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Nymphs, announced the repose of the God of the universe.

Nevertheless, when his first teeth began to appear, he became a very bad little boy, and squalled from morning until night with all his strength. Upon this, the priests (named Corybantes) invented a species of dance called dactyle, in which they struck against each other with brazen bucklers. The clattering of these instruments, prevented Saturn and Titan from hearing the cries of Jupiter. But nothing appeased him so completely as the breast of his nurse. This was the goat Amalthea. People tell us that goats-milk makes the head light: Jupiter's character rather tempts me to believe that it gives that quality to the heart. In truth, no modern Mirabel ever wooed more Orianas or Phillises, than Jupiter deceived mortal and immortal beauties. I will not even undertake to give you a list of them. The most celebrated were Autiope, Alcmena, Danae, Lɛda, Semele, Europa, Egina, || and Calisto. I shall hereafter speak more particularly of these ladies; at present let us return to the isle of Crete.

Jupiter having been weaned, being desirous to recompence the goat Amalthea, his nurse, changed her into a constellation; but he retained one of her horns, which he presented to the Nymphs by whom he was educated. This was the famous horn of Plenty, which passed so often from hand to hand, that now we know not where to find it.

Jupiter was scarcely out of his infancy, when he bacame a hero. His first exploit was the war against the Titans. I have informed

was called the silver age, but even then we are told it was mixed with some alloy. In truth, crimes began to appear, and Jupiter was obliged to punish them with exemplary severity in the person of Lycaon, King of Arcadia.

This cruel Prince massacred every stranger that passed through his states. Jupiter presented himself at his gate, and demanded hospitality. Eager to insult his supreme power, Lycaou ordered the limbs of a slave to be served up for the master of the Gods. The incensed Jupiter reduced the barbarian's palace into ashes, and changed him into a wolf. Doubtless it was upon this occasion that Jupiter was adored under the name of Jupiter Hospitalis, as having avenged the rights of hospitality.

Soon after this he bore the name of Jupiter Ammon: listen attentively, I am going to speak Greek to you. Ammon signifies gravel or sand. Travelling one day over the sandy desert of Arabia, Bacchus was seized with a burning thirst, and the God of wine could not find even a drop of water. In this extremity Jupiter suddenly appeared under the form of a ram, and striking the earth with his hoof, made a copious spring gush out from the stroke. Bacchus, in gratitude, erected a temple upon the spot, and dedicated it to Jupiter Ammon; that is to say, Jupiter of the Sand.

This God had another temple yet more celebrated, situated in the forest of Dodona; it was thence his oracles were issued. Under the sacred shade of ancient oaks was concealed a deep grotto; not even the brightest day could ever dissipate the horror of its gloomy wind

you that in the perilous moment, all the otherings. The traveller trembled while he tarried

Gods abandoned him; but his own courage was his best ally.-Unassisted and alone, he conquered all his enemies, and buried them under those mountains which they had heaped together to scale the heavens. Enceladaus was overwhelmed by Mount Etna; and now every time that he sneezes, a volcano flames up in the clouds: when he stirs, all Sicily is turned inside outwards.

The second exploit of Jupiter is not so bonourable to him as the first. It was the defeat and the exile of Saturn. It is certain that the latter had his faults; but his son might have found for him a more august retreat.

After seizing the throne, Jupiter espoused || his sister Juno, and lived with her for some time very harmoniously. During the early part of his reign he was adored by his people. Then commenced the age which succeeded to that of gold; that is to say, when Virtue ruled the earth, but with less power than during the preceding era. This second age of Virtue,

beneath its sombre arch. There might at once be seen Hope with her smiling air, Ambition with his brazen front, Fear with wavering eyes, Suspicion, Interest; in short, such a groupe an often throngs the anti-chamber of a prime minister. The portal opens, the crowd shudder and enter; they hope, they fear, they scarcely respire; the vault trembles! at that instant the priest approaches, and distributes to each their destiny, written upon a leaf of the oak, which a breath of wind has brought towards the temple.

At Rome they adored Jupiter Stator. This surname comes from the Latin word stare, which signifies to stop, in memory of Jupiter having once suddenly stopped the Romane flying before the Sabines.

In the same city they worshiped Jupiter Lapis, or Jupiter Stone. It was this stone which Rhea had substituted for the God, and which evidently Saturn had not digested. There was also Jupiter Capitolinus, because he had

a temple on the Capitol; and the Tarpeian | ligious rites were performed, that space was Jupiter, on account of his temple on that well opened which was prepared for the race, the known rock. There were besides, Jupiter the wrestling, the cestus, the discus, and all the Thunderer, the Avenger, the God of Day, the different species of strength and dexterity. God of Flies, &c.

This last title originated in the following incident. While offering a sacrifice, Hercules was assailed by a swarm of flies that were at

In the early times, the race-ground was but one stadia in length, that is to say, about six hundred feet. The competitors ran on foot, completely armed; but in the ninth Olympiad

tracted by the odour of the victim; but having || the stadia were doubled. The horse-race was made the sacrifice to Jupiter, the flies hurried away.—A miracle which did so much honour to the King of Heaven, that it was thought worthy to be commemorated by a surname.

But the most illustrious title of Jupiter is that of Olympus, because mount Olympus was his favourite residence. It was there that the Olympic Games were celebrated, and became famous throughout the universe.

The King of the Gods is always represented seated upon his eagle, or on a throne of gold, at the foot of which are two vases, which pour forth good and evil. His brow is shadowed with dark clouds; his threatning eyes sparkle under black brows; his chin is covered with a majestic beard; he holds a scepter with one hand, while with the other he launches the thunder. The Virtues are ranged by his side. The Gods tremble in his presence, and I am told that the Goddesses are silent, that, of course, is an idle fiction; he is usually attired in a golden robe. Dyonisius the tyrant, deprived one of his statues of this robe, saying that it was too warm for summer, and too cold for winter; he therefore replaced it by habits for the four seasons.—Adieu.


You have heard of the jousts and tournaments at which, with his lance in its rest, and vizor closed, the Knight, burning with love and glory, combated to woo some icy fair, who commonly paid him for the loss of an eye, au arm, or a broken leg, with an old bracelet or girdle. Such, very nearly, were the Olympic Games. But glory alone animated the combatants there; for women were a long time excluded under penalty of life. In defiance of this law, however, several of them obtained admittance in the disguise of men; a few even dared to enter the lists, and having carried off the prize, opened the barrier of the Olympic Games to the remainder of their sex. From that period love and glory were inseparable.

Religion also was associated to these sentiments, for the Games were uniformly preceded and followed by a sacrifice in honour of the Gods, but especially of Apollo. After the re

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then established; and in the twenty-fifth they joined to it that of chariots. Cynisca, daughter of Archidamus, Prince of Macedon, carried away the prize of this last. Excited by such an example, the other Macedonian womeu crowded to the lists, and several times obtained the crown of myrtle, of oak, or of olive.

Wrestling succeeded to the race. The wrestlers encountered each other quite naked ; they rubbed the limbs and the body with oil, to give them more pliancy, and to render it difficult for their adversary to retain his hold. After anointing themselves they entered the lists, and eagerly grasping together, each essayed by force, or by address, to overthrow his opponent.

The cestus was the most painful and the most dangerous of all the exercises. The combatants were armed with gauntlets, composed of several plies of leather, heavily leaded, a single blow of which, falling upon the bead, sufficed to knock down the strongest man; besides this, the most violent means to obtain su success were permitted.

Arrachion having vanquished all his antagonists but one, the latter threw him on the earth and strangled him; while, by an effort of rage and despair, the expiring Arrachion seized his ear with his teeth, and broke it off. The pain of this bite was so acute, that the conqueror called for quarter, and the judges placed the wreath of victory on the brow of the dead Arrachion.

The discus was a quoit of stone or of metal, of which the form and the weight varied according to the agreement of the competitors. The conqueror was he who, poising himself in equilibrium upon the point of a cone, threw his discus to the greatest distance.

These games generally terminated by others, which by turns exercised address and agility.

The judges appointed to distribute the prizes were nine in number; they made a noviciate of ten months before they ascended the tribunal, taking a solemn oath to observe the most rigorous laws of equity.

The establishment of the Olympic Games is attributed to five brothers, named Dactiles (the word signifies finger), on account of their union and number; the games were celebrated

every five years, and these intervals served during ages, for the epochs of chronology. Thus, instead ef saying as we do now, the year one thousand seven hundred, or the year seven, &c. they said, the first or the second year of the twentieth or thirtieth Olympiad.

The athletii who were the most distinguished at the Olympic Games, were Theseus, Euthymus, Milo, and Polydomas. Theagenes, who was born at Thasos, a small town in the neighbourhood of Lacedemon, bore off the prize twelve times; his fellow-citizens erected a statue to his honour. A person that envied him going one night to lash the statue with a whip, it fell upon him and crushed him to death. The children of the deceased cited the statue before the judge; for the laws of Lycargus ordained the punishment even of senseless things, when they injured the life or the peace of a citizen. The Lacedemonian judge condemned the statue to be thrown into the sea; but a famine quickly following the exe cution of this sentence, the Thasians consulted the Oracle, which ordered them to fish up aud re-establish this monument; ever since that period Theagenes was placed in the rank of a demi-god.

Euthymus merited the same honour, upon the following occasion:-Ulysses, in the course of his long wanderings, having disembarked at Themessus, an Italian city, one of his companions who had violated a young maid, was massacred by the inhabitants; and the King of Ithaca, informed of his crime, hastily set sail without rendering the funeral duties to his remains. The ghost of the unhappy gentleman, being deprived of sepulchre, ran furiously over the country, carrying ravage and desolation wherever it appeared. The Oracle was of course consulted; and the inhabitants were told, that the spirit would compose himself, and behave well, upon condition that they would annually deliver up to him the most beautiful virgin in the province.

The wretched Themessians had paid this fatal tribute for the third time, when Euthy

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mus, already celebrated by his numerous triumphs at the Olympic Games, arrived in Italy. The hero encountered the ghost, made him vanish eternally, and delivered the amiable victim, whose heart and hand were afterwards his reward.

More celebrated yet, but more unhappy, Milo of Crotona surpassed all the athletii of his time. He was seen at the Olympic Games bearing upon his shoulders a bull of two years old, carrying it the whole length of the area without taking breath, then striking it dead with a single blow of his clenched hand, and eating it the same day. This anecdote gives a sufficient idea of his extraordinary strength. But these peculiar gifts which nature sometimes bestows, are not of long duration. Milo, in advanced age, walking alone in a remote wood, perceived a tree which the wind had cleft from its summit; remembering his ancient vigour, he tried to separate entirely the two parts; but the arm of Milo was grown old. The tree being but just split, on the first pull it sprung back, and closed upon the hand that held it.. All the efforts of the athleta could not disengage him from this dreadful vice; and the conqueror at the Olympic Games, waiting death in a desert, became there the prey of wild beasts.-Polydamas, his rival and his friend, perished like him, the victim of rashness. This athleta in his childhood had strangled a lion upon Mount Olympus; with a single blow he struck down the strongest adversary; with one hand he could stop a chariot drawn by six horses. One day while drinking in a cavern with some of his friends, the vault of it shook, and the party took to flight. Polydamus alone remained, believing himself strong enough to sustain the enormous mass; but the rock rolled down and crushed him to pieces as it fell.

Such are the dismal consequences of presumption; the wise man avoids danger, the fool braves it, and sinks under it. With this sage observation I leave you Adieu. (To be continued.)

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so pathetically lamented by Burns, were gone. But I did not ask, with him, whose excesses had brought on the sufferings of a premature old age,

"Why com'st thou not again?”

I was grateful to the supreme Ruler of the
Universe that I had not yet to endure the

"Weary, weary days,

"And nights of sleepless pain."

I told her I should make no alteration what ever; that all would be still left to her, and I had no doubt her experience and care would make me find it as comfortable as her master..

The poor woman looked delighted" As to experience, ma'am," said she, "I've had enough, for I've lived with my master above twenty years, and a good master he is; though, to be sure, he has his ways; and as to care, ma'am, that sha'nt be wanting. I remember when I had lived with him about three years, Fields and paths and trees remain; but every I forgot to ask my master what pudding he human face and figure was unknown to me. would have for dinner; and he was going The inhabitants were either not those I had a-hunting, and I ran out, and he was just left behind, or so changed that I could discover mounting his horse. Sir, says I, I beg your parno traces of what they were. I was surprised don, what pudding will you please to have for to find even my brother so altered; though dinner? Whatever you've a mind,' says he. I have seen him many times since I quitted Then, Sir, says I, I'll make one of my own Oakwood; but the last is fourteen years ago, head, shall I? And my master's a very jokand that, at our age, is enough to metaing gentleman at times, ma'am. Aye,' says morphose a young man or woman into an old he, do; but don't put too much snufï' in it.' He would find the present Jane Oak-To be sure I do take a pinch now and then; wood very differcut from the former; but he for when I'm low-spirited it revives me." To forbore to remind me of it. He received me the truth of this part of her tale her nose bore with great affection. testimony." And my master liked my pudLike me, my brother has led a life of single ding," continued she," and ever since he gives


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me no orders, and I know what he likes, and he never knows what he has for dinner till he sees it on the table."

blessedness. He was afraid I should find a bachelor's house unpleasant; though he begged me to consider myself as its mistress. His habits, he said, had long been such as to I desired she would continue not only to disqualify him for society; he had not only make puddings, but every thing else out of forgotten the forms of ceremony, but of good-her own head; and she left me courtesying,

breeding. I assured him I should hold the smallest of his habits sacred; and that I had not been more than fifty years in the world without contracting some myself which might require indulgence. I should ask but one thing of him, and that it was not in his power to withhold-his love. All the rest I would make out for myself. He embraced me, and ringing the bell for his housekeeper quitted the room.

Mrs. Simpson appeared in a ruby-coloured silk gown, a clear-starched lawn apron and handkerchief, and as many petticoats as would have cloathed a family of half a dozen fullgrown daughters. Her hair was powdered, and combed over a roll, and her cap crimped like the florendines of my grandmother, who learned the art of pastry at a regular school. The poor woman came in trembling, and stroaking down her apron, and begged to know my commands. I told her I had none.

"To be sure, ma'am," says she, "my master lives very well, and has every thing comfortable about him; for he leaves all to me; but it can't be like what such a lady as you is used to, ma'am and he bids me take my orders from you."

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and saying she could not desire a
agreeabler lady to come into the house.


I believe a female visitor was never known at Oakwood in the memory of any of the servauts, and my coming was as much dreaded by the whole household, as the arrival of the fox would have been among the poultry. The master himself was not wthout his share of apprehension, both on my account and his own; on mine, lest he should not make his house agreeable to me; on his own, lest he should be put out of his way. But now I have been here almost a week, and the servants find I do not bite, and the master that I can provide for my own amusement, without putting him to the heavy fatigue of entertaining me; we are the best friends in the world. Our general maxim is, that each skall have his way, and no one interfere with the way of another; and if it were more widely diffused, I believe society would be the better for it.

My brother's way is an odd one; but I do not condemn it on that account. He will not suffer any thing to be killed in his house larger than a flea; though he knows his own grounds supply his table with mutton and venison, his farm-yard with poultry, and the

adjoining river with fish. He will have every || interval is insupportable, and therefore never thing put to death instantly, and with as little long. pain as possible, for its own sake; and for his, he will have it done at the farm-house, which is at a distance, that he may not know when an animal is to die.

In his younger days he was fond of hunting; but he has left it off from principle. He will eat of hare, if it has been shot; for, as all creatures must die, he thinks a gun may occasion less pain thau disease; but he can no longer witness the distress of a hare with the dogs in pursuit of her; or suffer such persecution where he is master. Even a fox, whom, as a robber and murderer, he thinks it right to destroy, he will not allow to be hunted.

Adieu. You who have scen me, not a florist, but a downright gardener; who have admired the tulips, hyacinths, ranunculuses, and pinks I have cultivated with my owa hands, will perceive the resemblance between by brother and your friend,




Oakwood, March 27, 1807. My apartment is the same I occupied in my youth, when every day brought some acquisition or improvement. My dressing-room is still bung round with flowers, traced by my hand, and the fire-screens are my needle-work. The view from its windows is almost divine. But I will spare you the particulars. Wood and water, hill and vale, rock and meadow, admit of infinite combinations by nature; in description they are all alike, and I have little more charity for them than for the state of the atmosphere. I will, however, just inform you that Oakwood stands in one of the beau

to a great extent; with the stupendous hills which guard it on each side, and the river which runs through the bottom.

"And thus our life, exempt from public

"Finds tongues in trees, books in the run-
ning brooks,
"Sermons in stones, and good in every thing."

How then, you say, can an old bachelor spend his time; for, of course, he will neither shoot or fish? You are right; he will not: but how he employs his time you will find it difficult to guess. He labours in his plantations; not like a gentleman; but like a man, and harder than a man who works for hire. His callous hands are familiar with the mattock, the spade, and the wheel-barrow. His pleasure-grounds are so extensive, that there is always room for improvement; at least for alteration; and if he consider it improve-tiful dales of this country, and commands it ment, it is enough. In this place shrubs must be stocked up. The ground must be dug three feet deep, and the gravelly soil carried away. Manure and fresh earth must be brought from a distance to supply its place. The whole must be levelled and planted in a different form. And while this is doing, he is up at six o'clock in a morning, dressed in a nankeen jacket, cap, and trowsers, if the weather is mild; a hat and woollen jacket and trowsers, if it is cold or wet; shoes studded with more than ploughman's nails; and taking half a dozen men with him, is not only superintendant of the work, but chief labourer. His exercise is so violent that it frequently obliges him to throw off his jacket and work in his shirt. No weather interrupts his labours but snow. He has a fire in his dressing-room winter and summer; and his valet, who has a much easier place than his master, has always a set of cloaths hanging round it, ready for him when he comes in. We dine alone, and he commonly dresses before dinner; but if the work be of very great importance, the only ceremony he observes is washing his hands; and after he has allowed himself the workman's hour, he toils again till six or seven o'clock. He is generally so fortunate, before his job is finished, as to find another that must be done; if not, the

But running brooks are not our only booksMy brother's library is all that an English gentleman or scholar (for he has no Latin, and only a few of the best French books) could ` desire. Besides the best Histories, ancient and modern, of every country in the world, he has all the English Historians, from Hollingshead to Hume. AllVoyages and Travels,fromColumbus to Lord Macartney. All the Poets, from Chaucer to Burns. All Dramatic Writers, from Shakespeare, Ben Jouson, and Beaumont and Fletcher, to Colman and Mrs. Inchbald. And all the Novels of Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Cumberland, Holcroft, and Godwin. I should swell my letter into a bookseller's catalogue, were I to enumerate the Antiquities, Topography, Miscellaneous Works; and he is continually adding all that comes out, which is either worth reading or looking at. But I may be allowed to distinguish his Collection of Costumes. Among others, it cou

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