Abbildungen der Seite

"to the utmost of my power and ability con"sult and maintain the safety, honour, and "dignity of his Majesty, and the welfare of "his people. So help me God."

And the Prince subscribed the two oaths. The Lord President then presented to his Royal Highness the Declaration mentioned in an Act made in the 30th year of Charles II. intitled "An Act for the more effectually preserving the King's Person and Government, by disabling Papists from sitting in either House of Parliament," and which Declaration his Royal Highness audibly made, repeated, and subscribed.-The Lord President signed first, and every one of the Privy Councillors in succession signed these instruments as witnesses-and the same was delivered into the bands of the Keeper of the Records.

The Prince then delivered to the President of the Council certificate of his having received the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the Chapel Royal of St. James, on Sunday, the 27th January ult. which was also countersigned and delivered to the Keeper of the Records, who deposited all these instruments in a box at the bottom of the table.

The Lord President then approached the Regent, bent the knee, and had the honour to kiss his hand. The Royal Dukes followed, and afterwards the Archbishop of Canterbury, and all the rest, according to the order in which they sat at the long table, advancing to the chair on both sides. During the whole of this ceremony, his Royal Highness maintained the most dignified and graceful deportment, and there was not the slightest indication of partiality of behaviour to one set of men more than another.

The ceremony being closed, a short Levee took place in the Drawing-room, when his Royal Highness addressed himself to the circle; and afterwards he gave an audience of one minute to Mr. Perceval, who had the honour again of kissing his hand, as First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer.

His Royal Highness gave private audiences also to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, Earls Camden, Westmorland, Liverpool, Bathurst, and Derby, the Marquis Wellesley, Lords Mulgrave, Palmerston, and Gwydir, Sir David Dundas, Messrs. Ryder, and M. Sutton; the latter laid before his Royal Highness the proceedings of some Courts Martial, and took his Royal Highness's commands on the same.

They were introduced into the presence of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent by the Earl of Moira.

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downe, Wellesley, and Douglas.-Earls Moira, Liverpool, Aylesford, Mount Edgecumbe, Derby, Grosvenor, Bathurst, Chatham, Aylesbury, Pembroke, Spencer, Hardwicke, Winchelsea, Buckinghamshire, Chesterfield, Cholmondeley, Lauderdale, Temple, Carysfort, Harrowby, Chi-chester, Grey, and Powis.-Viscounts Cathcart, Morpeth, Sidmouth, and Castlereagh.-Lords Grenville, Holland, Erskine, Ellenborough, C. Somerset, Palmerston, Arden, G. and J. Thynne, Redesdale, Teignmouth, St. John, Walsingham, St. Helen's, and Mulgrave.-The Bishop of London, the Master of the Rolls, General Fitzpatrick, the Chief Baron Macdonald.-Sirs W. Drummond, J. Sinclair, W. Scott, J. Nicholl, D. Dundas, E. Nepean, J. Anstruther.-The Speaker of the House of Commons.-Messrs. Ponsonby, Tierney, Sheridan, Ryder, W. Elliot, M. Sutton, Arbuthnot, Corry, G. Canning, C. Yorke, T. Grenville, G. Rose, Walkace, and Long.

The table was covered with crimson velvet, and there were several silver ink-stands, which are said to have formerly belonged to Queen


HOUSE OF LORDS.-Tuesday, Feb. 12, the Lord Chancellor stated to their Lordships, that it not being convenient for his Royal Highness the Prince Regent to be personally present this day in Parliament, he had given directions for the issuing of a Royal Commission. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, Earls Camden and Westmoreland (the Lords President and Privy Seal), and the Duke of Montrose, took their seats before the Throne, as the Royal Commissioners. The Lord Chancellor having directed the Deputy Usher of the Black Rod to acquaint the Commons their presence was required to bear the Commission read, presently the Speaker, with a numerous attendance of Members, appeared at their Lordships' bar, when the Commission, for declaring the further purposes of Parliament being assembled, was read by the Clerk. The Lord Chancellor then addressed both Houses in the following Speech :--

"My Lords and Gentlemen,-In execution of the Commission which has now been read to you, we are commanded by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent to express, in the strongest manner, how deeply he laments, not only in common with all his Majesty's loyal subjects, but with a personal and filial affliction, the great national calamity which has been the occasion of imposing upon his Royal Highness the duty of exercising, in his Majesty's name, the Royal Authority of this Kingdom.

The following among others were present:Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York, "In conveying to you the sense which his Clarence, Kent, Cumberland, Sussex, Cam- Royal Highness entertains of the great diffibridge, and Gloucester; the Archbishop of Can- culties attending the important trust which is terbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Archbishop of reposed in him, his Royal Highness commands York, the Lord President of the Council, the us to assure you, that he looks with the most Lord Privy Seal, the Duke of Montrose.-Mar- perfect confidence to the wisdom and zeal of Parquisses Hertford, Buckingham, Stafford, Lans-liament, and to the attachment of a loyal and af.

fectionate people, for the most effectual assistance and support; and his Royal Highness will, on his part, exert his utmost endavours to direct the powers with which he is invested, to the ad. vancement of the prosperity, welfare, and security of his Majesty's dominions.

are directed to acquaint you, that his Royal Highness the Prince Regent has given his commands, that the estimates for the expenditure of the current year should be laid before you; that although the difficulties under which the commerce of this Kingdom has laboured, have in some degree affected a part of his Majesty's Revenue, particularly Ireland, yet that the Revenue of Great Britain in the last year, though un

"We are directed to inform you, that his Royal Highness has great satisfaction in being enabled to state, that fresh opportunities have been afforded during the campaign, for distin-aided by any new taxation, is greater than was guishing the valour and skill of his Majesty's forces both by sea and land.

"The capture of the islands of Bourbon and of Amboyna have still further reduced the dependencies of the enemy.

"The attack upon the island of Sicily, which was announced to the world with a presumptuous anticipation of success, has been repulsed by the persevering exertions of his Majesty's Jand and sea forces.

"The judicious arrangements adopted by the Officers commanding on that station, derived material support from the zeal and ardour which were manifested during the contest by the inhabitants of Sicily, and from the co-operation of the naval means which were directed by his Sicilian Majesty to that effect.

"In Portugal and at Cadiz, the defence of which constituted the principal object of his Majesty's exertions in the last campaign, the designs of the enemy have heen hitherto frustrated. The consummate skill, prudence, and perseverance of Lieutenant-General Lord Viscount Wellington, and the discipline and 'determined bravery of the Officers and men under his command, have been conspicuously displayed throughout the whole of the campaign. The effect of those distinguished qualities, in inspiring confidence and energy into the troops of his || Majesty's Allies, has been happily evinced by their general good conduct, and particularly by the brilliant part which they bore in the repulse of the enemy at Busaco. And his Royal Highness commands us further to state, that he trusts yon will enable him to continue the most effectual assistance to the brave nations of the Peninsula, in the support of a contest which they manifest a determination to maintain with unbated perseverance; and bis Royal Highness is persuaded, that you will feel that the best interests of the British Empire must be deeply ffected in the issue of this contest, on which the liberties and independence of the Spanish and Portuguese nations entirely depend.

"We have it likewise in command to acquaint you, that discussions are now depending between this country and the United States of America; and that it is the earnest wish of his Royal High ness, that he may find himself enabled to bring these discussions to an amicable termination, consistent with the honour of his Majesty's Crown, and the maritime rights and interests of the United Kingdom.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons We


ever known in any preceding year. And his Royal Highness trusts to your zeal and liberality to afford his Majesty adequate supplies for the support of the great contest in which he is necessarily engaged.

"My Lords and Gentlemen-We are commanded by his Royal Highness to declare to you, that it is the most anxious wish of his heart, that he may be enabled to restore, unimpaired, into the hands of his Majesty the Government of his Kingdom; and that his Royal Highness carnestly prays, that the Almighty may be pleased in his mercy to accelerate the termination of a calamity 'so deeply lanrented by the whole nation, and so peculiarly afflicting to his Royal Highness himself."


The following are the daily bulletins issued from Windsor Castle, of his Majesty's health, since our last :

Sunday, Jan. 20.-His Majesty appeared to be more indisposed in the course of yesterday, but is this morning as well as he was before.

Monday, Jan. 21.-His Majesty appears to be in a favourable state this morning.

Tuesday, Jan. 22.His Majesty is quite as well this morning as he was yesterday. Wednesday, Jan. 23.-His Majesty appears rather better to-day.

Thursday, Jan. 24.His Majesty is as well as he has been on any preceding day.

Friday, Jan. 25.-His Majesty continues in the same state in which he was yesterday. Saturday, Jan. 26-His Majesty goes on in a satisfactory manner.

Sunday, Jan. 27.His Majesty continues in the same state as before.

Monday, Jan. 28.-His Majesty is rather better to-day than he was yesterday.

Tuesday, Jan. 29.-His Majesty goes on favourably.

Wednesday, Jan. 30.-His Majesty continues as well as he was yesterday.

Thursday, Jan. 31.-His Majesty continues in the same favourable state in which he has been for the last week.

Friday, Feb. 1-His Majesty is in the same state as yesterday.

Saturday, Feb. 2.-The King is quite as well as for some days past.

Sunday, Feb. 3.His Majesty is in the same state as yesterday.

Monday, Feb. 4.-There has been little variation in the King's state since yesterday.

Tuesday, Feb. 5.-His Majesty continues to go on favourably.

Wednesday, Feb. 6. His Majesty is quite as well as he was yesterday.

Thursday, Feb. 7.-His Majesty seems to be making gradual progress towards recovery. Friday, Feb. 8-His Majesty seems to be making gradual progress towards recovery.

Saturday, Feb. 9.-His Majesty is in all respects as well to-day as he has been during the last two days.

Sunday, Feb. 10-His Majesty continues to advance towards recovery.

Monday, Feb. 11.-His Majesty remains, in all respects, as well as for the last few days.

Tuesday, Feb. 12.-His Majesty contiuues in a state of a:endment.

Wednesday, Feb. 13.-His Majesty goes on very favourably.

Thursday, Feb. 14.-His Majesty remains as well to-day as he was yesterday.

Friday, Feb. 15-There is little difference in his Majesty's state since yesterday.

Saturday, Feb. 16.-His Majesty continues still in the same state.

Sunday, Feb. 17.-His Majesty's progress is gradual and satisfactory. (Signed)






In drawing a fish-pond at Ely last month, the tail of a fish was observed in the mouth of a large pike, and on bringing the net to land, the latter disgorged a pike weighing upwards of four pounds, which was immediately put into another pond, where he swam well, and is supposed to be still living. The pike who had swallowed the other weighed about eighteen pounds.


A servant girl of Lieutenant-Colonel Kent's, at the Army Depot, Isle of Wight, lately poisoned herself by taking arsenic: it appeared in evidence she was five months with child, and it is thought she only meant to destroy the child. She told the surgeon who attended her, she took it on purpose to destroy herself. The Jury, after a few minutes consideration, returned a verdict of "felo de se,” and she was buried in the high road, near the barracks. She was a very fine young woman, about twenty years of age.

As a dragoon was on his return from duty to his quarters, at a small public-house, called Darndean Hut, in the Forest, near Petersfield, his attention was arrested by the cries of some person in distress, which induced him to ride up to the spot from whence they proceeded, where his humanity was shocked on beholding a woman tied to a tree, with the tears which her situation and suffering had produced actually frozen to her cheeks, and, horrid to relate, quite naked, having been stripped of every article of dress by two villains, who afterwards left her in that deplorable condition. The dragoon instantly cut the cords that bound her hands and feet to the tree, and having in some measure restored her to the use of her limbs by rubbing them, wrapped

her up in his cloak, placed her on his horse, and proceeded on to his quarters, where he soon after arrived; and as he was conducting the shivering object of his care into the house, she looked through the window that commanded a view of the kitchen, suddenly shrunk back, and in a faint voice exclaimed, "there are the two men that robbed me of my all, and used me so cruelly!.' The soldier, in consequence, entered the kitchen, and secured the men, who were the next day taken before a Magistrate, and after the necessary examination, fully committed to Winchester jail, for trial at

the next Azizes.


An inquest has been held at Merton, on the bodies of Hannah Taylor and her infant daughter, whom she had tied to her side with a bandkerchief, and in a paroxysm of insanity had precipitated it, with herself, into a well at Harmthorpe, in which they were both drowned.-Verdict, Lu. nacy.


Lately, a poor woman, who resided at Bayswater, was brought to-bed of a boy, and not having money sufficient to supply a nurse, a neighbour of her's tendered her services, but the husband coming home from his work in the evening, declined the offer, adding, at the same time, that he could attend on her himself. The next morning some acquaintance called to see them, and knocking at the door several times, but no one answering, the doors were broke open, when the man and his wife were both found dead, and a little infant sucking at the breast of the woman. The cause is attributed to their having burnt some charcoal to air the room, which suffocated them. They have left three young children,,


On the 17th ult. the passengers by the Highflyer coach from the North, dined at Newark. A bottle of wine was ordered, on tasting which, a gentleman, one of the passengers, observed that it had an unpleasant flavour, and begged that it might be changed. In compliance with this wish the waiter took away the bottle; but thought he had met with one of those travellers who are more nice than wise, and whom nothing can please at an inn; he therefore poured into a fresh decanter half the wine which had been objected to, and added sufficient from another bottle to make up the usual quantity. This he took into the room, and the greatest part of it was drank by the passengers. But when the coach proceeded on to Grantley, the passengers who had partaken of the wine experienced a loathing and disagreeable sickness, which, with one gentleman in particular, who had taken more of the wine than the others, increased to an alarming degree. The more melancholy part of the story remains to be told. The half of the bottle of wine which the waiter kept in the decanter was put aside, for the purpose of making negus. In the evening Mr. Bland, an attorney, of Newark, and a man much respected, went into the same house, and drank a glass or two of wine and water. He returned home at the usual hour and went to bed, he was taken so ill in the night, that Mrs. Bland sent for his brother, an apothecary in the town; before he arrived, however, the sufferer was dead.


Several travellers have lately taken Ludlow in their way to see Lucien Bonaparte, and he knowing the circumstance, generally walks round the Castle for an hour about mid-day to gratify their curiosity-One day lately, the weather being indifferent, he did not take his usual walk; a Gentleman who had come a considerable distance and who could not stop was disappointed, but being very anxious to see Lucien, sent his compliments, and requested to look at him for a few seconds. Lucien, with much good humour, desired that the Gentleman might be introduced, and when he entered, politely begged him to be seated, and handed him several different kinds of wine, concluding with a half-pint bumper of Champagne; after which,

the curious traveller departed top-heavy to the Crown Inn. Mr. Anderson, sen. is his French, and Mr. Wellings, the Italian Interpreter: several of his suite are Italians. The Drawing Master who accompanied Lucien, has some finely executed drawings of antique Statues, Vases, &c. which Lucien got dug out of the ruins of Tusculam, during the six years of his retirement in Italy; the originals have been left at Rome.-He frequently gives dinners to select parties.


In the church-yard of Woking, in this county, as long as there is any thing left of a corpse that is interred there, besides the bones, there grows

up from it a kind of plant, about the thickness of a bulrush, with a top like the head of asparagus, which comes near the surface, but never above it; the outside is black, but the inside red; and when the corpse is quite consumed, the plant withers away. Some naturalists account for this

by the soil being entirely of light red sand. SUSSEX.

A few months since, a great part of Ashdown Forest, in this county, was inclosed by a set of men called Foresters, and also the Rev. Robert Bingham, the Curate of the parish of Mayersfield; which being deemed to be the right of the Duchess of Dorset, the same was thrown down by order of her Grace, Lord Whitworth, and Lord Sheffield, the acting Magistrates for that county. This act irritated all those who had made inclosures, and some of them were heard to make use of threatening language, which caused some little alarm among those concerned in destroying the inclosures; but no particular notice was taken, nor any act done, except swearing in a number of respectable inhabitants as special constables, to be ready in case of an emergency. On Sunday, the 16th of December, a letter was found on the road, near Mayersfield, by the sons of Mr. Richard Jenner, a respectable farmer, directed to their father. The boys took it home, but their father being absent, they gave it to their mother, who, on opening it, discovered that it was headed in large letters," Fire! Murder! and Revenge!" and the contents threatened destruction to the Parson, Churchwardens, and Farmers' houses, barns, and stacks. The boys told their mother, that after Mr. Bingham performed the morning service at Mayersfield church, he got on horseback to ride to a neighbouring parish to do duty there in the afternoon; he passed them, and when he was at a short distance from them, they saw a paper drop from his pocket, which they were positive was the letter they picked up. The letter so much alarmed Mrs. Jenner, that she sent off one of her sons after her husband, who was in London. The circumstance caused considerable alarm in that part of the country. Lords Whitworth and Sheffield published an advertisement offering a reward of £200 for the discovery of the writer of the letter. A number of men were em

ployed to watch Mr. Jenner's premises, and to patrole in different parts. On the 10th of January last, Mr. Bingham's house was discovered to be on fire, and although timely assistance was given, great part of the premises were destroyed. It was ascertained that the fire broke out in the school-room, where there were several faggots laid. Mr. Bingham reported that he had no doubt it was one of the Foresters who had set fire to his premises. The account he gave of the fire and his conduct, was, that his family went to bed about ten o'clock-he was the last up. About half-past ten o'clock he heard the noise of footsteps; he looked out of his window, but could not see or hear any person. About

half-past eleven o'clock he was alarmed again-brook, Chairman to the East India Company, and

he looked out of the window the second time, but did not see any person; but a little before one, he heard a noise at the school-room door; and he states that he saw a man walking from the house, but could not tell whether he had on a blue coat or a smock-frock. This account being so very extraordinary and unsatisfactory, Lord Sheffield sent to the Public Office, Bow-street, for an active and intelligent Officer, and Mr. Read sent Adkins. Upon the Officer's arrival, after making inquiries, he strongly suspected Mr. Binglam had set his own house on fire, and in consequence placed several men to watch. One of them he stationed in the steeple of the church, when they discovered him to bring a quntity of books from his stable, and bury them in his garden. From a variety of other suspicious circumstances, a warrant was granted against Mr. Bingham, and one to search his premises, when Adkins found in the roof of the privy a variety of valuable papers concealed, together with other suspicious circumstances of his having set his house on fire, for the purpose of defrauding the|| Union Fire-Office, and he was in consequence taken into custody, and underwent a final examination at Lewes, before Lords Chichester and Sheffield, and was fully committed for trial.


As James Deering, Esq. and another gentleHan were shooting in the grounds of the former, they observed a large bird in the air at some distance, which, when they approached, they discovered to be a hawk. With some trouble they contrived to shoot it, and upon examination, the eraw was found to contain, in addition to numerous bones of small birds, a large piece of blue cloth, in which were sewed up two guinea pieces, a seven shillings piece, and two sixpences. From whence it came, and by what means the bird became possessed of it, are considerations which have involved the neighbourhood in wonder and amazement.


Augustine Pentheny, Esq. who died on the 23d of November last, in the 83d year of his age, in an obscure lodging in Leeson-street, Dublin, was a miser of the most perfect drawing that nature has ever given to the world. From the low and laborious condition of a journeyman cooper, be accumulated the enormous sum of 300,000l. in the Islands of Antigua and Santa Cruz. He was boru in the village of Longwood, county of Meath, and was very early in life encouraged to make a voyage to the West Indies, to follow his trade, under the patronage of his maternal uncle, another adventurer of the name of Gaynor, better known among his neighbours by the name of "Peter Big Brogues," from the enormous shoes he was mounted in on the day he set out on his travels. Peter acquired an immense fortune, and ired to see his only child married to Sir G. Cole

a Banker in London, to whom Peter gave with his daughter 200,0001.

Mr. A. Pentheny saw mankind only through one medium; his vital powers were so diverted from generous or social objects, by the prevailing passion of gold, that he could discover no trait in any character, however venerable or respectable, that was not seconded by riches; in fact, any one that was not rich he considered as an inferior animal, neither worthy of notice, nor safe to be admitted into society. This extraordinary feeling he extended to female society, and, if possible, with a greater degree of disgust. woman he considered only as an incumbrance on a man of property, and therefore he could never be prevailed upon to admit one into his confidence. As to wedlock, he utterly and uniformly rejected any idea of it. His wife was the public funds, and his children guineas; and no parent or husband paid more deference to the comforts of his family. hord, by rewarding a generous action; or alleHe was never known to separate his immense viating a premature or accidental misfortune, by the application of one shilling to such purposes. It could scarcely be expected he would bestow a gift or extend a gratitude to others, when he was so niggard of comforts to himself. The evening before he died, some busy friend sent a respectable physician to him, at which the old miser did not shew any apparent dislike, until he recollected the Doctor might expect a fee; this alarmed him, and immediately raising himself in the bed, he addressed the Irish Esculapius in the following words: 66 Doctor, I am a strong man, and know my disorder, and could cure myself, but as Mr. Nangle has sent you to my assistance, I shall not exchange you for any other person, if you can come to an understanding; in fact, I wish to know what you will charge for your attendance until I am recovered!" The Doctor answered, "eight guineas." "Ah! Sir," said the old man, "if you knew my disorder you would not be exorbitant but to put an end to this discussion, I will give you six guineas and a half." The Doctor assented, and the patient held out his arm with the fee, and to have his pulse considered, numerous, but not being, in his opinion, qualiand laid himself down again.-His relations were fied, for want of experience in the management of money, to nurse his wealth, he bequeathed the entire of it to a rich family in the West Indies, with the generous exception of 41. annually, to a faithful servant, who lived with him twenty-four years.-In the will he expresses great kindness for poor John, and says he bequeathed the 41. for his kind services, that his latter days may be spent in comfortable independence! Like The lusson, he would not allow his fortune to pass to his heirs immediately, as he directed that the entire should be funded for fourteen years, and then, in its improved state, to be at the disposal of the heirs he has chosen. -For the regulation of his last Will and Testament, he appointed Waller

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