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THE Editor takes the opportunity of completing a volume, to express his gratitude for the invariable courtesy and kindness he has experienced from all the learned Judges in the course of collecting these cases. Permission to use the note-books on Criminal Law of Sir JOHN BAYLEY, has been continued; and up to the lamented retirement of that venerable Judge, the marginal abstracts and grounds of the decisions have been, for the most part, obtained from that source. Most important aid has also been derived from the note-book of Mr. Justice GASELEE, to which unrestricted access has been permitted by the kindness of that learned Judge. In some few instances the reasons on which the judgments have been founded, have not been satisfactorily ascertained; in those cases only the facts and the decisions are given. The cases up to and including Moseley's case, p. 97, were edited jointly with Sir EDWARD RYAN, now Chief Justice at Calcutta: for the remainder of the volume Mr. Moody is solely responsible.

Temple, Feb. 18, 1837.

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