Abbildungen der Seite

and conditions may be fettled, as may be neceffary for the better and more effectual performance of this general article, it is moreover hereby agreed, That commiffioners be named on each fide, who, within the space of 15 days from the figning of the prefent treaty, fhall meet to settle and adjust between themfelves, and with the commiffioners of his Imperial Majefty, if he pleases to name any on his part, all things relating to the traffick and commerce that fhall be made in the Spanifh low-countries, and in the places belonging to the barrier, according to the true fense and cleareft meaning of this article.

XIV. And to the end that the furety fhips or guaranties mutually undertaken by virtue of this treaty, may be the better and the more certainly executed, it is ftipulated and agreed, That the most ferene queen of Great Britain, and her heirs or fucceffors, fhall, at the request of the lords the ftates-general, and not otherwife, furnish the fuccours hereafter expreffed, to make good the guaranty of the barrier; and in like manner the lords the ftatesgeneral fhall, at the request of her royal majefty, or (after her decease) of the next heir born of her body, or (on failure thereof) of the next proteftant heir who fhall at that time have a title to the crown by virtue of the acts and ftatutes of Great Britain, and not otherwise, furnish the fuccours hereafter mentioned to make good the guaranty concerning the fucceffion to the crown of Great Britain. And it is further ftipulated and agreed, that in cafe either of the parties contracting fhall be required in the manner aforefaid, the fuccours which are to be furnifhed, fhall be fent according to the following proportions: namely, the moft ferene queen of Great Britain, her heirs and fucceffors, fhall fend 10000 foot to the affiftance of the lords the ftates-general, and on the other hand, the lords the ftates-general fhall fend to the affiftance of her royal majefty, her heirs and fucceffors, 6000 foot, well provided with arms, under fuch generals, and other officers, and diftributed into fuch regiments and companies as fhall feem good to her royal majefty, her heirs and fucceffors, if the or they fhall fend fuch fuccours; and as the lords the states-general fhall think fit, if the fuccours fhall be fent by them. Each party fhall also be obliged to

fit out 20 men of war well equipped, and provided with all neceffaries. And the fuccours aforefaid fhall be maintained at the expence of the party that fhall fend them, for the ufe and behoof of the party who fhall have requefted them. But if it fhall happen that the danger be fo fudden, that there fhould be no time left for any friendly applications, and fo great as to require a greater number of forces and fhips of war, then each party fhall be obliged, being required by the other to augment their fuccours, to declare war against the aggreffor, and to join all their forces by land and fea with the forces of the party attacked.

XV. Moreover it is agreed, That all kings, princes, and states, that defire to come into this treaty, may be invited and admitted thereunto; provided the faid invitation and admiffion proceed jointly, and not feparately, from the most ferene queen of Great Britain, and the lords the ftates-general.

XVI. Her majefty the queen of Great Britain, and the lords the states-general, have confirmed and ratified all that is contained, generally and particularly, in this treaty.

Done at Utrecht, January 29th, 1713. In witness whereof, the underwritten plenipotentiaries having exchanged reciprocally their full powers, have figned this treaty, and put their feals thereto the of January, 1713.


(L. S.) 7. Bristol.

(L. S.) Strafford.

(L. S.) 7. W. Randwyk.

(L. S.) G. Buys.

(L. S.) B. V. Duffen.

(L. S.) F. A. Baron de Rhede Renf woude.

(L. S.) S. V. Goflinga.

(L. S.) Count de Kniphuyfen.


E have feen and confidered the aforefaid treaty,

Whave approved and ratified, as we do by thefe pre

fents, for us, our heirs and fucceffors, approve and ratify


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the fame; engaging our royal word, and promifing to execute and obferve fincerely and faithfully all that is contained in the faid treaty; and never to fuffer (fo far as in us lies) any person whatsoever to violate the fame, or in any manner to act contrary thereto. In witnefs whereof, we have figned thefe prefents with our royal hand, and caufed our great feal of Great Britain to be affixed to the fame. Given at our palace of St. James, the 2d of Feb. 1712-13, in the eleventh year of our reign.


A Declaration and Engagement concerning the Rights and Privileges of the British Merchants in the Kingdom of Sicily, made at Utrecht the 8th of March, N. Š. 1712-13.



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HEREAS by feveral treaties of peace, alliance, commerce and navigation, formerly made between the kingdoms of Great Britain and Spain, and at this time fubfifting, but more particularly by the treaty concluded at Madrid, the 13 of May, in the year 1667, and the cêdalus annexed thereunto, provifion was made for the freedom, fecurity, and perfect eafe of the commerce of the British fubjects trading in the kingdoms and provinces of Spain; the obfervance and usage of which treaties have been hitherto received in the kingdom of Sicily, in the fame manner as in any other the dominions of Spain, and have remained there in full force, except fome variations which have been introduced in the courfe of time; for the rectifying whereof, according to the rule of those treaties, Great Britain has juftly infifted hitherto.

Wherefore on occafion of transferring the kingdom of Sicily to his royal highness the duke of Savoy, her facred majefty of Great Britain being watchful to preferve the rights and privileges of her fubjects trading in the faid kingdom, and being likewife willing to preferve to the Sicilians the privileges they have in Great Britain, which are fo very dear to the moft ferene the duke of Savoy, hath been graciously pleased to give inftructions to her underwriten minifters plenipotentiaries to agree with the G


minifters plenipotentiaries of his royal highness of Savoy about making declarations mutually upon this fubject. In pursuance thereof the faid minifters plenipotentiaries of his royal highness, in the name of their most serene master, do most folemnly declare and promise, that during the reign of the aforefaid most ferene duke in Sicily, as likewife of his heirs and fucceffors, the British merchants are henceforward to have, and shall effectually have, use, and enjoy all thofe rights, privileges, liberties and entire fecurity, as to their perfons, goods, fhips, feamen, trade and navigation in the faid kingdom of Sicily, which by virtue of the treaties made between Great Britain and Spain they have hitherto enjoyed, or ought to enjoy: and to that end that all abuses which deviate from the tenor of the faid treaties fhall be forthwith removed, and the rights and privileges acquired to the British subjects, by virtue of the aforefaid treaties, fhall not on any occafion, or under any pretence, ever be violated or leffened. And if hitherto any more favourable privileges have been granted, or fhall hereafter be granted, to the merchants of any other foreign nation, any way relating to the perfons of the traders, their fhips, goods, duties, or the business of merchandizing, the British merchants fhall likewife in all refpects, and in the fulleft manner, enjoy the


And in like manner, the ministers plenipotentiaries of Great Britain do, in the name of her majefty, confirm that the Sicilians fhall hereafter enjoy the fame privileges and liberties which they have hitherto enjoyed, or ought to have enjoyed, as fubjects of the king of Spain, by virtue of the aforefaid treaty of the year 1667.

The ratifications of this prefent declaration and engagement made in due form fhall be exchanged at Utrecht, within fix weeks, or fooner, if poffible. In witness and confirmation whereof, the aforefaid minifters plenipotentiaries of her majefty of Great Britain, and of his royal highnefs of Savoy, have figned this present inftrument with their own hands, and put their feals thereunto, at Utrecht,


Febr. O.S.

March, N.S. 1713.

(L. S.)


(L. S.) The Count de MAFFEI.
(L. S.) M. de BOVRG.


The ASSIENTO, or CONTRACT for allowing to the Subjects of Great Britain the Liberty of importing Negroes into the Spanish America. Signed by the Catholich King at Ma drid, the 26th Day of March, 1713. Reprinted from the Copy published by the Queen's Authority.

The ASSIENTO adjufted between their Britannick and Catholick Majefties, for the English Company's obliging itfelf to fupply the Spanish Weft-Indies with Black Slaves, for the Term of 30 Years, to commence on the 1ft Day of May of this prefent Year 1713, and to end on the like Day in the Year 1743.


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HEREAS the affiento agreed on with the royal Guinea company, fettled in France, for the introducing of Negro Slaves into the Indies, is determined, and the queen of Great Britain being defirous of coming into this commerce, and in her name the English company, as is ftipulated in the preliminaries of the peace, and that this affiento fhould continue for the time and fpace of 30 years; Don Manuel Menaffes Gilligan, deputed by her majefty of Great Britain, did, in pursuance thereof, put into my hands a draught, made for that purpofe, containing 42 articles, for the regulating this contract; which I referred to the confideration of a junta of three ministers of my council of the Indies, that upon perufal thereof, they might report to me what should occur to them upon each article or condition. Which being done, and several points remaining upon this examination undetermined and controverted, I referred it back to another junta; and being fully informed of the whole

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