Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Privy Council, dominion appeals to,

Psychology, neglect of, 309

Law, Sir Algernon, India Under Lord
Ellenborough, 119

Law, Hugh Alexander, Anglo-Irish
Literature, 405

Lea, H. C., A History of the Inquisition

in the Middle Ages, 242
League of Nations, The, 349-363;
composition of council and assembly,
350; secret diplomacy methods,
352; Great Powers' influence, 352;
Italy and, 353; Latin-America and,
354; United States and, 354; influ-
ence of cranks, 355; salaries and ex-
penses, 357; successful handling of
minor disputes, 358; international
labour organisation, 359
Lépicier, Fr. A., 251

Leslie, Shane, George the Fourth, 207
Letts, Malcolm, Pero Tafur: Travels
and Adventures, 205

Lewinski, Jan St., The Origin of Pro-
perty, 75

Leys, Dr. Norman, Kenya, 43
Liberal party, 287-298 passim
Lichnowsky, Prince Karl von, 262
Licitra, Carmelo, Dal Liberalismo al
Fascismo, 58
Lilies, new, 150

Lindley, M. F., The Acquisition and
Government of Backward Territory in
International Law, 43

Literature Concerning Translation,


Livingstone, David-on African colo-
nisation, 54

Llorente, J. A., The History of the
Inquisition in Spain, 242

Lloyd George, Rt. Hon. D.-conduct
of war, 198

London :-

Suburbanization, A Century of, 92-


Town planning, 321

Londonderry, Marchioness of, Henry
Chaplin A Memoir, 206


Long, W. H., A Dictionary of the Isle of
Wight Dialect, 375

Luzel, François Marie, 375

Macartney, C. A., The Social Revolution
in Austria, 402

Macaulay, Lord-on first Afghan war
and Lord Ellenborough, 121
Macdonald, Sir John A., 212 et seq.
McDougall, William, Our Neglect of
Psychology, 299-312

Mackenzie, Sir James: The Beloved
Physician, 206

Madox, Thomas, 130
Magnolia, new, 151

Maistre, Joseph de, Lettres d'un gentil-
homme russe sur l'inquisition espagnoli,


Maitland's Domesday Book and Beyond,

Malone, Andrew E., The Late Develop-
ment of Irish Drama, 364-374
Marriott, Sir J. A. R., The Problem of
Public Assistance, 155-173

Martin, Kingsley, The Writing of
Nineteenth Century History, 174-186
Massey, Hon Vincent, 222

Mathieson, W. L., British Slavery and
Its Abolition, 204

Maudsley, Henry, 308

May, J. Lewis, Concerning Transla-
tion, 108-118

Maycock, A. L., The Inquisition, 242
Mayo, Mr. Elton, 300

Mayo, Katherine, The Isles of Fear,

19, 23

Meconopsis, new, 148

Medical science-British attitude to-
wards psychology, 307
Mesopotamia-oil resources : United
States' claim, 17

Mexico United States' policy, 9, 16
Military science-Soldiers and States-
men, 187-203; The Services and a
Common Doctrine of War, 385-401
Milner, late Lord-town planning in
Kent, 314

Mond, Sir Alfred-on American labour
situation, 300

Monroe Doctrine, 3 et seq.
Montague, Mr. F. C., 162
Mothersole, Jessie, Czecho-Slovakia,
204; Agricola's Road Into Scotland,

Mott, Sir Frederick, 308

Mowat, R. B., Society and Politics,

Mozart, 260, 270

Murray, Dr., Disraeli, 287

Music-Beethoven's Sonatas, 258-273
Mussolini, Benito, 58-74; Origins and
Spirit of Fascism, 58-74
Myers, Dr. C. S., 302

Myers, F. W., on language, 113
Mystery, or miracle plays, 368

Nasse, The Agricultural Community of
the Middle Ages, &c., 75

Olson, chief justice, 311

Onslow, Arthur, 128

Oratory, Irish, 368

Oriani, Alfredo, 62

Owen, Archdeacon W. E., Empire and
Church in Uganda and Kenya, 43-57
Owen's "Pembrokeshire," 78
Oxford, Lord (Lord High Treasurer),

Oxford & Asquith, Lord, Fifty Years of
Parliament, 287

Page, Mr. Wm., on Hertfordshire
settlements, 83
Pagopago, 13

Palmerston, Lady, 290

Palmerston, Lord-Mr. P. Guedalla's
Palmerston, 174; and society, 290
Parties, political, Society and Politics,

Pascal, portrait of, 404
Pater, quoted, 112

Paul, Herbert, History of Modern
England, 288

Peake, Harold, The English Village, 75
Pensions, old-age, widows, and orphans,

Pero Tafur Travels and Adventures,


Petrie, Charles, The United States in
the Philippines, 19-27
Petrus, Cantor, 255

National Institute of Industrial Psy- Philip Augustus, 256

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Randall, H. J., The Antiquity of the
English Village, 75-91
Reformation, 226

Rice, Mr. H. E. H., 314

Richmond, Adml. Sir Herbert--lecture
on sea warfare, 390

Rippy, J. Fred, The United States and
Mexico, I

Roberts, R. A., The Genesis of the

Public Record Office, 127-138
Robertson, Field Marshal Sir W.,
Soldiers and Statesmen, (1914-18),

Rocco, Prof., quoted, 72

Rock, J. F., 146

Roman Catholic Church :-

Ecclesiastical law, civil courts and,

Inquisition Once More, The, 243
Ireland, attitude towards drama in,

Rural England, Council for the Preser-
vation of, 313

Rush, Richard, 5

Russell, C. E., The Outlook for the
Philippines, 19

St. Paul, Sir John de, 127
Saint-Simonian Religion In Germany,
The, 404

St. Thomas Aquinas-on heresy, 250
Sampson, George, Beethoven's Sona-
tas, 258-273

Sarfatti, Margherita, The Official Life of
Benito Mussolini, 58

Sargent, John S., His Life and Work, 403
Schindler, quoted, 272

Scotland-town planning, 316

Scotland, Free Church of, v. Overtoun,
326, 331


from Stendhal and Marcel Proust, 117
Seebohm, English Village Community, 76
Seeley, Sir J. R., 174

Sellers, Miss Edith, Foreign Poor Law
Systems, 155, 164

Services and a Common Doctrine of
War, The, 385-401

Settlement, Act of (1662), 160
"Shanachies," 366

Simon, E. D., A City Council from
Within, 402

Six Clerks," Office of, 131

Slavery and Its Abolition, British, 204
Social Problems in South Africa, 28-42

Society and Politics, 287-298
Soldiers and Statesmen, 187-203
Soley, William, 130

Sonnino, Baron Sidney, 61

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Squadron Leader," Basic Principles of
Air Warfare, 385

Roman Empire, The Decay of the, Spengler, Herr, quoted, 103

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Standard Oil Company, 16

State Paper Office, 133, 137
Statesmen, Soldiers and, 187-203
Stein, Arthur, Der römische Ritterstand,


Stöber, Auguste, Elsässisches Volks-
büchlein, 375

Stone, Dr. Darwell, 334
Stratford-on-Avon-town planning, 322
Sturzo, Don Luigi, 65

Suburbanization, A Century of, 92-104
Summer, Lord-on Lord Ellenborough,


Theatres-Irish attitude towards, 369
Thomas, M. Albert, 361

Tilby, Mr. A. Wyatt, A Century of

Suburbanization, 92-107

Tory party, 287

Tower of London-public records, 129
Town planning - The Planning of
England, 313

Townroe, B. S., The Planning of
England, 313-325

Translation, Concerning, 108-118
Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office, 132
Trenchard, Air Chief Marshal-on air
warfare, 398

Trevelyan, Mr. G. M., on history, 175 ;
The Two Party System In English
Political History, 287-298
Tupper, Sir Charles, 212, 219
Turberville, A. S., Medieval Heresy and

the Inquisition, 242
Turrill, W. B., 147

"Twelve Apostles, The" (folk-song),

Uganda Empire and Church in
Uganda and Kenya, 43-57; com-
pulsory native labour question, 43;
expropriation of native land, 48;
taxation, 53

Ugarte, Manuel, The Destiny of a
Continent, I

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ward, F. Kingdon, 145

Ward, late James, Psychology Applied to
Education, 208

Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney-on poor
law, 157

Wheeler, Sir George, 133

Whig party, 287

Whitebread, J. W., 373

Widows' and orphans' pensions, 166
Williams, Mr. Whiting, 300
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 134
Wilson, E. H., 144

Wilson, R. McNair, The Beloved Phy-
sician: Sir James Mackenzie, 206
Wilson, President Woodrow on peace
and international relations, I; Philip-
pine policy, 20

Wood, General-Philippine policy, 22
Workmen's compensation, 165
Wulf, M. de, Philosophy and Civilization
in the Middle Ages, 252

Yeats, W. B., 374

York, Archbp. of, report of commission
on ecclesiastical courts, 326
Young, Arthur-and the English field
system, 75 et seq.

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