Abbildungen der Seite
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By Sir Philip Gibbs, 284; Some Modern

French Writers. By G. Turquet-Milnes,

423; Romain Rolland. By Stefan Zweig.

Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul, 424;

The Pleasures of Ignorance. By Robert
Lynd, 425; Selected Poems: By William

Butler Yeats, 426; Fifty Years a Journalist.

By Melville E. Stone, 427; The Folly of

Nations. By Frederick Palmer, 429; Liber-

alism and Industry. By Ramsay Muir,

430; The Wasted Generation. By Owen

Johnson, 431; The Tragic Sense of Life. By

Miguel de Unamuno. Translated by J. E.

Crawford Flitch, 567; Secret Diplomacy.

By Paul S. Reinsch, 568; What Next in

Europe? By Frank A. Vanderlip, 569;

Lost Valley. By Katherine Fullerton Ger-

ould, 571; Shakespeare: A Play. By Clif-
ford Bax and H. F. Rubinstein; 572; Will

Shakespeare: A Four Act Drama in Blank

Verse. By Clemence Dane, 574; The Out-

cast. By Selma Lagerlöf. Translated by

W. Worster, 711; Up Stream: An Ameri-

can Chronicle. By Ludwig Lewisohn, 714;

Our Unconscious Mind and How to Use It.
By Frederick Pierce, 715; Tradition and
Progress. By Gilbert Murray, 716; Towards
The Great Peace. By Ralph Adams Cram,
718; Essays and Addresses on the Philosophy

of Religion. By Baron Friedrich von Hügel,

718; The Crisis of the Churches. By

Leighton Parks, 719; The Poetic Mind. By

F. C. Prescott, 855; Asia at the Crossroads.

By E. Alexander Powell, 857; The Rising

Temper of the East. By Frazier Hunt, 858;

Wall Shadows. By Frank Tannenbaum,

858; The Oppidan. By Shane Leslie, 859.

BOYD, ERNEST. Some French Canadian Fic-

tion, 93.

BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. Portrait of A Scientist:

Asa Gray, 99.

Brandes, Georg, in Life and Letters, 220.

BROWNELL, ATHERTON. Publicity and its

Ethics, 188.

BROWN, ROSCOE C. E. Publicity and its

Ethics: A Comment, 197.

BUNN, HENRY W. The Year Ending and the

Year to Come, 1.

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GAUS, JOHN M. Personnel and the Civil

Service, 767.

Genoa Conference, The, 289.

GEPHART, W. F. The Ter Meulen Credit

Plan, 338.

Germany, The Youth of, 739.

GILMAN, LAWRENCE. Music of the Month,

117, 267, 556, 692, 838; The Book of the
Month, 122, 412, 698, 844.


Molière: Comedian of Society, 241. MONTAGUE, C. E. "Only Too Clear", 509. MONTAGUE, GILBERT H. Trade Associations and the Government, 751.

MORITZEN, JULIUS. Georg Brandes in Life and Letters, 220.

MOSES, MONTROSE J. American Plays of Our Forefathers, 790.

Multiple Origin of Man, The, 544.

Music of the Month, 117, 267, 556, 692, 838.
Myths and Arts of Japan, Some, 529.

Naval Personnel, Economy and, 459.
Naval Policy and the Naval Treaty, 590.
New Prospects for American Capital, 13, 167.
Non-Manual Trade Unionism, 38.
NOYES, C. REINOLD. New Prospects for
American Capital, 13, 167.

"Only Too Clear", 509.

PASVOLSKY, LEO. "Yellow" and "Red"
Trade Unions, 621.

Personnel and the Civil Service, 767.
PHELPS, RUTH SHEPARD. Dante and His Eng-
lish Readers, 501.

Philippines, The Plight and Hope of the, 761.
Plays and Novels of St. John Ervine, 644.
Plight and Hope of the Philippines, The, 761.
Poetry:-Indian Sleep-Song, 64; Loneliness,
65; Ravenna, 208; Creation, 209; To One in
Flanders, 210; The Infinite, 211; Rue Des
Vents, 376; Unfurl the Flags of April, 641;
Somewhere, I Know, 641; A Garden

There, 642; Masefield, 643; The Sisters, 785. Poetry To-day, On Reading, 827. Portrait of a Scientist: Asa Gray, 99. POWYS, LLEWELYN. A Leopard by Lake Elmenteita, 813.

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SULLIVAN, MARK. A Year of the Government,
SWEENEY, ARTHUR, M. D. Mental Tests for
Immigrants, 600.

Tendencies in French Literature, 817.
Ter Meulen Credit Plan, The, 338.
our Birthright, 145.

Theatre, Translation and the, 109.
the Mystery of Amy Robsart, 657.
Throwing Away Our Birthright, 145.
Touchstone of Belief, The, 46.

Trade Associations and the Government, 751.
Trade Unions, "Yellow" and "Red", 621.
Trade Unionism, Non-Manual, 38.
Translation and the Theatre, 109.

Naval Personnel, 459.

Unemployment Emergency, The, 449.
Unfurl the Flags of April, 641.
Unhonored Educational Honors, 249.

War, Luxury and, 28.

WILLIAMS, DEWI J. An Artisan Poet, 236. WILLIAMS, STANLEY T. The Founding of Main Street, 775.

WILSON, P. W. The Return of a Native, 21; The Irish Free State, 322.

WINSLOW, ANNE GOODWIN. Ravenna, 208. WITHINGTON, ROBERT. Of Pyramids and Pygmies, 50.

WOODS, ARTHUR. The Unemployment Emergency, 449.

Year Ending and the Year to Come, The, 1. Year of the Government, A, 308.

"Yellow" and "Red" Trade Unions, 621. YOUNG, KARL. The Shakespeare Skeptics,


YOUNG, STARK: Country Gods, 56; Molière: Comedian of Society, 241; Lost Stars, 345; Dionysos' Garland, 683; Critical Architecture, 805.

Youth of Germany, The, 739.

Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur






AN appropriate date, perhaps, wherewith to end or to begin a review of world events for the year 1921 would seem to be November 12, the date of the opening of the Conference on the Limitation of Armament; for that date may mark the end of the ancient international order of distrust, vengefulness, Machiavellianism and wars, and the beginning of a new international order of mutual confidence, good feeling, open dealing and peace. The reactionaries and a certain sort of "Liberals" are apt to say: "Three years since the Armistice, and things grow worse and worse!" I think it were truer to say: "Only three years since the Armistice, and see how already hopes are reviving, how the ruins are being cleared away and are being replaced by cleaner and sounder construction!" It is significant that in restoration of the Devastated Area of France the last word of sanitary science is being applied.

Western Europe is still suffering terribly from many ills, but a careful scrutiny shows improvement almost everywhere, and in almost every respect. Not least of these ills are the disease of exchange and kindred maladies; but such projects as the Ter Meulen scheme and Mr. Vanderlip's plan of a Gold Reserve Bank of the United States of Europe indicate how wise heads are working toward the discovery of sovereign remedies. The German paper mark is naught; but German industry is booming and there

Copyright, 1921, by North American Review Corporation. All rights reserved.

VOL. CCXV.-NO. 794

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