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putations, I pledge myself, if spared, seriously, and in good earnest, to defend Methodism from the schisms which it is supposed to have engendered.


But as I regard such argumentation as a mere begging of the question, I proceed to notice a statement so grave in its character, communicated in such a tone of authority, and involving in it such important results, that it merits special attention. "Wesley intended the Confer ence to be a convocation of Clergy and laity." This is certainly a novel announcement. On what authority is it made? At present the authority is anonymous. Persons accustomed to the rules of evidence know that an anonymous testimony is very dubious, and scarcely entitled to credit. As, however, the writer is alive, perhaps he will let the public know that he possesses a local habitation and a name." What evidence is adduced to support this anonymous affirmation? Not a tittle! And is the testimony of contemporaneous witnesses, the "venerated colleagues of the Founder of Methodism," to be nullified, and rendered void, by the anonymous and unsupported testimony of a popular writer?" the temper of the present times," however bad that temper may be supposed, such an assumption of dictatorial authority, which, if not "unmixed" with any thing else, is obviously "irresponsible," will not be endured. It would be a libel upon the British public to suppose that they are so changed in temper and principle as to give implicit credence to the unsupported testimony of an anonymous writer, contradicted as it is by the living testimony of men whose character for integrity and rectitude is unimpeached and unimpeachable. But the matter at issue is not suspended upon the testimony of living witnesses; though that evidence, with candid and thinking men, would be deemed conclusive. The written, and solemnly recorded, testimony of Mr. Wesley himself is adducible, as confirmatory of the evidence of his venerated colleagues. I once more


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refer to the Deed of Declaration, a legal document, the importance of which generations yet unborn will more fully estimate than some of the present generation, who appear to have neither the ability nor the inclination to appreciate its value. This Deed contains the names of one hundred Preachers, nominated by Mr. Wesley himself, and whom he styles, Gentlemen, being Preachers or Expounders of God's holy word, under the care and in connexion with the said John Wesley;" and it proceeds as follows: "have been, and now are, and do, on the day of the date hereof, constitute the members of the said Conference, according to the true intent and meaning of the said several gifts and conveyances wherein the words, Conference of the people called Methodists,' are mentioned and contained; and that the said several persons before named, and their successors for ever, to be chosen as hereafter mentioned, are and shall for ever be construed, taken, and be, the Conference of the people called Methodists." (Wesley's Works, vol. iv., p. 507.) Is it possible for words to be more precise or definite in their meaning? Can any

evidence be adduced more satisfac

tory, or more decisive of the point at issue? Will the unsupported assertion of an anonymous writer induce any man, capable of comprehending the question, and it is only to such that I appeal,- to hesitate for one moment, as to the verdict which he is bound to give on the subject at issue? The clauses which have been previously adduced, and which prescribe the conditions on which Preachers are to be received on trial, and elected members of the Conference; and also a subsequent clause, which provides that when "the said Conference shall be reduced under the number of forty members, the Conference of the people called Methodists shall be extinguished;" contain not a vestige of probable or possible evidence to support the statement, that Mr. Wesley intended the Conference to be a convocation of Clergy and laity. To protract an argument on a case to clear would

be to insult the reader, and “darken counsel by words without knowledge."

It may not be improper to remark, that, though this important document contains the names of one hundred Preachers, yet only four of them were Clergymen, namely, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, Thomas Coke, and James Creighton. The other ninety-six were, in the sense of the word as contradistinguished from the Clergy, laymen. How much of imagination, but how little of truth, is there in the following pompous passages!" His legislative and administrative assembly, therefore, the Conference, was, in his view, a mixed convocation of Clergy and laity; the latter being predominant in numbers. But this arbitrary and artificial distinction, a mere canonical fiction, necessarily grew fainter and fainter every year, and soon completely disappeared. Yet the silent change was of vital consequence; for thenceforward the society fell into the despotic form of a purely hierarchical polity." Is it possible that any sensible man, supposing him to have the slightest regard for candour, would have written such unmeaning bombast, if he had read the evidence which has been adduced? If he had not read it, how admirably qualified must such a writer be to instruct the public on matters of Methodistical polity, and admonish the Wesleyan leaders for not "long ago having discerned the danger, and prevented the schisms, that have actually happened, by rendering the Conference what Wesley intended it to be!" when it appears by evidence which cannot be controverted, that the constitution of the Conference really is what it always was, and, according to Mr. Wesley's intention, always must be,-an assembly of Preachers and Expounders of God's holy word," and not "a convocation of Clergy and laity."

That the dissensions which have occasionally disturbed Methodistic societies have attracted the attention "of disinterested spectators," cannot be doubted, any more than it can be

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doubted, that the schisms of Protestantism have engaged the attention of the hierarchy of the Papal Church. But it is to be regarded rather as an indication of what perhaps is a "consummation most devoutly wished," and not a true record of what really is the fact, when the writer affirms, that "disinterested spectators cannot but grieve to see a system, so excellent originally, and which has effected so much good, breaking up, and generating feud upon feud,-scandal upon scandal." This is the very tone in which prophecies have been uttered, and interested wishes recorded, by Monks, Friars, Cardinals, and Popes, respecting Protestantism; but hitherto they have prophesied falsely: and, though we do not dissemble our grief, yet we have no fears to record respecting the future existence of Methodism. That admirable system, SO excellent originally," which we confidently affirm has been perpetuated in its purity, and which has effected so much good, is not yet" breaking up." Spectators, whether interested or disinterested, may reserve their sympathy for some other occasion. The system has endured many a conflict, and subsequently become stronger and more influential; and we doubt not but such will be the issue of the present contest. The tallest cedars that ornamented the tops of Lebanon, and cast their shadows into the valleys, were exposed to many a storm and tempest; but they cast their roots deeper and wider. So, also, we confidently believe, it will be with Methodism; and for this reason,-that we regard it, not as a device of man, but the work of God. The winds of calumny have roared in loud and continuous blasts around the heads of some of the tallest cedars in the mountains of Methodism; but, thank God, those cedars have stood, conscious of their integrity, and rejoicing in their uprightness.

"As some tall cliff, that lifts its awful form,

Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm,

Though round its breast the rolling Church, some of the heads of the

clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head."

The concluding sentence in this very objectionable paragraph more than justifies the suspicion, that the author of "Spiritual Despotism" is not quite so" disinterested" a spectator of our feuds as he would lead us to imagine. "Shall the established Church, with a noble and a Christian-like concession to the circumstances of the times, embrace Wesleyan Methodism, leaving to it its vitality and its independence; and so, while it loses a formidable opponent, gain an efficient ally?" What a noble and Christian-like concession to the circumstances of the times, for the established Church to embrace Wesleyan Methodism, without fettering itself by any pecuniary incumbrance! "leaving to it its vitality and independence; " that is, in plain terms, condescending to patronize a Connexion which at the last Conference (1834) numbered one thousand and seventy Pastors, in Great Britain and Ireland, and two hundred and thirty-six Missionaries; who have under their pastoral care, in the aggregate, three hundred and sixty-five thousand, eight hundred and fifty-seven members of society; besides the vast number of hearers to whom they preach in their respective congregations! Methodism, as a system, stands in no need of this patronage. The author of "Spiritual Despotism" speaks of that fraternal embrace which he recommends, as effecting "the loss of a formidable opponent," and "the gain of an efficient ally." The use of this language proves how little the writer knows of Methodism, and of the principles by which its adherents are actuated. At no period of our history did we occupy the position of formidable opponents to the Establishment. We are the friends of all, and the enemies of none. The opposition which we offer, and which, blessed be God, has indeed been formidable, is to sin, in every shape, and under every combination of circumstances. We have reason to believe, that, at the present crisis in the affairs of the established

hierarchy have expressed a grateful feeling for the forbearance of the Methodists in refusing to join in those attacks upon the Establishment which are so general and incessant. We should not have stated this fact, if it had not been for the character which the author of "Spiritual Despotism" has given us, being that of a formidable opposition; which is equally injurious and untrue. I am utterly at a loss to conceive the nature of that embracing of Wesleyan Methodism by the established Church, which the author contemplates, leaving to it its vitality and independence. My deliberate opinion is, that the position which we now occupy, as separated from, though not in a state of formidable opposition to, the established Church, is the only position in which we can successfully pursue the great business for which, and for which alone, we believe God raised us up,-to spread scriptural godliness through the land. With feelings of devout gratitude to Almighty God, we admit the fact conceded by the author of " Spiritual Despotism," that we still retain our vitality and independence." Hitherto we have, as a people, dwelt alone; and while Churchmen and Dissenters have denounced us as actuated by a sectarian spirit," we have, as a body, walked in the footsteps of our Founder, and meddled not with them that are given to change. So far as I possess the means of information, I believe, that not the slightest indication has ever been given by those who are regarded as the Wesleyan leaders, to embrace any thing that involves a fundamental change in Methodism; but they have ever cherished a fixed and unwavering determination to transmit to their successors, in an unimpaired form, that "admirable system" of doctrine and discipline which they believe still is, what it was originally, "so excellent," and which they rejoice to know has " effected so much good." The consciousness of their own integrity, the purity of their motives, the simplicity and spirituality of their object, combined with the approving smile of Him whom

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they rejoice to recognise as their Father who is in heaven, have supported them in a season of intense anxiety, and great discouragement; and still embolden them to persevere, "through evil report and good report," to perpetuate, in its vitality and independence, the system which they recieved as a sacred deposit from the great and the good John Wesley. They look forwards to the approaching Conference with anxiety, but not with alarm; having joyful confidence in Him who rides in the whirlwind, and directs the storm; who has so frequently interposed at critical seasons in the eventful history of Methodism, and shown himself to be the Guide and Protector of his people. They cannot, they will not, they dare not, doubt his gracious and holy interposition, when they shall meet their brethren to confer on matters of deep interest

and importance. As an individual, I would urge their beloved flocks to pray fervently and believingly, that the great Head of the church may preside in the sittings of the next Conference, and that he would favour them with a copious outpouring of the Holy Spirit. To secure this desirable and necessary blessing, I would take the liberty most earnestly to suggest, that the first day of the Conference should, by that body, and by the whole Connexion, be made a day of fasting and prayer; a day of humiliation and adoration; a day of praise and of supplication: and who can doubt the result? God himself will show his goodness and power, and every heart respond, in the language of our venerated Founder, whose mantle we are solicitous to catch, The best of all is, God is with us."


M. S.


With occasional Characteristic Notices.

[The insertion of any article in this List is not to be considered as pledging us to the approbation of its contents, unless it be accompanied by some express notice of our favourable opinion. Nor is the omission of any such notice to be regarded as indicating a contrary opinion, as our limits, and other reasons, impose on us the necessity of selection and brevity.]

Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States of America, from April, 1833, to October, 1834. By E. S. Abdy, Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. In Three Volumes. Small 8vo. pp. 395, 415, 408. 30s. Murray. The Americans are a powerful off-shoot from the British family; and as they are said to have adopted institutions more liberal and enlightened than those of the parent state, authentic information respecting the practical working of their social system possesses a peculiar interest, especially in these times of agitation and change. In this view the publication of Mr. Abdy's work is highly seasonable and important. Being in somewhat delicate health, he accompanied two friends to the United States, one of whom was sent by the British Government to inspect the plan of prison discipline, as practised in the New World. Having spent about seventeen months in itinerating that vast continent, and preserved notes of the principal facts and scenes

that came under his observation, he has been induced to commit them to the press, in the hope of serving the cause of justice and mercy. The most prominent subject of his well-written and deeplyinteresting volumes, is the condition of the black and coloured population, two millions of whom, it appears, are there held in abject slavery, attended, in innumerable instances, with the most barbarous cruelty, and in every case with a distinction of caste directly at variance with the very first principles of humanity and religion. Some persons, it would appear, especially in the southern states, make it their business to raise human beings for the slave-market; just as English farmers and graziers supply the cattle-markets of our large towns. Parents are thus separated from their children under circumstances of the most heart-rending description. Religious slaves, being industrious and trust-worthy, as a matter of course, are advertised by the merchant at higher prices than


and oppression, which the work dis

The New Testament of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ: to which are add-
ed, Various Readings, References to Pa-
rallel Passages, and Explanatory Notes.
With Maps illustrative of the Sacred
Text. 32mo. Cloth, 4s. Nisbet.-Every
attempt to facilitate the reading and
knowledge of the holy Scriptures is en-
titled to respect; and the compiler of
this small edition of the New Testament
has done a good work. The sacred text
is printed in two columns; and there is
a narrow column in the middle of each
page, containing the marginal readings,
explanatory notes, selected with judg-
a collection of parallel texts, and concise
ment from the most celebrated Com-
mentators. At the end of each book
thor, date, and the circumstances under
there are also notices concerning its au-
which it was written. The volume, not-
withstanding its diminutive size, con-
tains also three maps, one of Jerusalem;
another, of the Holy Land; and a third,
illustrative of the travels of the Apostles.
The whole is neat and readable, and will
form an admirable pocket companion for
young persons.

their uninstructed and ungodly brethren; and, in many instances, young children, torn from the arms of their agonized mothers, are sold by weight. Free negroes and persons of colour, male and female, however respectable for property, intelligence, and piety, are, especially in the slave States, treated with contempt. They are not allowed to sit at table with white people, even at inns and in steam-boats; nor, in other respects, are the common civilities of life conceded to them. Inhuman and disgusting as is the course which is thus pursued in general society, the treatment which the proscribed race meet with in the church is still more revolting, because it is seen in direct contrast to the benevolent spirit of Christianity. They are not allowed, it seems, to mingle with the white people in their religious assemblies; but are required, when they attend public worship, either to sit by themselves in some inferior part of the church, or to meet in a separate place, which a white man will never deign to enter. Nor are they permitted to approach the table of the Lord till the whites have all partaken of the sacred elements, and retired. How it is that men can believe the New Testament, and thus treat with contumely and disrespect their brethren, redeemed by the same blood and sanctified by the same Spirit with themselves, merely because of a different colour of the skin, is a mystery which we pretend not to fathom, but which "the day will declare." Slavery and caste are the dry-rot of American society; and unless they be speedily counteracted and removed, they will unquestionably lead to results of the most terrific kind. No efforts of the Colonization Society, by which the obnoxious negroes and pecple of colour are transferred to the African continent, can prevent the increase of these races in America, who are multiplying by myriads; and it is impossible that they should for ever submit to that wicked system of oppression and insult which has hitherto been their hapless lot. A righteous Providence most assuredly will, soon or late, avenge their wrongs, should the Legislature attempt to perpetuate slavery, and the white people still refuse to their sable brethren the common rights of human nature. The subject of slavery is already under warm discussion in America; and Mr. Abdy's volumes cannot fail to make a deep impression rica. By Thomas Pringle, late Secretary Narrative of a Residence in South Afupon the public mind in this country, and thus hasten the righteous measure to the Anti-Slavery Society. Edition. of emancipation in the United States, graphical Sketch of the Author, by Josiah A new To which is prefixed, a Bioand throughout the world. Lamentable are the cases of injustice, cruelty, Conder. Small 8vo. pp. 356. 10s. 6d. Moxon. The late Mr. Pringle, who was VOL. XIV. Third Series. JULY, 1835. 20

prising Recollections, Sketches, and ReA Pilgrimage to the Holy Land; comflections, made during a Tour in the East, tine, Member of the French Academy. in 1832-1833. By Alphonse De LamarIn Three Volumes. Small 8vo. pp. 429, 448, 393. Bentley.-M. Lamartine is a French poet of considerable celebrity. His "Pilgrimage" contains much curious and interesting information respecting the objects that he met with in his adjacent. It is full of eloquence and visit to the Holy Land, and other places sentiment, and teems with a flippant and dogmatical philosophy, applied to Christianity; for which the author, unlike many regard: unhappily, however, he is very of his countrymen, expresses a sincere imperfectly acquainted with its real nature. Yet his book, in which are many beautiful passages, may be useful 10 sceptics and unbelievers, especially if it should lead to a serious and thorough inin the countries visited and described by vestigation of the facts which took place our traveller, and upon which the truths of Christianity rest.

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