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thus the means of communicating to their husbands, the grandees of the kingdoms the same attachment to their royal protectors. The Spanish fidelity, their loyalty persevering through every obstacle, have been long celebrated, and it is to this very cause, perhaps, that it must be chiefly imputed. Philip him|| selfis much indebted to this prejudice.

The court of the Infanta was never more splendid than in the period of my narrative,

that of a fatal confidence. In this manner, how ever, was I introduced into the palace and household of the King; and to the satisfaction of myself, no, less than of my father, became the favourite companion of Don Carlos. My long and early friendship with this young Prince, enables me to render hin a tribute of justice, even that of boldly proclaiming his innocence. I do not hesitate, therefore, to bear this testimony to his unfortunate virtue; for I again repeat, that his fate is only to be im-The imagination of a poet has seldom conputed to his unusual merit. The King was jealous of a successor whose qualities, so superior to what himself possessed, made bis long reign a subject of regret to his oppressed dominions. To a mind like that of Philip, to hate is to destroy. Nature in vain made her appeal to his iron breast; the father was lost in the tyrant! To such passions was Don Carlos sacrificed. Can history regard the Flemish cruelties with surprise, when that of the murder of Don Carlos salutes ber eye!

But to return to my narrative. I was no sooner thus introduced into the palace, than the friendship of the King to my father appeared communicated to myself. He seemed to bear an affection to me scarcely less aniinated than what he at that time felt for his own son, and you will perceive in the sequel of my narrative, that the result of his fondness was equally similar. Don Carlos was murdered, and my own life was merley spared, | as prolonging my existence, after the calamities of which he was the cause, was but an act of a greater and more effectual cruelty, Such is this tyrant.

For some length of time did I continue to enjoy an equal affection from the King and Prince. An event, however, soon changed the colour of my life, and exposed me to all the united malignant passions, which have ever found a residence in the human breast. The relation of this circumstance will appear incredible, but my name and known honour of my house will be sufficient pledges for the authenticity of the narrative.

The household of the Infanta, and inore particularly the ladies of her confidence, is composed of the daughters of the most noble houses in the Spanish monarchy. The policy of the court, no less than the dignity of the royal establishment, is the origin of this custom; for the ladies of these noble families being thus educated, and as it were domesticated in the royal palace, contract a more lively affection towards the family of their Sovereigu. The advantage of their rank and The splendour of their introduction, introAuces them to the first alliances, and they are

ceived a scene of more dazzling magnificence, an assemblage of more perfect beauties than what composed this brilliant circle. In this multitude there was one who appeared to excel her companions. The name of this lady was Donna Seraphina, a daughter of the house of Medina, and the heiress of their ampla wealth. The beauty of this lady well merited the general adoration it procured. The animation of her manners, the sparkling vivacity of her wit, a quality at that time more cultivated than possessed, were so many concur. rent circumstances to render her beauty irresistible. That brilliancy of talent, which might have given loveliness to deformity, could not fail to raise the effect of charms like those of Donna Seraphina. Her companions, than each of whom, in the absence of Seraphina, it would have been thought impossible to produce models of more finished perfection, were either overlooked in her presence, or only served as foils to shew her superior form and graces. Accomplishments like these might have inspired vanity in the possessor of less humility, but the modesty of Seraphina was not exceeded by any other of her natural or acquired excellencies. She appeared to have no consciousness of ber superior merit.

The beauty of Seraphina had indeed been attended by its usual effects; she was sur rounded by a multitude of lovers, and the noblest youths in Spain solicited her hand. Of these suitors none had a greater ardour of passion than myself. I did not hesitate to avow my love, though with all the timidity, which a first and doubting passion inspires. Seraphina received it with all the ingeniousness natural to her character. I continued my assiduities with a never-ceasing anxiety; the sincerity of my love gave an unusual warmth to my power of expression, and the honesty of my sentiments was evident by the manner in which my language enforced them. It is to this appearance of my great sincerity that I must attribute the preference I obtained over all the youths of the court. The nature of Seraphina was too open and generous to conceal her favourable sentiments. She had


nothing of that culpable vanity so usual with
her sex, that of suspending a declaration in
favour of one suitor, that she might continue
in the enjoyment of the attentions of many.
My addresses, therefore, had no sooner pro-
duced their desired effect, than she resolved
to confirm my happiness by a full avowal. Au
opportunity was not long wanting. Au enter-
tainment was given in the gardens of the
Escurial, where the court of the lufanta were
to be considered as the guests of that of the
Prince. Seraphina and myself were both thus
present, and when the company divided into
parties, I found myself by the side of my
mistress. I did not fail to avail myself of this
opportunity to plead the interests of my pas.
sion, and my pleasure was equal to my sur-
prise, when Seraphina acknowledged that she
was not insensible to my love. The first mo
ments which succeeded this confession were
those of rapture and mutual extacy.
timid modesty of Seraphina, and her superior
delicacy of sentiment, recalled her first to
moderation and tranquillity, and she endea-
voured, though for some moments in vain, to
moderate my greater transports. My feelings
submitted at length to her efforts; and being
recovered from the raptures of passion to the
dictates of our cooler reason, we proceeded to
consult upon our future conduct. "My situ
ation," said Seraphina, is singular; "I must
put your sincerity to an immediate test."-
"Ab! Seraphina!" replied I; "command
me to die!"No;" added she, with a smile
of inaffable beauty; "this, indeed, would be
a singular test; it would be destroying a thing
to try its soundness. No; Don Zamboga, 1||
am not yet so weary of your love, that I can
command you to die, in order to release myself
of it; my test is of another kind; and if your
passion be of less sincerity than I believe, it
will sink beneath the trial. "-" Ah, no!" re-
plied I; "though death itself should be its
certain consequence. Speak, my Seraphina;
your silence is an injustice to my love, as it
seems to reproach me with unwillingness to
obey it."

"Well,” replied she, " attend,—You need not be told, that I am the daughter and only child of the Duke of Medina Cœli; and, therefore, the heiress of the almost boundless wealth of my family. You are not, however, so well informed of the character of the Duke, my father. With the pride of a Castilian, he has the ambition of a courtier. Our situation requires that there should be no reserve of confidence. Know then, that the aim of my father's ambition is no less than an alliance with the royal house itself. The cx

tent of his possessions both in Spain and the new world, have inspired him with this purpose; and as the Duke of Alva seconds his effort, he does not despair of its accomplish. ment. This purpose is no other than the union of Don Carlos and myself. You may conclude from this the necessity of present secresy. Should my father discover our af tection, he would not hesitate, though under a pretence different from his real motive, at once to disinherit me of his wealth, and to revenge himself upon you, by pointing at you the united indignation of Philip and Alva. Behold, Siguor, the test of your love."

"I rejoice," said], "my Seraphina, that the profession of my love is not without its danger, as it thus presents a test to my since rity. Yes, my Seraphina," continued 1—“ I will risk for you the united anger of Philip and Alva; though I know the one to be a merciless tyrant, and the other to be a ready instrument. Let not this, then, be any obstacle to our love."

"But let it be a motive," concluded she, "for our present silence. And to prevent any || suspicion of our sentiments, or the subject of our discourse, let us at present separate. The eyes of the court are upon us, and we are both in a situation to apprehend the effects of misrepresentation.-Don Zamboga, farewell! Be prudent, and fear nothing."



Saying this, she retired to her female companions, who with the polite impertinence so usual in courts, were already advancing to break in upon our interview. The natural vivacity of Seraphina, who had little of the Spanish reserve, in some degree parried off those suspicions, which a conversatiou so long as what had passed, might have reasokably excited in minds thus disposed to malevolence. It was thus that Seraphina and myself escaped with. out discovery, though not without that dull raillery of which the Spanish phlegm was capable, and to which we paid but little regard.

From this day the love of Seraphina and myself was increasd by the mutual persuasion, that what was felt by the one, was likewise shared by the other; and the gaieties and frequent entertainments of a court seldom left us without an opportunity of interview. We were each happy in the fixed confidence of the regard of the other. The satisfaction of Seraphina seemed to appear in the increased animation of her charms, Every eye could not but perceive the brilliant effect, though the cause as yet escaped their penetration.Such was our mutual happiness in these first days of our love!-How short, alas! was the

duration of this happiness! and into how || am thus commanded to attend. I must not

much misery was it as suddenly changed!— Cruel, perfidious Philip, thou hated tyrant! what guilt of mine could compel thee to an act like this? But thy private vices are not Jess hateful than thy public crimes-less hateful, do I say; alas! they are more so, as treachery concurs with cruelty, and murder is aggravated to yet greater guilt, by the addition of lust and perfidy!

however, entrust a secret so dangerous to the slender security of a letter. Our ruin would be complete should it fall into the hand of our enemy. Yes, Zamboga, we have an enemy, and an enemy against whom every effort must be ineffectual. There is a masquerade this evening in the apartments of the Infauta; I shall appear in the mask and habit of Diana; do you be present in that of Apollo, The confusion of the surrounding multitude will give us the desired opportunity of an interview. Be prudent, however, for our lives would be sacrificed to revenge, and a still baser passion, should any accident betray our secret to our powerful euemy.-Yours,


I have mentioned that the happiness of Seraphina and myself were so great as to be visible to the whole court. This satisfaction, however, was of short duration. The appearance of Seraphina suddenly changed. She had a look of embarrassment, and even of terror, which was equally evident with her former pleasure. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her whole air was that of despair and apprehension. It is scarcely possible to conceive what I felt upon what I thus beheld. I was equally confounded with the nature and sud-approved confidant.-Beware!" denness of the change.-To what circumstances could it be imputed-Had her sentiments changed with regard to myself? In the first moments of my grief I was disposed to attribute it to something of this nature. But I was soon persuaded that it was an error. Her reception of my love, and its usual attentions, appeared to have more tenderness; and though she refused to make me the confidant of her secret grief, I saw no cause of apprehension that her affections had been transferred. By some means, whether from chance, or, as I afterwards suspected, from design, though this change of manner was now of the duration of some days, we had as yet no opportunity of our usual interviews. each other only in the middle of the court circle. Seraphina appeared equally desirous of an interview with myself. She at length contrived to slip a billet into my hands, the contents of which were these:

"P. S. I shall endeavour to slip a letter into your hands myself.-Trust no one, for the advantage of betraying us would be too great a temptation to the fidelity of your most

We saw

It is scarcely possible to conceive my mingled emotions upon the perusal of this letter; nor can I say myself which of the jarring passions was at that moment most predominant. I was at once the prey of the whole multitude of the most painful feelings which can torture the mind of a perplexed lover, Jealousy, however, prevailed over its rival emotions. In the confused style of Seraphina's billet, I thought that I could penetrate her secret.➡ "She has already mentioned," said I to myself, "that the foible of her father is his extravagant ambition, and that the purpose and aim of his life is the union of his daughter with Don Carlos. This then," said I, " is the secret with which she thus labours. Don Carlos, and the King himself, have been at length informed of the wishes of his Ministers; he has consented, perhaps, to reward their fidelity with this return. Seraphina is summoned to the apartment of the Infanta to receive the addresses of the Prince. Her ambition, perhaps, prevails over her love, and Don Zamboga, the son of a Minister, must be sacrificed to Don Carlos, the heir of the King"

"Need I speak of the misery which cannot escape your sight. The embarrassment of my countenance but faintly expresses the great perplexity of my mind. It is but a few days since that we considered ourselves as happy beyond the reach of fortune. You may In a manner thus ingenious, did I endearemember that you then reproached my tears vour to add to the misery of a mind already as unseasonable. Alas! how short a season too miserable. These suspicions, however, has justified my apprehenions!-Yes, Zam- yielded to cooler reflections. The effects of boga, there is now no farther hope! and our my jealous apprehensions were then dissifuture love can produce but future misery!-pated; but they departed only to leave me in Our hopes must now be succeeded by despair! my tears prevent me from continuing. I intended to explain myself in this billet, but I am summoned to the apartment of the Infanta. It is not, however, by herself that I

increased perplexity.

The interval between the hour in which I had received this billet, and that of the masquerade, was consumed in this conflict of contending emotions; my mind was filled with a

witnesses of his excesses. But I had a cause

of terror still more menacing, and which, indeed, has not missed its effect, for it is the origin of my present fate.

The King, after this acknowledgment that my fidelity suited the office of the accomplice of his amours, was proceeding to a further explanation of the service he at present expected of me, when he was interrupted by the approach of the Duke of Alva. It is the known character of Philip, that he never transgresses the stately decorum of his rank. He departed therefore with Alva, and if my suspicion was not unjust, he was not without some alarm, that the Duke might have penetrated into the subject of our interview.

thousand conjectures, and each appeared serve his reputation and the decorum of maequally probable The hour at length arrived;jesty, to destroy all those who had been the I assumed my habit, and departed towards the scene of the preparing action. In my way towards these apartments I happened to meet the King. He commanded me to follow him, and immediately turned into a more private gallery. I could not hesitate to obey. The King, as I walked by his side, regarded me for some time in silence. He had an air of perplexity very unusual to the composed gravity of his countenance. After we had proceeded some steps in this mutual silence, he at length deigned to remark my habit, and demanded of me for what reason I had assumed it?" Apollo," said he, " was a pimp to Jupiter, I think!-Have you adopted this character and insignia to shew your readiness to exercise his talents?"-"His talents of pimping, Sire!" repeated I, somewhat surprised at this air of raillery, in a man of the austerity of Philip." Yes," replied he; "should a Jupiter deign to require your assistance in bis pleasures, would you hesitate to comply?"-"Not at all," returned I; "let a Jupiter command, and an Apollo must obey." "Then, in one word," said he, "behold a Jupiter, one who is wearied with the cares of empire, and acknowledges the power of love!-Yes, Don Zamboga, I have not seen the ladies of my court without becoming sensible to the power of beauty. To one of them I intend to dedicate the softer hours of my leisure; I shall employ you as my confidant. Your fidelity merits and suits the office."

I now proceeded to the apartments of the Infanta, in which the masques were already assembled. In vain, however, did my eyes wander in search of Seraphina! In vain did I traverse the rooms, and with an impertinance which excited the indignation of its objects, examine every mask whose person bore any resemblance to that of my mistress. My search was fruitless, and I was about to retire in despair, when my mistress addressed me. Her sudden appearance produced an emotion in my mind which vented itself in an expression of rapture. Seraphina, with looks of alarm, checked this exclamation.-"Is this the prudence you promised!" said she.—“ Beware, Don Zamboga, or we are discovered!Why are you thus unmasked?-The King has entered the apartments; resume your mask, we are lost if you are discovered?" I hesitated not to obey the command of my mistress, though I could not understand its cause. "What have we to fear from the King" said I, as I resumed my mask."Ruin and death!" replied she." From what cause?" said I.-" From revenge," re

As I had not lived so long in the court, and immediately about the person of the King, without having learned his character, I was not surprised at this conversation, and as my morals were those of a courtier, I did not hesitate to promise my services, and undertook the proposed office. To confess a truth, I even considered myself as honoured by thisplied she." What has be to revenge?" added disgraceful employ, and congratulated myself upon the attainment of it as an unexpected cast of good fortune.-"I am now," said I, " in the road to preferment!—In the distribution of courtly bounties, the most liberal share is that of those who promote the pleasures of their master. A general or admiral may be passed over into the list of invalids; the minister to the private amusements of his Sovereign is never forgotten."

In this manner did I reflect upon the honourable eminence to which I was thus raised. Alas! I little thought how much greater cause I had for apprehension than for hope. It was the cruel policy of this tyrant to pre

I." Injured pride, and disappointed love!" returned she." Yes, Don Zamboga, that is the cause of my tears and my lost happiness. The King loves mc-loves me, do I say? Alas! the tyrant is incapable of a passion so generous-he solicits me, however, to his purposes, and such is the confidence with which bis rank has inspired him, that he docs not admit a doubt of his success!-Confess now, that my tears are not without cause; confess that our love is now without hope!-But beware, your exclamations may discover and ruin us!"

It was not without reason that Seraphina thus admonished me to restrain my emotions,

ment he removed his mask, and you may conceive my terror and astonishment, when I beheld the face of the King!

It is impossible to describe my terror and in- || fusion, I will," replied he. In the same modignation upon this discovery. I knew that our destruction was inevitable; for Philip would no sooner find a resistance to his pas- || sion, than his love would be converted into hatred." Alas!" said I, "though your virtue may oppose his love, what can elude his revenge. He is a tyrant whom no laws, no sense of justice or mercy can restrain from any act of cruelty. Our condemnation is therefore already inevitable; nor have we any thing to dread from a discovery; the cruelty of our tyrant is as boundless as his power!-He || has nothing of human nature but the form; his soul cannot be equalled by that of the blackest demon!-He has no pity, no remorse! His mind is as dark and hateful as his countenance!"


"Don Zamboga," said be, with a grin of infernal malice, which could only have belonged to himself or a demon" are you satisfied ?" "I am,” replied I!" You offered your life for this discovery-what if I insist upon the price?"" I expect to pay it," replied 1; "and therefore am ready!"-" I have no pity, no remorse," said Philip, with a sneer of blended malice and revenge." My mind is as dark and as hateful as my countenance."—" I acknowledge may words," repeated I; "I neither expect pardon, nor of thee will I' stoop to solicit it. I have one revenge, however, of which you cannot deprive me."-" What is that?" said Philip." The love of Seraphina," replied I.-" And to that love," rejoined Philip, "you must fall a victim. But farewell; return to Seraphina, and tell her that you have proved yourself the best runner. Farewell, Don Zamboga.― My cruelty is as boundless as my power.have nothing of manhood but the form.-Go, farewell, Don Zamboga."

I was proceeding in this passionate invective, when I was interrupted by a motion of the arra of Seraphina, who, with looks of the greatest alarm directed my attention to the corner of the apartment. In the course of the conversation I have just related, Seraphina and myself had insensibly retired | from the surrounding company, and gained a more private part of the apartment. We were now in a recess of one of the less public With these words, and a sneer of malignity, rooms, when my mistress thus summoned my did the King take his leave; and I retired to regards to an object, which had hitherto seek Seraphina. There is a fortitude which escaped the observation both of her and my- despair inspires.-Such was the resolution I self. This was the mask of a Satyr, in the now felt. I was conscious that I had nothing darker corner of the recess. The apprehen- to hope. The malignity of Philip was too sion of Seraphina was justified by the manner fixed, and his black passions were too fariof this mask, who appeared to have heardously awakened to leave any hope of safety; I the whole of our preceding conversation; and must fail either beneath the band of the assaswho, perceiving himself discovered, endea-sin, or be condemned by some of the instruvoured to escape. gerous curiosity of this impertinent, and with some hopes, perhaps, of preventing the effects of his discovery by making the offer of a bribe, or other advantage, I resolved to opposse his purpose, and attempted to confine him to the recess. He had the dexterity, however, to elude this attempt; but I still continued to pursue, conscious of the danger of thus permitting his escape. He slipped from my grasp several times, but I at length caught him in my arms. He continued to wrestle with me with strength aud perseverance, but I ain tained my hold. "I will see your face," said I, "though it cost me my life!"-" You shall be satisfied," said he;-" but remember, it shall be at that expence !"-" I care not," replied I;" unmask!"-"To your cou

Irritated at the dan

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ments of his tyranny, and become the victim of oppression, under the name of justice.→ These reflections passed through my mind with the rapidity of my former passions. The certainty of my approaching fate had summoned up all the powers of my soul, and triumphed, as it were, in my superiority to the tyrant who menaced me. With these sentiments I left the presence of the King, and departed in search of my mistress. My search was for some time fruitless, as the multitude of company was now so great as to intercept all sight. At length, however, I succeeded, and found her in the alarm in which I had left her when I departed in pursuit of the King.

(To be continued.)

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