishment of a
newspaper and a magazine in, 384
Ceylon, demand for the Scriptures in,

France, publication of Mr. Wesley's
Sermons in, 291-establishment of
a Protestant school in, 293-revival
of religion in, 955
Geneva, jubilee at, 871



Paris, Wesleyan preaching in, 876
Anniversaries held in London.
Jeyan-Methodist Missionary Society,
452, 466 Church Missionary Soci-
ety, 452-British and Foreign Bible
Society, 454 Prayer-Book and
Homily Society, 459-Lord's Day
Society, 460-London Hibernian
Society, 549-Sunday School Uni-
on, 552-Religious Tract Society,
553 Naval and Military Bible
Society, 555-Society for promoting
Christianity among the Jews, 558-
British and Foreign School Society,
558-Loudon Missionary Society,
559-Anti-Slavery Society, 561
Bath Circuit, letter from the, 62
Biggleswade Circuit, letter from the,


Chupel Deeds, Acts of Parliament re-
specting, 949

Chapel Fund, Report of the, 142
Chapels opened, 137, 215, 289, 379,
450, 451, 562, 563, 867, 948
Colchester Circuit, prosperity of Me-
thodism in the, 378

Conference in Ireland, 677-in Shef-
field, 679-Annual Address of the,

Covetousness, premium for an essay
on, 382
District Meetings,
sentiments ex-
pressed by, respecting the attempts
to agitate the Connexion, 449, 450,
465, 561

Exeter Circuit, prosperity of Method-
ism in the, 450

Fust-day, quarterly, 217, 466,707, 958
Funds, Methodist, declaration of
members of Committees appointed
to manage the, 64-noble example
to the supporters of the, 137
Grantham Circuit, revival in the, 376
Hungerford Circuit, revival in the,


Hurst, Mr., of Hinckley, liberality of,

Kingswood and Woodhouse Grove
Schools, report of, 785
Midsummer-Norton Circuit, letter
from the, 562

Monmouth Circuit, letter from the, 451
Morrison, Dr., memorial on the death
of, by the Bible Society, 292
Orkney Islands, visit to the, 380-re-
vival of religion in the, 947
Peterborough Circuit, letter from the,


Protestant Meeting in Exeter-Hall,

Reformation, third centenary of the,
707, 787

Salisbury Missionary Committee, re-
solutions of the, 63

Shepton-Mallet Circuit, revival in the,


Shetland Mission, account of the, 858,

Sleaford Circuit, letter from the, 379
Wellington Circuit, revival in the, 377
Wolverhampton Circuit, prosperity of
Methodism in the, 291

Yeadon Circuit, revival in the, 375
Intemperance, effects of, 217, 277
Ireland, moral and religious degradation
of, 363, 369, 370-the sufferings of,
aggravated by political agitators, 364
-rapacity of the Popish Clergy in,
365, 438-proposal to make a legal
provision for the Popish Clergy of,
condemned, 366, 370-successful la-
bours of Methodist Ministers in, 371-
establishment of schools for the educa-
tion of the peasantry in, 442-official
Papal document, discountenancing
"Bible Schools" in, 443-hatred to
Protestants entertained by the Roman
Catholic peasantry of, 448-the pacifi-
cation of, how to be effected, 363, 448
-de secration of the Sabbath in, 482-
usefulness of the established Church

[blocks in formation]

Justification, difference between the
doctrine of the Protestant and Popish
Churches on, 443

Kent District-Meeting, resolutions of
the, 561

Kilham, Mr., secession of, alluded to,
608-proposals of, to the Conference,
noticed, 849, 852, 915-comments of,
on the concessions of the Conference,
Kingswood and Woodhouse - Grove
Schools, report of, 785
Know, Alexander, letter from, to the Rev.
II. Moore, 122

Landers, discoveries of the, in Africa,
mentioned, 116

Language Institution, benefit derived
from the, by Missionaries, 422
Languages, ancient, remarks on, 906
Laxity of religious opinion, remarks on,

Lay-delegates, reasons against the ad-

mission of, into Conference, 680, 847
Layard, Captain, speech of, in Exeter-
Hall, 557

Leaders' Meeting, the power of expul
sion from the society not given up to
the, 849, 915

Letters. Alexander Knox, Esq., to the
Rev. Henry Moore, 122-the Rev.
Alexander Mather, to Mr. William
Marriot, jun., 832-Dr. Adam Clarke
to the Rev R. Newstead, 422-letter
to a Minister on the death of his wife,
676-letters to a bereaved Missionary,
912. See also Spiritual Letters.
Letters, the profession of, in China, 352
Little sins, injurious effect of, upon the
character, 354

Liverpool Circuit, reversal of the seu-
tence of a Superintendent of the, no-
ticed, 922

Locusts, an article of food in the east, 127
Londonderry, circumstances connected
with early Methodism in, 123

London District-Meeting, sentiments of
the, on the proceedings of the Associa
tion, 449

Lord's prayer, remarks on the, 355
Luther's translation of the Bible, power-
ful effect of, 932

M'Allum, Dr., visit of, to Shetland,
mentioned, 861

M'Gregor, Mr., misrepresentations in
the work of, on British America, 53
Maclean, Rev. John, speech of, in
Exeter-Hall, 486

M'Owan, Rev. Peter, sermon by, 509,
590-communications from: The hap-
py Mute, 267; The Shetland Mission,
858, 941

Mahrattas, habits of the, 270
Martin's print of "The Crucifixion,”
noticed, 375

Mary and Martha, characters of, 43
Mass, the, essentially different from the
Lord's supper, 445

Mather, Rev. Alexander, letter from, to
Mr. William Marriott, 832

Bond, Mr. James, of Warminster, by
the Rev. T. Brothwood, 809
Brailsford, Mrs., by the Rev. W.
Brailsford, 900

Close, Rev. Titus, by the Rev. J.
Heaton, 401

Cooper, Rev. Thomas, by himself, 1, 81
Farrar, Mr. William, of Bradford, by

the Rev. T. Eastwood, 649
Gibson, Mr. William, of Cheetham-
hill, by the Rev. J. Crowther, 233
Gordon, Mrs., of Dudley, by the Rev.
J. Stanley, 161

Green, Mr. Thomas, of Carville, by
the Rev. F. A. West, 659
Laycock, Rev. Thomas, by the Rev.
J. Laycock, 889

Miller, Mrs., by oue of her daughters,

Morgan, Rev. Thomas, by the Rev. J.

Evans, 497, 577

Perks, Mr. George, of Madeley, by
Mary Tooth, 895

MEMOIRS, continued.


Priestley, Mis., of Illingworth, by the
Rev. R. L. Lusher, 92
Rossell, Rev. John, by the Rev. J.
Chettle, 729

Townley, James, D.D., by the Rev. E.
Hoole, 321

Whitton, Mrs., of Lincoln, by the
Rev. J. Hannah, 653

Wood, Mrs., sen., of Bristol, by the

Rev. James Wood, 240

Wood, Mrs., jun., of Bristol, by Mr.
James Wood, 731

Merrick's version of the Psalms, charac-
ter of, 669

Methodism, Wesleyan, beneficial effects

of, on the nation, 515-security of,
against the corruption of its doctrine,
519-scriptural and efficient discipline
of, 594-exposed to the attacks of the

spirit of the age," 529-gradual
formation of the economy of, under
the direction of Providence, 530-the
union of scriptural and tolerant prin-
ciples peculiarly exhibited by, 530-
the system of, ought not to be tam-
pered with, 531-unchangeableness of
the doctrines of, 532-the early divi-
sions in, chiefly ou the ground of doc-
trine, 532-present quarrel with,
founded on objections to its dis-
cipline, 533 qualifications neces-
sary for a reformer of, 614-fea-
tures of the present opposition to,
617-duty of the supporters of, under
present circumstances, 617-vindica-
tion of, against the misrepresentations
of the author of " Spiritual Despot-
ism," 533

Methodists, Wesleyan, not guilty of
schism, 209-special want of the,
what, 128-attack upon the, in "The
Evangelical Register," noticed, 272-
power and influence of the, as a body,
434, 492

Midsummer-Norton Circuit, letter from
the, 562

Ministerial preparation, advantage of,
illustrated, 672
Missionaries, arguments for the educa-
tion of, 39-benefit derived by, from
the "Language Institution," 422-
opinion of Dr. Clarke favourable to
the education of, 422-seminaries for
the education of, 428-death of, no-
ticed, 72, 223, 224, 490, 797
Missionary Committee, General, expres-
sion of confidence in the, 64, 964
Africa, Southern. Albany, 386, 708,
709-Caffreland, 387, 958-Cape-
Town, 150, 151

Africa, Western. Cape-Coast, 797, 880
-Sierra-Leone, 222, 569, 709, 961
America, British.
716-Nova Scotia, 715-Priuce Ed-

ward's Island, 716-Upper Canada,
Anniversary in May, arrangements
for the, 224-proceedings at the, 466
Ceylon. Colombo, 567-Galle, 220,
791-Jaffna, 220, 567, 707-Ne-
gombo, 218-Point-Pedro, 567-
Trincomalee, 568

Contributions to the Mission fuud, 76,
224, 394, 491, 570, 719, 801, 884,
964-letters accompanying the, 801,
European Missions. Gibraltar, 718-
Ireland, 390, 717, 961-Sweden,392
Income of the Society for the year,
224, 295

Increase in the societies on the Mis-
sion stations, 719
India, Continental.
565, 566

Madras, 218,

Missionaries, departure of, 800, 962-
arrival of, 70, 224-death of, 72,
223, 224, 490, 797, 799

South Sea Missions. Habais, 70, 794
-New South Wales, 568-New-
Zealand, 222, 385-Tonga, 146, 795
-Vavou, 793

West Indies. Antigua, 882-Baha-
mas, 799-Dominica, 72,-Hayti,
712-Jamaica, 75, 153, 224, 711,
800-peaceable conduct of the
members of the society in the West
Indies, 152-death of the Rev. V.
Ward, 490

Weymouth, liberality of the friends of
Missions in, 76

Monmouth Circuit, letter from the, 451
Montgomery, Mr. James, remarks by,


the Lord's prayer, 355--“ A
Poet's Portfolio " by, noticed, 371—
address of, at the Wesleyan Mission-
ary Meeting in Sheffield, 433; re-
marks on, 492-verses by: Songs on
the Abolition of Slavery, 399; Fare-
well to a Missionary, 648; The
Waters of Life, 728

Moore, Rev. Henry, letter to, from

Mr. Alexander Kuox, 122-resistance
of, to the District Committee, referred
to, 311

More, Mrs. Hannah, parentage and edu-
cation of, 201-her early literary pur-
suits and acquaintance, 201-receives
the addresses of a gentleman of for-
tune, 201-visits London, and be-
comes intimate with several eminent
characters, 202-respect of, for the
Sabbath, 202-first publications of,
203-interviews of, with Dr. Johnson,
203-sketch by, of the trial of the
Duchess of Kingston, and of Warren
Hastings, 201-change in the opi-
nions of, concerning theatrical repre-
sentations, 204-gradually relinquish-
es worldly amusements, 205-high

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