and was buried, not in his convent, but, according to his desire, in a little cemetery belonging to it, about two leagues off; I had a strong desire to see where they had lain him-when, upon pulling out his little horn box, as I sat by his grave, and plucking up a nettle or two at the head of it, which had no business to grow there, they all struck together so forcibly upon my affections, that I burst into a flood of tears: but I am as weak as a woman; and I beg the world not to smile, but pity me. THE REMISE DOOR. CALAIS. I HAD never quitted the lady's hand all this time, and had held it so long, that it would have been indecent to have let it go, without first pressing it to my lips: the blood and spirits, which had suffered a revulsion from her, crowded back to her as I did it. Now the two travellers, who had spoke to me in the coachyard, happening at that crisis, to be passing by, and observing our communications, naturally took it into their heads that we must be man and wife at least; so, stopping as soon as they |