Abbildungen der Seite

Monthly Pay of Non-Commissioned Officers, Privates, &c.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


$34 00 | Private, second class...................................................................................... Corporal ................................................ 20 00 Musician........................................................................................................ Private, first class.................................. 17 00



[blocks in formation]

T'wo dollars per month is to be retained from the pay of each private soldier until the expiration of his term of enlistment, and 124 cents per month from all enlisted men, for the support of the "Soldier's Home."

All enlisted men are entitled to $2 per month additional pay for re-enlisting, and $1 per month for each subsequent period of five years' service, provided they re-enlist within one month after the expiration of their term.

Volunteers and militia, when called into service of the United States, are entitled to the same pay, allowances, &c., as regulars.



ABSENCE, application for leave of, endorsed, | Abstract, form of, of articles purchased, &c.;

[blocks in formation]

of Adjutant-General, 11.

of any chief of a military bureau, 11.
officers on leave of, report, when, 31.
reports of, on account of sickness, 33.
three months' leave of, 32.
time of, of officers, 32.
Absentees, reported, by whom, 40.
Abstract, consolidated, form of, of provisions
sold to officers, Subsistence Depart-
ment, 264.

form of, of advances, &c., Quartermas-

ter's Department, 187.

of articles expended, &c., Quarter-
master's Department, 219.

of articles fabricated, &c., Ordnance
Department, 432.

of articles issued on special requi-
sitions, Quartermaster's Depart-
ment, 217.

of articles purchased, &c., Ordnance
Department, 433.

Quartermaster's Department, 202.
form of, of articles received from offi.
cers, Quartermaster's Dept., 204.
of articles received, &c., Quarter-
master's Department, 224.
of articles transferred, Quarter-
master's Department, 223.

of disbursements on account of con-
tingencies, Quartermaster's De-
partment, 229.

of disbursements on account of con-
tingencies, Recruiting Service,

of disbursements on account of con-
tingencies, Subsistence Depart-
ment, 263.

of disbursements, Ordnance De-
ment, 445.

of expenditure, Quartermaster's
Department, 186.

of extra issues to troops, Subsist-
ence Department, 258.

of forage issued, Quartermaster's
Department, 209.

of fuel, &c., issued, Quartermaster's
Department, 206.

of materials expended, &c., Ord
nance Department, 437.

of medical and hospital property
received, &c., Medical Depart-
ment, 314.

of payments made by paymaster,
Pay Department, 362, 363.
of provisions issued to men in hos-

pital, Subsistence Dept., 254, 255.
of provisions issued to troops, Sub-
sistence Department, 257.

of provisions sold to officers, Sub-
sistence Department, 259.

Abstract, form of, of purchases made on ac- | Additional pay allowed, when, 149.

count of subsistence of army, Subsist-

ence Department, 262.

form of, of purchases, &c., Quartermas-
ter's Department, 184.

Adjournment of court-martial, 126.
Adjutant, appointed, how, 18.

duties of, on dress parade, 51.

on guard-mounting, 58.

of rations issued, Subsistence De- Adjutant-General, absence of, 11.

partment, 271.

of rations issued to recruits, Re-

cruiting Service, 143.

of stationery, Quartermaster's De-
partment, 215.

of straw, Quartermaster's Depart-
ment, 213.

Account current, form of, for expenditures
on account of contingencies, Quarter-
master's Department, 228.

Account current, form of, of army subsist-
ence, Subsistence Department, 261.
form of, Ordnance Department, 446.
Quartermaster's Department, 183.
with Paymaster U. S. Army, 364,


Account, form of, of furniture, cooking-
utensils, &c., Medical Department,

form of, for commutation of rations,
Subsistence Department, 272.

form of, for medicines, &c., Medical
Department, 312.

blanks furnished by, 133.

conducts recruiting service, 128.
descriptive roll of recruits, forwarded

to, 140.

letters addressed to, how endorsed, 136.
received, how, 40.

reports officers' accounts, when, 12.
resignations forwarded to, 12.
returns made to, 134.
Adjutant-General's Department, officers of,

Administration, council of, 29, 34.
duties of council of, 24.
post council of, 34.
Advance guards on marches, 96.
Advanced guard, 60.

communication secured to, 104.
duties of, in battle, 104.
may aid pursuit, 105.

Advanced post detached from police guard,


Advances of public money, when to be
made, 148.

form of, of hospital stores, &c., Medical Advances, &c., Quartermaster's Department,
Department, 315.

of clothing, arms, &c., of patients in hos-
pital, Medical Department, 316.
of treasurer of post fund, 35.
soldier's, rendered immediately, when,

sutler establishes by affidavit, when, 38.
Accounts and papers on Recruiting Service,
how made, 136.

form of abstract, 187.

Affidavits or depositions, how taken, 153.
Aides-de-camp, appointed, how, 13.

buttons for, 479.

of brevet brigadier-generals, 13.
of major-generals, 13.
Aim, accuracy of, how determined, 17.
Alarm, duty of guards in case of, 62.
Allotment of barracks and quarters, 159.

and returns in Subsistence Department, Allowance of camp and garrison equipage,


and vouchers for expenditures to regu-

lar army, how kept, 345.

clothing, how kept, 171.

inspection of, 49.


of clothing, 169.

Allowances to working-parties, 127.

Alterations in and around fortifications, 15.
Ambulance depôt, where established, 106.

Ordnance Department, with States and Ambulances, 289.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Ammunition in transports, 121.

not brought into hospital, 283.
Animals, public, form of monthly report of,

Quartermaster's Department, 178.
Annual consolidated inspection report, form
of, of muskets, &c., Ordnance De-
partment, 471.

inspection report, ordnance and pro-
jectiles, form of, Ordnance Depart-

ment, 466.
returns, 69.

Application for leave of absence, 32.

or leave of absence on account of sick-
ness, form of, 33.

Arms, small, and other ordnance storce, clas-
sification of, 398.

small, contracts for, 387.
Army, formed suddenly, how, 97.

medical supplies for, prescribed, where,

not moving, issues to, 83.
organization of, in the field, 71.

pay, subsistence, forage, &c., Pay De-
partment, 348-353.

table of monthly pay of, 524-526.
tables of daily pay of, Pay Department,
354, 355.
transportation, 163.

Appointment and promotion of aides-de- Arrangement of convoy, 108.

[blocks in formation]

to rank of brigadier-general and major- Arsenal, charge of, in absence of officer of

general, how made, 11.

Apprehension of a deserter, 29.

Armament of fortifications, care of, 15.
Arm-chests, accounted for, how, 390.
Armies in the field, works for movements of,

constructed by corps of engineers, 369.
Armories, inspections of, 390.
Armory, charge of, in absence of superin-

tendent, devolves on whom, 390.
duties of officer in charge of, 390.
Arms and accoutrements, issues of, 388.
to be kept clean, 21.

arrangement of, when not in use, 21
care of, 22.

in possession of companies, 22.
inspected on transports, 122.

in transports, 121.

&c., issued to militia, chargeable against
whom, 389.

knapsacks, &c., inspection of, 47.
loss or damage to, 389.

not to be left loaded, 22.
officers on duty under, 50.

of the United States, 474.

of the United States on drums, 22.
prices of small, 394–396.

&c., repairs of, how made, 389.

&c., reports of damages to, mado, to
whom, 390.

ordnance, devolves on whom, 390.
duties of officer in charge of, 390.
Arsenals, inspections of, 390.

Articles belonging to regiment, how num-
bered, 19.

of agreement, form of, to furnish rations
to United States recruits, 273.
of agreement, form of, to supply fresh
beef for use of United States troops.

of War, 499.

Articles, &c., purchased, abstract of, Quar-
termaster's Department, 202.

Artificers, 19.

soldiers mustered as, 19.

Artillery and cavalry, inspection of, 49.

and other ordnance stores, classification

of, 398.

buttons for officers of, 479.

camp of, 80.

employed in battle, how, 105.

equipped as light artillery, trimmings

for uniform cap, 481.

field, registers of, 17.

foot men, uniform coat for, 477.
practice, 16.

annual, number of shot and shells

allowed for, 17.

books of record for, 16

Artillery practice, objects of, 17.

periods for, 17.

uses of buoys or marks in, 16.
regiments, colors of, 475.
School, Fort Monroe, 19.

trimmings for uniform of officers of, 480.
Assistant inspectors, Ordnance Department,
duties of, 388.

surgeon, by whom appointed, 282.

duty of, to examine volunteers, 495.
requirements of, for promotion, 287.
surgeons, appointment of, 287.

Attack and defense of places, works for,
constructed by corps of engineers, 369.

made on enemy, how, 105.

Attendants, hospital, 284.

Authority, military, exercise of, 9.

Belts, 22.

black leather, prices of, 397.
Betting prohibited, 148.

Bids, time of opening sealed, 155.

Bill, form of, of special contractor for ra-
tions, Subsistence Department, 270.
Bivouacs, 80.

formations of, 80.

Black leather belts, prices of, 397.
Blank books purchased, by whom, 134.
certificates, in charge of whom, 31.
discharges, 30.

warrants, 19.

Blanks, 133.

printed, from Ordnance Office, issued,
when, 393.

Blowing charge given to shells, when, 17.

Average net weight of a steer, how ascer- Board and lodging, contract for, 245.

tained, 242.

BACK rations, 246.

Badges to distinguish rank, 484.

Baggage, officers', amount of, to be trans-
ported, 163.

to be transported, limited to what, 162.
trains, 110.

Bakeries, expenses of, paid for, how, 248.

post, advantages of, 35.

Balance, unexpended, of post fund, 36.
Band kept at head-quarters, when, 19.
uniform of, 495.

Bands of music, 19.

mustered, how, 19.

number of men allowed for, 19.
pay of, 353.

Barracks and quarters, 159.

erected and altered, 159.

Battalion, companies take place in, how, 18.
of infantry, review of, 53.
Battalions, review of more than two, 57.
Bathing, 21.

regulations in regard to, 123.
Batteries, guns in fixed, numbered, 16.
Battle, artillery, how employed in, 105.
dispositions for, 104.

duties of cavalry in, 105.
duties of officers during, 106.

Bearer of dispatches, duty of, 82.

of dispatches, treatment of, 92.

Bearers of flags, caution to be used toward, 92.
Beef cattle to supply issues, 242.

Board for examination of non-commissioned

officers, 18.

for inspection of recruits, of whom com.
posed, 139.

of engineers, report of, 369.

of examination for appointment of citi-
zens, 12.

of inspectors of recruits, 139.

of survey, powers and duties of, 150.
convened, by whom, 151.
Bond, form of contractor's, Subsistence De-
partment, 276.

Bonds, certain officers must give, 147.
Book, commissary's, 247.

of council of administration, 35.
post, of record, 16.

Books and accounts, inspection of, 49.
and papers, company, inspection of, 49.
regimental, inspection of, 49.
company, 24.

for regiments, 20.

kept by officers of corps of engineers
and topographical engineers, 371.
of record for artillery practice, 16.
papers, and drawings relating to build-
ing of fortifications, 370.

post, 20.

regimental, 20.

sutler's, 35.

Boots, uniform, 481.

Branded property, how branded when sold,


Branding, regulations in regard to, 150.

form of agreement to furnish fresh, to Brevet brigadier-generals, aides-de-camp of,

United States troops, 274.


fresh, orders in regard to purchase of, 241.

rank takes effect, when. 10.

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