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and particularly by the brilliant Part which they bore in the Repulfe of the Enemy at Buzaco.

WE can affure Your Royal Highnefs, that You may rely on our enabling You to continue the most effectual Affiftance to the brave Nations of the Peninfula, in the Support of a Contest which they manifest a Determination to maintain with unabated Perfeverance; being fully perfuaded, that the best Interefts of the British Empire must be deeply affected in the Iffue of this Conteft, on which the Liberties and Independence of the Spanish and Portuguese Nations entirely depend.

WE acknowledge with all poffible Thankfulness, the Goodness of Your Royal Highness, in informing us, that Difcuffions are now depending between this Country and the United States of America; and we participate in Your Royal Highness's earnest Wish that You may find Yourfelf enabled to bring them to an amicable Termination, consistent with the Honour of His Majefty's Crown, and the Maritime Rights and Interefts of the United Kingdom.

WE beg to be allowed to exprefs to Your Royal Highnefs, how deeply we are impreffed with the Conviction that the moft anxious Wish of Your Royal Highness's Heart is to be enabled to restore into the Hands of His Majefty unimpaired, the Government of His Kingdom; and we moft earneftly join in the Prayers of Your Royal Highness, that the Almighty may be pleafed in His Mercy to accelerate the Termination of a Calamity fo deeply lamented by the whole Nation, and fo peculiarly afflicting to Your Royal Highness.


His ROYAL HIGHNESS's moft Gracious Answer.


I THANK you for this very loyal and affectionate Addrefs.

SUCH a Proof of dutiful and loyal Attachment to His Majefty, and of Confidence in Myfelf, is, at a Moment like the prefent, peculiarly gratifying to Me.

I RECEIVE with Satisfaction the Assurances of your Affiftance and Support, as they must contribute moft effentially, under the Bleffing of Divine Providence, to promote My anxious Endeavours for the Safety, Welfare, and Profperity of His Majefty's Dominions.









Signed at Rio de Janeiro, the 19th February 1810.


Em Nome da Santiffima, e Indivizivel Trindade.

SUA Mageftade El Rey do Reino Unido da

Grande Bretanha e Irlanda, e Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal eftando Convencidos das Vantagens, que as Duas Corôas tem tirado da perfeita Harmonia e Amizade, que entre Ellas fubfifte ha quatro Seculos, de huma maneira igualmente honroza á Bôa-Fé, Moderação, e Justiça de Ambas as Partes, e reconhecendo os importantes, e filizes effeitos, que a Sua mutua Alliança tem produzido na prezente Crife, durante a qual Sua Alteza Real, O Principe Regente de Portugal (firmemente unido á Caufa da Grande Bretanha, tanto pelos Seus proprios Principios, como pelo exemplo de Seus Auguftos Antepaffados) tem conftantemente recebido de Sua Mageftade Britannica omais generofo, e difintereffado Soccorro, e Ajuda, tanto em Portugal, como nos Seus outros Dominios, Determinárão, em beneficio de Seus refpectivos Eftados, e Vaffalos, fazer hum folemne Tratado de Amizade, e Alliança; para cujo fim Sua Magestade El Rey do Reino Unido da Grande Bretanha, e Irlanda, e Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal, Nomeárão por Seus refpectivos Commiffarios, e Plenipotenciarios, ifto he, Sua Magef tade Britannica ao Muito Illuftre, e Muito Excellente Senhor Percy Clinton Sydney, Lord, Vif


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